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-- NOV 201

M.Sc. (Applied Statistics) Semester I Examination

Subject: Applicd Statistics
Paper: MAS-104: Industrial Statistics (New)
Time: 3 Hours] [Total Marks: 70
(1) Seat No:
Name oftheExamination
M.Sc.(Applicd Statistics) SemesterI
Signature of student
Subject name

Paper: MAS 104: Industrial Statistics (new)

Sub. Code:

(2) Attempt all questions.

(3) Each question carries 14 marks.
(4) Attempt any two bits out of three bits given in each question.

Q-1(a) What is meant by quality of a product? Distinguish between process control and product control.
Also write advantages Statistical Quality Control.
(b) In detail explain control chart for variables.
()Explain Shewhart's control charts for number of defects.

Q-2(a) In detail, explain CUSUM chart.

(b) Explain the Double sampling plan. Also discuss C, ASN and ATI functions.
(c)Discuss single sampling plan by variables for one sided specification limit when sigma is

Q-3(a) Write detailed note on ISO: 9000-2000.

(b) Write in detail concept of Total Quality Management.

(c) Define different types of quality costs and their measurements in Total Quality Management.

Q-4(a) Define reliability. Explain its need. Discuss general formulation of reliability.

(b) Discuss the need of censoring a sample. Derive estimator of R(t) for failure censored sample
without replacement, where t is lifetime of a product which follows exponential distribution.
(c) If failure time of an item follow exponential distribution, then discuss briefly, various forms of
pdf of t, mean, variance, MLE and UMVUE of R(t).

Q-5 Write a short note on any two of the following:

(a) Shewhart's control chart for fraction defectives and number of defectives.

(b) Sequential Sampling plan by attributes.

(c) Parallel System in Reliability.

M. Sc. (Applied Statistics) Semester: I Examination

Subject: Applied Statistics
Paper MAS 104: Industrial Statistics
me: 3 Hours] [Total Marks: 70


Seat No:
Name of the Examination:
M. Sc.(Applied Statistics) Sem.: I: Examination

Subject name: Signature of student

MAS-104: Industrial Statistics

Sub code

Attempt all questions.

Marks for each question are given on right side in bracket.

O:1 Attempt any Two of the following: [14

(a) Delineate the main tools for statistical quality control. Also set control limits for mean chart.

)What is the theme behind the use of R-chart in statistical quality control? Explain the statistical basis
for constructing R-chart.
(c)Writedetailed note on CUSUM chart.
0:2 Attempt any Two of the following: [14
(a) Write in detail the concept of total quality management.
(b) Write detail note on Productivity verses quality. Discuss the role of strategic management of Quality
an organization.
(c) Write detailed note on ISO : 9000-2000.
Q:3 Attempt any Two of the following: [14]
Discuss the procedure for single sampling plan by variable. Also explain
known -

sigma single sampling

plan with lower specification limit. characteristic (OC) curve of a single
(b) Define producer's risk and consumer's risk. Delineate operating
sampling plan.
for attribute in detail.
(c) Explain Sequential sampling plan
Q:4 Attempt any Two of the following: [14
and variance when the lifetime of a component follows
(a) Derive the reliability function, hazard rate, mean

exponential distribution.
(b) Define survival function. Also explain reliability parallel

Explain reliability function and hazard function of

(e) Define reliability and need of theory reliability.
Weibull distribution.
Q:5 Write a short note on any Two of the following:
(1) Censored Sampling.
(2) Types of accelerated tests.
(3) Run Theory.
(4) Double sampling plan.
M. Sc. (Applied Statistics) Semester: I Examination
Subject: Applied Statistics
Paper MAS 104: Industrial Statistics
e:3 Hours
ITotal Marks: 70

Seat No:
Name of the
M. Sc. (Applied Statistics) Sem. I Examination:

Subject name: Signature of student

MAS-104: 1Industrial Statistics

Sub code

Attempt all questions.

