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IS : 2166 - 1963

( Reaffirmed 1996 )

Indian Standard
Sixth Reprint MARCH 1997
( Incorporating Amendment No. 1 )

UDC 621.642.3 : 665.5 : 53.089.6

0 Copyright 1970




Gr 6 October 1963
IS:2166 - 1963

Indian Standard

petroleum Measurements Sectional Committee, CDC 32

Chirnu Rtpmmting

Dn H. K. JOSSI ESSO Standard Refining Co of India Ltd, Bomhy


Snxt V. J. BAII= Miniatry of Finance ( Revenue Divirion )

SHRI M*ao,H*r LAL ( Altmutc )
SHEI T. B. Buoaetr Central Public Works Department
Exscu~tvr Ertoxlrur ( Al&mat8 )
Suar E. M. B~uvornr Caltex ( India ) Ltd, Bombay; and Caltex Oil Relining
( India) Ltd, Visakhapatnam
SARI A. M. hARHA ( Altwv~~ ) Caltex ( India ) Ltd. Bombay
Salrr N. S. RAO ( Albmd ) Cdtex Oil Refining ( India ) Ltd. Visakhapatnam
SRM H. N. D-I Revenue & Industries Department (Government of
Gujarat )
Dtucror Indiah Institute of Petrohtm ( CSIR ), Debra Duo
Smu K. B. GAS-AN Directorate General of Civil Aviation ( Ministry of
,Transoort & Communications 1
SIIRI S. G. GEOWULRAR Railway &nard ( Minitry of R&ays )
Sarr S. B. J. RAJA~H (AI- )
Ministry of Miner & Fuel
$sgsz:x Directorate of Supply & Tram t, Quartemuater
Genersl’r Brooch, Army Hen 8”quarters
CUT B. N. VAID ( Aftrrutr )
Sarx A. S. ~RISlllUOWA~Y Indian Oil Co Ltd, Bombay
s. Indian Refineria Ltd. New Delhi
SRRI A. A. Kmrentc~w ( Ahmat )
Syr N. A. MAW= Iodo-Burma Petroleum Co, Bombay
Sara R. M. CKABX ( Alonucr )
SUBI S. N. NAXEATB ESSO Stendard Eastern Inc. Bombay
Snnt A. N. NA~DT MityofDefknce(RkD)
Sttu D. M. BA~=JXX ( &&II&)
SRRI B. N. RA~QWANI Ministry of Finance ( Revenue I?i$sion )
SHR~ K. SBUCXWASA-0 Stan~~o~~teric Commrttee, Mmutry of Commerce


IS I 2166- 1963

( Cmthfd frampage. 1 )
Mmbrrs Rcpnnnting

SHRI T. R. Rno Burmah-Shell Oil StoraBc B Distributing Co of ItGiii

Ltd. Bombay
SHXI A. S. VAIDYA ( Ahmare ) .
SKIRI K. K. ROY Western India Oil Distribution Co Ltd, Bombay
SHRI M. C. DESAI ( Alttrnatr )
Dn B, S. SVBRAHMANYAM Assam Oil Co Ltd, Digboi
DR SA~OPAL, Director, ISI ( Ex-o&to M&n )
Deputy Director ( Chem)
Assistant Director ( Chem ), ISI

Calibration and Computation of Capacity Tables of Tanks

( Other than Pressure Vessel; ) Subcommittee, CDC 32 : 2

-Saw T. R. RAO Burmah-Shell Oil Storage & Diitributing Co of Indie

Ltd, Bombay

Smr A. S. VAIDYA ( Altnnalc to
Shri T. R. Rao )
SWRI V. J. BARRE Ministry of Finance ( Revenue Division )
Snpl MANOWAR LAL (Ahnate)
SRRI E. M. BHUMOARA Caltex ( India ) Ltd, Bombay
SHRI A. N. KAMTR ( Rltamalc )
SRILI K. V. BOLE Ministry of Finance ( Revenue Division
SARI B. S. DHAMI Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, Army He0 d quartera
SHRI S. S; RAOHAVAN ( Al~ernufr)
SHY S. D. MERT6 Indian Refineries Ltd, New Delhi
SHRI A. A. KnlaHNaN ( Allrrnau )
THIC SURVETV~ OT Won18 Central Public Works Department

IS : 2166 - 1963

Indian Standard

0.1This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution
on 25 May 1963, after the draft finalized by the Petroleum Measurements
Sectional Committee had been approved by the Chemical Division Council.
0.2 The problem of accurate measurement of bulk quantities of liquid
petroleum products is not a simple one. Its solution involves accurate
engineering and mathematical work, the skill of the experienced oil gauger,
and the use of carefully standardized and calibrated equipment. Accuracy
in measurement is essential in the sale, purchase and handling of oil. It
not only obviates possible disputes between buyer and seller, but also
provides the only reliable means of maintaining adequate control over
storage and distribution losses.
0.3 The measurement of bulk quantities of liquid petroleum products in-
volves various processes such as calibration and computation of capacity
tables of tanks, gauging of tanks, temperature measurement of oils, and
calculation of bulk quantities of oils in tanks. The need for accurate
calibration of tanks cannot, therefore, be overemphasized. The object of
this standard, therefore, is to lay down methods to be adopted uniformly in
the country which will enable computation of capacity tables of horizontal
and tilted cylinders.
0.4 Taking into consideration the views of producers, distributors and
consumers, the Sectional Committee responsible for the preparation of this
standard, felt that it should be related to the prevailing trade practices in
the couutry in this field. Furthermore, due weightage had to be given to
the need for international co-ordination among standards prevailing in
different countries of the world in this field. These consideration! led the
Sectional Committee to base this standard on Petroleum Measurement
Manual issued by the Institute of Petroleum ( IP ), London in 1952.
0.5 In reporting the result of a test made in accordance with this standard,
if the .final value, observed or calculated, is to be rounded off, it shall
be done in accordance with IS : 2-1960 Rules for Rounding ofi Numerical
Values ( Revised).



El.1 This standard prescribes the methods of computation of capacity tables

for horizontal and tilted oil storage tanks intended for bulk storage of
petroleum and liquid petroleum products.


2.1 The calculations shall be made in accordance with accepted mathemati-,

cal principles.
2.2 At the head of each capacity table it shall be clearly stated that the
dip/capacity relationship applies only to dips taken at one specified point.
This point shall be clearly marked on the tank, and the height of the dipping
reference point shall be recorded at the head of the capacity table.


