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svpued ‘atistics) Semester e [Total Marks: 70 Time: 3 Hours] Name ofthe Examine 0 ¢ Examinatio nm Seat No: Subject name Signature of student ——— (2) Attempt all questions, (3) Each question carries 14 marks, Fi A a: (4) Attempt any two bits out of three bits given in each question, Q-I(a) Date i following terms with example: ') Population (ii) Sample (ii) Sampling error (iv) Non-sampling error (¥) Precision (vi) Sampling design (vii) Census (b) Discuss varlous methods of data collection in different fields, (©) Write the differences between sampling and census Q2(a)_Derive probability of drawing sample and drawing unit by i) SRSWOR and ii) SRSWR. (b) A sample size n is selected by SRSWOR from a population of size N, to estimate the population total. Suggest an unbiased estimator. Derive expression of its variance and an unbiased estimator of variance under population total. In stratified random sampling, how will you decide about the number of strata into which the population should be stratified? Also prove that stratified mean is an unbiased estimator of population mean and find its variance. € Q3(a) Prove that the systematic sample mean is more efficient than the mean per unit estimator based on SRSWOR. ; ; : ; Discuss merits and demerits of two stage sampling technique. Estimate population mean. Also derive variance of estimate of population mean, ; : If the population consists of linear trend, then make comparison between variances of estimate of population mean under SRSWOR and under systematic sampling, (D () f . ; 2 Fe ar een Q4 mn estimator for finite population mean, when b is estimated on the basis of u a eta eaciple drawn without replacement. Compare its efficiency with that of ratio estimator, after obtaining required expressions. it i io estimator. | i (¢) e cluster the population mean and discuss its merits and demerits. Pay, Va), S?. State the main drawback ‘mean per unit es! 4 (©) Write a detailed note on cluster sampling. i, i=1, 2,....N prove that (a) In the presence of linear trend, Y, Var(¥,)< Varl7,,)< Vat(Fugn). (®) Explain the data collection procedure for a public opinion survey for Surat city about coming election () When does the product ~~~ estimator? Derive the con results. estimator perform better than thi dition. @ mean per y after obtaining required expressions, (©) Write a detailed note on determination of sample size. ee ; M.Sc. (Applied Statistics) Semester: | Examination, Oct. / Nov., 2016 Paper: MAS:103 Sub.: Sampling Techniques ATKT Ags. 20)> Time: 3 Hours] [Total Marks: 70 Instructions: ‘Name of the Examination MSc. (Applied Statistics), Sem:1, Oct/Nov., 2016 | Subject name i Seat No: I ‘MAS: 103: Sampling Techniques Signature of student Subject Code: 2) Attempt all questions (3) Allquestions carry 14 marks each. (4) Answer any two bits out of given three in each question. 1. @) Define a sampling technique. Discuss applications of different sampling techniques with suitable examples. (b) Discuss the estimation of population mean under SRSWR. (© Discuss merits and demerits of sample survey and complete enumeration. (@) Why do we need stratification? Explain the-method of getting a stratified random sample. Show that stratified mean is an unbiased estimator of the {tion mean. Also derive its variance expression. (©) Inusual notations show that V(F..)y S*. tion of sample size, ‘Or perform better than the Mean pe estimator? Derive the Condition, re for a Sociological Survey, M.Se.