Paper 102 Probability Distribution, Old Paper Set

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Sc. (Applied Statisti i tistics) Semester I Examination Time: 3 Hours} P*P¢F? MAS-102: Probability Distributions (UC? Instructions: [Total Marks: 70 @ ee Nov 28 Name of the Examination M.Sc.(Applied Statistics) Subject name: MAS-102: Probability Distibutions ] Wee Subject Code: Seat No: Signature of student (2) Attempt all questions, (3) Each question carries 14 marks, (4) Attempt any two bits out of three bits given i 7 (3)Use of scientific calculator is perigee i each auestion. or is permitted. Q1@), Explain the following terms: ““TY-Mathematical expectation and its properties. ii) Variance and its properties, (©) Obtain four raw moments, central moments, coefficient of skewness and kurtosis. (©) For the following density function, find mean, median and mode. S()=6x(1-2)30 0 (i Find average bending strength. : Gi)Find the probability that bending strength is exceeding than average 3. () The 1Q's of army volunteers in a given year are normally distributed with mean 110 and S.D. 10. The army wants to give advanced training to 20% of those Tecruiters with the highest scores, What is the lowest IQ scores acceptable for the advanced training? Q5(@) Write a detail note on beta distribution, ©) Define normal distribution. Write its properties and discuss linear combination of independent normal variates, C () If the pdf. of random variable X is S@)=kx (x! Then find (i) constant k (ji) Mean @) If X~ 4,67), Then find (i) Mean (ii) Variance, ‘eteeeennnaaseeeeeceseseeeteseaseseetseansasscseenasesstaneenaes 3 O0 M. Si Semester: | E; ©. (Applied Statistics) pamination, Oct. / Nov., 2016 ‘aper: MAS:102 Sub: Probability distributions Time: 3 Hours] instructions: [Total Marks: 70 Py Name of the Examination MSo. (Applied Statistics), Sem: I, Oct. Nov. ae Subject name : MAS: 102: Probat Signature of student Subject Code: t Q) Attemnpt all questions 3) All. questions carry 14 marks each. (4) Answer any two bits out of given three in each question. Q@_ Define Probability density function. Also write its properties. ‘A random variable X has the following probability distribution, Find pe PGx) | 0.25 [0.10 | 0.35 [0.30 (a) distribution function (b) median of x (¢) probability distribution of U =X” —1 (d) probability distribution of =X? +1 i) Define mode of discrete probability distribution and continuous probability distribution function of random variable x. ‘A bag contains 2. white and 3 black balls. Mr. A draws a ball and wins £300, if tis White, He does not replace the ball and Mr. B draws a ball, if it is white, he also receives € 300. Find the expected gain of (a) Mr. A and (b) Mr. B ii) Write formula of the coefficient of skewness. Also define various tyPes of skewness based on moments. . For a certain distribution y'=5,4=27=1 and fy=4, Find first four raw moments. 0-243) Define bivariate probability distribution. Write all conditions of random variables X independent. ; ; i i (10) the Civanate probally distribution function of random variable X and Y is shown in the following table. ihsi-fl+] sisfsiefsle| © gissiefele| 2 Page 1 of 2 Scanned with CamScanner (i) 30) i Ss Gi) a qi) Gi) Osi) (iy probability distributions xm Y: ‘ibutic riven Y=. Fncanionldistbuion OF gays » yin conitonal saint é i 7 | Are X a re his car in dark, He has n losin pecan ‘Arman wants to unlock the doc i eee ie ty joving unsucc them ae by ae oe "Hes before getting the door unlocked. Assume that expected number of { ‘one key unlocks the door. i iso find its mean and variance. Show the rel a. Obtain marginal Define geometric distribution. Al oo es ina queue at a taxi stand at Surat wish to £0 to Bhg Suppose 40% of pass j- luding driver) will need 1, is ility that a four seater taxi- owner (exc! eee eae Also find average numbers of passengers 4 in order fo fulfil the taxi needs. : : fecal ences in a certain small scale industry 100 are the union mem while others are not If 4 employees are selected at random for a special i Programme Find the probability that 4 of them will be union members while othery not, Find mean of hyper geometic distribution, 6 a bank nee donor of blood group O, There ae 20% donors of blood py & Mists the probability that S* donor isthe fist one of blood group O. Alse find) A noeainbe of donors required tobe verified fo get fist one of O