3.1 Provided that tank tables have been prepared in accordance with the
principles laid down in this standard, the form in which the table is set out
will not alter the accuracy of the figures obtain,ed from it, but the following
principles shall be applied in constructing tank tables:
a) The intervals of dip at which the tables are set out shall not be so
great that interpolation for intermediate dips is difficult. It is
convenient to set out tables at intervals of 1 cm.
b) Setting out short tables may be justifiable in some caies. But it
shall be remembered that a comparatively longer table set out so
that no interpolation is necessary is often quicker in use than a
shorter table which needs interpolation. This is so since a single
proportional parts table, applicable over the whole depth ot the tank,
cannot be constructed for horizontal and tilted cylindrical tanks.
c) It should be remembered that, at best, no oil measurements can be
relied on to nearer than one part in 10000. Commercial tables
should never be set out to show any fractions of a litre and minor
discrepancies, within the limit just mentioned, shall be disregarded.
d) In general, therefore’, it, is recommended that tables should be set
out in complete litres against l-cm intervals.


4.1 StepOvers

4.1.1 For each obstruqtion the excess or deficiency of the tape measure-
ment spanning the obstruction as compared with the step-over interval for


the course (ring) concerned shall be subtracted from the circumference,

figure obtained by strapping, and the result shall be taken as the corrected
circumference, free from error due to the displacement of the tape from its
proper path by the obstructions concerned.

4.1.2 For all horizontal seams for which a stepover correction is detect-
able, it shall be included. In the case of horizontal seams, provided that
the tape path used was entirely clear of rivet heads the following procedure
may be adopted. An average stepover correction may be determined for
each course (ring) and multiplied by the number of seams per course ( ring)
to obtain the total correction to be applied to the measured circumference
of that rnurse (ring) to compensate for such overlaps.

4J.3 For single obstruction only step-over corrections 2 mm or over shall

be so included.

4.1.4 The use of the stepover corrects circumferences f‘or the effect on
them of horizontal seam overlaps but does not correct the tank tables for the
effect as deadwood of internal projections of the seam edges. These shall
be computed and accounted for as deadwood.

4.2 Plate Thickness -Plate thickness measured shall be converted to the

nearest 0.1 mm.

4.3 Temperature Correction-Where the strapping and dipping tap&s

are calibrated at 20°C and the tank table is to be corrected in use with the
shell at 15”C, from each measured circumference shall be subtracted
0.000 09 times the measured circumference before the figure is taken into
further calculation.


5.1The mean external circumference of any course (ring) shall be the

average of the circumferences as measured on each course (ring) in
accordance with 9 of IS : 2009-1961 Method for Calibration of Horizontal
and Tilted Oil Storage Tanks and corrected to the nearest 0.1 mm,

5.2 The mean internal circumference of the course (ring) shall then be
calculated from the mean external circumference of the course (ring) by
subtracting from the latter 2 x times the plate thickness in metres.

5.3 The mean vertical diameter of each course (ring) shall be calculated
from the measurements as are given in 10 of IS :2009-l 961. It is not per-
missible to assume that it is equal to the mean internal circumference of
that course, multiplied by 7 unless it has been established by measure-

ments that the tank is truly circular in section.

IS:216fi- 1963


6.1 Measurements by Steel Tap and Dynamometer

61.0 The term vertical diameter is used in a normal sense as applicable

to both horizontal and tilted tanks. It denotes a diameter measured in a
vertical plane which bisects the tank longitudinally. It will he understood,
however, that all diameters shall be measured perpendicular to the tank
Mean vertical diameter is an average of several vertical diameters
determined for a tank.
6.1.1 Calculate the mean diameter of each course (ring) as follows:
a) Average the tape readings obtained as in 17.3 of IS : 2009-1961
Method for Calibration of Horizontal and Tilted Oil Storage Tanks
for each course (ring) by dividing the sum of all these reading3 on
one course (ring) by their number.
b} Correct the average result as obtained under (a) for sag (m 6.1.3).
c) Add to the result obtained in (b) the dynamometer lcpgth.
d) Where the measuring and dipping tapes are calibrated at 20°C and
the tank table is to be correct for use with the shell at l5”C,
multiply the result obtained in (c) by ( 1 - 0.00009) before the
figure is taken into further calculation. Round off the resulting
figure to the nearest 0.1 mm.

cl.2 The mean vertical diameter of each course shall he calculated as

a) Average the tape readings obtained on these diameters as in 17.3
of IS:2009-1961 for each course by dividing the sum of all these
readings on one course by their number.
b) Add to the result obtained in (a) the dynamometer length, round-
ing off the resulting figure to the nearest 0.1 mm.
6.1.3 Correctionsfir Sag of Tu@ - Deductions for the effect of sag shall be
made from the average tape readings obtained in 6.1.1 (a). The correction
< for sag expressed in metres is given by the formula:
_Z+(Iv2Sa) _--KS’
P = pull in tape in kg,
S = span of tape in metres,
IV = weight, of tape in kg per metre, and

K-=&x -&

For a tape 10 mm wide and tY25 mm thick, made of steel of density 7850
kg/m’ values of K to give *he correction in centimetres will be:
4.4 kg 4.2 x 10-s
4.5 kg 4-o x 10-s
4.6 kg 3.9 x 10-s
The above formula gives practically the same results as the equation of
the catenary and is less cumbersome.
6.1.4 To the average diameter of each course (ring), corrected for sag,
and the average vertical diameter without sag correction, add the length of
the dynamometer when registering a pull of 4.5 kg.
6.1.5 Corrections for the effect of stretch are unnecessary because the
tension applied is that at which the tape is standardized.

6.2 Mcasmcment~ by Steel Rod and Rule

6.2.1 The mean diameter of each course (ring) shall be the sum of all
diameters measured on that course (ring) in accordance with 17.4 of IS :
2009-1961 Method for Calibration of Horizontal and Tilted Oil Storage
Tanks, divided by the number of diameters measured, this result being
corrected for temperature as specified in 6.1.1 (d), and rounded off to the
nearest 0.1 mm.
6.2.2 The mean verti&l diameter for each course (ring) shall be the
sum of all vertical diameters measured on that course (ring ) in accordance
with 17.4 of lS:2009-1961, divided by the number of vertical diameters
measured, the ‘result being rounded off to the nearest 0.1 mm.


