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I N F O R M AT I O N &


I C 3 I N T E G R AT E D

Vinod Sharma Bhaugeerutty

Christian Li Luen Ching

Alan Sullivann

Based on the National Curriculum Framework - Lower Secondary

© Copyright, November 2013
Editions Le Printemps Ltd
Vinod Sharma Bhaugeerutty

Published by: ELP Publications
Tel: (230) 696 1017
Fax: (230) 686 7302

Cover design: Al Madani Khodabux

Layout: Razia Suddoo & Rowin Kanakiah
Consultant: Christian Li Luen Ching
Edited by: Alan Sullivann
Special thanks to: D. Ramyead & M. Sobhee
Corrections & IC3 notes: Asraff Fataymamode

Reprinted with IC3: December 2014

December 2015

All rights reserved

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronics, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owners.

ISBN: 978 – 99949 –1 – 118 – 9

Any suggestions are welcome and can be sent to the author at
with cc to the Publisher.
Table of Contents

1 Computer Systems


2 Computer Operations


3 Computer Software


4 Electronic Communication


5 Computer Ethics, Health and Safety


Revision paper 1

Revision paper 2

Revision paper 3

Computer Systems

The following topics are covered in this chapter:

1.1 Computers in our daily life
1.2 Types of computers
1.3 Components of a computer system
1.4 Computer peripherals

After studying this section you should be able to:


a) Demonstrate an understanding of the basic ideas of

computers in our daily life.
b) Describe the various types of computers.
c) Identify the different computer peripherals.
d) Describe the components of a computer system.

1.1 C�������� �� ��� ����� ����

A computer is an electronic machine that is present in all aspects of our daily life, be
it at home, schools, banks, libraries, offices, factories or hospitals, to do various types
of work.

Let us see some examples where computers are used:

In a school In a library For design

For entertainment In an office In a hospital

Figure 1.1: Some examples where computers are used

? Can you list some other places where we have computers?

Can you name the uses of computers in the places you have just listed?
Computer Systems 9


(CPU inside)


Figure 1.2: Example of a computer

A computer is an electronic device where data can be input and then processed to
produce output.

Data Information

Input Process Output


Figure 1.3: Block diagram of a computer

Now let us distinguish between data and information.


Data is a collection of raw facts and figures.

Information is data that is organised, meaningful, and useful.

letters (e.g., a, b, c, ...) words (e.g., apple, boy, cat)
words and symbols a report, a letter, an essay
numbers a mathematical formula
examination scores comments, grades
musical notes a piece of music, a song

The four basic operations of a computer are: INPUT-PROCESS-OUTPUT-STORAGE.

1. INPUT involves entering data into the computer using devices such as keyboard,
mouse, scanner, etc.

2. PROCESS involves manipulating data such as adding, subtracting, multiplying,

sorting, and comparing. Process involves a processor which is the brain of
the computer.

3. OUTPUT involves sending the results of processed data, called information, by

the users using devices such as monitor, printer, etc.

4. STORAGE involves keeping the data or information in a digital store such as DVD,
CD, Pendrive and Hard Disk, for future use.

Common examples to illustrate the Input - Process - Output stages.

Input Process Output

Figure 1.4: Sequence of a computer

Computer Systems 11

Example 1: A Toaster

Input Process Output

Bread Heat Toast

Example 2: A Washing Machine

Input Process Output

Dirty clothes, water, Washes, spins Clean clothes

washing powder

Why do we use computers?

• Accuracy Human beings often make mistakes whereas computers process

information with perfect accuracy. If computers do make
errors, these can only be due to wrong instructions or incorrect
input data.
• Speed Computers can process instructions at high speed. A computer
can perform billions of instructions per second.
• Reliability A computer can work without being distracted, getting tired or
bored. Computers work consistently and perform the same tasks
repetitively without making any errors.
• Storage A computer can store huge amount of data both temporarily and


Now let us look at an example of how a computer operates.

A teacher wants to have a list of the marks for his/her Form I Red students in Computer
Studies and s/he needs to know their average mark.

What will he do?

• S/he will type the name of the students and their corresponding marks so as to
have a class list. This is input.
• The computer adds all the marks. Then it divides the sum by the number of
students in Form 1 Red. This is process.
• The average mark is calculated by the computer. This is output.
• It will store its value in the memory for later use. This is storage.

53 + 68 + 49 + 73 + 81 + 67 + 51
442 / 7
Student name Marks 63.1
Nagi 53
Marday 68 Processing
Sarah Jane 49
Kissoon 73 Average =
Beeknoo 81
Thomas 67 Output
Sharma 51


Figure 1.5: Example of processing

The INPUT, PROCESS, OUTPUT, and STORAGE operations are often called the Data
Processing Cycle.
Computer Systems 13

Describe in simple words how the following computer operations are
carried out:
1. Searching a book title in a library.
2. Operating a washing machine.
3. Calculating the area of a rectangle, with sides 8 cm by 5 cm, on
a computer.

Quick Test
1. Fill in the blanks.
(a) __________ is processed to produce information.
(b) The stage of converting data into information is referred as
(c) Sorting is an example of a _______________.
(d) Data can be _______________ permanently or temporarily.
(e) Data is ______________ and figures.
2. Give any two uses of a computer.
3. Explain what you understand by the Data Processing Cycle.
4. Give one difference between data and information.
5. Indicate whether the following statements are True or False:
(a) A computer is like a calculator.
(b) A computer is a special machine, which helps people to remember things and
solve problems.
(c) The method of getting instructions and data into a computer is known
as output.
(d) Data is the result of processed information.
(e) The correct sequence of a computer operation is input-output-process-
6. Write down the words after filling the missing words
(a) P _ O _ _ S _
(b) _ _ M P _ _E _
(c) D_ T_
(d) ST _ R _ _E
(e) O _ T P _ T


1.2 T���� �� C��������

Computers can be classified based on their processing speed, size and storage capacity.

The four different types of computers are:

1. Microcomputer
2. Minicomputer
3. Mainframe
4. Supercomputer


Types of
Minicomputer Supercomputer


Desktop Tablet PC

Laptop Palmtop Personal Digital


Figure 1.6: Types of computers

Computer Systems 15

Microcomputer is a small computer designed for personal use.

Microcomputers are also known as Personal Computers or simply PCs. They are
small in size and are of low cost. They also have a low computing power compared to
other computers.
Personal Computers are usually found at home. They are designed to be used by one
person at a time and perform tasks such as Gaming (Playing games), Internet Access
(Internet surfing or searching) and Emailing.

The various kinds of personal computers are:

1. Desktop Computer
2. Laptop
3. Palmtop
4. Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)
5. Tablet PC


Monitor System unit



Figure 1.7: A desktop PC

Desktop computers are designed to be used at a desk or table. They are typically larger
than other types of personal computers.

A desktop computer is made up of separate components or parts to make up a

computer system.

The main component, called the system unit, is usually a rectangular case that sits on
or underneath a desk. Other components, such as the monitor, mouse and keyboard,
connect to the system unit.



Figure 1.8: A Laptop

Laptops are portable, light and compact computers. They can be carried easily due
to their small size. They have a built-in battery which can supply electrical power for
approximately 8 hours.

Laptops are also called Notebook computers.

Modern laptops are as powerful as Desktop PC and are used for similar tasks and purposes.
They have LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screens which use low power.


Figure 1.9: A Palmtop

A palmtop is similar to a laptop computer but smaller in size. It is small enough to fit in

the palm of your hand.
Computer Systems 17

It often comes with a small keyboard.

Palmtops are usually not very powerful. Some palmtops have fast Central Processing
Units (CPUs).

Palmtops are used for basic functions such as:

• Phone and Address books
• Calendars
• Internet connection
• Emails


Figure 1.10: Example of Personal Digital Assistant

A Personal Digital Assistant or PDA is similar in size to a Palmtop computer but it is more
compact. It typically has no keyboard. It uses a touchscreen for all data input.

PDAs are handheld computers with facilities including:

• Personal organiser (Birthdays, Appointments, etc.)
• Internet access
• Telephone calls
• Email
• Document editing
• Multimedia (view video, listen to music, etc.)

Generally speaking, there is very little difference between a PDA and a modern
mobile phone.




Figure 1.11: A Tablet

Tablet PCs simply called tablets have a touch screen and either a stylus, digital pen or your
finger is used for all operations, eventually eliminating the keyboard.

Tablet PCs are changing the way we do business. They help professionals to work from
home. Tablets are light and portable.
Computer Systems 19


Figure 1.12: Example of a Minicomputer

A minicomputer is often used in situations where more processing power is needed.

Minicomputers which are also known as mid-range servers can normally support up to
several hundred users at the same time.


Figure 1.13: Mainframe Computer


A mainframe is a large, expensive and powerful computer that can connect many users

Typical users of mainframes include banks, insurance companies, and airlines with
sophisticated reservation systems.


Figure 1.14: Example of Supercomputer

A supercomputer is the fastest, most powerful and most expensive computer used for
applications that require complex and sophisticated processing.

