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Compiled by Scott Uhls, Heeroic Studios Gaming

Name DC HP WP Pools Exceptional Special Sources

Physical 4, Social 1, Brawl 6, Intimidation 5,
Aggressive Corpse 4/2 6 2 Bites are +2 Aggravated Peircing Damage CotBG, p. 212
Mental 1 Awarness 3
Physical 3, Social 1, H5, p. 272; V5, p.
Bat 2 1 Awareness 7, Stealth 5
Mental 1 373
Physical 7, Social 1, H5, p. 272; V5, p.
Bear 8 3 Awareness 3, Intimidate 6 Claws are +2 Aggravated Peircing Weapons
Mental 1 373
Physical 4, Social 1, Awareness 6, Brawl 5, H5, p. 273; V5, p.
Birds of Prey 3 3
Mental 1 Stealth 6 373
Physical 5, Social 1, Brawl 6, Stealth 6, Constricts enemies as a +2 heavy impact brawl
Boa Constrictor 4/2 5 3 CotBG, p. 81
Mental 1 Intimidation 4, Aware 4 weapon
Powerless against those who do not have
Burning Captain Physical 6, Social 4, Confederate symbols and is repelled by holy places.
4/2 7 7 Driving 8, Intimidate 8 H5, p. 205
(Ghost) Mental 5 Immune to harm. Demands a post-humous bondage
on his ship

Physical 4, Social 1, Brawl 6, Stealth 7, Fangs are +1 Peircing weapon. Venom debilitates
Cobra 4/2 4 2 CotBG, p. 81
Mental 1 Intimidate 4, Awareness 4 victim at end of the scene

Ex-Hunter Physical 6, Social 3, Firearms 8, Stealth 7,

4/2 7 3 H5, p. 177
Cannibal Mental 5 Investigation (DANGER)

When clothed, the Eye Theif has half-pools. The Eye

Physical 6, Social 2, Athletics 10, Brawl 8,
Eye Thief (Fae) 5/2 8 7 Thief Regenerates 1 Superficial/Agg damage a turn, H5, p. 212
Mental 5 Awareness 10
and moves in blurs (Rush ability)

Craft 6, Drive 7, Stealth 7,

Ghost in the Physical 3, Social 3, Possesses devices. Devices can broadcast words
3/2 5 4 Intimidation 5, Science 6, CotBG, p. 216
Machine Mental 5 from the Wraith when they want
Technology 7

Physical 5, Social 1, Awareness 4, Brawl 6, H5, p. 273; V5, p.

Guard Dog 4/2 5 2 Dog teeth are +1 piercing damage
Mental 1 Intimidation 4, Stealth 4 373

Homuncular Physical 1, Social 1, Athletics 4, Stealth 6, They do not need eyes or ears to see or hear around
3/2 3 2 CotBG, p. 210
Servant Mental 1 Intimidation 4 them
Physicaly 6, Social 1, H5, p. 273; V5, p.
Horse 7 2 Awareness 4 Trampling is a +2 heavy brawl weapon
Mental 1 373
Physical 3, Social 4, Insight 5, Persuasion 7,
Human 1 4/2 5 6 CotBG, p. 156
Mental 5 Finance 6
Physical 3, Social 4, Academics 6, Occult 6,
Human 2 3/2 4 7 CotBG, p. 164
Mental 5 Technology 6
Physical 3, Social 5, Larceny 6, Stealth 6,
Human Hari 3/2 6 4 Always in group = to Danger. They are cannibals H5, p. 177
Mental 5 Medicine 6
Athletics 7, Stealth 6,
Physical 5, Social 1,
Jackal 4/2 5 2 Intimidation 2, Awareness Teeth are +2 peircing brawl weapons CotBG, p. 81
Mental 1

Can manifest any weapon (Danger or Below) out of

Physical 6, Social 5, Firearms 10, Investigate 9,
Mage 1 5/4 7 8 their bag if not in view of people or camera. Also H5, p. 186
Mental 7 Technology 8
rolls 6 v. Com+Wits to read a targets mind

Physical 3, Social 7, Insight 11, Subterfuge 8, He erases the memory of his meeting from people's
Mage 2 5/2 5 6 H5, p. 189
Mental 4 Persuasion 11, Stealth 7 minds after he walks away

Can open pathways into fae lands and shadow

Physical 5, Social 5,
Mage 3 4/3 7 7 Investigation 7, Occult 7 lands. If PCs attempt to walk without the mage, H5, p. 193
Mental 5
INT+Occult or else they get lost
Can open pathways into fae lands and shadow
Physical 5, Social 5,
Mage 4 4/3 7 7 Awareness 7, Firearms 7 lands. If PCs attempt to walk without the mage, H5, p. 193
Mental 5
INT+Occult or else they get lost
Can open pathways into fae lands and shadow
Physical 5, Social 5, Leadership 7, Subterfuge
Mage 5 4/3 7 7 lands. If PCs attempt to walk without the mage, H5, p. 193
Mental 5 7
INT+Occult or else they get lost
Physical 2, Social 1,
Mindless Corpse 3/1 4 1 Intimidation 4 Does not heal damage CotBG, p. 208
Mental 1