1.1 The mean diameter for the whole tank shall be calculated by taking for
each course (ring) the product of the mean diameter as determined in 6.1.1
(a) or 6.2.1 and the length ?f the course (ring) in accordance with 18 of
IS : 2009-1961, and dividing the ‘sum of product thus obtained by the sum
of the lengths of the courses (rings ). This result shall be calculated to the
nearest O*l mm.
7.2 The internal circumference for the whole tank shall be calculated by
taking for each course (ring) the product of the mean internal circum-
ference as determined in 5.2 and the length of the course (ring) in
accordance with 18 of IS : 2009- 1961 and dividing the sum of products thus
obtained by the sum of the lengths of the courses ( rings). This result
shall be calculated to the nearest 0.1 mm.

IS : 2166 - 1963


8.1 Calculation-The partial open capacities of horizontal tanks, that is

capacities without allowing for deadwood, are most easily calculated in the
following way:
The dip reading entered in the tank capacity table against which
partial capacities will appear represents depths of liquid above the
dipping datum point, and should be numbers of centimetres, suitably
subdivided if desired, above the dipping datum point. For purpose of
calculation these readings shall be adjusted as follows, but the adjusted
readings are only required for this purpose and will not appear in the
final table.
Firstly, if the mean ‘vertical ’ diameter as obtained in 6.2 2 is less
than the actual ‘vertical’ diameter at the dip point (see 10.3 of IS:
2909-1961 Method fo&alibration of Horizontal and Tilted Oil Storage
Tanks ), subtract from each dip reading half the difference of these two
diameters. Conversely, if the mean ‘vertical’ diameter is greater than
the actual ‘ vertical ’ diameter, add to each dip reading half the
difference of these diameters.
Secondly, if the dipping datum point is not at the same level as the
point on the tank bottom from which the actual ‘vertical diameter re-
ferred to above has been measured, add to each dip reading the height
of the dipping datum point above the tank bottom or subtract from
each dip reading the distance of the dipping datum point below the
tank bottom as the case may be.
These two corrections will together fo:m a constant correction
which shall be applied to all dip readings as entered in the tank table
to obtain oil dips to be used in the calculations outlined in subsequent
6.2 The following procedure shall be followed for calculating the parts
volumes in horizontal cylinders:
a) Partial Volume in Cylindrical Shell
1) Calculate the total volume of the cylinder by the formula:
D = mean internal diameter of the cylinder, and
L = length of the cylinder (including the straight flange of the
heads ) .

2) Calculate $ ratios for various partial heights, .

H= dip height as corrected in 8.1, and
D = mean internal diameter of the cylinder.
3) Refer to Table II and read the coefficients corresponding to
3 ratios determined in (2) above.

4) The partial volume in the cylinder for height,

H = total volume as calculated in (1) multiplied by
coefficient as read out in (3).
b) Partial Volume of Elliptical, Dished or Hemispherical Heads

1) For elliptical or dished heads, calculate the total volume of the

two heads by the formula:

K =ratio of the depth of the head (not including the
straight flange) to the mean internal radius of the
cylinder, and
D = mean internal diameter of the cylinder.

2) For hemispherical heads, the total volume of the two heads is

given by the formula:

; cs

D = mean internal diameter of the cylinder.

3) Refer to Table I and read the coefficients corresponding

to 5 ratios determined in (a) above.

4) For elliptical or dished heads, the partial volume in the two

heads for height,
H = total volume as calculated in (1) multiplied by
coefficient as read out in (3).

5) For hemispherical heads, the partial volume in the two heads

for height,
H ti total volume as calculated in (2) multiPlied by
coefficient as read out in (3).
IS t2166- 1963

c) The partial volume of the horizontal cylinder for height H is there-

faomv;he sum of the partial volumes as determined u-t (a) and (b)

8.3 Alternate Method -An alternate method for calculating the partial
volumes by the use of geometric correlations is given in Appendix A.

8.4 An example indicating method of calculation is given in Appendix B.


9.1 The effect of small pieces of deadwood may be neglected, provided (a)
that the total efl‘ect of any such neglect shall not lead to error in the tank
tables exceeding O-001 percent of the total capacity of the tank, and (b) that
any ‘ vertical’ deadwood so neglected is distribuied evenly, or substantially
so, over the whole height of the tank, and any ‘circumferential’ deadwood
is distributed evenly, or substantially so, over the circumference of the

9.1.1 In caIculating the table, however, it shall be permissible to include

the effect of any deadwood, however small.


10.1 Some simplification is possible because of the absenrc of lap joints and
gcourses ’ ( rings ).
10.1.1 In the case when circumferences have been measured, calculate
as follows:
a) The mean external circumference for the whole of the cylindrical
,/ part of the tank shall be calculated by taking the sum of the
external circumferences as measured ‘in accordance with 9.5 of
IS: 2009-1961 Method for Calibration of Horizontal and Tilted
Oil Storage Tanks and 4.1 of this standard, divided by the number
of circumferences measured. This result shall be rounded off to
the nearest 0.1 mm.
b) The mean internal circumference for the whole of the tank shall
then be calculated from the mean external circumference by sub-
tracting from the latter 2~ times the plate thickness in metres.

10.1.2 In the case where diameters have been measured directly, calculate
as foIlqws:
a> The mean diameter for the whole tank shall be calculated by taking
f ‘.‘“‘the sum of the diameters obtained in accordance with 17.3 of
IS : 20+196 1 divided by the number of m_easurementF. This result
shall be rounded off to the nearest 0.1 mm.


b) The mean vertical diameter for the whole tank shall be calculated
by taking the sum of the vertical diameters obtained in accordance
with 17.3 of IS : 2009-1961 Method for Calibration of Horizontal
and Tilted Oil Storage Tanks, divided by the number of vertical

( Clause 8.3 )
A-l.1 The following alternate method may be used for calculating the
partial volumes in horizontal cylinders.
A-1.1.1 Partial Volume in Cylindrical Shell
a) The oil dip (see 8.1) divided by the
mean vertical cylinder
1 - cos A
diameter ( in consistent units ) is equivalent to 2 , where 2A

is the angle, in radians, subtended at the centre of the tank by the

surface of the oil at the dip in question.
b) The partial capacity at this dip is then LD’ x & (A - # sin 2A),
L = length of the cylinder, and
D = mean internal diameter.
A-1.1.2 Partial Volume of Cylinder with Dished Ends

4 Each dished end is considered to be a paraboloid of revolution

of radius D/2 and height equivalent to the depth of dishing. The
total capacity of this paraboloid is exactly one half of the capacity
of a cylinder of radius D/2 and the same height. If PI and Pa are
the depths of dishing of the two ends of the tank, the partial
capacities of tanks with dished ends are calculated by substituting
L + Pl -fori- PO L in the formula given in A-1.1.1 (b) above,
subject to correction given in (b) below.
b) The partial capacities thus calculated are corrected by adding the
- l/24 (sin 2A - 4 sin 4A) ‘*Da
where 2A is as specified in A-1.1.1 (a).


