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25/12/2022, 11:58 ‘Abdominal aortic aneurysm sereening - NHS DTT ee mara (ealth $2 (Link: woww.nhs.uklconditions) NHS services (Link: Live Well (Link: Men Overview Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening Overview FAQS (Link: ‘Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening is a way of checking i there's a bulge or swelling in the aorta, the main blood vessel that runs from your heart down through your tummy. This bulge or swelling i called an abdominal aortic aneurysm, or AAA (Link: www. nhs.uklcondlitions/abdominal-aortic- aneurysm). Iecan be serious i t's not spotted early on because it could get bigger and eventually burst (rupture). Who's screened for AAA In England, screening for AAA is offered to men during the year they turn 65. Men aged 65 or over ate mos at risk of getting AAAs, Screening can hele spot a swelling in the aorta early on when it «an usually be treated. Screening for AAA is not routinely offered to: + men under 65 + people who have already been treated for an AAA, ‘This is because the rsk of getting an AAA is much smaller in these groups. you're over 65 years old, you can ask for a scan to check for an AAA if you think you might need one but have not been offered a sreening test, How to get screened for AAA you're a man and registered with a GP, you'll get a screening invitation in the post when you're 64 or soon after your 65th birthday. You can then arrange an appointment that suits you If you're a man over 65 and have not been screened before, you can ask fora test by contacting your local AAA screening service (Link: wawuinhs uklSerice Search/Aldominal-aortc aneurysm screening/LocationSearch/i910) direct Benefits of AAA screening ‘An AAA will often cause few or no obvious symptoms, but if ‘threatening bleeding inside your tummy. ' left to get bigger, it could burst and cause life- ‘About 8 in every 10 people who have a burst AAA die before they get to hospital or do not survive emergency surgery to Screening can pick up an AAA before it bursts. f an AAA is found, you can choose to have regular scans to moniter it or Surgery to stop 't bursting, ‘The screening testis very quick, palnless and rellable, Research suggests it can halve the risk of dying from an AAA. Deciding to be screened Its up to you to decide if you want to be screened for AAA While there are clear benefits of screening, you should also consider the possible risks. “There's no risk from the sereening test itself, but there's a risk of: + anxiety from being told you have a potentially life-threatening condition + serious complications of surgery caried out to treat an AAA, Call your local screening service and ask to be removed from its list you do not want to be screened, What happens during AAA screening Screening for AAA involves a quick and painless ultrasound scan (Link: www.nhs.uklconditions/ultrasound:-scan) of your tummy. ‘This is similar to the scan pregnant women have to check on their baby. hitps:twwn.nhs.ukicondtions/abdominal-aortic-aneurysm-screening! 12 25/12/2022, 11:58 ‘Abdominal aortic aneurysm sereening - NHS When you arrive for your appointment, a screening technician will check your detail, explain the scan and ask if you have any questions For the sean: *+ you Ife down on a table and lift up or unbutton your top (you do not need to undress) + the technician rubs a clear gel on your tummy and moves a small handheld scanner over your skin pictures from the scanner are shown on a monitor and the technician will measure how wide your aorta is + the gel is wiped away and you pull down or button up your top + the technician tes you the result straight away ‘The whole test usually takes about 10 to 15 minutes, Sometimes the technician might not be able to see your aorta clearly. This is not anything to worry about. WF thishappens, you'l be asked to have another scan, usually on a different day. Results of AAA screening You'l be told your result at the end of the test Ifa problem is found, youll also be a sent letter confirming the result and letting you know what happens next. ‘There are 4 possible screening results No aneurysm found if your aorta is es than 3em wide, this means t's not enlarged. Most men have this est. ‘You will not need to have any treatment or monitoring afterwards, and will not be invited for AAA screening again Small AAA you have a small AAA, this means your aorta measures 3em to 4,dem across Just over 1% of men screened have a small AAA. ‘You will not need any treatment at this stage as the chance of the AAA bursting is small. You'll be invited back for a scan every year to check it size. ‘Treatment will usually only be needed ift becomes a large AAA ‘You'll also be given advice on how you can stop an AAA getting bigger (Link: www.nhs.ukiconditionsfabdominal-aortc aneurysmiiiprevention), such as stopping smoking, eating healthily and exercising regularly Medium AAA you have a medium AAA, this means your aorta measures 4 Sem to 5.dem across. About 0.5% of men screened have a medium AAA. You will not need any treatment at this stage as the chance of the AAA bursting is small You'll be invited back for a scan every 3 months to check its size. ‘Treatment will usually only be needed if it becomes a large AAA, ‘You'll also be given advice on how you can stop an AAA getting bigger (Link: aneurysmitprevention), such as stopping smoking, eating healthily and exercising regularly, Large AAA Ifyou have a large AAA, ths means your aorta measures 5.Scm or more actos ‘About 0.1% of men screened havea large AAA As large AAAs have the highest risk of bursting if left untreated, you'll be referted to a specialist surgeon within 2 weeks ‘to tale about your treatment options. Most men with a large AAA are advised to have surgery to stop it getting bigger or bursting, While surgery carries a risk of serious complications this 's generally smaller than the rsk of not treating a large AAA. Further information Read more about how AAAS are treated (Link: www.nhs.ukiconditions/abdominal-aorticaneurysmy) Page last reviewed: 12 January 2021 Next review due: 12 January 2024 hitps:twwn.nhs.ukicondtions/abdominal-aortic-aneurysm-screening! ae

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