Typical tasks carried out by supercomputers include: weather forecasting, space

exploratory projects and weapons research.

You are recommended to advise a salesman and a primary school student

on the purchasing of a desktop computer or a laptop computer. Compare the
two types in terms of their price, size, usability and portability.
Computer Systems 21

Quick Test
1. Indicate whether each of the following statements is True or False:
(a) A mainframe computer can handle vast amount of information at a time.
(b) Supercomputers are the only types of computers on which we can
play games.
(c) The minicomputer is much more powerful than the mainframe computer.
(d) A desktop computer is portable.
(e) All computers have the same basic components.
2. Fill in the blanks.
(a) The smallest computer is the _____________.
(b) The _________________ computer is the largest and powerful computer.
(c) A __________________ computer can do several different jobs at the
same time.
(d) Laptop computers are also called ______________computers.
(e) Minicomputers are commonly used as ___________ in network
3. Differentiate between a laptop and a desktop computer.
4. List the features required in classifying computers.
5. Make a table showing the differences between microcomputers, minicomputers,
mainframes and supercomputers.


1.3 C��������� �� � �������� ������

A computer consists of a number of electronic parts or devices. Hence, it is known as an
electronic system or simply a computer system.

A computer system consists of physical parts and computer programs. The physical
parts are known as the hardware and the computer programs are known as
the software.
Computer system

Hardware Software

Processor Peripherals

Input Devices Output Devices Storage Devices

Figure 1.15: Components of a Computer System

Hardware is the physical parts that we can see and touch such as the system unit and the
parts that are connected to it.

Monitor Printer
System Unit


Hard Drive

Flash Memory
Floppy Disks Speakers Card reader

CD/DVD Keyboard Mouse

Floppy Disk Drive

Figure 1.16: Computer System

Computer Systems 23

Hardware is the different devices that make up a computer.

Let us see how the different pieces of hardware are organized in a computer system.

The “brain” of the computer that processes raw data

A device that accepts raw data/ A device that returns processed

instructions from the user data/information back to the user

The computer’s memory stores programs and instructions

to help it function more quickly and efficiently.

These devices keep an electronic copy of data in a safe

location which can be used at a later time.

Figure 1.17: Hardware of Computer System

All devices connected to the Central Processing Unit are called Peripherals.

Software is the general term used to denote all programs in a computer.

A set of instructions that has been designed to perform a specific task is called
a program.

Figure 1.18: Examples of Software


? Classify the items below as hardware or software:

Keyboard, Monitor, Ms Word, Ms Paint, Printer, Mouse, Hard Disk,
Pendrive, Scanner, Digital Camera, Internet Explorer.


The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brain of the computer.

The processor is commonly known as either a microchip (microprocessor chip) or chip.

Computers use microchips. Appliances containing microchips are widely used nowadays
at home, in office and in industries. For example, a microwave oven contains a microchip
which enables us to heat or cook our food automatically. There are also other devices
which use microchips.

Mobile Phone Microwave Oven


Washing Machine Digital camera

Figure 1.19: Examples of devices using microchips

The CPU 'controls' what the computer does and is responsible for performing calculations
and data processing. It also handles the movement of data to and from memory.
The CPU carries out all the instructions the computer has to do. It is made up of:
• A control unit which manages each of the steps the CPU makes as it works.
• An ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit) carries out the step-by-step calculations and
the processing.
• A memory unit (Immediate access) also known as working space of
the computer.
Computer Systems 25

CPUs come in a variety of speeds known as 'clock rates'. It refers to the number of cycles
per second built into the processor chip.

Clock rates are measured in 'Hertz'. Generally, the faster the clock rate, the faster the
performance of the computer.

One Hz means 1 tick per second (or one cycle per second).
One kilohertz (kHz) means 1000 cycles per second.
One Megahertz (Mhz) means 1 million ticks per second.

Processor speed is measured in Megahertz (MHz) or Gigahertz (GHz).

• 1 Megahertz (MHz) is 1,000,000 (1 million) Hertz.
• 1 Gigahertz (GHz) is 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) Hertz or cycles per second.

A typical, modern, fast CPU runs at around 4.3 GHz. This means that it can perform almost
4 billion instructions every second.

The motherboard or system board is the main circuit board in the system unit.
Graphics Card
PCI Slot (Can
connect Sound
Cards etc) BackPanel with
connections for
peripherals and USB
Slots for Hand Disk
Drives and DVD-ROMS

CPU Slot
RAM (Memory)

Figure 1.20: Example of Motherboard

The motherboard also contains expansion slots into which other circuit boards can be
inserted for the expansion of the computer system.








Figure 1.21: Example of Expansion Slot

Common types of expansion cards include:

• Video Card
• Sound Card
• Modem Card
• Network Interface Card
• PC Card

Main Memory is a temporary area for holding data, instructions and information.

Main Memory is also known as main store or primary storage.

Figure 1.22: Main Memory

Computer Systems 27

A computer usually loads the data and instructions from storage into memory and then
executes them.

The size of memory is measured by the number of bytes available for use.

A byte is the basic storage unit in memory.

A byte is equal to 8 bits.

A bit is a Binary Digit.

The Binary Form means using two different digits, 0 and 1.

The smallest piece of information is called a bit.

The computer uses one byte to represent a character.

For example:

0100 1010 0100 1111 0100 1000 0100 1110

Byte Bit

Figure 1.23: Using bit and Byte to show how 'JOHN' is stored

Another example:
I am happy contains 10 bytes

I space a m space h a p p y

Note a space is also considered as a character.

Two or more bytes are called a word.
Memory and storage size

Unit Abbreviation Exact amount Estimate amount Approximate

(Bytes) (Bytes) number of pages
of text
Kilobyte KB 1,024 1 000 1/2
Megabyte MB 1,048,576 1 000 000 500
Gigabyte GB 1,073,741,824 1 000 000 000 500,000
Terabyte TB 1,099,511,627,776 1 000 000 000 000 500,000,000


Computers rely on memory to run/execute software programs and perform most tasks.
The types of computer memory are:

Figure 1.24: Computer memory

1. Random Access Memory (RAM)

Random Access Memory (RAM) is used to store temporarily information that is currently
in use by the system. Data is lost when the computer is switched off. For this reason, it is
called volatile memory.

2. Read-Only Memory (ROM)

Read-Only Memory (ROM) stores information permanently. Information is not lost when
the computer is switched off, for this reason it is called non-volatile memory.

So ROM chips contain programs stored permanently by the manufacturers which are
known as firmware.

An example of a firmware is the BIOS (Basic Input Output System). It contains the
computer's startup instructions. It is also known as the 'bootstrap' program.
Computer Systems 29

Can you guess the number of bytes required to store the following?

1. I love my mother.
2. Mauritius is a beautiful island. It is found in the Indian Ocean. It got its
independence in 1968.

Quick Test
1. Fill in the blanks.
(a) ________________, ________________ and ______________ are the parts
of the internal memory.
(b) A microprocessor is nothing but a ________________.
(c) A group of eight ____________ forms one ____________.
(d) _______________ is used to speed up the execution of the computer
(e) A ______________ is a set of instructions given to the computer.

2. Label the system unit below with the words given.

Expansion slots, RAM, Motherboard, Expansion card, CPU chip, Power supply.


3. Tick the correct answer.

(a) Chips themselves have lots of/very little power.
(b) Clock speed/Computer speed is a measure of how quickly a computer
completes basic computations and operations.
(c) When a computer is switched off, RAM/ROM contents disappear.
(d) CPU is the eyes/ears/brain of the computer.
(e) Hardware/software is the name given to all the equipment of a computer.
(f) A set of instructions that perform a specific task is known as program/
4. State the differences between ROM and RAM.


5. Write down the words after filling in the missing letters.

(a) B _ _ A R _ (d) F _ _ M W _ _ E
(b) B _ _ S (e) _ P _
(c) B _ _ E
6. What does each of these acronyms stand for?
(a) ALU (d) BIT
(b) CPU (e) PCI
(c) RAM (f) MHz
7. Match the following:
A CPU 1 Main memory that stores data permanently
B Random Access Memory 2 is made up of 8 bits
C A word 3 Is also known as the brain of the computer
D A byte 4 Integrated circuits that perform the functions of
the CPU
E Microprocessor 5 Main memory that stores data temporarily
F Read Only Memory 6 is made up of 16 bits
8. Explain the meaning of the following words:
(a) Firmware (d) BIOS
(b) ROM (e) Secondary Storage
(c) Expansion Slot
Computer Systems 31

9. How many bytes can be used to store the sentence “Components of

computer system”?
10. Differentiate between hardware and software.
11. What is the function of a microprocessor in a cooker?

1.4 C������� P����������

A computer peripheral is the term used to denote all the external devices that are
connected to the CPU and that work under its control.

Examples of peripheral devices:

• Input device
• Output device
• System unit
• Storage device
• Communication device

Figure 1.25: Examples of Peripherals


Entering data or instructions into a computer system is called input.