( Clause 8.4 )






metres metres mm metres

1 Left 9.420 Nil 3.000 10 2.979

1 Middle 9.423 ,S 2.980
1 Right 9.423 ,P 2.980

2 Left 9.423 9, 3.000 10 2.980

Middle 9.425 ,, 2.978
2 Right 9.425 ,I 2-978
(dip point)

3 Left 9.425 ,, 3.000 10 2.979

3 Middle 9.423 ,, 2.980
3 Right 9.422 ,, 2.980.

Depth of heads 0.746 m

Distance of dip
point from left
side 4.500 m

Distance of dip
point from
right side 4.500 m

Level of dip point relative

to the lowest point of a
vertical diameter taken at
either of the extreme ends On the same level



a) Deadwood Nil

Tape calibration temperature 20°C


cmne (Ring) lvo. 1

Mean external circumference at 20°C 9.422 m

Correction of calibration temperature of tape -0WO8 m


Correction for plate thickness 10 x 6.2832 -00628m

Corrected internal circumference 9358 4 m


metres metres metres

1 9.358 4 2.977 7 2.979 7

2 9.360 7 2.978 4 2.978 7
3 9.359 7 2.978 1 2*&79 7

2.977 7 + 2:9784 + 2,978 1 = 2_g78 o m

Mean diameter of the tank 3

Mean vertical diameter of 2.979 7 + 2.978 7 + 2.979 7 _ 2.g7g 4 m

the tank 3

Mean vertical internal

diameter greater than
the verf ical internal
diameter at the dip
point by 2.979 4 - 2.978 0 = OW14 m

Positive correction to be
applied while calculating
partial capacities at each
dip reading A-7 mm

IS : 2166.1963

B-3.1 Rwtial Capacities - Using the method as given under 8.2:

a) Partial Volume in Cylindrical Shell

I) Total volume of the aDSI_.

cylinder 4
3.1416 x 297.81 x 297.81 x gOO
= 62 691975 ems
62 692
---_- = 62 690 litres
= 1~00028

2) Typical dip reading = 15 cm

Corrected dip read-
ing = 15.07 cm
HID = m =0.0506

3) From Table II, for

HID = 0.050 6
Coefficient =0*0190268
4) Partial volume in
the cylinder = 0.0190268 x 62690
= 1 193 litres
b) Partial Volume of Dished Ends
1) Total volume of
the two heads S-x & x 2 (297.81 ja
= 6 928 625 ems
6 929
= ___ = 6 929 litres
IWO 0211
2) From Table I, for
HID = 0.050 6
Coefficient = 0.007 422 8
3) Partial volume in
the two heads = 0.007 422 8 x 6 929
= 51 litres
The total partial
volume in the
cylinder = 1193+51
= 1 244 litres

U.2 Partial Ca~&tiea- Using the method as given in Appendix k
Typical dip reading = 15 cm
Corrected dip reading = 15.07 cm

Mean Vertical Diameter 1 - 2‘OS A = 0.0506

Therefore A 3: 26” = @453 8 radiaus

Corrected dip = ;,!A = 0.050 6

Partial capacity with dished ends for a dip reading of 15 cm:

Cr.-t- w)r>,x l/4(A-l1/2sin2A)-l1/24(sin2A-l1/2sin

4A) (pr+ps)
-- x D’
= [ ( 900 + 746) x 297.81 x 297.81 x O-25 ( 0.453 8 - 05 x
0.788) - 1124 (0.788 - 0.5 x 0.970 3) x 74.6 x 297.81 x
297.81 J 10-r+ lWOO28 litres
= 1209/1~000028 lines = 1199 litres
The table should be developed using the above procedure.
The calculating procedure remains practically the same when the tat&
ja &&rated by internal tieasurements.

. L

HID 0900 0.001 0*002 oTIo3 OW4 0.005 (im6 0.007 0.008 om9

0‘25 0.156250 8157 376 0*1585O6 0.159638 0.160 774 0.161 912 0.163 054 0.164 198 0.165 3+5 0.166495
0.167 648 01688O4 0.169963 0.171 124 0.172 289 0.173456 0.174626 0.175 799 0.176974 0.178 153
E 0.179 334 0.180518 0.181 705 0.182W 0.184086 0.185 281 0.186 479 0.187 679 0.188 882 0,190 C88
028 0.191 296 0.192 507 &193 720 0.194937 0.196 155 0.197 377 6196 601 0.199 827 0.201 056 0.2of288
0.29 Q.203522 0204 759 0.205 998 0207 239 0.208 484 o.209 730 0.210 979 0’212 231 0.213 485 0.214 741

@217 261 0.218 526 0.219 792 0221 060 0.222 331 0.223 604 0.224 879 0.226 157 0227 437
E 0.290 003
O.241 664 0242 971
870 0.235 163
9O4 0.248 2!9
0.236 453
0.249 536
757 0.239 057 0.24a 359
855 0.252 177 @253 500
o.33 0.254 826 0.256 154 0.257 483 0.258 815 0.260 149 0.261 484 O-262 822 0.264 161 0.265 503 0.266 847
0.34 0268 192 O269 539 0.270 889 0.272 240 0.273 593 0.274 948 0 276 305 0,277 663 0.279 024 0~280 386
0.35 O-281 750 0283 116 0,284 484 0285 853 0,287 224 0.288 597 0.289 972 0.291 348 0.292 727 0.294 lo6
0.295 488 O296 871 0.298 256 0299 643 0.301 031 0.302 42 1 0,303 812 0.305 205 0.306 600 0307 996
8% 0909 394 a310 793 0.312 194 0,313 597 0.315 001 0.316 4&i 0.317 813 0.319 222 0,320 632 0.322 043
038 0,323 456 0.324 870 0.326 286 0327 703 0.329 122 0.330 542 0.331 963 0.333 386 O-334 810 0336 235
o-39 0.337 662 @339 090 0.340 519 0.341 950 0.343 382 0.344 815 0.346 250 0.347 685 0.349 122 0.350 56 1