( Applied Statistics): Semester: I Sub.: MAS-103:Sampling Techniques Nov (pec - 201 Time: 3 Hours] [Total Marks: 70 Instructions: t Name of the Examination Seat Ne | MSc. (Applied Statistics) Sem-1 [ Subject name: MAS-103: Sampling Techniques Signature of student sub. Code TTF] > (2) Attemptall questions. (3) Each question carries 14 marks. (4) Answer any two out of the three bits given in each question. (5) Draw the figure and give example wherever necessary, Q-1(i) What is sampling? Discuss the merits and demerits of sample survey against complete enumeration, i) Discuss main steps of sample survey. (ii) Discuss estimation of population total under SRSWOR. Q-2{i) Discuss applications of different sampling schemes, giving practical examples. (ii) A sample of size n is selected by SRSWR from a population of size N. Show that the sample proportion is an unbiased estimator of the population proportion. Also obtain /(p) and an unbiased estimator of V(p). (ii) Explain stratified sampling, What is the problem of allocation? Discuss proportional and Neyman’s allocations used to allocate the sample size to different strata. Q.3(i) In usual notations show that /(¥,)y $V Fu)p § VG, ses a Define systematic sampling. Explain the difference between a ie sampling (tss) ‘and circular systematic sampling (CSS) xis, Discuss estimation of population mean under LSS. {is it needed to obtain variance of systematic mean in terms of correlation coefficient? Hence draw the condition under which it ‘efficient than mean per unit estimator based on SRSWOR, ‘duster sampling, Following usual notations for equal sized hat cluster mean is an unbiased estimator of the population Page 1 of 2 ~ )_N-nNM-1 mean and its variation is Ga)==" A SH(+ (ip), Where is intra-class correlation coefficient. (ii) Write a detailed note on two stage sampling, (iii) Explain the rationale behind the use of auxili Variable xX, Positively correlated to the character under study. Construct the ratio stimator for population total based on a SRSWOR sample. O} btain its bias ipproximation, is the rationale bel; the use of Obtain MSE fo, the o eroduct method of estimaty mean, Detive the cor qn aut estimator di ane estimation? condi a porimate the population Unit estimator Mon under which win pe the mean per POOR RI M.Sc. (Applied Statistics) Semester: I Examination, Oct,/Nov., 2016 Paper: MAS-103 Sub.:- Sampling Techniques Time: 3 Hours] [Total Marks: 70 Instructions: rn) Seat No: Name of the Examination MS (Applied Sass) Sem 1 Ot, Nou 2016 I name Paper: MAS-103; Sampling Techniques Signature of student Si Atlemptall questions; @)_ Each question carries 14 marks, (4) Answer any two out ofthe three bits given in each question. (6) Draw the figure and give example wherever necessary. QA(i) Explain the following terms with examples a. Population, parameter and Sample b, Sampling Unit and Sampled unit ¢. Probabilistic and Non-probabilistic sampling, (ii) Discuss main steps of a sample survey. (iii) Write a detailed note on determination of sample size. Q2(i) Discuss applications of different sampling schemes, giving practical nis selected by SRSWOR from a population of size N, to tion total. Suggest an unbiased estimator. Derive ‘ance and an unbiased estimator of variance. ‘sampling, What is the problem of allocation? Discuss ‘sallocations in detail, 2-1) Petine systematic sampling. Explain the difference between I ‘stematic sampling methods. Discuss systematic sampling over the linear , advantages of the cirey linear systematic sampling. (ii) Why is it needed to obtain variance of circular sy: systematic mea: Ss correlation coefficient? Hence draw the itis more intrac] mn in terms condition under wh ‘n Per unit estimator based on SRSWOR lata collection procedure for a demographic survey, efficient than me; (ii) Explain the d, Q4(i) Explain cluster sampling. Fi ollowing usual notations for clusters show that cluster me; ‘an is equal size an unbiased estimator of the Populatio, mean and its v, ¥@,) ariation is Po iS intraclass Correlation coefficient, Ci) Write a detaited note (ii) Explain the MSc. (Applied Statistics) Semester: | Examination, Oct. / Nov., 2015 Paper: MAS:103 ‘ Sub.: Sampling Techniques Time: 3 Hours] [Total Marks: 70 | Instructions: Name of the Examination p Tass. Applied Statistics, Sem:l, Oct/Nov. 2015 | : 0) | [se it a Sei oer 5 | san Subject name | | MAS: 103: Sampling Techniques : oy | subject Cote: [7s] (2) Attempt all questions | @) All questions carry 14 marks each. (4) Answer any two bits out of given three in each question. 