Devices used to enter data into the computer

are known as input devices.

Data In

Input devices can be classified as:

• Manual Input Devices - Need to be operated by a person to input data.
• Automatic Input Devices - Can input data on their own.

Examples of input devices are:

Manual Input Devices

Keyboard Mouse Trackerball

Joystick Digital Camera Scanner

We will look at input devices in more detail
in this chapter.

Graphics Tablet Touch Screen Microphone

The most common input device is the Keyboard.

A keyboard contains keys that allow a user to enter data and instructions into
the computer.
Computer Systems 33

Keyboards are used to input into the computer:

• Text
• Symbols
• Numbers
• Instructions

Most keyboards use the QWERTY layout. The name comes from the keys on the top row
which spells QWERTY.

Figure 1.26: QWERTY Keyboard

A mouse is the most widely used pointing device on personal computers.

Pointing device (like a mouse) is used to move and control a pointer (cursor) on
the screen.

Mouse has 2 buttons and a scroll wheel with different functions:

• Left button used to select things.
• Right button used to bring up a drop down menu.
• Scroll wheel helps you to move through a document.


Scroll Wheel
Right Button

Left Button

activated by
right click

Figure 1.27: Mouse and its buttons

A mouse is a pointing device which is more effective to use than the cursor key on
the keyboard.

Some modern mouse devices are now wireless (do not need a wire to connect to
the computer).

A mouse can be used to select items on the monitor screen.

A trackerball is a pointing device used to control the cursor on the screen. Users control
the pointers on the screen by rotating the ball with their hand.

Left/Right and Third Button


Figure 1.28: Trackerball

Computer Systems 35

A trackerball is appropriate when the desk space is limited. It can be used as an alternative
input device to the mouse.

It is often used by people with limited movement (disabled).

A joystick is a pointing device which performs similar functions as a mouse
and trackerball.

Fire button
for Gaming

Control Stick


Figure 1.29: Example of Joystick

The pointer on the screen can be controlled by moving the stick and buttons are used to
make selections.

Video games are often controlled by joysticks.

They are used in simulators to mimic actual controls (like flight simulators and driving
simulators). They can also be used to control machinery (like cranes).

A digital camera takes pictures and stores the images digitally in memory (or memory
card) and can be transferred to a computer via a Universal Serial Bus (USB) cable.

Digital Camera USB Connection

Figure 1.30: Digital camera and its USB cable


Webcam (web camera) is a very basic video camera used to feed live video into a
computer. It is connected to the computer through a USB cable.

USB cable which connects

Front of webcam
the webcam to the computer
captures images

Figure 1.31: Webcam

It is used for video chats (for example, using a messenger application such as MSN
Messenger or Skype).

Scanners are used to enter information from hard copies, such as printouts or
photographs, into the computer. The hard copy is scanned by a light source and produces a
digital image.

A scanner converts printed text and graphics into a digital form that can be further
processed by the computer.

There are two types of scanners:

Flatbed Scanner Handheld Scanner

Image Image
scanned on scanned by
flat surface hand

Figure 1.32: Types of scanner

Many scanners also include Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software, which can
convert an image of text into a text file that can be edited.
Computer Systems 37

The black and white lines printed on certain products such as books and cans are called
barcodes or Universal Product Codes (UPC).

Bar codes represent numbers. The numbers are codes of information about each item like
country of origin, manufacturer code and item reference number of the product.
Barcode Reader Readable Barcode Barcode Reader reads barcode

Figure 1.33: Examples of Barcode and Bar Code Reader

A bar code reader is used to read barcodes using light which is reflected and translated
into digital information.

Bar code readers are widely used in supermarkets, department stores, bookshops, etc.

A sensor is an input device that can detect external changes in an environment.

External changes include levels of light, temperature, sound, position, pH value and humidity.

Temperature Pressure Light

Figure 1.34: Examples of sensors

Sensors are used extensively in monitoring, automobiles, medicine, home and also in
computer control systems.

For example, in a washing machine there may be sensors monitoring water level, water
pressure, pH, temperature, alarm and so on.




Figure 1.35: Examples of Graphics Tablets

A Graphics Tablet (digitising tablet or graphics pad or drawing tablet) consists of a flat
pad (tablet). A special pen called stylus is used with the tablet.

Anything drawn onto the pad is transferred to the computer screen.

Stylus and graphics tablet are mainly used for computer-aided design and drafting by
architects, mapmakers, artists and designers.


Figure 1.36: Example of Touch Screen

A touch screen is a touch-sensitive display. It allows users to choose an option by simply

touching the button/icon on the screen.

Touch screens are often used in information kiosks located in department stores, hotels,
airports and museums.
Computer Systems 39

A microphone is an input device that can input sound or speech
into the computer.

A microphone is often used in voice recognition system

where spoken words are converted into text. It is also used
in telephone, broadcasting, motion picture production and
so on.


Voice recognition systems are ideal for blind or visually impaired users.

Figure 1.37: Voice recognition system


1. Can you suggest the most appropriate input devices to perform the
following activities?
(a) Typing a document.
(b) Playing solitaire.
(c) Capture of sales data in a shop.
(d) Inserting pictures in a school website.
2. A microprocessor-controlled sewing machine uses a touch sensitive pad
for input.
(a) What is a touch sensitive pad?
(b) Why is it an appropriate input device in this case?
(c) Give another device in the home where a touch sensitive pad may
be used.

Quick Test

1. Look at the diagram.

(a) What do the black and white lines represent?
(b) Name the input device used to capture information
from the black and white lines.
(c) Name two places where this input device is used.
2. Circle the correct answer.
(a) Which of the following devices is not used to control the cursor?
A. Mouse
B. Scanner
C. Keyboard
D. Joystick
(b) Which of the following information cannot be found on the barcode of
a product?
A. Supermarket name
B. Country of origin
C. Manufacturer code
D. Product number
Computer Systems 41

(c) Which input device allows you to communicate on MSN?

A. Touch Screen
B. Web Cam
C. Sensor
D. Barcode Reader

3. Fill in the blanks.

(a) Text and graphic data can be entered into a computer using a
(b) POS stands for _________________________.
(c) A ________________ is a device that converts a real-world property into
data that a computer can process.
(d) We communicate with computers using _____________ devices.
(e) Designers and artists often use ______________ to allow hand movements
during graphics applications.
4. Match the following:
A Touch pad 1 where mouse devices or keyboards may be stolen or
B Digital camera 2 is used to enter text and numbers into the computer.
C Keyboard 3 uses a touch sensitive pad for controlling cursor.
D Joystick 4 is used to capture images in digital form.
E Touch sensitive screen 5 is commonly used to communicate with people over the
F Microphone 6 is commonly used when playing computer games.

Output is processed data called information.

The output from a computer can be printed

or displayed.
A printed copy of information is called
hard copy.

Information displayed on the screen is

referred to as soft copy.
Output devices are devices used to output information from the computer.


There are several types of output devices.

1. Monitor
2. Printer
3. Plotter
4. Audio output device

The monitor or visual display unit (VDU) is one of the most common output devices. It is
used to display text and pictures.

Monitor consists of a screen made up of dots called pixels.

Each pixel can be lightened

or darkened.

Figure 1.38: Examples of Pixels

The quality of a monitor depends on its screen resolution.

Screen resolution refers to the number of pixels that can be displayed on the screen. It is
often expressed in dots per inch (dpi).

Figure 1.39: Examples of Pixels

Computer Systems 43

The higher the resolution, the more pixels the monitor has and the better is the image
quality. A high-resolution picture takes up more storage space and it takes longer to process,
and requires a fast processor to animate smoothly.

A monitor is either monochrome or colour.


Figure 1.40: Monochrome monitor

Monochrome means that information is displayed in one colour on a different color

background (for example, white on black).

It is used only to provide text displays.

Colour monitors display text and graphics in multiple

Colours make screen displays more attractive and can be

used to highlight error messages and menu options.

Screens are available in various sizes. Basically there are

two types of monitors:

1. Cathode-Ray Tube (CRT) monitor

Figure 1.41: Colour Monitor 2. Flat Screen Monitor (TFT or LCD)



CRT Monitor
Bulky and heavy

Figure 1.42: A CRT monitor

A cathode-ray tube (CRT) monitor is a type of monitor that has been around for years and
is large and boxy.

CRT monitors are bulky and heavy. They take up a lot of desk space.

A CRT monitor consumes a lot of power and is becoming rare as flat-screen monitors are
now taking over.


Nice to look at
and takes up TFT Monitor
minimum space

Figure 1.43: Flat Screen Monitor

Flat screen monitors are becoming cheaper and these are taking over CRT monitors as
the main output device.

TFT and LCD are two of the technologies used in flat-screen monitors: TFT is Thin-Film-
Transistor, and LCD is Liquid-Crystal Display.

A multimedia (or video) projector receives signals from computers, televisions and DVD
players and projects the image onto a large screen.

Multimedia projectors are usually controlled using a remote control.

Computer Systems 45

They are used in situations where a very large viewing area is required, for example during
presentations, for advertising, or in your home for watching movies.