Marks for each question are given on right side in bracket.
1 Attempt any Two of the following: [14]
a) Define Quality. Distinguish between charts for variable and charts for attribute. Also write detail
note on Control chart.
)Howare the control limits setup for mean chart and S-chart? Explain in detail.

c) Formulate control limits for np-chart and c-chart. Also write difference between them.
:2 Attempt any Two of the following: [14]
a)Write in detail the concept oftotal quality management (TQM).
b) Differentiate between service quality and product quality in detail.

c) Define different types of quality costs and their measurements in TQM.

3 Attempt any Two of the following [14]
a) Define producer's risk and consumer's riak. Delineate operating characteristic (OC) curve of a
single sampling plan.
b) Explain double sampling plan for atribute and its probability of acceptance.
Discuss the procedure for single sampling plan by variable. Also explain known - sigma single

samplir plan with upper specification limit.

4 Attempt any Two of the following: [14]
a) Explain briefly the Series System in Reliability.
6) Discuss the MLE and UMVUE for a lifetime of a component of E>xponential Distribution.
) Derive the hazard rate, reliability function and mean life time of a component for Weibull
5 Write a short note on any Two of the following:
(1) Censored Sampling.
(2) Run theory.
(3) Sequential sampling plan for attribute.
(4) CUSUM chart.
M.Sc.(Applied Statistics) SemesterI Examination
Subject: Applicd Statistics
Paper: MAS-104: Industrial
Time: 3 Hours] Statisties [Total Marks: 70
NoV/p ec. 20H
(1) Name ofthe Examination:
Seat No:
M.Sc.(Applicd Statistics) Semester -I Examination

Subject namc Signature of student

Paper MAS 104: Industrial Statistics

Sub. Code:

Attempt all questions.

Each question carries 14 marks.
(3) Figures on the right indicate marks for each question.
(4) Use of Scientific calculator is permitted.

of the
0-1 Attempt any two 14
Define SQC. Distinguish between process Control and product control. Also write different types of
variation exists in production process.
b) How are the control limits setup for mean chart and R- chart? Explain in detail.
)Fomulate controllimits for P-chart and np- chart. Also write when should the control charts for
fraction defective be useful?

0-2 Attempt any two of the following: [14]

a)Define different types of quality costs and their measurements in TQM in detail.
(b) Explain in detail: Leverage of productivity.
c) Write detailed note on ISO 9000:2000 quality management system.
0-3 Attempt any twoof the following: [14]
(a) Discuss single sampling plan for attribute. Also explain its 0.C. curve and ATI.
(b) Explain double sampling plan for attribute and its ASN,ATI function. Also write difference between
Double sampling plan and Multiple sampling plan.
()Discuss the procedure for single sampling plan by variable. Also explain known - sigma
single sampling plan with upper specification.
Q-4 Attempt any two of the following: [14]
(a) Explain briefly the Series System in Reliability.
(b) Define reliability and need of theory of reliability. Explain reliability function and hazard function of
Weibull distribution.
() Let t be the lifetime of a product following normal distribution. Derive an expression for
MLE of R(), when u and o are known.
05 Writeof
short notes on any two of the following:
a) Types of Acceleration Tests. [14
(b) Run theory.
Sequential sampling plan for attribute.
d) Total Quality Management.

M.Sc.(Applied Statistics) Semester 1Examination November -2016
Subject: Applicd Statistics
Paper: MAS-104: Industrial
Time: 3 Hours]
Statisties [Total Marks: 70

Scat No:
() Namc ofthe Examination:
M Sc.(Applicd Statisfics) Semester -I
Examination, Nov.-
Subject name: Signature of student

Paper MAS 104: Industrial Statistics

Sub. Codc:

Attempt all quèstions.

2) 14 marks.
Each question
Answer ANY TWO bits from each Question.
Use of Scientific calculator is permitted.

Q:1 (a)Define Quality and Statistical Quality Control. Alsoexplain the statistical
basis for constructing Mean chart. Also explain its purpose.
b)When should the control charts for defectives and number of defects be
constructed? Discuss C-chart andu- chart in detail.
(c) Write a detailed note on Run Theory exists in SQC.