group, ‘Anew car onan average has defective pars Ifyou want to buy avon cr what is} Probability thatthe car will have | & No defective part b. Atleast 2 defective parts, © Atmost I defective part, Find mean and vari re cmnand vt of ape distribution, “Isa random variable with pap \ J0)= ts ae ~@6) (b) | ‘The life time ie nie . =o . ae . ee Iric comy . Parameters $ and 9, Pens ea fy beta ty ie : Po ~I distr tein istribution with a teh expecte, ime ofan eet a le it : ites Probability that life time is| hea © Probability MOLT tie ise SYS than 10 my, Ri ionths, Scanned with CamScanner SEEPS EEE gene Eee MSc, i a Semester: Tp, (APPlied Statistics) Examination, Oct, / Nov., 2015 et Paper: MAS:102 'ub.: Probability Distributions Time: 3 Hours] Instructions: [Total Marks: 70 ‘Name of the Examination Q) Seat No:| MSc. (Applied Statistics), Sem:l, Oe.Nov, Subject name ae MAS:102: Probability Distibutions Signature of student Subject Code: | t B IA] 2) Attemptall questions @) All questions carry 14 marks each, (@) | Answer any two bits out of given three in each question. Qilla) "Define discrete and continuous probability distributions with its properties, Ifthe probability density function of random variable x is f(x) = A (1-x); O0.8) (iv)EG2) (b) Find the moment generating function of Binomial distribution. Also show the relation between mean and variance. (©) Define marginal distribution function with its properties, The joint probability distribution of two random variables X and Y is given below: Y . i. 2 3 4 1| 4/36 | 3/36 | 2/36 | 1/36 2{ 1/36 | 3/36 | 3/36 | 2/36 X13 [ays6 | 1/36 | 1/36 | 2/36 4| 1/36 | 2/36 | 1/36 | 5/36 Find (i) marginal distributions of X and Y. (ii) Conditional distribution of X given the value of Y=1 and that Y given the value of X=2. ] Q:2(a) Gan moment generating function of Poison distribution. Check whether the Poisson distribution is symmetric or not. () i The probability that a patient recovers from a rare blood disease is 0.4. If 15 people are known to be infected by this disease, what is the probability that () at least 10 patients will survive (i) 3 to 8 patients will survive and (i) exactly 5 patients will survive? ii, ‘A medical practitioner screens a random sample of 250 of his : ents for a certain condition which is present in 1.5% of the Patient on Find the probability that he obtained (i) no patient population. Scanned with CamScanner given pis J, gexe2 Check whether this En han wo ‘Astudent has taken t E a eee are cet res Wy He nee eer See sen coe alee shoots target independently. Ifthe . peti hat the targetis shot in any one shot is 0.7. What is the Fe wuld be hit on the 10% attempt. Gi) hit an even numbers of shots. (iv) Average numbers of shots needed to. betel target. (Q4(a) Find mean and variance of hyper geometric distribution. (©) Theaverage test marks in a particular class is 79. The standard deviation i 5. Ifthe marks are distributed normally, (@) How many students in a class of 20 received marks less than 75 marks? (@) How many students in a class of 200 received marks more than 82 marks? (a) How many students in class of 200 received marks between 75, (© Find the moment generating function of gamma distribution with eae Pp. Show that gamma a is not symmetric, From condition it becomes symmetric, Q5(a) Find () mean (i) variance (i 9 hong att variance (i) mode (w) harmonic mean forthe 1 aang Osxee acd gat FSH Try SES? | SOT Osxs0 (© The demand of an ice cream is tices rs ome a onom varae x i 4) Show the graph 2 Bd ie Probably tha the demand ind the p that the demand epee between 22 and 28, atiance ofthe demand, i) Demand is, © Define sampling disttingy vee ek Sion Lt ma bn Scanned with CamScanner is, M. Sc, ee, Semester-1 Examinggt 2014 Pcie fit ty, een rine 3 Hours] Mo ‘ [Total Marks, Pea instructions: nate EB @ ane oftbe Exannation M.S (i Sta) Sem OTP AS 102:Pby Dibner —— ry 14 marks each, (8) Answer any two bits ou of given tire in ach question, QHt@) Define various types of the random variables; also define its probability aS | Find consiantE Evaluate p(x<6) prs a)>+ then nd he inimum va of on function, ameter of an electric cable, say X, i assumed to be continuous random éx(i-s) ocxcl (eae Q2(@) Define the following Jraw moments (i central moments The first three mome moments 2 is 1 16 and ~40 then find frst three raw xis sented O

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