Multimedia Projector

Remote control

Figure 1.44: Multimedia Projector

The printer is an output device. It prints information from the computer and the printed
paper is called a hard copy. There are several types of printers.

Some of them are:

1. Dot matrix printer
2. Inkjet printer
3. Laser printer


A dot-matrix printer is a printer where pins are pressed against an inked ribbon to produce
printed images.

Figure 1.45: Dot Matrix Print Mechanism

A higher number of pins on the print head means that more dots are printed, hence
resulting in a higher print quality (example, a 24-pin printer has better print quality than a
9-pin printer).


The speed of a dot-matrix printer is in the range of 100 to 400 characters per
second (cps).

Most dot-matrix printers use continuous-form paper known as fanfold paper.



Figure 1.46: Example of dot matrix printer

After printing, the printout is torn off from the long strip.

The quality of print depends on the print resolution.

Print resolution means how closely the printer can print dots. Print resolution is measured
in terms of dots per inch (dpi).

So a low-resolution means fewer dots per inch while a high-resolution means more dots
per inch.

The print quality can be:

Printer Type Laser Low resolution dot matrix High resolution dot matrix

Printer quality Letter quality Draft quality Near letter quality

Figure 1.47: Printer resolution
Computer Systems 47


An ink-jet printer is a printer that forms characters and graphics by spraying tiny drops of
liquid ink onto a piece of paper.

Ink is stored in and delivered to the paper via an ink cartridge.

Output is on Ink Cartridge


Figure 1.48: Example of Ink jet printer

Ink-jet printers can produce Letter-Quality (LQ) text and graphics in both black-and-white
and colours.

The speed of an ink-jet printer is around 2 to 10 pages per minute (PPM).

Laser printers are also known as page printers because they process and store the entire
page before they actually print it. Images are transferred onto a piece of paper with 'ink
powder' using a laser beam.

Ink is stored in and delivered to the paper via a toner.

Most laser printers today can print text and graphics in very high quality resolutions,
ranging from 600 dpi to 1200 dpi.

Laser printers can print text at a speed of four to over thirty pages per minute (PPM). The
laser printer resolution is much better than dot matrix printer.

They are commonly used where quick and good quality printouts are needed. They are
quiet while printing.



Laser Printer


Figure 1.49: Example of Laser printer

A plotter is a device used to produce high-quality drawings that can be quite large
(for example, with widths up to 1.5m).

Two common types of plotter are:

1. Drum plotter
2. Flatbed plotter

Flat Bed Plotter Drum Plotter

Figure 1.50: Examples of Plotters

Plotters draw images on the page using coloured pens which are moved around the paper
by a computer.

Plotters are often used by designers and architects to produce very large and accurate
documents such as blueprints for buildings.
Computer Systems 49


Audio output devices are the
devices of a computer that output
music, speech or other sounds.

Two commonly used audio

output devices are speakers and

Figure 1.51: Examples of audio output devices

Audio output devices are ideal for visually impaired people.

Quick Test
1. Fill in the blanks.
(a) The information we get from the computer is called_________.
(b) The speed of a laser printer is measured in _____________.
(c) A ____________ helps computers to output voice messages, music, and data
as sound.
(d) The quality of pictures displayed on the screen is dependent on the
(e) A ______________ generates its output using pens.
2. The diagram shows a monitor.
(a) Name the type of monitor.
(b) State one advantage of using this monitor.
(c) What is a monochrome monitor.
(d) Name two types of colour monitor.


3. Define the following terms:

(a) Resolution
(b) Soft copy
(c) Pixel
(d) Fanfold paper
4. Circle the correct answer.
(a) The speed of an ink jet printer is around
A. 2 to 10 pages per minute
B. 2 to 10 characters per second
C. 4 to 30 pages per minute
D. 600 dpi to 1200 dpi
(b) Which of the following devices has the fastest printing speed?
A. Laser Printer
B. Ink Jet Printer
C. Dot Matrix Printer
D. Plotter
(c) Anything printed on paper is called
A. Hardware
B. Hard copy
C. Soft copy
D. Software
5. Compare the different types of printers in terms of cost, speed and
printer resolution.
6. (a) List two technologies of the flat screen monitor.
(b) Give a reason why cathode ray tube is no longer being used.
7. A school uses computers to teach disabled students. Describe one special input
device and one special output device which could be used to help these students
to learn. Give a reason for your choice of each device.
Computer Systems 51

Data and information are stored in computer storage so that they can be retrieved
whenever they are needed later on.

Storage medium refers to the media on which data, instructions and information
are kept.

There are two types of storage.

• Primary storage is the main memory in a computer. It stores data and programs
that can be accessed directly by the processor.
• Secondary storage also known as backing storage is another alternative storage
used to save your work and documents. It is used to supplement the main

A comparison between Primary and Backing storage.

Main Memory Backing Storage
Known as the main memory of a computer. Alternative storage in a computer.
Examples are: RAM / ROM. Examples are: Floppy disk, Hard disk, CDs,
USB storages.
Storage capacity is limited. Storage capacity is larger.
An internal memory (inside the CPU) that An external storage that refers to various
can be accessed directly by the processor. ways a computer can store program
and data.
Has a volatile memory for RAM and Is non-volatile, which means that it
non-volatile memory for ROM. does not need power to maintain the
information stored in it.
Here are some of the most common backing storage devices.

A hard disk is a round metal disk coated with a magnetic material. The hard disks are
sealed in a metal frame.

Hard disks have very large storage capacity. They can be used to store vast amounts of
data, such as films, files, games and software.

There are two types of hard disk:

• Fixed hard disk
• Portable hard disk


Fixed hard disk is found inside the CPU and is not portable.

Metal frame Spindle

Head Arm



Figure 1.52: Example of a fixed hard disk

Portable hard disk works in a similar way to fixed hard disk but is connected to the
computer externally using a USB cable.

Up to 3TB in capacity

Small and light... ideal for

carrying around.

Protective Casing

USB connectivity

Figure 1.53: Portable hard disk

Portable hard disk drives allow very large amounts of data to be transported from
computer to computer.

A 3½ Floppy disk is a removable, portable and cheap medium with has low-capacity
(1.44MB) storage.
Computer Systems 53

Floppy disks have become obsolete now. They have been replaced by higher capacity
technology such as CD-ROMs, DVDs and USB memory sticks.


An optical disc is a storage medium that can be written to and read using a low-powered
laser beam.

A laser beam reads these dots, and the data is converted into an electrical signal which
is finally converted into the original data. This process is known as ‘burning’ data onto
a disc.

Examples of optical discs are:

1. CD
2. DVD
3. Blu-ray

Compact Disc (CD) is a very common storage medium. It uses light for reading and writing
information. It can hold 700 to 800 MB of data.

Compact Discs are used to distribute all sorts of data such as software (for example, office
applications or games), music, and electronic books (for example, an encyclopedia with
sound and video.)


A Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) can hold around 4.7GB of data. It looks like a CD and uses
similar optical technology.

Figure 1.54: Optical discs


CD or DVD can be grouped into three categories:

• CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, data is prerecorded; you cannot write new data or
delete the prerecorded data.
• CD-Recordable (CD-R) and DVD-Recordable (DVD-R) discs can have data burnt
onto them, but not erased. Data can be recorded once.
• CD-Rewritable (CD-RW) and DVD-Rewritable (DVD-RW) discs-data can be erased
and written many times.

A Blu-Ray disc has the largest capacity of all the optical media. It can store up to 100 GB
of data.



Figure 1.55: Blu-Ray


USB flash drives also known as pendrive are small, removable, rewritable and portable
external storage devices.

They can be used to transfer or for backup data and files between computers.

The memory sticks use solid state technology and are usually connected to the computer
via USB ports.


USB Connectivity

Figure 1.56: Flash Drive

Computer Systems 55

Storage capacities typically range from 2 GB to 64 GB or more.

A memory card or flash memory card is a solid-state electronic flash memory data
storage device used with digital cameras, mobile computers, telephones, music players,
video game consoles and other electronics.

The flash memory cards are also known as Secure Digital Cards (SD Cards).

These are known as solid state storage and have a storage capacity of up to 64 GB.

SD Card
(Flash Memory)

Micro SD Card
(Flash Memory)

Figure 1.57: Memory card

1. Can you identify the appropriate storage devices used

(a) at home?
(b) in your school computer lab?
State the importance of each device.
2. Have you ever used a pendrive? If yes, give the advantages over a floppy
disk and a CD ROM.
3. What is the difference between a Blu-Ray and a DVD?

Communications devices enable two or more computers to exchange items such as data,
instructions and information with each other.

A modem is an example of a communication device used with telephone lines to exchange

information. It is an example of an input and output device.