Q:2 (a) Trace the various ways TQM has been defined and give its comprehensive
Write in detail Leverage of Productivity.
b) Differentiate between service quality and product quality in detail.

Q:3 (a) Write a detailed note on sequential sampling plan.

(b) Explain work procedure of double sanmpling plan for attribute. Also derive
its probability of acceptance.
(c) Write the procedure for single sampling plan by variables. Also discuss the
unknown sigma single sampling plan with one sided specification.

Define reliability and explain its need. Discuss general formulation of

Q:4 (a)
Derive the hazard rate and reliability function. Discuss Gamma distribution
as a life time distribution of a component.
Let t be the lifetime of a product following normal distribution. Derive an
expression for MLE ofR(t),when u and o are unknown.

Q:5 Write detailed note on any TWO of the following:

(1) Types of Accelerated tests.
(2) CUSUM chart.
(3) Single sampling plan for attributes.
(4) ISO 9000: 2000.
M.Sc.(Appliea Statistics) Semester I Examination December 201 -

Subject: Applied Statistics

Paper MAS 104: Industrial Statisties
Time:3 Hours [Total Marks: 70

Name of
thc Examination Seat No:
M.Sc(Applicd Statistics) Sem-1 Examination, Dec.- 2015
Subject name Signature of student

Statistics: Paper MAS 104: Industrial Statistics

Sub. Codc

2)Attempt all questions.

carries 14 marks,
Ol Answer any fwo of the following: [14
(a)Define the term quality and quality control. Differentiate between chance causes
and assignable causes of variation giving suitable example.
b)How are the control limits setup for mean chart? Explain in detail.
(c) Write note on Jo limits. Also explain the statistical basis for constructing
and u-chart.

0:2 Answer any two of the following: [14]

(a) Write in detail note on quality cost and its measurement.
() Explain the concept of TQM. Also discuss relationship between productivity
) Write detailed note on ISO 9000:2000.
Q:3 Answer any two of the following: [14
(a) Explain single sampling plan for attribute and its A0Q, AOQL,
for attribute and its probability of acceptance, AOQ
(b) Explain double sampling plan
and ATI.
discuss the
(c) Discuss the procedure for single sampling plan by variables. Also
unknown sigma single sampling plan with one- sided specification.

Q:4 Answer any two of the following:

(a) Explain Series System and parallel system in Reliability. For series system
identical components derive an expression for UMVUE ofR(t).
distribution. Derive an
(b)Let t be lifetime of a product which follows Normal
and o are unknown.
expression for MLE or R(t), when both u
Derive estimator of R(t) for time
C)Discuss the need of censoring a sample.
censored sample with Replacement, where t is lifetime of a product which
follows exponential distribution.

5Write detailed notes on any two ofthe following: [14]

distribution. (b) Run Theory
(a) Gamma distribution as a lifetime
(c) Sequential sampling plan for attribute. (d) Strategic quality management.
M.Se.(Applied Statistics) Semester I Examination November

Subject: Applied Statistics
Paper MAS 104: Industrial Statistics [Total Marks: 70
T i m e :3 Hours]

Seat No:
of the

Se.(Applied Statistics) Semester -I Examination,Nov

Signature of student
Subject nanne

104;: Industrial Statistics

Statistics: Paper MAS

Sub. Code 1190

Attempt allquestions.
carries 14 marks,.
wo of the following:
Answer any Also
0:1 X-chart.
note on Jo limits. Also explain the statistical basis for constructing
(a)Write a
explain its purpose. constructed?
the control charts for defectives and number
of defects be
When should
h) and u chart in detail.
Discuss c-chart

note on CUSUM chart.

