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Eljen Dave Cayamba 3rd Year BSED-Science



Analysis 1
1. How did you solve Maze A? What strategy did you use? (trial and error, examined
the maze before proceeding with your pen, etc.)
 When I tried to solve the mazes, the first step that I did was analyze the maze and
identify the entrances and exits. Lastly, I looked for possible ways in order to
solve the mazes and after that, I used my pen to trace and solve the maze.
2. Was it easier to solve B? Why?
 Yes, solving maze B was way more easier. After I solved Maze A and looked at
Maze B, I realized that they were the same but the second maze should be solved
the opposite way and after that, what I did was just copy the solution in maze A
but I started at the top base on the instructions.

Analysis 2 Bandura’s Social Learning Theory

1. What do authorities say might be the reason why Sergio hanged himself?
 Based on the reports from the authorities, Sergio hanged himself because of the
scene that he saw on the television where the terrorist leader, Saddam Hussein
was executed and because of the child’s curious mind, he tried to imitate the
scene and died.

What facts made them give this reason?

 The fact that gave the police the reason why Sergio commited suicide is when the
child watched the death of Saddam and ask his uncle about it. The curiosity of
Sergio from what he saw in the television and tried doing it. Based on Edward
Bisch, a psychologist, Sergio’s age is the time when a child becomes curios of

Comment on the opinion of the clinical psychologist. .

 For me, the opinion of the clinical psychologist was based on fact and I
understand that he is expert in the field of analyzing human mind. In my opinion,
the psychologist’s opinion is credible and can help in solving the case.
2. What do you think is the effect of television on the behavior of young people
(preschool to college)? Cite specific examples.
 Young people's behavior is influenced by television. There are many different
types of television shows available nowadays. Some are entertaining and worth
viewing, while others are not. As a result, there are some disadvantages to
watching television. There are many harmful shows on television that may teach
young people bad behaviors such as violence, cruelty, or sexual situations.
Despite the fact that TV shows now have a rating system, young people can
easily obtain those terrible programs. Even if they are aware that the behaviors
are bad, they may mimic them without judgment. Following that, young children
will be out of focus and may believe that everything they see is correct. They are
exposed to incorrect information, which may explain why they learn and act in an
incorrect manner based on what they have learned. What they witnessed will have
an impact on their morals and values. It acts as their standard of norms; they do
what they see because they believe everything they see is correct, and this is the
primary reason why parents and older people should supervise youngsters while
they watch television.


Assessment Task No. 9 - Table of Personal Message

Tolman’s Purposive Behaviorism
State a personal message derived from the key concepts of Tolman’s
purposive behaviorism. Use the Table provided below.
Key Concepts of Tolman’s Theory on Personal Message
Purposive Behaviorism
1. Learning is always purposive and goal- 1.1. To make my students do what I
directed require them to do, I should state the goal
clearly and specifically.
1.2. To make my students to have a
motivation in learning, I should
encourage them to set a purpose in

1.3.I should taught them the essence of

having a purpose in learning and the
benefits it will bear in their learning

2. Cognitive maps help students perform 2.1 I should incorporate cognitive maps
well. Organisms select the shortest or on my teaching instruction.
easiest path to achieve a goal.

2.2. Introduce and teach my students

about cognitive maps, for them to use in
their learning process

3. Latent learning stays with the 3.1. Apply Latent learning in the
individual until needed. classroom instruction.

3.2. Apply meaningful ways for Latent

Learning to be integrated in every
learner's learning.
4. Learning is influenced by expectations, 4.1 To achieve effective learning of
perceptions, representations, needs and students, I should consider their
other internal variables like hunger. expectations, representations, mood, and
other internal variables

4.2. Utilize these internal variables in the

classroom discussions.

4.3. I should be careful in analyzing

every student's internal variables that
influences their learning.

Assessment Task No. 10 - Table of Application of Learning Theory

Choose 3 key concepts of Bandura’s social learning theory then state how you
apply the concept as you teach. Use the Table provided for this purpose.
Read a research or study related to behaviorism. Fill out the matrix below.

3 Key Concepts of Albert Bandura How I apply it in my teaching

1. People can learn by observing. 1.1 It is applicable on peer learning and

teaching through observation.
1.2 I can also apply this concept in my
discussions with demonstrations.
2. Cognition plays a role in learning. 2.1 It is generally applicable on any type
of discussion.

2.2 I can also integrate these in

developing HOTS of my students

3. Reinforcement and Punishment 3.1 Make use of reinforcement to

influence the extent to which an motivate my students to learn
individual exhibits a behavior that has
been learned.
3.2 I will impose reasonable
punishments in order for my students to
know the consequences of their actions.