Quick Test
1. List the principal advantages of each of the following types of secondary storage:
(a) Hard disk.
(b) Optical disk.
2. DVD is now used to store computer games. Give THREE advantages and ONE
disadvantage of supplying games on DVD.
3. Fill in the blanks.
(a) A ________________ is a small memory card that is plugged into the USB
port and functions as a portable hard drive.
(b) A ___________________ device allows us to save programs and data for
later use.
(c) A ___________________ is a communication device that connects the PC to
the Internet using a telephone line.
(d) A ___________________ is a device on which data can be written and erased
many times.
(e) __________________ stores data and programs that can be accessed directly
by the processor.
Computer Systems 57

• Data is meaningless whereas information is meaningful.

• Computers are electronic machines that process information.
• Computers are being used in many places as they are accurate and
effective in storing large amount of information.
• Computers are classified according to their size and computing power.
The four types of computers are:
1. Microcomputer commonly known as PC includes desktop
computer, laptop, palmtop, PDA and hand-held devices.
2. Minicomputer
3. Mainframe
4. Supercomputer
• Computers are data processing machines that involve four steps:
1. Input
2. Process
3. Output
4. Storage
• The hardware refers to the physical components of a computer which
includes the input, output, storage devices and the processor.
• Software refers to the instructions or programs that tell the computer
what to do.
• The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brain of the computer. It
consists of the Arithmetic and Logic Unit and the Control Unit.
• The computer has 2 types of memory:
1. Main memory such as ROM, RAM and Cache Memory.
2. Backing storage.
• Input is the data or instructions that are entered into the computer.


• The input devices which are used to enter data into the computer are
keyboard, mouse, etc.
• Output is what we receive after the computer processes the input.
• Soft copy and hard copy are the two types of output.
• Output devices are used to display information in different formats such
as printer, monitor, etc.
• The storage devices differ in terms of storage capacity and the common
examples are hard disk drive, DVD, CD, Blu-ray, etc.
Computer Systems 59

1. Can you identify each of the hardware devices below?

2. Fill in the blanks.

(a) Higher the __________________, the more detailed is the picture.
(b) The size of ROM is measured in ______________.
(c) A joystick is an ________________ device.
(d) Small dots that make up a picture on the screen are called
(e) ________________, ____________________ and ______________ are
examples of printers.
(f) A __________________ has a touch sensitive pad which can be used as
a graphics tablets to write or draw on the screen.
(g) A _________ is used mostly used by designers and architects.


3. Indicate whether the following statements are True or False.

(a) CRT monitor occupies less space than LCD monitors. ( )
(b) A mouse is used to enter text into a computer. ( )
(c) A plotter is the best output device for printing drawings. ( )
(d) ROM is a secondary storage device. ( )

(e) Handwritten or printed text can be scanned into a computer using

a scanner. ( )
4. Match the following:
A Joystick 1 is an input/output device.
B Digital 2 is a type of Electronically-Erasable Programmable
camera Read-Only Memory.
C Modem 3 is used to read black and whites lines using light
reflected and translated into digital information.
D Flash 4 is used to capture images in a digital format.
E Track 5 is a device used for playing games on
the computer.
5. Define the following terms:
(a) Main Memory
(b) Software
(c) Pixel
(d) Peripherals
(e) Blu-Ray
6. Complete the following by comparing hard disk and DVD:

Hard disk How are they different? DVD

_________________ Type of storage ___________________

_________________ Storage capacity ___________________
_________________ Cost ___________________
_________________ Speed of accessing data ___________________
Computer Systems 61

7. Name two pointing devices.

8. Classify the items listed below as Input, Output or Storage devices.
Keyboard, CD-ROM, Monitor, Joystick, Pen drive, Scanner, Sensor, Plotter,
Barcode Reader, Smart Cards, Speaker, Microphone, Jazz disc, Light Pen,
Digitizing Tablets, Digital Camera, Memory Cards
9. What does each of the following acronyms stand for?
(a) CPU (f) CD-ROM
(b) CPS (g) LCD
(c) PPM (h) CRT
(d) DPI
(e) DVD
10. Give two differences between permanent storage and main memory.
11. Differentiate between ROM and RAM.
12. In what way is an electronic calculator similar to a computer?
13. Write down the words after filling in the missing letters.
(a) H _ R D _ I _ K (c) C _ _ P _ _E _
(b) P_ _ T _ _ R (d) L _ _ E _ P R _ _ T _ _


1 Circle the appropriate answer. [1 mark each]

(a) Permanent storage is also known as

A. Floppy Disk
C. Secondary Storage
D. Hard Disk

(b) One byte is made up of

A. 0 and 1
B. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
C. One word
D. 8 bits


(c) Which one of the following is not a hardware component?

A. Printer
B. Program
C. Processor
D. Peripherals

(d) Which of the following is not a part of a CPU?

A. Monitor
C. Immediate Access Store
D. Control Unit

(e) A personal computer is also known as a

A. Mainframe
B. Supercomputer
C. Microcomputer
D. Minicomputer

2. Indicate whether the following statements are True or False. [1 mark each]
(a) A sensor is an output device. ( )
(b) An automatic machine contains microchips. ( )
(c) The data in RAM will be lost once the computer is switched off. ( )
(d) A plotter is an input device. ( )
(e) Displaying a character on the screen is an example of a processing operation.
( )

3. Define the following terms: [2 marks each]

(a) Processing

(b) Backing Storage


(c) Screen resolution

Computer Systems 63

(d) Hardware

(e) Output device


4. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. [1 mark each]

(a) Computers handle information only in _________________ form.
(b) The speed of the computer is measured in ________________.
(c) Text and graphic data can be entered into a computer using an input device
called a __________.
(d) A monitor screen is made up of a number of dots called ______________.
(e) A monitor is an ____________ device. It produces output as ______________.

5. Portable computers use a type of monitor that is thin. [2 marks]

(a) Give the acronyms of this type of monitor. _________________________.
(b) State one advantage of using this monitor.
6. Differentiate between ROM and RAM. [2 marks]
7. Main memory and permanent storage are two forms of data storage. [2 marks]
(a) Main memory refers to ____________________________________________
(b) Give three examples of permanent storage devices. [3 marks]
(c) Give one advantage of using Blu-ray compared to DVD. [1 mark]
8. Show how you would represent “the main components of a computer” in terms
of bytes. [4 marks]


Computer Operations

The following topics are covered in this chapter:

2.1 Starting the computer system
2.2 Shutting down a computer system
2.3 Working with the Windows environment
2.4 Exploring Microsoft Windows
2.5 Files and folders
2.6 Searching for help

After completing this chapter you will be able to:


a) Start a computer.
b) Shut down a computer.
c) Use a mouse and a keyboard.
d) Explore Microsoft Windows.
e) Use files and folders.
f) Search for help

2.1 S������� ��� ��������

Starting a computer is called booting.

To start your computer:

1. Ensure that all cables are plugged securely.
2. Locate the power switch and press on.

Power Button
Turn on the computer by
pressing the Power Button.

The booting process starts the

operating system.

Figure 2.1: To switch on a computer

If everything is alright, a menu with appropriate login dialog or a welcome screen will ask
you for a user name and a password.

Enter password here

If another person wants to use the computer,

he/she needs to switch user.

Figure 2.2: Screen to enter password

Computer Operations

After login is successful, a final screen showing the desktop and taskbar appears.

Desktop Icons


Start Notification area

Button Taskbar

Figure 2.3: A Window Screen

You can use the Start Button to run the program installed on your computer.

To start a program, Microsoft Windows allows the user to access the program in three
different ways:

1. Double click on the icon on the desktop.

As you can see, the desktop has a number of small pictures known as icons. Each
icon represents a command, function or disk drive.

2. Click on the start button, select All Programs tab and then click the
appropriate program.

3. Use Windows Explorer.

We will learn more about Windows Explorer later in the next lesson.


Quick Test
1. What do you understand by booting a computer?
2. List the steps in starting a computer.
3. List the different ways to start a program in Microsoft Windows.
4. Label the different parts of a window.

2.2 S������� ���� � C�������

Before shutting down, save all files you may have been working on and close
all applications.

Then follow the steps:

1. Click on the start button.
2. Click on Shut Down.
3. Or, click on the arrow next to the Shut down buttom for further options.
Computer Operations

Figure 2.4: Steps in shutting down a computer

'Lock' allows you to keep

others from using your
computer while it is still
on. You must re-enter your
password to unlock the

Figure 2.5: Different options available during shutting down a computer

After selecting a shutdown option, the computer may take some time to shut down
all the open applications and background processes. You will be prompted to save any
documents that have not been saved yet.


Quick Test
1. What do you undertand by 'shut down' a computer?
2. List the steps involved in shutting down a computer.
3. Differentiate between Log off and Lock.
4. Brieftly discuss the different options for quitting the computer.

2.3 U�� �� M���� ��� K�������

Before you can explore the Desktop and Taskbar, you must know how to use
your mouse.

The normal shape of the mouse pointer is an arrow.

The following are the four basic operations a user can carry out using a mouse.
Computer Operations

Step-by-Step: Using the mouse

What you will learn:
• To move mouse pointer.
• To point, click and double-click.
• To click and drag.