cWrite a detailed
Answer any two
of the following: comprehensive
0:2 defined and give its
the various ways TQM has been
(a) Trace
cost of Quality. Give different types of Quality
(b)Define the term detail.
and product quality in
Differentiate between service quality
Answer any two of following:
Q:3 sequential sampling plan.
of acceptance. Also,
(a) Write a detailed
double sampling plan for attributes and its probability
Explain plan.
difference between Double sampling
plan and Single sampling by
write for single sampling plan
Derive expressions for O.C.,
Answer any two of the following: formulation of reliability.
Q:4 its need. Discuss general
and explain the life time of a
(a) Define reliability and reliability function. Obtain these when
Derive the hazard rate
(6) Weibull distribution.
component follows normal distribution. Derive

Let t be the lifetime

of a product following
) are unknown.
ofR(t),when H and o
expression for MLE
the following:
Q:5 Write notes on any two of
and parallel systems.
(a) Reliability of series
(b) Run theory.
c) Multiple sampling plan.
(d) ISO 9000: 2000.

M.Sc.(Applied Statistics) Semester I
Subject: AppliedExamination
Statistics November
ination November - 2013
01 -

Paper: MAS-104:
Time: 3 Hours]
Instructions: [Total Marks: 70

(1) Name of the Examination:

Seat No:
M.Sc.(Applied Statistics) Scmester-1
2013 Examination, Nov.
Subject name
Signature of student
Suh.Code: 1101
(2) Attempt all questions.
3) Each question carries 14 marks.
(3) Figures on the right indicate marks for
each question.
Q-1 Attempt any two of the following: [14]
(a) Delineate the main tools for statistical quality control. Also set control limits for mean
(b) What is the theme behind the use of R-chart in statistical quality control? Explain tne
statistical basis for constructing R-chart.
(c) Write detailed note on CUSUM chart.

Q-2 Attempt any two of the following: [14

(a) Write in detail the concept of total quality management.
(b) Discuss the role of strategic management of Quality in an organization.
(c)Write detailed note on ISO: 9000-2000.

0-3 Attempt any two of the following: [14]

(a) Write detail note on variable sampling plan for upper specification limit.
(b) Define producer's risk and consumer's risk. Delineate operating characteristic (OC)
curve of a sampling plan.
()Explain Sequential sampling plan for attribute in detail.

Q-4 Attem any two of the following: [14]

(a) Derive the reliability function, hazard rate, mean and variance when the lifetime of
component follows normal distribution.
(b) Define reliability and need of theory of reliability. Explain reliability function and hazard
function of Weibull distribution.
(c) Discuss the need of censoring a sample. Derive estimator of R(t) for failure censored
sample without Replacement, where t is lifetime of a product which follows
exponential distribution.

Q-5 Write detailed notes on any two of the following: [14]

(a) Types of Acceleration Tests.
(b) Run theory.
c) Productivity verses quality.
(d) Double sampling plan.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * k* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

M.Sc.(Applied Statistics) Semester I Examination November - 2 i 01

Subject: Applied Statisties ym

P'aper: MAS-104: IndustrialStatistics Total Marks: 70
Time: 3 Hours]
I n s t r u c t i o n s :

Scat No:
Name ofthe Examination
M.Sc.Applicd Statistics) Semester I Examination,
Nov 201 Signature of student
Subject name

Paper MAS 104: Industrial Statistics

Sub.Code: 1101

2)Attenmpt allquestions.
Each question carries 14 marks.
Figures on the right indicate marks for each question.
0-1 Answer any two of the follgwing:
for o- char.:
K-chart versus 0- chart. How are the control limits set up
(a) Compare
Explain in detail.
one decide the
sample size for fraction defective charts (P-charts)?
(b) How can
Formulate control limits for P-chart.
the Shewhart control charts interpreted to draw meaningful conclusions?
(c) How can

Explain Run theory.