040 @352 OOO 0.353 441 0.354 882 0.356 325 0.357 769 0.359 215 0,360 661 0.362 109 0.363 557 0.365 007
o.41 0%6 456 0.367 910 0.369 363 0.370 817 0.372 272 0.373 728 0.375 185 0.376 644 0.378 103 0.379 563
O.42 o.381 MI 0.382 486 0.383 949 0385 413 0’386 878 0.388 344 0.389 810 0.391 278 0.392 746 0.394 216
043 0.397 157 0.398 629 04oo 102 04ol 575 0403 049 0404 524 04Q6 000 0407 477 0,408 954
044 8’::: z ~411911 0.413 390 0.414 870 0.416 351 0.417 833 0’419 315 0.420 798 0.422 281 0.423 765

0425 250 0.426 735 0.428 221 0.429 708 0.431 195 0.432 682 0.434 170 0.435 659 0.437 148 0.438 638
0440 128 0441 619 0443 110 0444 601 04-s 093 0447 586 0,449 079 0.450 572 0.452 066 0.453 560 t;
0.455 054 0.456 549 0.458 O44 0.459 539 0461 035 0462 531 0464 028 I34665524 0467 021 0468 519 ..
0.470 016 0.471 514 0.473 012 0.474 5 10 0.476 008 0.477 507 0.479 005 0.480 504 0.482 003 0483 503
0485 002 O.466 501 0.488 00 1 0489 501 0.491 000 0.492 500 0.494 CKKI 0.495 500 0.497 000 0.498 500

( Confinucd )

HID 0~000 om1 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0007 OfHI8 OtKKI !
0.50 0.500ooo 0.501500 0.503oocl 0.504500 0.506000 0.507500 0.509ooo 0.510499 0.511999 0.513499
0.51 0.514998 0.516497 0.517997 0,519496 0.520995 0.522493 0.523992 0.525490 0.526988 0.528486
0.52 0.529984 0.531481 0.532979 0.534476 0.535972 0.537469 0.538965 0.540461 0.541956 0,543451
0.53 0.544946 0.546440 0,547934 0.549428 0.550921 0.552414 0.553907 0.555399 0.556890 0,558381
0.54 0.559872 0.561362 O-562852 0.564341 0.565830 0.567318 0.568805 0.570292 0,571779 0.573265
0.55 0.574750 0.576 235 0.577 719 0.579 202 0.580 685 0.582 167 O~58B 649 0.5115 1M 0.SA6 610 I-PSAR OR9
0.56 0,589568 0.591046 0.592523 0~594000 0.595476 0.596951 0.598425 0.599898 O$ol 371 0.602843
0.57 0.604314 0,605784 0.607254 0.608722 0.610190 OYi11656 0.613122 0.614587 0.616051 0.617514
@58 0.6189i6 0.620437 0.621897 0,623356 0.624815 0.626272 o-627728 0.629183 0.630637 0.652090
0.59 0.633542 O-634993 0.636443 0.637891 0.639339 0.644I
785 0.642231 0.643675 0.645118 0.646559

G 0648OOO O.649439 0.650878 0%52 315 0.653750 0.655185 0.656618 0.658050 0.659481 0+X0910
0.663765 0,665190 0666614
0.677957 0.679368 0.680778
0.668037 0669 458
0.682187 0.683594
0.670878 0.672297 @673 714 0,675130
0.684999 0.6864O3 0.687806 0.689207
@63 0,690606 0.692004 06934OO 0.694795 0.696188 0.697579 0.698969 0.7iX13570.70174.40.703129
064 0.704512 0.705894 0,707273 0.708652 0,710028 0.711403 0.712776 O.714147 0,715516 0.716884

0.65 0.7i8250 0.719614 0.720976 0.722337 0.723695 0.725052 0.726407 0.727760 @729 111 0*7304661
0.66 0.731808 0733 153 0.734497 0.735839 0.737178 0.738516 0.739851 0.741185 0.742517 0,743846
0.67 0.745174 0.746500 0.747823 0,749145 0.750464 0.751781 0.753096 0754410 0.755720
0.68 8.758336 0.759641 0.760943 0.762243 0.763541 0.764837 0766 130 O.767422 0.768711 X:% ii?
0.69 0.771282 0772 563 0.773843 0.775121 0776396 0.777669 0.778940 0.780208 0.781474 0,782739
0.70 0.784OOO 0.785259 07865515 0.787769 0.789021 0.790270 0.791516 0.792761 0.795241
0.71 0.796478 0,797712 0.798944 owe 173 mol 399 0882623 0803845 ow5063 om7493
0.72 0.8087o4 OW9912 O.811118 0.812321 0.813521 0*814719 0815914 0.817IO6 0,819482
0.73 0,820666 0.821847 0.823026 0.824201 0.825374 0.826544 0.027711 0.028876 0.831196
0.74 0.832352 0,833505 0,834655 0.8358O2 0.836946 0.838OS8 0.839226 0+34tJ
362 0.842624

HID o4oo 0401 0402 0’003 0*004 O~oO5 0406 om7 Of)08 0909

0.75 0.843 750 0,844873 0'645994 0.847111 0.848226 0.849337 O,R50-++fi

0.851551 0.652653 0.853752
0.76 0.854848 0.855Y41 0.857031 0.858117 0.859201 0.860281 0.861358 0.862432 0*8(;3
502 0.864570
0.77 0.865634 OS6695 0.867753 0.868807 0.869858 0.870906 0.871951 0,872992 0.874030 0875065
0.78 0876096 0.877124 0,878148 0,879170 0.880187 0.881202 0882 213 0.883220 0.884224 0635225
0*79 0.886222 0.887216 0.888266 0.889192 0.89C176 0.891155 0,892131 O.&J93
fO4 OW++'J73 0.895038