Start with


1. Turn on your computer if it is not already on.
2. Open any document.
3. Move the mouse around on the screen.
4. Then move the mouse slowly and then quickly.

With a quick motion, the mouse may accelerate faster than your hand moves. This is
especially helpful when moving all the way across large screens.


Pressing on the left or right button on the mouse is known as click.

Mouse Cable
Mouse Cable

Right Button
Left Button
Scroll Button


Figure 2.6: Mouse and its buttons


1. Point the mouse on the start button and left click on it. The following
screen appears.

Left click means press the left button of the mouse.

Left click: Selects the item on which the cursor is pointing.

There are two types of Left Click:

• Single-Click: Click once on the left button. It will select the icon to which cursor
is pointing.

Single Left Click

The following
menu appears


Figure 2.7: Menu appears on Point and Click of a mouse

• Double-Click: Click twice quickly on the left button. It will select and open files
from the icon on which the cursor is pointing.
Computer Operations

Steps to open Paint:

1. Click on the Start Button, the start menu appears.
2. Select the program to be opened, for example Paint.
3. Double click on it.

2 Double click on Paint

Program 3

Paint Program

Click on
Start button
Figure 2.8: Double click of a mouse


Drag means to select an item and keep moving it with the left click button pressed.

Try this:

Before drag
After dragging
the location of
the icon changes

Figure 2.9: Click and drag



A keyboard is used to enter text, numbers and special characters into the computer.

Qwerty Keys
Function Keys
Numeric Keys
Cursor Keys
Special Keys

Figure 2.10: A typical computer keyboard

The most commonly used keys on the keyboard are:

• QWERTY keys
• Function keys
• Numeric keypad
• Cursor control keys
• Special keys

1. The QWERTY keys are used to enter text or type in command.

The QWERTY keyboard includes:

• 26 letters of alphabet (A- Z)
• Numbers (0-9)
• Punctuation marks (comma, full stop, etc...)
• Tab key is used to move forward a fixed number of steps on the screen.
• Caps Lock, when pressed, gives you capital letters on the screen.
• Shift Key, to select upper or lower case.
• Space Bar, the longest key used to insert a space between words.

Figure 2.11: QWERTY Keys

Computer Operations

2. Function keys are numbered F1, F2, F3 ... and, when pressed, each one of them
performs a different function.

Figure 2.12: Function Keys

For example: F1 Key is used to display ‘Help instructions’ on screen.

3. The keypad is on the right side of the keyboard and has the following keys:
• Ten numeric keys (0-9).
• Num Lock Key (must be switched on or else the numeric keys will not function).
• Some special and mathematical keys (/, *, +, -, etc...).

Number Lock

Figure 2.13: Numeric Keypad

It is called a numeric keypad.

4. The cursor control keys are used to move the cursor on the screen.
• The cursor control keys consist of four arrow keys:

• These keys are used to move the cursor or the insertion point on the screen.


Moves the cursor up one page or screen

Moves one page or screen down

Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line you typed

Moves the cursor to the end of the current line

5. The special keys have a fixed function or job in any application software. Special keys
are programmable and perform special functions when pressed. Examples of some
special keys are:

Esc Cancels a command

Alt Enters keywords when used in conjunction with other keys.

For example, Alt + Space bar to display the main window's
system menu.
Ctrl Performs a function when used in conjunction with other
keys, for example Ctrl + A, to select all items.
Windows Displays the Start Menu.

Print Screen Print Screen usually located at the upper right hand corner
of your keyboard. It copies the screen contents onto the
Delete/Del Erases the character to the right of the cursor.

Backspace Erases the character to the left of the cursor.

Insert Inserts characters in a line, the remaining characters moves

one cursor position to the right for each character inserted.
Pause Halts the program being run temporarily.

Menu Is to launch a context menu with the keyboard rather than

with the usual right mouse button.
Computer Operations

Step-by-Step: Using the keyboard

What you will learn:
• to use the essential keys on the keyboard.

Now you are going to have some practice on the keyboard.

You are going to use the Notepad program to understand the different keys on
a keyboard.
Notepad program is located in the Accessories folder from 'All Programs' of the
Start Menu.
To open the Notepad Program, follow the steps below.
1. Click on the Start button
2. Select All Programs
3. Select Accessories
4. Click on Notepad

Figure 2.14: Steps to open Notepad


The Notepad window will appear as shown below.

Figure 2.15: A Notepad Window

Type the following text:

A word processing program is designed to make it as easy as possible for you to create the
document you want and to make it look the way you want. Most modern word processing
programs share a common approach. There are enough differences, however, to drive

users who are trying to decide what to buy just a bit crazy!

Use the internet or any reference books to suggest some keyboard short
cuts, the use of Alt keys and Windows keys.
Computer Operations

Quick Test
1. State whether the following statement is True or False.
(a) The escape key is used to cancel a command. ( )
(b) An icon is a cursor. ( )
(c) Arrow keys can be used in selecting options from a menu. ( )
(d) A mouse is a pointing device. ( )
(e) To drag an item, move the cursor without pressing any button. ( )

2. Match the following by writing the correct letter in each box on the right.

A Delete 1 Cursor moves to the next line. A-

B Function key 2 Erases a character to the right of the cursor. B-
C Space bar 3 Information about the F1 through F12 keyboard keys. C-
D Enter 4 Key can be used to move forward through options in a dialog box. D-
E Backspace 5 Longest key. E-
F Tab 6 Erases a character to the left of the cursor. F-

3. (a) List four functions of a mouse.

(b) What is the use of the Left and Right button of a mouse?
4. Label the box for the different keys used on a keyboard


5. List the functions of the following keys.

Key Function
Num Lock
Page Up
Space Bar
Function Key
Print Screen
Page Down

2.4 E�������� M�������� W������

The desktop is the first screen which appears when the computer is switched on.

Icon Shortcuts A document



Start Button Pinned Open Notification

application application area

Figure 2.16: An example of a desktop

Computer Operations

Microsoft Windows makes use of a graphical user interface (GUI). It consists of a window,
icon, mouse and pointer (WIMP) interface to allow a friendly environment.

The Desktop is the background screen picture on which different items are arranged.

The main purpose of the desktop is to hold shortcuts, documents and icons that will help
you work efficiently. At the bottom is the start button, taskbar, pinned application, open
application and notification area showing the time and date.

The table below gives you an overview of the common items found on a desktop.

Icon Icons are the small pictures which you can see on the desktop of a computer.
It gives you quick access to programs. For example, My Computer.

Start Button Clicking the Start button shows the main menu.

Pinned application Next to the Start Menu button, holds shortcuts to your frequently
used programs.

Open application Icon gains a border when a document is open in the application.

Notification area Notification area, or tray, at the far right of the Taskbar is used to show
icons for programs that are awake and hanging around in the background,
like the clock, anti-virus, and scheduling programs.
Shortcuts A shortcut points to the file that runs a program, like MS Word. A shortcut
may have a small arrow at the bottom left of the icon.

Document Files can actually be stored as part of the Desktop. This icon represents
a Word document rather than a shortcut to the application. There is no
arrow at the bottom left like there is for a shortcut.


When a program such as Microsoft Word is launched, a window, as shown below, will
appear on the desktop.

Document Application
Title Name Minimize Maximise
Title Bar Close

Scroll Bar

Scroll Bar

Status Bar Scroll arrows

Scroll Bar

Figure 2.17: An application window

A window is a rectangular area on the desktop.

The table below shows a list of operations that can be carried out with Windows.

Icon Function
Minimise A minimised program window is one that takes up no space at all
on the desktop; only its taskbar button is visible.
Maximise When a program window is maximised, it covers the entire
Restore button is visible when a window is already maximised.
Closes the current window or quits the current application.


Step-by-Step: Control the Window

What you will learn:

• to minimise, maximise, and restore a window.

Computer Operations


1. If necessary, open the Control Panel.

The following steps are performed

1. Click on Start button

2. Select Control Panel

Figure 2.18: Opening the control panel

2. Click on the Minimise button on the right of the Title Bar on the Control
Panel window.

Where does the Control Panel go? It is minimised to a button on the taskbar.

3. Click on the taskbar button for the Control Panel. The window pops back
into view on the desktop as the active window. The color of the Title Bar is different
when a window is inactive. A good color scheme will make the difference obvious.

4. Click on the Maximise button on the right of the Title Bar. The window now
takes up the whole desktop. Notice that the Maximise button has changed to
the Restore button .

5. Click on the Restore button on the right of the Title Bar. Your Control Panel
reverts to its previous size.


A menu is a list of choices presented to the user by an interactive program.

Menu bar


Example of Menu bar and pull Down menu

Example of Sub menu Example of Pop-up menu

Figure 2.19: Examples of Menu

A dialog box is a special purpose window which asks user for input.

For example, when you have chosen to save a file (in Microsoft Word) to disk.

• Click "File" on the menu bar.

• On the drop down menu, click on "Save As".
• "Save As" dialog box will appear like this:
Computer Operations

Figure 2.20: 'Save As' dialog box

In this dialog box, you just have to fill in the three variables as marked and select the
save button.