0-2 following:
Answer any two of the
measurements in TQM.
Define different types of quality costs and their
(a) of productivity.
(b) Explain in detail: Leverage
detailed the concept of Total Quality Management.
(c) Write in
Answer any two of the following:
plan for attribute in detail.
(a) Explain sequential sampling the curves to understand
by attributes. Also derive
(b) Explain double sampling plan
its efficiency. variables. Also explain
Discuss the procedure for single sampling by sampling by
(c) with one-sided specification.
unknown- sigma single sampling plan
Q-4 Answer any two of the following.
function. Also explain reliability of parallel system.
(a) Define reliability and survival
distribution of a component.
Distribution as a lifetime
(b) Discuss Lognormal distribution.
for two parameter Exponential
(e) Derive MLE and UMVUE of R(1)

of the following: 14
Q-5 Write detail note on any two
(a) Types of Accelerated test
(b) CUSUM Chart
(e) Single sampling plan
(d) ISO 9000. ***************************** ******k *******
4HH *** 4 * * * * * *** *** ***
M.Sc. (Applied Statistics)
Internal Examination, September-2012
Paper: MAS: 103
Sampling Techniques
Exam Date: 22-09-2012
Time: 2 hours
Total marks: 50
. Attempt all questions.
2. Figures on the right side of cach question indicate marks for the question.
Q-1(a) Define the following terms with example.
) Population (ii) Sample
i) Strata (iv) Cluster
(b) Attempt any two of the following
i For SRSWOR show that E(s) =
ii usual notation prove
that, V(y,)» SV(y,), s V(y)
Iii Describe the advantages of stratified random
of allocating a sampling. What are the various method
sample in stratified sampling?
Q-2(a) Define the following töms.
) Parameter ii) Statistic
i) S.s.U iv) Non-sampling errors.
(b) Attempt any two of the following
i Describe the types of systematic
ii In usual notations, prove that the
systematic sample mean is more
précise than the
of asimple random sample if and only if Sy > S*.
li Discuss the estimation of
population mean when clusters are equal and size. unequal
Q-3 Attempt any two of the following
(a) Discuss applications of different sampling schemes.
(b) What is the rationale behind the use of ratio
method of estimation? Show that under
certain conditions, even though it is a biased
unit estimator. estimator, it is better than the mean per
(c) What is the rationale behind the use of product method of estimation? Obtain its
to the first order of MSE
than the mean per unit
approximation. Derive the condition under which it will be better
Q-4 Write a detail note on any of the
i Linear regression estimator with predetermined b
i Cluster sampling scheme
iii Data collection for the agricultural surveys
iv Data collection procedure for postal traffic surveys
M.Sc. (Applicd Stalistics)
Semester-1 Ekamination, Nov./ Dec. 2011

Subject code: 4594

I n s t r u c t i o n

1. Attempt all questions.

2. Each question carries 14 marks.
Answer ANY TWO from each Question.
4. Follow uSual notations.

Define sQC. Distinguish between process Control and proaut
write different types of vriation exists in production proc ? Explain
in detail.
control limits setup for tnean chart and R-chart ld
}-HOw are the write
snOud when

ormalute control limits for P-chart and np- chart. Also

C control charts for fraction defective be constructed'?

a Wrte in detail the concept of quality management. in derall.

0:2 quality
(6) Differentiate between service quality and product system.
Write detailed note ISO 9000:2000.quality
on management

Also explain its

curve and
Discuss single sampling plan for attribute. acceptance, Also
Q:3 a double sampling plan for attribute
and its probability of
b) Explain sampling plan.
Write difference between
Double sampling, plan and Multiple
variable. Also explain
Discuss the procedure for single sampling
plan by
(c) plan with one- sided specification.
unknown -sigma single sampling

in Reliability.
:4 (a) Explain briefly the Series System as a lifetime distribution of
a component.
Discuss Lognormal of R(t) for failure
the need of censoring sample. Derive is
a which
where t lifetime of a product
wihout Replacement,
censored sample
follows exponential distribution.

Write short note on any TWO.

Q:5 Acceleration Tests.
(1) Types of
(2) Run theory. attribute.
plan for
(3) Sequential sampling
(4) CUSUM chart.
-----w=o.-~- *******"**
Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat
M.Sc.. (Applied Statistics))
Semester Examination, Nov./Dec. '2008
Paper:MAS -104
Subject : Statistical Quality Control and Reliability

Total Marks:70



information in your answer book


(1) '08
Name ofthe Examination M.SC. (Appl. Stat.) Sem.-1, Nov/ Dec.