1. (a) Discuss main steps of a sample survey. (0) Discuss advantages and disadvantages of the following sampling schemes: @) Simple random sampling (ii) Stratified random sampling (iii) Systematic sampling () Explain the estimation of population proportion under study when the sample is selected as per SRSWOR- 2. (a) Why do we need stratification? Explain the procedure of selecting a stratified Wy do we nad rt popuaion of ae N. Deo te ain gssions 2°° answered before we do the stratification. ’ . (b) ancwere es of allocation? Discos proportions and NEN allocations in detail. i (0) Write a detailed note on sample size determination. 3. (@ Why iti to obtain variance of systema 2 Be eect? Hence di condition under which it is more efficient than mean per unit estimator of linear trend, Yi= i, 31, Dan powell Nab Seva) =v oe ee © 4. (a) (b) © 5. (a) (©) — ili i duct estimator for Populatic i xiliary variable. Construct the product 4 cone an SRSWOR sample. Obtain its bias and variance to the fj order of approximation. When does the product estimator perform better than the mean Per unit estimator? Derive the condition. Write a detailed note on data collection procedure for market Tesearch g Discuss cluster sampling in detail. Write a detailed note on Ratio estimator. Write a detailed note on Two stage sampling. Write a detailed note on data collection procedure for a Health survey, ee MSc A; PPlied Statist: Semester: I Examination, October ty ib Paper: MAS-ig3,“™Der-2014 | Sub.:- Sampling Techniques sime:3 Hours] [Total Marks: 79 Instructions: 0 (_ Name of the Examination | [MSs (Applic Statisties}Sem.1 Oct ov, anny Subject name: MASI108: Sampling Techniques ‘Sub. Code U | Seat No: Signature of student S 2) Attempt all questions, G)_ Each question carries 14 marks, (4) Answer any two out of the Unree bits given in each question, (5) Draw the figure and give exa unple wherever necessary. Q4() Define sampling errors and non-sampling errors, Discuss their importance for a sample survey. How can we control these errors in a survey? (ii) Explain data collection procedure for a survey of agricultural production. (iii) Discuss different methods to get a simple random sample. Why do we always prefer SRSWOR to SRSWR scheme? Justify your answer with appropriate arguments and derivations. ‘Q2{i) Discuss applications of different sampling schemes, giving practical examples. ; . (ii) A sample of size n is selected by SRSWR from a population of size N. ‘Show that the sample mean is an unbiased estimator of the population ‘mean, Also obtain the variance and an unbiased estimator of variance Page 1 of 2 of the sample mean. ee ane thod of getting a stratified random samp! a iii) Explain the method Of § B 7 re face, when we adopt stratified random sampling the problems we face, What are the solutions to them? ‘ al notations prove that stratified mean is an unbiased in s e. estimator of the population mean and find its varianet Q.3(i) Discuss Neyman’s allocation and optimum allocation. (ii) Write a detailed note on two stage sampling technique. (iii) Write a detailed note on sample size determination. Q-4(i) What is systematic sampling? When it will be useful. If N=nk where k is a positive integer, show in usual notations that the mean of a systematic sample is more efficient that the mean of a sample random sample if, S? > §?, i) Explain the rationale behind the use of auxili i Fi Grehied 1 the dame Saas ee X, negatively estimator for population total based on a aie ican bias and variance to the first. order of aj imati eae 'PProximation, (i) Explain the data collection Procedure for a market r ‘esearch survey, after obtaining requ Tequired 7 (ii) What is the rati SPressions, M.Sc.