Look, there are 3 variables here.

1. Save in: Refers to the location or name of the folder where you want to save
the file.
2. File name: Needs a short but descriptive name so that you can recognise later what
file it is.
3. Save as type: Actually refers to the type of file so that the computer can understand
which program to open later.


Quick Test
1. Explain the following terms:
(a) Window
(b) Dialog Box
(c) GUI
(d) Menu
(e) Icon
2. Label the parts numbered 1 to 6 with the appropriate words given below.
Vertical Scroll Bar Minimise Button Title Bar
Close Button Maximise Button Horizontal Scroll Bar

1 2 3 4

Computer Operations

3. State whether the following statements are True or False.

(a) There can be more than one window on the screen at the same time ( )

(b) Selecting an option in a GUI is to point at an icon and click. ( )

(c) A desktop is a special purpose window which asks user for input. ( )

(d) It is easy to work with Windows. ( )

(e) Pinned application holds shortcuts to your frequently used programs ( )

4. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.

(a) A pointer cursor looks like a short_________________.

(b) A window is a _____________ portion of the computer screen.

(c) A _______________ is a list of choices presented to the user by an

interactive program. It consists of a ____________________ and a

(d) _____________button is visible when a window is already maximised.

(e) The ______________________is the first screen which appears when the
computer is switched on.

2.5 Files and Folders

You are familiar with paper files.

Figure 2.21: Paper Files


The files you just saw are in paper-based form. In the computer, files/documents are kept
in electronic form.

Each document, whether it is a plain text file or a letter in Word , or music , or the
directions for a program , is called a file.

Files are grouped together in folders , also called directories.

A Folder can have other folders and files.

For example:
• Select the folder My Documents.
• When clicking on the icon, it opens to display all files and folders that are stored
in it.
folder folders


Figure 2.22: Files and folders

To ease tracing of files, we group files in folders under the directory also called root
directory or root folder.
Computer Operations

For example,
• usually refers to floppy drive.
• usually refers to hard drive, if you only have one hard drive.
• usually refers to CD or DVD drive.

The folder My Documents contains different files where each file is given a name
which is referred to as the file name, like: Database1, navigation, Question 2
and website.

A file name consists of two parts:

• Name
• Optional extension or type

Example of a file name on the computer will be:

The File Extension gives an indication of the type or category of the file.

Examples of File Extension codes:

• Practical.docx is a file stored as word document. It can also be Practical.doc *
• Practical.bmp is a picture file created in MS Paint. A picture file can also have the
extension as .jpeg
• Practical.xlsx is a file created in Microsoft Excel. It can also be Practical.xls *
• Practical.pptx is a file created and stored in Microsoft PowerPoint. It can also be
Practical.ppt *
• Practical.htm is an internet file used by Internet Explorer or any browser
accessing the internet
• Practical.pdf developed by Adobe Systems is designed to view, create,
manipulate and manage files in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF).

In Office 2007 onwards, 'x' is included in the extension. In the older versions no 'x' is in
the extension.

How do you identify these files and folders?

Each file and folder has a pathname and is described as:

<Disk Letter>: \ <Folder Name> \ <Subfolder Name>\ ... \ <File Name. Type>



C:\My Documents\Letters\Mary.doc

Disk Folder Subfolder Filename File type

The drive and folders that you must go through to get to the folder or file that you want
is called path.

A path always starts with a drive letter.

Draw a diagram to show how you would access the file Test

List the number of folders and subfolders available in the above example.

Step-by-Step: Using the mouse

What you will learn:
• Creating a folder.
• Deleting a folder.
• Renaming a Folder.

To create a folder, follow the following steps:

1. Right click on a blank space on the desktop.
2. A pop-up menu will appear and select the NEW option.
3. Select Folder.
Computer Operations

Figure 2.23: Creating new folder

4. An icon will appear where New Folder will be highlighted.

Figure 2.24: New folder appears on desktop


5. Then type the folder name as ‘Test’ and press ‘Enter’.

Figure 2.25: Creating a folder called Test

The folder is created and named as ‘Test’ on the desktop.

Deleting means erasing or removing a file or a folder. The different steps to delete
a folder:

Option 1: If a folder is on the desktop.

• Right click on the file or folder.
• Select the option DELETE in menu list.
• Press ENTER.
The file will be erased/deleted.

Note: The same steps are needed to delete a file.

Computer Operations

Figure 2.26: Deleting a folder

Option 2: If a folder is stored in another location.

1. Right click on the icon, for example vsharma.
2. Click on Open.
3. Select the drive on which the file is found, for example My Documents.
4. Then right click on the Folder Name, for example Jojos Fashion.
5. Select Delete and Press Enter.


Figure 2.27: Deleting a folder in another location

Select the folder to be renamed and follow the steps below.
1. Right click and choose Rename option from the menu.
2. Give the name you want and press ‘Enter’ on the keyboard.
Computer Operations

Figure 2.28: Renaming a folder

2.6 Search for Help

When you need help, but you are not sure what the best kind of help is, you should
launch Windows Help and Support.

Choose Help and Support from the Start menu to open the Windows Help and Support
dialogue box.


The Help system provides the following.

Find an Answer Quickly:
Type your subject that you are seeking help into the Search Help box along the
window’s top and click the magnifying glass. You can type a complete question or
just a word or two about your trouble
Computer Software 97

Not Sure Where to Start?

• How to Get Started with Your Computer offers advice on setting up a new PC
for the first time.
• Learn about Windows Basics provides an overview about Windows 7 tasks.
• Browse Help Topics leads you to an interface where you can cut your way
through large categories to find detailed information about the operations of

More on the Windows website

• This takes you directly to Windows 7's online Help page, which is sometimes
more up-to-date than the built-in program.
• Be sure you’re connected to the Internet before you click here.

We navigate through the Windows Help and Support program the same way you would
through a browser or folder.
To move back one page, click the little blue Back arrow in the upper-left corner.

Quick Test
1. State whether these statements are True or False

(a) A folder can be renamed. ( )

(b) A window cannot be resized. ( )
(c) A file can contain a number of folders. ( )
(d) Computer_studies is a correct filename. ( )
(e) The main directory is called a subfolder. ( )
2. Label the different icons in the following diagram using the words listed below.
USB Flash Drive, Hard disk, Files, Folders, CD/DVD-RAM drive, Printer,
Applications software


3. Read carefully the following seven tasks.

1. Create a New Folder on the desktop
2. Choose a program from a list
3. Change the screen saver
4. Set the time
5. Uninstall a program
6. Rename a folder
7. Delete a file

Write the number of the six tasks that are done by the following actions:

Description of Action TASK NUMBER

a Right click on a folder Rename
b Double click on the Clock
c Start All Programs
d Start Control Panel Add or Remove Programs
e Right click on the desktop New Folder
f Right click on the desktop Properties
Computer Operations

4. The full path name of a file is given as

(a) How many folders are there in the path name?
(b) What is the name of the file?

• Starting a computer is called booting.

• When we want to shut down the computer, we can choose the following
options: switch user, log off, lock, restart, sleep and hibernate.
• A mouse can be used to point, click, double click, click and drag.
• A window is a rectangular area on the screen. When you start, you will see
the desktop which is the main window.
• The desktop consists of the taskbar, start menu, Quick launch toolbar,
notification area and icons.
• A menu is a list of choices presented to the user by an interactive program.
• A dialog box is a special purpose window which asks the user for input.
• A file is a document which is stored in a folder.
• A folder is a "container" in which you can store documents, like a file folder
in a filing cabinet.
• Files are grouped together in folders also called directories.
• My Computer and Windows Explorer are the two file management programs
to create, copy and delete, move files and folders in Microsoft Windows.
• At any time, if you need help, you should launch Windows 7's Help and


1. State whether the following statements are True or False:

(a) A folder can contain other folders. ( )
(b) A file can contain a folder. ( )
(c) The hard disk is usually called Drive C. ( )
(d) A folder can contain up to 4 files. ( )
(e) Files and folders form a directory tree. ( )
(f) The minimize button is used to close a program. ( )
2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given below.
Extension, selection, typing, name, rectangular, menu, folder, drop down list
(a) Related files can be organised and stored in a _______________.
(b) A file name has two parts: a _____________________ and an optional
(c) A window is a __________________ portion of the computer screen.
(d) The________________ shows a list of things that the user can choose
(e) A ______________ is a list of choices presented to the user by an
interactive program.
3. Circle the correct answer.
(a) Starting a computer is called:
A. Restart
B. Booting
C. Hibernate
D. Log off
Computer Operations

(b) To start a program, a person should:

A. Double click on the icon on the desktop.
B. Click on the start button, select All Programs tab and then click
the appropriate program.
C. Use Windows Explorer.
D. Do all the above.
(c) To halt a program being run temporarily we use the _______________
A. Alt
B. Print Screen
C. Ctrl
D. Pause
4. (a) Look carefully at the picture and state what the label indicates.