Paper No. MAS-104

Name of the Subject and Reliakility

Statistical Quality Control

Subject Code Number

Seat No.
Dec. '08
Student's Signature M.Sc. (Appl. Stat.) Sem.- 1, Nov/

carry 14 marks
(2) All questions
all questions
B) Answer notations
(4) Follow
control ? How control an quality
What is the meaning of
Q1 (a) What is meaning of quality?
industrial organization?
is maintained in any
their purpose.
(6) Explain X and a charts. Also explain
chart and u chart. When you will use
basis for constructing c
Q1 (a) Explain the statistical
c-chart and u-chart?
on CUSUM chart,
(b) Write a detailed note

and its benefits.

Q,2 (a) Explain the concept of TQM costs.
different views of quality
(b) Explain in detail OR

Q.2 Explain in detail: Leverage of

(a ISO 9000: 2000quality
management systerns.
(b) Write detailed note on

.3 Define: reliability, survival

function. Also explain reliability of systems.
(a follows pdf
If lifetime of a component
ea, B0, t20
f) ßt
find mean lite time for this linear Hazard functior and its
Find Hazard function. Also
Q3 Discuss in detail, the general formulization f theory of relithili.
(b) ftis faihre time of an item then aiscuss briefly various for
ns afn
MLE's and UMVUE's d. And R(t) tor exponential distributians d.f.of t.
ofan item is . ere mear lifeso gve
Q4 (a Diecuss the procedure for single sampling by variable.
single sampling plan with one-sided specification. Also 2xnlain
(6) Explain double sampling plan for attribute and its
proba of
acceptanc2, A0Qarand
Q4 (a) Explain sequential sampling plan by attribute in
(b) Write single sampling plan for attribu in dettail
AOQ for single sampling plan? detail. How will you compute ASN, ATIa
Q5 Write ANY TWO of the
Types of Acceleration Tests
(i) Run Theory
(i) Need of Censored
(iv) O.C. Curve
Veer Namad South Gujarat Iniversity, Surat.
M.Sc. (Applied Statistics)
Semester- Examination, Nov. /Dec. '2007.
Paper: MAS-104
Subject Statistical Quality Control and RellaDin
Subject code:
Total Marks:70
1) Fil the following
information in your answer book
Name of the Examination:M.SC. (Appl. Stat.) Sem-,Nov.E 07.

IL.Paper No MAS-104
II. Name of the subject and Reliability_
Statistical Quality Control
V. Subject Code No.

V.Seat No.
VI. Studene's signature

2) All Questions carry 14 marks each.

3) Answer all questions.
4) Follow usual notations.

Q:1 a) Define the following:

() Specification limit Gi) Control limits

(i) confidence limits (iv) Tolerance limits.

control charts for mean and range

b) Explain the basis and working of

with suitable example.


Q:1 a) Explain the statistical basis

for constructing p and np charts. When you
will use p and np chars?

Differentiate between the terms

defest and defective giving suitable

Q:2 a) Differentiate between quality management and technology
c o s t s
their urement.
m e a s ,

d i f f e r e n t



m a n a g e m e

on uality managem
note total
Write a

function for Weibu

p h i l o s o p h y

2 a ) hazard
detail C o m p u t e

b) Expla




3 a)
of double samiplin
double planes for


b) D

attributes OR

normal stribution.

for Log
Obtain attributes.

Q:3 a) for
Explain single density
functiorr of
fur ife
life tim
time as a
b) probability
ression n.
Obtain en that if hazard functicn is
Q:4 a) Hence
function of
model is
c o n s t a n t then
the life

Define the following
I. Producer's risk
I. Consumer's risk


Failure rate. Derive reliability functicn and

Define the terms: Reliability,
Q:4 a)
MTBF for the gamma

verses double sampling plansi.

b) Discuss single sampling plans

Q:5 Write notes on any two of the following

() Strategic quality management

(ii) Service quality and product quality
(ii) CusUM charts
(iv) O. C. curve


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