Paper 101, Basic Mathematics & Probability Theory, Old Paper Set

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N M.Sc. (Applied Statist . Paper: ; istics) Semester I Examination ‘aper: MAS-101: Basic Mathematics and Elements of Probability Theory (New) Time: 3 Hours) - Instructions: [Total Marks: a ‘Name of the Examination Seat No: MSc Applied Statsitis)-Seml Subject name Signe of tent Paper: MAS 101: Basic Mathematics and Elements of Probabitity Theory (New) Sub. Code: —_—— Q) Attempt all questions, (3) Each question carries 14 marks. (4) Attempt any two bits out of three bits given in each question. Que-I a) Define following terms: i) ‘Orthogonal Matrix v) Inverse of a Matrix ii) Upper triangular Matrix i) Singular Matrix ‘Skew-Symmetric Matrix ) Rank ofa Matrix iv) Eigen Value of a Matrix b) Using properties of determinant show that: 11d x y z| ie» 4 fx y =|=0-2)@-x)-yety+2) abrtz 3ytx 3ety=[z x x? y? 2) y z x| bz 4 %» 1a[ i 7} then prove that A?= 4A 1 2 0 2)IfA=]2 1 —I}, then prove that A’-3A?-A+91=0. 1H -1 1 Que-2.a) Prove that : ie ea n 2) Par +r"? GD! (GFN! (a+)! b) 1. State and prove Bayes theorem. of 12, 13, Jiers X, Y and Z supply items to an establishment in proporti : ; mei waiealet Of the items supplied by X, Y and Z, 5%, 6% and 8% respectively an $n item is taken at random from the lot and is found to be \d to be defective. At n t a n fe What is the probability that itis supplied by i) supplier X and i) supplier 2. 1d Es denotes the events that the js fired from each of the three guns. E1, Ea, an s ar rahe a the first, second and third gun respectively. If P(E,)=0.5, P(E,)=0.6 and re ‘08 and E}, Ex, Es are independent events Find the probability that ea aT xacly one hit is registered i) At Teast one itis registered Page 1 of 2 Scanned with CamScanner Que-3 a) b) Que-4 a) b) Que-5 a) b) 9 2, Given that P(A)=1/3, P(B)=1/4 and P(AIB)=1/6. Find the probability of i) P@BIA) and ii) POBIA’). Evaluate dy/dx for 2 x Lf 3) =. 2) ye[x+ Tope yy eis iy 1) Evaluate (4) 7 +P UE) pe 2) Prove that de = 0 34x) 2 1 cost functions of a firm are: R=21x-x2, C=x'/3-3x"-7x+16, where x The total revenue an denotes the output. Calculate the output at which: 1) Total revenue is maximum. 2). Total cost is minimum. Prove following 3 1) 1-2-3423 42 b4 Stock m(nt (042) = MCADOO), are(ied}e(-d4) +2(n-1) Define Geometric Progression. In usual notations derive sum of first n terms of Geometric series. Also derive: 16+1 16+616#31116+..... up to n terms. Derive Newton Raphson method. Using this solve x°+3x"-3=0. 1. Derive Newton’s backward difference interpolation formula y = f(x). 2. From the following table of yearly premiums for policies maturing at quinquential ages, estimate the premiums for policies maturing at the ages 46 years. Age | 45 | 50 | 55 | 60 | 65 Premium | 2.871 | 2.404 [2.083 | 1.862 | 1.712 1. Using Newton’s divided difference formula, derive logiox if x=9. x I 3 4 8 10 13 logiox_[ 0.0000 | 0.4771 | 0.6021 | 0.9031 | 1.0000 | 1.1139 2. Ity=-L, find the divided differences [a,b,c x 1 State the general quadrature formula for equidistant ordinates for integration and hence derive Simpson’s 1/3 rule. 2. Find the value of fx? log.rdr by taking 4 strips. (use Trapezo‘dal rule) 3 ERE rer ReeenenES | | Page 2 of 2 Scanned with CamScanner — . a \ sine Wass MSc. (Applied Statistics): Semester-I N 'ub.: MAS:101: Basie Mathematics and Elements of Probability Theory ; ATKT - 5 Time: 3 Hours] ‘ retool [Total Marks: 70 Instructions: Codes Ino5 a ‘Name of the Examination Seat No: _|_MSe. (Appl. Stat)Semn.-1 = ame Signature of student Basic Mathematics and Elements of Probability Theory @) Attempt all questions (3) All questions carry 14 marks each. (4) Answer any two bits out of given three in each question. 1. @)_ Define following terms: (@_ Scalar matrix Gi) Unit Matrix (ii) Rank of Matrix (iv) Upper Triangular Matrix (vy) Skew-Symmetrie Matrix (vi) Orthogonal Matrix (vii) Characteristic roots (b) Using properties of determinant show that: e+ Zz x x y zx y [Fdxyz Zz z x+y 12 3 ( BAq|O ~1 ~3] then accepting A2-12A-13IF0, find AT, 302 4 2. (@ (0) In usual notation prove that P (AUB) = P (A) + P (B) - P (ANB) and hence deduce the formula for P (AUBUC). (1 *C,_ gi "Cp: ya = 3 (b) (1) State and prove Bayes’ theorem. (i) There are 7 men and some women in certain group. The probability of selecting 2 : 5 then find the values of r and n. women isk. ‘Then find the number of women in this group. i © or p= i P(B) 3 and P(AUB) “4 then find P(A/B') andP(A'/B'). _(U) For two invents A and B, P(A) = 0.4, P(AUB)= 0.7 and P(B) = p. (i) For what choice ofp are A and B mutually exclusive? (ii) For what choice of p are A and B independent? Page 1 of 2 Scanned with CamScanner ——profitat ne 25-uni ir tters of the distinct words can be formed by aa al the letter ” ‘aloving woes? (1) BENEFIT (2) STATIS’ 28-16 ee ea Ae) ») lim andi) im. ee ae ‘and venue structure i examined its cost and revenue s| re a @ Rey Find the production unit x that will maximiz« e as C=100+0.015x? a the profit. Also fj ii) Ifx=5+2P" then find elast ' . i mn nel : Evaluate: i) [2x°e" de and it) [(ax")'x"™ ae a 4. (a) Evaluate dy/dx ~) i) x4y-3xy-0 pi eri Da (b) Find: 1+(142)+(14243) mH... tn) 22+) eW. Also derive Define power series and prove hat? =D" pew, Als PZB 420-20, 5 @ @ From the following able find®*¥, 2012 [2013 [2014 | 2015 | 2016] i 46 | 66 | 81 | 93 | 101 3 (Gi) Using Lagrange’s method, find the value of Y when x =8 from the following data X[5 [9 ary | ¥ [121173 [ 25} 16 | (b) (i If = then find the divided differences 1,2, 5, 6]. Gi) By using a Suitable interpolation formula, find the value of y for x = 2 from the following information, j TIT sat 4 Zl 8{ 34) 71393 | ©) (i State the general uadra <5 ———L_< yt} G)B=&Y =6} (i)C-fx<¥} aa ntay ay m-l\_ IL. Provethat ("7 y+ c -1) =(7) Si rove Baye’s t eorem. ; : ‘ “ : ae 2P(A, iv P(Aj|4a)= 04, find the following probabilities: - . i ae sath Ax and Az happen, (i) only Az happens iat east one happens. C Beryory there are three machines and they are producing espeetiely 400, 300 "Y £500 units of an item daly. The proportion defectives of hese 200, 300 and Maye, and 3% respectively. An fem © taken at ran machines are 2% 4%, and 0S "found to be defective. 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