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In all the previous forms of equation of line

we see that all the forms are interconnected

that is, each form can be obtained from
another form and all of these forms further
can be obtained form the general or
standard form of line which is ax+by+c=0.
Thus, all the forms lie under the umbrella of
the General form of line.

So if all the forms are interconnected and

essentially arise from the general form then
why do we need these different forms of
equation of line?
The purpose of having different forms is that
: Every form carries with it a unique
information of the line. Unique information
means, the unique parameters of line such
as slope, intercept, point etc.    So in many
situations (even real life cases) we may not
have the information to all the parameters of
the line and rather only have information to
some of the parameters; in such a case,
those particular equations which contain our
parameters(that we have) come useful to
describe the equation of the line. For
example if in our scenario or question, we
only have been given the slope and point of
the line then we can use the "Point-Slope
form of equation to describe the line.
Now, the reason we say that all the other
forms come under the General Form is
because the general form of line is capable
of describing all the information about the
line, that is, it can tell us about the slope,
the intercepts, the different points that
satisfy and lie on the line, the angle of
inclination of the line, the perpendicular
distance of line from the origin and so on.
And that is why the general form can be
reduced into any other particular form.

Now as talked about in the introduction

before: In any equation of line there are only
two arbitrary constants - whose value we
must find to complete the equation of the
line and explicitly/completely define the line.
This can be seen as:
General equation of the line : ax+by+c=0,
then diving both sides by 'c' =>
(a/c)x+(b/c)y+1=0. So we only have two
arbitrary constants that we need to find i.e.
(a/c) and (b/c).
Now in order to find these two values,
having two conditions is sufficient, that
means, we shall have 2 pieces of
information about the line. So we will need
two conditions to determine the two values;
And hence the reason why we have all the
forms containing least 2 parameters of the
line, like:
"Slope-Intercept" , "Point-Slope" , "Two
Point" , "Two Intercept" , "Length and Angle
of Perpendicular/Normal"       

"So whenever it will be asked to find a

straight line, there will always be two
conditions connecting the two unknowns."

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