( Applied Statistics) | Semester: I Examination, Nov/Dec.,2013 | Paper: MAS-103 Sub.:- Sampling Techniques time: 3 Hours] [Total Marks: 70 Instructions: Q) Seat No: Name of the Examination I MSc. (Applied Statistics) Sem Nov. /Dec.,-2013 Subject name: Paper: MAS-1C3: Sampling Techniques Signature of student (2) Attempt all questions. @) Fach question carries 14 marks. (4) Answer any two out of the three bits given in each question. (6) Draw the figure and give example wherever necessary. Q-1(i) Explain the following terms with examples a. Population and Sample b. Sampling Unit and Sampled unit c. Probabilistic and Non-probabilistic sampling. Discuss main steps of a sample survey. a detailed note on determination of sample size. applications of different sampling schemes, giving practical )y nO systematic mean ae a efficient? Hence draw the condition under which it is more efficient than mean Per unit estimator based on SRSWOR. approximation. ii) Explain the data collection procedure for a public opinion survey, Q-5(i) Explain the data collection Procedure to conduct a postal Survey, Gi) Define regression estimator with Pre-assigned by for finite Population ‘mean. Compare its efficiency with that of mean Per unit estimator, Paper: MAS: , sae * MAS:103 Subject:- Sampling Techniques Time: 3 Hours] Instructions: [Total Marks: 70 Name of the Examination Seat No:- MSc. (Applied St sabjee Nae Sem Now 201 ] LOTT Sub. Code 4]s]9 Paper: MAS-103: Sampling Techniques 3] Signature of student (2) Attempt all questions 3) All questions carry 14 marks each. (4) Answer any two bits out of given three in each question. Q1:@) ) © Q2:@) ) © Explain following terms with suitable examples: i. Probabilistic sampling and non-probabil ii, Sampling error and Non-sampling error iii. | Sampling distribution and standard error Discuss the estimation of population mean when the sample has been drawn by SRSWR. Discuss the allocation problem in stratified random sampling in detail. In usual notations prove that, V(y, )v $ V(V.)e $VG,), Define systematic sampling. Explain the difference between linear and circular systematic sampling methods. Discuss advantages of the circular systematic sampling over the linear systematic sampling How does the regression estimator differ from the difference estimator? Derive the sampling variance of the ‘regression estimator to the Es : ob expressions of the Bias and ‘cai first order approximation. Show that the approximate variance of the Page 1 of2 ator le or equal to Vv A tor is always less than or equal Vv(y,)and V (Fx) estim Q23:(a) Write a detailed note on cluster sampling technique, ©) © Explain the data collection procedure for a health survey Explain the data collection procedure for a postal survey. Q:4:(a) Assuming, N = nk, where k is a positive integer, show that the systematic si 's an unbiased estimator of the population mean. Obtain the variance of the sample mean in terms of the intraclass correlation coefficient. Compare the ¢ of the systematic sample mean with the sample mean under SRSWOR. Define PSU and SSU. Suggest an unbiased estimator of population total 1 PSU's are of same size and SRSWOR is used at both the stages of a ty sampling scheme. Discuss merits and dem 0) erits of two stage sampling technique (©) Write a detailed note on determination of, sample size, 5a) Discuss the main steps of a sample survey, (©) Explain different types of errors which Veer Narmad South Guj: jujarat Universit acso¥ aaa etietcs) eaesinose toa Semester-| Examination Nov/Dec-2009 Paper: MAS-103 Subject:- Sampling Techniques gwiotcote [514] 8] 5] Time: 3 hours Total Marks : 70 instuctions= )_ Filthe folowing information in your answer book | Name of the Examination 1, Paper No. i, Name of the subject \v. Subject Code Seat No. VI Student's signature 2) Answer all questions M.Sc. (Appl. Stat.) Sem.-l, Nov/Dec 2009 MAS-103 ‘Sampling Techniques | ene 3 3) Figures on the right indicate marks of the question 4) Follow usual notations. Q1(@) Explain the following terms:- (ji) Parameter and statistics (ii) Sampling. unit and sampling frame (iii) Strata and Cluster (6) Explain the estimation of population proportion scheme Q-(@)_ Explain the following terms:- (@ Population and sample (i) PSU and SSU (ii) Sampling distribution and standard error (0) Give merits and demerits of sample survey over compl (4) Q2) Write short notes on Agricultural survey OR ‘under SRSWR and SRSWOR 18) oR 1} ete enumeration. [8] Q2@2) Write short notes on (i) Road traffic suniey aa 052) For SRSWOR show a ee! of health. 