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Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Teknik 2
Jur./Prodi. : Elektro / Teknik Listrik
Semester / Kelas : Dua / 2 LA & 2 LB
Waktu : 100 Menit
Dosen Pengampu : Dra Sri Endah Kusmartini, M.Pd.
Sifat ujian : Tutup Buku

Name : Muhammad Rizky

Class : 2LB
NPM : 062130310869

I. Read the passage and answer the questions! (Score: 30%)

Electrical injury is a physiological reaction caused by electric current passing through
the body. The injury depends on the density of the current, tissue resistance and duration of
contact. Very small currents may be imperceptible or produce a light tingling sensation. A
shock caused by low and otherwise harmless current could startle an individual and cause
injury due to jerking away or falling. Stronger currents may cause some degree of discomfort
or pain, while more intense currents may induce involuntary muscle contractions, preventing
the person from breaking free of the source of electricity. Still larger currents result in tissue
damage and may trigger ventricular fibrillation or cardiac arrest. Injuries from exposure to
electricity may also include amputations, fractures and orthopedic and musculoskeletal
injuries. If death results from an electric shock the cause of death is generally referred to as
Electric injury occurs upon contact of a body part with electricity that causes a
sufficient current to pass through the person's tissue. Contact with energized wiring or
devices is the most common cause. In cases of exposure to high voltages, such as on a power
transmission tower, direct contact may not be necessary as the voltage may "jump" the air
gap to the electrical device.
Following an electrical injury from household current, if a person has no symptoms,
no underlying heart problems, and is not pregnant further testing is not required. Otherwise,
an electrocardiogram, blood work to check the heart, and urine testing for signs of muscle
breakdown may be performed.
Management may involve resuscitation, pain medications, wound management, and
heart monitoring. Resuscitation is the process of correcting physiological disorders (such as
lack of breathing or heartbeat) in an acutely ill patient. It is an important part of intensive care
medicine, trauma surgery and emergency medicine. Well known examples are
cardiopulmonary resuscitation and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Electrical injuries affect
more than 30,000 people a year in the United States and result in about 1,000 deaths.

1. What is an electrical injury?
Electrical injury is a physiological reaction caused by electric current passing through
the body.
2. What does the injury depend on?
The injury depends on the density of the current, tissue resistance and duration of
3. What is electrocution?
If death results from an electric shock the cause of death is generally referred to as
4. What is resuscitation?
Resuscitation is the process of correcting physiological disorders (such as lack of
breathing or heartbeat) in an acutely ill patient.

II. Choose the correct answer! (Score: 30%)

1. The screwdriver is yet another vital item, which is……………….in its uses.
a. dynamic b. dynamite c. dome d. damn
2. The Phillips screwdriver is generally preferable due to its increased……….
a. strength b. strong c. stress d. straight
3. A flat screwdriver is………..for its matching screw types.
a. need b. needed c. needs d. name
4. A torch or a flash is a…………… every home, especially for jobs in dark corners,
under the stairs or in the attic.
a. necessary b. necessity c. nominates d. nomadic
5. A torch or a flash also has its time to……………when there’s a problem with the
a. shining b. shine c. shines d. show
6. When you need to……………..some light on a situation, a good torch is invaluable.
a. throw b. threw c. throwed d. throwing
7. Torches……………….in many shapes, sizes and power.
a. come b. comes c. coming d. came
8. A good hardwearing metal cased torch is always a good………………….
a. invested b. investment c. investing d. invest
9. ……………….a hammer in your shed is a no-brainer!
a. Has b. have c. having d. had
10. A hammer's primary function is to………….items into places such as nails into a
shelf or a wooden garden post into the ground.
a. drive b. drove c. driven d. driving
11. We……………..a hammer with a claw on one end to remove nails.
a. recommends b. recommend c. recommending d. recommended

12. It would be best if you chose a hammer with a………….grip that is a suitable size and
weight for your needs.
a. comfort b. comfortable c. comfortability d. comfortless
13. An………….wrench is a multi-purpose gripping tool, ideal for undertaking various
household tasks.
a. adjusts b. adjustable c. adjusted d. adjust
14. A fixed size wrench is generally………………than its adjustable relation.
a. strong b. stronger c. strongest d. the strongest
15. A fixed size wrench can only be used if the feature that needs to be loosened or
tightened…………the wrench.
a. fits b. fit c. fitting d. fitted
16. Saws tend to come in…………..sizes and shapes and can either be hand powered or
motorized for maximum cutting power.
a. specific b. specifies c. specify d. specification
17. The hand saws are the most common and the …………./most satisfying to use.
a. simple b. simplest c. simpler d. simplified
18. These hand saws are…………for small tasks and wood cutting and, of course, living
out your dream of being a 'proper' lumberjack.
a. idea b. ideal c. idealist d. idealism
19. Jigsaws are great all-purpose saws that are…………….for cutting awkward shapes
like curves but can be used to cut straight lines.
a. perfect b. perfectness c. perfection d. perfecting
20. Circular saws are power…………….which come in cordless or corded varieties.
a. tool b. tools c. tale d. tile
21. …………..circular saws tend to be used for more hardcore cutting like masonry and
metal cutting.
a. this b. these c. that d. them
22. There are also band saws that are…………… a single motor and use a continuous
band to cut through anything (within reason).
a. power b. powered c. powering d. powerless
23. These band saws tend to be…………..for cutting metal, and wood.
a. used b. using c. use d. uses
24. After a dripping tap, is there anything more……………….than a picture or mirror not
hanging straight?
a. annoying b. annoy c. annoyed d. annoys
25. A torpedo level is essential for the……………of anything that needs to be straight or
aligned, e.g., shelves, skirting boards, cupboards, etc.
a. installing b. installed c. installation d. install
26. Having a pair of needle-nose pliers to…………can be of immense value across a
wide variety of common household tasks.
a. handle b. hand c. handsome d. handkerchief
27. Other uses of a pair of needle-nose pliers………………assembling furniture and
holding nails in place while hammering.
a. including b. include c. included d. inclusion

28. A utility knife is………………useful for the swift and precise cutting of light
a. high b. highly c. height d. higher
29. There will always be…………jobs that require a simpler solution than a hand saw or
power tool and this is the solution.
a. cut b. cutting c. cuts d. cool
30. We recommend a……………..utility knife. Retracting the blade when not in use is
safer and also helps maintain the blade.
a. retractable b. retracts c. retractability d. retracted

III. Make a conversation regarding one of the following topics in at least 100 words!
(Score: 40%)
1. What is electricity
2. History of Electricity

Rizky : “Hello Cep, how is your day?”

Cecep : “Hello Rizky, My day was great. What about yours?”
Rizky : “I’m fine too, thanks. what are you busy with today?”
Cecep : “I am now learning about electricity.”
Rizky : “Wow that’s very cool Cep !”
Cecep : “Do you know what electricity is Rizky ?
Rizky : “No I don’t know, Can you explain it to me?”
Cecep : “Of course, Electricity is the set of physical phenomena associated with the presence

and motion of matter that has a property of electric charge. Electricity is related to
magnetism, both being part of the phenomenon of electromagnetism, as described
by Maxwell’s equations. Various common phenomena are related to electricity,
including lightning, static electricity, electric heating, electric discharges and many

Rizky : “Great explanation Cep, I loved to heared that. Thanks for that.”
Cecep : “You’re welcome Rizky, by the way i need to go home first because I need to
continue my homework.”
Rizky : “Oke, see you Cep.”
Cecep : “See you Ky.”

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