Powerless to women. Appears as an outhouse and

Appalachian man. Grabs victim and tries to drown
Outhouse Haint Physical 8, Social 3,
5/1 10 3 Brawl 9 them in the muck (DANGER Superficial damage each H5, p. 200
(Ghost) Mental 2
turn). Immune to damage and trying to destroy it
causes it to unmanifest. Only arcane means work
Athletics 6, Brawl 7, They can attack 4 times per scene, usually by
Physical 5, Social 3,
Poltergeist 3/2 7 4 Larceny 6, Stealth 7, launching things (Athletics Pool). They can claw and CotBG, p. 216
Mental 2
Intimidation 6 do non-halved Superficial Damage (+2 Dam Mod).

Brawl 6, Drive 7, Stealth 6,

Insight 7, Intimidation 6, They ride their hosts, taking control. Each time the
Puppeteer Physical 4, Social 4,
4/2 6 6 Performance 7, host tries to take control, they take 2 non-halved CotBG, p. 216
(Wraith) Mental 5
Persuasion 6, Subterfuge Superficial damage
7, Awareness 8

Physical 3, Social 1, Awareness 5, Brawl 4,

Rat 1 1 V5, p. 373
Mental 1 Stealth 7
Stealth 5, Intimidation 8,
Does not possess. Uses "Gaze" powers (V5 p. 267) v.
Physical 3, Social 5, Performance 7,
Screamer (Wraith) 5/2 5 5 Composure + Resolve (-2 Dice to All actions unless CotBG, p. 216
Mental 4 Persuasion 6, Subterfuge
the spend 1 Willpower)
Terrifies (6) v. Com+Res (target must spend
Physical 4, Social 5, willpower to remove a -2 penalty). Tries to use
Spectre 3/3 6 5 Intimidate 8, Stealth 8 H5, p. 203
Mental 5 devices to injure the PC. Immune to damage except
Turns targets into 2 dimensional images to
Physical 5, Social 7, Brawl 8, Insight 9,
Sweets (Fae) 4/3 6 5 "preserve" them. Rsolve + Occult to Resist this H5, p. 208
Mental 5 Subterfuge 8
Immune to Physical harm (except Endowments).
The Hitchhiker Physical 3, Social 5, Ettiquette 6, Insight 8, Drains 1-10 Superficial damage from targets. Can
4/2 5 5 H5, p. 196
(Ghost) Mental 5 Persuasion 8 manipulate electronics and use them to cause
(DANGER) Agg Damage
Vampire grapple and then bite to do 2 Agg Damage
Physical 7, Social 8, Firearms 9, Persuasion 9,
Vamp 1 5/4 7 7 regardless of margin, and 1 each turn while feeding. H5, p. 170
Mental 7 Leadership 9
Sunlight vulnerability.
Physical 9, Social 3, Athletics 8, Awareness 8,
Vamp 2 5/2 8 5 Above + brawl is a +2 Agg damage attack H5, p. 173
Mental 5 Subterfuge 9
Above + Can move in a blur. Can also turn the own
Physical 3, Social 7, Firearms 7, Ettiquette 9,
Vamp 3 6/4 5 8 blood corrosive and therefore dangerous to CotBG, p. 161
Mental 5 Occult 5
Physical 7, Social 5,
Vamp 4 4/2 6 4 Intimidation 4 Thin Blood: Lifelike. Thin Blood Merit: Presence CotB, p. 19
Mental 3
Comman 8, Presience 8. Can rip blood out of a
Physical 6, Social 7, Melee 8, Stealth 8, Occult
Vampire Hari 5/3 7 8 human body from a distance for 2 Agg damage and H5, p. 177
Mental 8 9
restore 1 Health damage
Vulnerability (Silver), can attack everyone within
reach as 1 attack, claws and fangs do +2 Agg
6/2 : Physical 10:4, Social 3, Brawl 12:6, Survival 6, Damage, Heal 1 Superficial wound per round, Non-
Werewolf 1 10:6 4 H5, p. 180
3/2 Mental 2 Stealth 7 silver damage is Superficial, Terrifies (8) v. Com+Res
(target must spend willpower to remove a -2

Physical 10:5, Social 5, Brawl 12:8, Stealth 9, Same as above with the ability to roll (DANGER) v.
Werewolf 2 6/3 12:7 6 H5, p. 183
Mental 5 Subterfuge 8 Com+Wits to read a persons thoughts.

Wight (Vampire Physical 5, Social 1, Same as Vampires except punching does +2 Agg
4/3 8 3 Awareness 5 V5, p. 375
Monster) Mental 3 Damage
Physical 6, Social 1, Awareness 3, Intimidate H5, p. 273; V5, p.
Wolf 5/2 6 3 Wolf teeth are +1 piercing damage
Mental 1 5, Stealth 5 373

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