7 QA=7 MO-R™ 7 () Discuss sampling methods. Oa) (b) Q-A(a) (b) O-4(a) (b) Q-5(a) (b) Q-5(a) (b) OR ion ? Show that uns stimator. Fait Discuss Regression e f estimation ‘ it is better than th What is the rational behind the use of rati¢ tl SoD under certain conditions, even through it is a biased estimator, mean per unit estimator. In usual notations prove that, Vv. Explain Stratified random sampling. Deseribe a situati random sampling is advantageous. Dan VO) gap SYP wor ion under which Stratified OR Explain Cluster sampling. Write detail note on main steps of sample survey. Obtain an unbiased estimator of population mean for Stratified random sampling Discuss product estimator. In two-stage i i Te ige sampling scheme given first stage units of equal sizes, prove that an unbiased estimator of V(y) = 124.92 4 LU=A) oo (y) 52 2! 92. mu where f, moh at For a systematic sampling, es ipling, in usual notati 5 Vy, )= Nl k(n tation prove that, B g? 20-1) 6 N way N Veer Nar mad South Gujarat University, Surat Semester . MSA Pplied Statistics) Examination, rel Subject ew MAS - Levee Uudject: Sam, lin; oe ject Code : § Fechniques e:3 hours struction:- Total Marks : 70 (Fill the following informati Name of the examination peter nc [ML Se. (Appl. Stat MAS - 103 7 — ae Paper no. : Name of the Subject : [Sampling Techniques Subject code no : ECC ARS] Seat no. : [ Student’s signature : (2)Answer all questions, (3)Figures on the right indicate marks of the question. (Follow usual notation. Q-1 (@) Define : (i) Parameters (ii) Sampling distribution (iii) Standard error © (b) Explain advantages and limitations of sampling over complete enumeration 8) OR Qu (@) Define : (i) Statistics (ii) Strata (fii) $.8.U. © (b) Describe the statistical package for the social sciences. 8) Q2 (@ Explain the principal steps in a sample ae (4) Q2(@) Write Short notes: (i) | Demographic Surveys. ie (ii) Employment and unemployment surveys. ie 3 (@ For SRSWOR show that @MEG=Y Gi) v= s "eg (b) Discuss simple random sampling OR sion estimat yeekly family income (x oO a forte given table the numberof persons), ec eee farsiles Sires © he wee expenditure on fd i eee Estimate eed intended only to i mlent Shee jie rete pee o from the eae food per person (iii) the percentage of the in spent di ea a Sener cerca ee 9 [10 [ir ° RAE FAD eI No. 1 2]3 3 7a neanl aa 5 i Sze [273 [3 [5 pee) 2 | 88 [79 83 | 62 | 6s Income | 62 | 62 | 87 | 65 | 58] 5. @ | es Food cast [14.3208 |22.7] 305] 412] 282] 243] 301 D4 44.47 13.4] 198 y) L = = (To be continue...) Rage : #2 2-4 (a) In Stratified random sampling, how Will you decice about the number of strata into which the population should be stratified? (3) (©) A population of size 800is divided in ns Stata. Their sizes and standard devietions are given below : 0) Sarl gt | SD. } wea ‘ 8 12 Fitatifed random sample of size 120 ig tobe drawn from the ‘The sizes of samples form the three t Population. Determine Strata in case of (i) Proporti F (i) Neyman’s opt ion. Explain why the stratum sample sizes are different in two cases, Pt ™¥m allocation +4 (@) In usual notations prove t ‘ Bat as SVP any SVP), (10) (©) Obtain an unbiased estimator of, Population mean for stratified random sampling. @ (25 (@) Explain cluster sampling o | (b) For systematic sampling, prove that @ 4 VWVy) = OR In two-stage sampling, prove that jy = tafige —filt vy) == Ss min . The following data are for small artificial population which exhibits a fairly steady q) rising trend. Each column represents a systematic sample and the rows are the strata compare the precision of systematic sampling, random sampling, and stratified sempling, Data for 5 systematic samples with n=3, k=5, Nenke15 0) m =fids2 , where f, = et, m Strata 1 1 1 ctf 8 tty 15

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