O-80 0*896WO 0.89G956 0,897913 0.898864 O,fIWCII 0900 755 0901 695 0,902631 0903 564 0904 493
0.81 0905 418 0,906340 0907 257 O,YO8171 0,909Oi2 0.909 9880,910891 O,Yll796 0,912685 0.913576
OW 0.914464 0.915348 0'916228 0.917103 W!fli976 0~9188-M O.Y19708 0.920568 0.921425 0,922277
0.83 0.923126 0.923971 0.924811 0'925648 0,926481 0927 309 WY28 134 0.928954 O.Y29771 0.930584
w84 0.931392 0932 196 0.932997 0.933793 0934585 O,Y35373 O.Y36157 0.936Y36 0.937712 0.938483
5, O-85 0.939250 0940013 0.940772 0941 526 Q'YJ2276 WI43022 0,943764 0.944'5010,945235 0945 963
066 0946668 0947 408 0948 124 0,948836 0949 543 0 950 246 0.950944 0.951638 0952 328 0.953013
O-87 0.953G94 0.954370 O-955042 0955 710 0.956373 0,!)57031 0.957635 0,958335 0950980 0.939620
0.88 0960 256 0960 887 0961 514 0,962136 0.962754 0 963 367 WY63 975 0964579 0.965178 0965 772
0.89 0966362 0966947 0967 527 0968 103 0968 674 0969240 0.9b9802 0.970358 O'Y70910 0.971458
MO 0,972000 0,972538 0.973070 0.973598 0,974121 0.974640 0,975I53 0.975662 0.976.1650.976664
091 0.977158 0.977647 0.978131 0.978610 0.079084 0.97Y553 0.980017 0.900477 0.980931 0.981380
WY2 0.981824 0.982263 0.982697 0983 126 0+X3 550 0983 9639 0,984382 0.984791 0.985194 0985 593
o-93 0985 986 0+86 374 0.986757 0.987135 0.937507 0.987874 O%C 236 0988 593 0988 945 0.989291
0.94 0989 632 0.989Yb8 0990 298 0.990623 O.YYO943 0991 258 O?JYl5b7 0.991871 0.992169 0.992462
0.95 0992 750 0993032 0993 309 0.993581 0.993847 0.994107 0.994362 0,994612 0.994856 0995095
0995 328 0.995556 0,995778 0.995994 O,99(;
205 0.996,111 0996 611 0.9968~5 O.YY6YY4 0997 177 E
;:g 0997 354 0.9975%; 0%7 692 0.9978i2 0.998007 0.998156 0.93H300 WY8 437 0998 569 09Y8 696 ;;
o-99 0 998816 0.999
0+@9702 0.998931 O~WY 040 0.999854
758 0.999809 0.999143 O.YYY892
240 099Y925
09YO 332 O.YW
417 0.9YYY73
O.YY9497 0999988
OTN 571 0999
997 f
130 1aOOOOo

_____~~._ _..~_
HID 0'000 OX)01 om2 oaO3 0,004 om5 0.006 om7 0.008 0,009 v
Of)OOOW 0000053 O+IOO151 Of103279 0~000429 0~000600 OfWO 788 0000992 0'001212 0+01445
O$Ol 692
0002 223 0~002507 OW? 800 0.003104 0.003419
0.005503 OfI 0.006267 0.006660 0.007061
0.03 0.008742 OM9 179 OtXI96'250.010076 0.010534 0.010999 0,011470 0.011947 0.012432 0.012920
0.04 0.013417 0.013919 0.014427 0.014940 (i.015
459 0,015985 0,016515 0.017052 0‘017593 0,018141

0.05 0.018692 0'019250 0.019813 0.020382 0.020955 0,021533 0.022115 0.022703 OW3 296 0,023394
O%k6 0.024496 0.025103 0,025715 0.026331 0026952 0027 575 0.028208 0.028842 0.029481 0.0301?4
0.07 0,030772 0.031424 0.032081 0.032740 0.033405 0.034078 0.034747 0.035423 0.036104 0.036789
0.08 0.037478 0.038171 0.038867 0.039569 0.040273 OfW 981 0,041694 0.042410 0.043129 O*M3852
Om 0044 579 0045 310 0.046043 0+46 782 0'047523 0.048268 0.049017 0.049768 0.050524 0.051283
0.10 0.052044 0.052810 0053579 0.054351 0.055126 0055905 0.056688 0.057474 0.058262 0059054
s 0.11 0.059850 0.060648 Oft61449 0032253 OW?Ob2 0.063872 O.Oti46870065503 0.066323 0,067147
0.12 0.067972 0%8802 0.069633 0.070469 0,071307 0.072147 0.072991 0.073836 0.074656 0075 539
0.13 0.076393 0.077251 0.078112 0.078975 0.079 841 0.080709 0.091581 CO82 456 0.083332 0.084212
0.14 OG85094 0.085979 0086866 0'087756 0.088650 0.089545 Of)90443 0,091343 0'092246 0.093153

0.15 0.094061 0094971 0.095884 0.096799 0,097717 0.098638 OfI 560 0.100486 0.101414 0102343
0.16 0,103275 0.104211 0.105147 0.106087 0.107029 0.107973 0.108920 0.109869 0.11080 0.111773
0'17 0.112728 0*113686 0.114646 0.115607 O.llG572 0.117538 0.118506 0.119477 0.120450 0.121425
0.18 0.122403 0.123382 0.124364 0,125347 0.126333 0.127321 0.128310 0 129302 0.130296,0*131292
019 0.132290 0.133291 0.134292 0.135296 0.136302 0.137310 0.138320 0,139332 0.140345 0.141361

020 0,142378 0.143398 0.144419 0.145443 0,146468 0.147494 0.148524 0.149554 0'150587 0.151622
0.21 0.152659 0.153697 0.154737 0~155779 0.156822 0.157867 0.158915 0.159963 0.161013 0~162066
022 0.163120 0.164176 0.165233 @166292 0.167353 0.1&416 0.169480 0.170546 0.171613 0.172682
0.23 0.173753 0.174825 0.175900 0.176976 0.17(;
053 0.179131 0.180212 0.181294 0.182378 0.183463
0.24 0.184550 0'185639 0.186729 0.187820 0.188912 0.190007 0.191102 0.192200 0.193299 0.194400

__.~-- -- ____

HID 0400 0.001 oaO2 0.003 0.004 0.005 OX)06 0*007 OQO8 oaO9

0.25 0.195501 0.196604 0.197709 0.198814 0.199922 0.201031 0.202141 0.203253 0.204368 0,205483
0.26 0.206600 0.207718 0,208837 0.209957 0,211Oi9 0.212202 0,213326 0.214453 0.215580 0.216708
0.27 0.217839 0.218970 0.220102 0.221235 0,222371 0.223507 0.224645 O-225783 0.226924 0.228065
0.28 0.229209 0.230352 0.231498 0.232644 0.233701 0.234941 0.236091 0,237242 0.238395 0.239548
0 29 0.240703 0.241859 0.243016 0.244173 0.245333 0.246494 0,247655 0.248819 0'249983 0.251148