1.Explain the basic principles of behaviorism.

 As a future educator, you should assume that not all of your students will behave
well in class. The easiest method to cope with a scenario like this is to use
behaviorism theory. It is a method of controlling and modifying the probable
consequences of their conduct, such as by using reinforcement in the form of
incentives and punishment. This notion is frequently utilized to help students
learn and modify their behavior. For example, you can only watch television after
you finish your homework, and pupils who finish all of their homework will not
be required to attend the quiz on Friday, and those who arrive late will be
punished appropriately, such as detention. In the instances presented, it was
modified what the student's behavior was and how the teacher should reinforce
the consequences.

2. Make a simple plan applying the principles of learning.

 Check students understanding of the task.
 Have students do guided self-assessments.
 Require students to reflect on and annotate their own work.
 Prompt students to analyze the effectiveness of their study skills.
 Have students engage in peer feedback.
Given the concept of learning, let's say you're having trouble enforcing
discipline on your students who aren't participating well in class and are late to class.
Following the establishment of the habit, you must decide on your reinforcement or
repercussions. Decide on two things: provide an award to those who participate well
in class and give a special reward to those who receive a reward. As a result, after
applying it, pupils are encouraged to be good students in the classroom.

3. Explain how to use rewards in the learning process effectively.

 Since giving rewards should be taken out of the equation, it must be carefully
considered. We must consider what would happen if this were to be provided to
the students. Giving money as an award when they get a perfect score on an
exam, for example. We'll never know how much they spent on it once they got it.
So, as the one who decides and establishes, you must create goals and employ
rewards that are solely beneficial to them, such as providing them good food to
eat right away and then practicing to reduce it so that they do not get reliant on it
and lose sight of their primary learning frame.

4. In your own words and in not more than 5 sentences each, explain:
a) Tolman’s purposive behaviourism
Gestalt psychology and behaviorism are combined in Tolman's
Purposive Behaviorism. It proposes that both the environment and the
cognitive process influence learning. It also emphasizes the importance of
mind maps in aiding effective learning. Tolman also thought that learning
should have a goal. When a learner has a goal and is motivated, learning is
more effective.

b) Bandura’s social learning theory

Bandura's social learning theory states that learning occurs in a social
setting, as the name suggests. Individuals learn by seeing the activities of
others. Modeling, in addition to observation, plays an essential role (the person
or thing in which the individual follows). The role of cognition on learning is
also considered in Bandura's Social Learning Theory. Badura's ideas, like
Tolman's, are a mix of behaviorism and cognitive processes.

5. Give at least one teaching application of each theory.

Tolman: the Purposive Behaviorism Theory is applicable in making teaching


Bandura: The Social Learning Theory is very helpful to be integrated in

discussions that requires demonstrations.


What was your experience in figuring out the pictures? (easy, took time, etc.)
What helped you perceived the interesting pictures? How did you go about examining
the pictures? (focus on the background, the foreground, the shape, etc.)
 As I observe the pictures, it is quite hard to understand what it means at first look,
you need to carefully look at the details. I took some time trying to understand
what the images are trying to convey. Well, the way the images were constructed
helped me perceived how interesting they are. It seems that the pictures have
hidden messages and shows double meaning representations. It was fun and
interesting looking the images especially when I understand the meaning behind
it and I noticed that the images produces another words if you look at it in a
different perspective.

Identify the gestalt principle applied in each of the following learning activities.
Discuss your answer with a learning partner.
Law of continuation 1. The teacher relates a new topic with something the
student already knows.
Law of similarity 2. Topics with commonalities are taught next to each other.
Law of figure and ground 3. The most important words in the paragraph are
written in bolder fonts.
Law of figure and ground 4. The teacher slows down her pace and varies her tone
of voice to emphasize a point.
Law of proximity 5. Teachers remind children to keep their numbers in
straight columns when doing math operations.

Formulate 5 items like the ones you went through then exchange work with your
learning partner. Your learning partner answers the 5 items you prepared while you
also answer what your learning partner made.

1. The teacher discussed a lesson that was already tackled

by the students in their previous year. The teacher then added
more knowledge about the topic. Answer: Law of
2. Lessons that are similar and related are discussed by
the teacher in order. Answer: Law of Similarity
3. The most important words in the printed materials
are written in capital letters. Answer: Law of Figure and Ground
4 . The important words in the visual aids of the teacher
are highlighted with a marker. Answer: Law of Figure and Ground
5 . The teacher instruct the students to use the same
bullet shape, colors, or numbering system on list items in their
document output. Answer: Law of Proximity

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