0.30 0.252315 0.253483 0.254652 0.255822 0.256992 0.258165 0.25933s 0.260512 0.261687 0.262863
0.31 0.264039 0.265218 0.266397 0267 578 0.2tiB
760 0.269942 0.271126 0.272310 0.273495 0.274682
0.32 0.275869 0.277058 0.278247 0.279437 0.280627 0.281820 0.283013 0.284207 0.285401 0.286598
0.33 0.287795 0.288992 0.290191 0.291390 0.292591 0.293793 0,294995 0.296198 O-297403 0.298605
0.34 0.299814 0.301021 0.302228 0.303438 0.304646 0.305e57 0.307068 0.308280 0.309492 0.310705
to 0.35 0.311918 0.313134 0.314350 0.315566 0.316783 0.318001 0.319219 0.320439 0.321660 0.322881
0.36 0.324104 0.325326 0.326550 0.327774 0.328999 0.330225 0.331451 0.332678 0.333905 0.335134
0.37 0.336363 0.337593 0.338823 0.340054 0.341286 0.342519 0.343751 0.344985 0,346220 0.347455
0.38 0.348690 0.349926 0.351164 0.352402 0,353640 0.354879 0.356119 0.357359 0.358599 0359840
0'39 0.361082 0362 325 0.363568 0.364811 0.366056 0:367300 0.368545 0.369790 0.371036 0.372282

040 0.373530 0,374778 0.376026 0.377275 0,378524 0,379774 0.381024 0.382274 0.383526 0.384778
0.41 0.386030 0.387283 0.388537 0.389790 0.391044 0.392298 0.393553 0.394808 0.396063 0.397320
0.42 0'398577 0.399834 0401 092 0.402350 0403 608 0.404866 0406 125 0407 384 0408645 0409904
0.43 0.411165 0.412426 0,413687 0.414949 0.416211 0.417473 0.418736 0,419998 0.421261 0.422525
044 0.423788 0.425052 0.426316 0,427582 0.428846 0.430112 0.431378 0.432645 0.433911 0.435178
0.436445 0.437712 0.438979 0440246 0'441514 0.442782 O+l4050 0445 318 0446 587 0447857
0.449125 0.450394 0.451663 0.452932 0.454201 0.455472 0.456741 0.458012 0.459283 0460554 t:
6.461825 0463096 0464 367 0465638 0~466910 0.468182 0469453 0.470725 0471 997 0,473269
0.474541 0.475814 0.477086 0.478358 0.479631 0.480903 0.482176 0.423449 0484 722 0.485995 iG
0.487269 0,488542 0.489814 0491 087 0.492360 0.493633 0494906 0.496179 0497 452
0.498726 ii
HID O-000 OaOl om2 0003 Of!04 0.005 0.006 oGO7 0.008 0,009

0.50 0'500000 0.501274 0502 54.80503821 0'505094 0.506367 0.507640 0.508913 0.510186 0.511458
0.51 0'512731 0 514005 O..i!5
278 0.516551 0.517824 0'519097 0'520369 0'521642 0.522914 0.524186
0'52 0.525459 0.526731 0.528003 0.529275 0,530547 0.531818 0.533090 0.534362 0.535633 0.536904
8.53 O-538175 0.539446 0.540717 0,541988 0.543259 0.544528 0'545799 0'547068 0.548337 0'549606
0'54 0'550875 0.552143 0.553413 0.5j4682 0,555Y50 0.557218 0.558486 0.559754 0.561021 0.562288

0'55 0.563555 0.564822 0.566089 0.567355 0'568622 0.569888 0571 154 0.572418 0.573684 0.574948
0.56 0.576212 0.577475 0.578739 0.580002 0'581264 0.582527 0,583789 0.585051 0.586313 0'587574
0.57 0.588835 0.590096 0.5Yl355 0.592616 0.593875 0.595134 0.596392 0.597650 0.538908 0'600166
0.58 0.601423 0.602680 0.603937 0'605192 0606447 0'607702 0.608956 0~610210 0,611463 0'612717
0'59 0.613970 0,615222 0,616474 0'617726 0618 976 0620 226 0.621476 0.622725 0.623974 0.625222

e 060
0.626470 0.627718 0.628964
0.638918 0'640160 0.641401
O+i30210 0.631455
0%42 641 0.643881
0.62 0.651310 0.652545 0'653780 0.655015 0.656249 0,657481 0,658714 0.659946 0'661177
0.63 0663637 0.664866 0.666095 0.6ti7
322 0.668549 0,669775 0'671001 0.672226 0.673450 0,674674
0'64 0'675896 0.677119 0,678340 0'679561 0630781 0'681999 0.683217 0.684434 0.685650 0'686866

0.65 0.688082 0.689295 0.690508 0'691720 0,692932 0'694143 0'695354 0.696562 0.697772 0'698979
0.66 .0.700
186 0*701392 0'702597 0.703802 0'705005 0,706207 0'707409 0.708610 0.709809 0~711008
0.67 0,712205 0.713402 0.714599 0'715793 0,716987 0,718180 0,719373 0.720563 0,722942
0.68 0.724131 0,725318 0,726505 0'728874 0.730058 0'731240 8::;:i;z 0.734782
0.69 0,735961 0.737137 0.738313 0.740662 0,741835 0.743008 0'745348 0.746517

0.70 0.747685 (1'748

852 0'750017 0,751181 0.752345 0.753506 0.754667 0'755827 0.756984 0.758141
0'71 0.759297 0'760452 0.761605 0'762758 0.763909 0.765059 0.766209 0.767356 0.768502 0.769648
0.72 0'770791 0.771935 0.773076 0'774217 0.775355 0.776493 0'777629 0'778765 0'779898 0.781030
0.73 0.782161 0.783292 0'784420 0.785547 0.786674 0'787798 0.788921 0.790943 0.791163 0.792282
0'74 0.793400 0.794517 0.795632 0,796747 0.797859 0.798969 0.800078 0.801186 0.802291 0.803396
( conrinusd )

HID cmKl CM01 om2 o+JO3 0.M 0305 0406 0.007 OfKlS O-009

075 0404499 8805600 @w)6 701 0’807 800 0.808 898 @a09993 0.811 088 0812 180 0’813 271 WE14 361
0.76 0.815 450 0’816 537 @817 622 0’818 706 0.819 788 0,820 869 0.821 947 @823 024 0.824 100 0.825 175
a.77 O.826 247 0.827 318 O.828 387 0’829 454 O%3O 520 0.831 564 0.832 647 0.833 70S 0.834 767 0.835 824
0.78 0836 880 0837 934 0.838 987 m40 037 0.841 OH5 0+43 178 B-S44221 0.845 263 0.846 303
o-79 0.847 341 OS48 378 0849 413 0.850 446 o-851 476 ::tz; :z 0,853 532 0.1154557 0*855 58 1 W856 602

O-80 0,857 622 0.858 639 0859 655 o%O 668 0.861 680 @862 690 0864 704 0%65 708 0.866 709
0867 710 0.868 708 0.869 704 0,870 698 0.871 690 0.872 679 ;:;;“3 ggg O-874 653 (1.875 636
0.81 0.876 6 18
0 82 @877 597 0,878 575 0.879 550 0,880 523 0.88: 494 0.882 462 0.883 428 0.884 393 0.885 354 oaS6 314
0%3 0.887 272 0.888 227 om9 180 0’890 131 O-891 080 0.892 027 o-892 97 1 0.893 913 0.894 853 0.895 789
0.84 0.896 725 0.897 657 0.898 586 0.899 514 090O 440 0,901 362 0,902 283 09O3 201 0.904 116 0.905 029
w 0.907 754 0908 657 0.909 557 0.910 455 0.911 350 0.912 244
0.85 0,905 939 0.906 847 0.913 134 0.914 021
0.86 0.914 906 0.915 788 0.916 668 0.917 544 0.918 419 0 919 291 0.920 159 0.921 025 0921 888 0.922 749
0.87 0,923 607 0.924 461 0.925 314 0.926 164 0927 009 0 927 853 O.928 6.33 0.929 53 1 0.930 367 0.931 198
(I 83 0,932 028 0.932 853 0.933 677 0,934 497 0’935 3 13 0.936 128 0.936 938 0.937 747 0,938 55 I 0.939 352
0.89 0940 150 0940 946 0.941 738 0942 526 0943 312 0.944 095 0944 874 0.945 649 0,946 421 0’949 190

0.90 0.947 956 0948 7 17 0.949 476 0.950 232 0,950 983 0’951 732 0.952 477 0.953 218 0.953 957 0,954 690
0 91 0.955 421 0.956 148 0.956 87 1 0.957 590 0.958 306 0,959 019 0.959 727 0,960 431 0.961 133 0.961 829
0 92 0962 522 0963 21 I 0,963 896 0,964 577 0.965 253 0.965 927 0966 505 0967 260 0.967 919 0,968 576
0+3 0.969 228 0.969 876 0.970 519 0.97 I 158 0.971 7!12 0.972 422 0.973 048 0.973 669 0,974 ‘285 0.974 897
0.94 0.975 504 0’976 IO6 0.976 704 0.977 297 0.977 885 0.978 467 0.979 045 0.979 618 0.980 187 0.980 750

0.95 0.98 1 308 0’981 859 0982 ‘lo7 0.982 948 0.983 485 0984 015 0.984 541 0985 060 0.985 573 0 986 081
0.989 466 0.989 924 0.990 375 0.990 t;
0.96 0.986 583 0.987 080 0.987 568 0’988 053 0.988 530 0.989 001 821
0.97 0991 258 O@l 690 0.992 114 0992 530 0992 939 0993 340 0’993 733 0.994 119 0’994 497 0.994 866 ii
0.98 0995 227 0995 579 0995 923 0.996 257 0.996 58 1 0996 896 048
0.99 0998 308 0.998 555 0998 788 0999 008 0999 212 0999 400 0,999
0.997 57
200I 0999 72 1 0.997
0.997 493 0,999 849
777 0999
0998 947 F
l+O 1mO 00O
z_ _

Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002
Telephones: 323 0131, 323 3375, 323 9402
Fax :91113234062, 91113239399, 91113239382
Telegrams : Manaksanstha
(Common to all Offices)
Central Laboratory: Telephone
Plot No. 20/9, Site IV, Sahibabad Industrial Area, SAHIBABAD 201010 8-77 00 32
Regional Offices:
Central : Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002 323 76 17
‘Eastern : l/14 CIT Scheme VII M, V.I.P. Road, Maniktola, CALCUTTA700054 337 86 62
Northern : SC0 335-336, Sector 34-A, CHANDIGARH 160022 60 38 43
Southern : C.I.T. Campus, IV Cross Road, CHENNAI 600113 235 23 15
TWestern : Manakalaya, E9 Behind Marol Telephone Exchange, Andheri (East), 832 92 95
MUMBAI 400093

Branch Officee:
‘Pushpak’, Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg, Khanpur, AHMEDABAD 380001 550 13 48
$Peenya Industrial Area, 1st Stage, Bangafore - Tumkur Road, 839 49 55
Gangotri Complex, 5th Floor, Bhadbhada Road, T. T. Nagar, BHOPAL 462003 55 40 21
Plot No. 62-63, Unit VI, Ganga Nagar, BHUBANESHWAR 751001 40 36 27
Kalaikathir Buildings, 670 Avinashi Road, COIMBATORE 641037 21 01 41
Plot No. 43, Sector 16 A, Mathura Road, FARIDABAD 121001 8-28 88 01
Savitri Complex, 116 0. T. Road, GHAZIABAD 201001 8-71 19 96
5315 Ward No. 29, R. 0. Barua Road, 5th By-lane, GUWAHATI 781003 54 11 37
5-8-58C, L. N. Gupta Marg, Nampally Station Road, HYDERABAD 500001 20 10 83
E-52, Chitaranjan Marg, C-Scheme, JAIPUR 302001 37 29 25
1171418 8, Sarvodaya Nagar, KANPUR 208005 21 68 76
Seth Bhawan, 2nd Floor, Behind Leela Cinema, Naval Kishore Road, 23 89 23
LUCKNOW 226001
Patliputra Industrial Estate, PATNA 800013 26 23 05
T. C. No. 14/1421, University P. 0. Palayam, 6 21 17
NIT Building, Second Floor, Gokulpat Market, NAGPUR 440010 52 51 71
Institution of Engineers ( India ) Building, 1332 Shivaji Nagar, PUNE 411005 32 36 35

‘Sales Office is at 5 Chowringhee Approach, P 0. Princep Street,

CALCUTTA 700072 27 10 85
TSales Office is at Novelty Chambers, Grant Road, MUMBAI 400007 309 65 28
*Sales Office is at ‘F’ Block, Unity Building, Narashimaraja Square, 222 39 71

Printed at New India Printing Press, Khurja, India

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