5. Look carefully at the picture on the left and answer the

following questions:
(a) What is the difference between a folder and a
(b) Write the name of the selected folder.
(c) How can you tell that a folder contains sub-folders?
(d) How can you view the names of the sub-folders?
(e) Write the name of the folder with the largest number
of subfolders shown.
(f) Write the names of the folders with the least number
of subfolders shown.


6. Explain the following terms with examples:

(a) Icon
(b) Function Key
(c) Dialog Box
(d) Folder
(e) Mouse


1. Look carefully at the following five icons which are usually available on
the desktop:
(a) Write the correct name in the space provided next to each one of the
icons below from the following list: [1 mark each]
My Computer, Internet Explorer, My Network Places, My Documents,
Recycle Bin

(b) Look carefully at the picture below and answer the questions that
Computer Operations

i. From the following list, underline the name of the bar that shows
the title: [1 mark]
Scroll bar, Menu bar, Status bar, Title bar
ii. From the following list, underline the name of the bar marked
number: [1 mark]
Title bar, Scroll bar, Menu bar, Address bar
iii. The number of objects contained in this window is:___________________
[1 mark]
iv. The icon number indicating the Standard Buttons toolbar is: ____________
______________________________________________ [1 mark]
v. The icon number indicating the Address bar is:_______________________
[1 mark]
vi. The number on the scroll bar that allows scrolling down is:
______________________________________________ [1 mark]
vii. Number shows how the mouse changes when it gets to this area
on the window. Write a brief description about what happens when you
press the mouse button and drag it. [1 mark]
viii. Write the letter assigned by the system to any one of the
hard disks? [1 mark]
ix. How many removable backing storage devices appear in the
picture? [1 mark]
x. Write down the name of a removable backing storage device which appears
in the window. [1 mark]


2. Jane is collecting information about sea animals.

(a) Jane creates folders in her computer’s hard disk as shown below:

i. Write the path of the folder Animals. [1 mark]

ii. Write the names of any two sub-folders found in the folder Animals.
[2 marks]
(b) Jane draws a picture of a fish. She saves the picture using the filename
i. Which program application is suitable to open MyFish.bmp?
[1 mark]
Computer Operations

ii. Write the full path of MyFish.bmp once it is saved as shown above.
[2 marks]
iii. Describe how Karen can completely remove the file Fish.txt from the
hard disk.
[2 marks]

3. State whether the following is True or False: [1 mark each]

(a) A window can be minimised. ( )
(b) The start button is on the task bar. ( )
(c) The Recycle Bin contains deleted files from a floppy disk. ( )
(d) You can open more than one file at a time. ( )
(e) The Windows Explorer is used to read your emails. ( )

4. Define the following terms: [2 marks each]

(a) Booting
(b) Directory
(c) Menu


5. (a) Name the following buttons:




(b) List three different ways to start a program. [3 Marks]


Computer Software

The following topics are covered in this chapter:

3.1 Computer Software
3.2 Types of Software
3.3 Application Software Packages

After studying this section you should be able to:


a) Understand the meaning of computer software.

b) Distinguish the different types of software.
c) Differentiate between system and application software.
d) Identify the various types of application software packages and
their uses.

3.1 C������� S�������

Software is the general term used to refer to computer programs. A program is a series
of instructions followed to perform a task.

For example, some instructions direct the computer to allow you to input data from a
keyboard and store it in the memory.

There are two types of computer software.

• System software
• Application software

Figure 3.1: Types of Computer Software

Good software is user friendly and bug free.

• User friendly means a program or user interface which is easy to use.
• Bug free means that the program has no errors.

A software bug is the common term used to describe an error, mistake, failure, or fault
in a computer program that produces an incorrect or unexpected result.

Writing user friendly and bug free software requires lots of programmers’ time, efforts
and costs. For this reason, good software is expensive.

Removing an error from a program is called debugging.

Quick Test
1. Explain the following terms:
(a) Software
(b) Debugging
Computer Software 109

(c) Program
(d) Bug
2. Why is software expensive?
3. What are the features of a good software?
4. Why is it important to remove errors from a program?

3.2 T���� �� S�������

System software consists of specialized programs that control and manage the
operations of the computer and its devices.

The system software consists of:

1. Operating system (OS)
It is a set of programs that coordinates all the activities of the computer
hardware devices.
2. Utility program
It is a type of system software that allows a user to perform maintenance
type tasks.
3. Translators
These are languages translators programs to convert human readable
instructions to machine code languages.

Figure 3.2 shows some examples of system software

Figure 3.2: Examples of system software


System software serves as the interface between the user, the application software and
the hardware.

Figure 3.3: System software interface

Make a list of some of the utility programs you use on your computer.

Application software refers to programs designed to perform specific tasks for users.

There are two types of application software:

1. Ready-made software.
2. User-designed software

Application Software

(Tailor-made Software)

Figure 3.4: Types of Application Software

Ready-made software serves more general purposes and can be used by many
organisations. Ready-made software is also known as packaged software or
simply packages.

Because of serving general purposes, ready-made software is called personal

productivity tools.
Computer Software 111

Examples of some personal productivity tools are:

1. Word processing
2. Spreadsheet
3. Database
4. Graphics software
5. Accounting package
6. Presentation software
7. Games

User-designed software (Tailor-made software) is developed at a user's request to

perform specific functions.

Big companies and government departments create their own application software. It
takes a lot of time and effort to create such specific application software.

Examples of custom software are:

• Payroll package
• Direct debit software
• Inventory package

Ready-made software versus user-designed software

Ready-Made Software Tailor-Made Software

Cheap, as it is for general use. Expensive, as it is user and task specific.
No development time and readily Requires significant development time and
available. the possibility of missed delivery deadlines.
Reliable, as all debugging has been May require extensive debugging and tends
done before product is released. to fail occasionally as bugs may be present.
Contains some unwanted features Contains only the features of the customer’s
due to a wide range of users. own expectation.
Difficult and time-consuming to learn Ease of use as the result of user's own
due to many general features. features.

Figure 3.5: Ready-Made Software versus Tailor-Made Software


Quick Test
1. What type of system software would perform the following tasks?
(a) Clean an infected disk.
(b) Provides user name and password.
(c) Develop a program to monitor patient heart beat.
(d) Make backup copies.
2. Differentiate between
(a) System software and Application software.
(b) Tailor-made software and ready-made software.
3. State whether the following statements are True or False:
(a) Computers can function without software.
(b) Tailor-made software is readily available and can be installed quickly
and easily.
(c) A package is a collection of programs.
(d) Linux is an example of a utility software.
(e) A person must consider the type of operating system used in his computer
before selecting a package.
4. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.
(a) An ______________________ is an example of a system software.
(b) Spreadsheet is an example of ______________________.
(c) Application software provides _________________ so that user interacts
with the computer.
(d) ________________ is written to the specification of an organisation
or customer.
(e) ________________ languages are used to create software.
Computer Software 113

Tick ( ) the appropriate tailor-made software.

(a) Weather forecasting (e) Payroll system

(b) Game package (f) Nuclear reactor
(c) Spreadsheet (g) Word processing
(d) Birth and death registration (h) Stock control for a supermarket

3.3 A���������� S������� P�������

Most application software is available as packaged software that can be purchased in
retail stores or on the Web.

Packaged software refers to commercial software which is copyrighted and designed to

meet the needs of a wide variety of users.

Many application software packages are also available as shareware and

freeware software.
• Freeware is copyrighted software provided at no cost to users.
• Shareware is copyrighted software that is distributed free for a trial period, and
payment is required for using the software beyond that trial period.

Application software can be split up into specific categories such as:

A graphics package allows you to create and edit drawings.

The main types of graphics packages are painting and image editing software.
• Paint software allows a user to draw pictures, shapes and other graphical
images using various tools such as pen, brush, and paint bucket which come with
the program.
Examples are Microsoft Paint, Paint Shop Pro.

• Image editing software allows a user to retouch photographs, adjust or enhance

image colors, and add special effects like shadows and glows.
Examples are CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, Xara Xtreme and Serif DrawPlus.

We will refer to Microsoft Paint from Microsoft Windows in this chapter.


Step-by-Step: Create drawings with Microsoft Paint

What you will learn:
• Getting to start with Microsoft Paint.
• Creating drawings.

MS Paint or Microsoft Paint is a program used to draw and colour pictures.


To start MS Paint, follow the steps below:
1. Click the Start Button.
2. Click on All Programs.
3. Click on Accessories.
4. Click on Paint.

Figure 3.6: Steps to open MS Paint

Computer Software 115

This is a typical view of the top of the Paint window.

Colour Box
Toolbox (palette) Minimise Maximise/Restore
Close/Exit Button

Drawing Area

Figure 3.7: The Paint Window

The tool box contains many tools which can be used for drawing pictures.

The colour box has different colours. This is just like your colouring pencil box. You can
select a colour from the colour box to colour the pictures that you have drawn.

It is very easy to draw using Microsoft Paint and, if you are a beginner, the following
instructions will be very useful to make you a cartoonist or a graphic designer:

1. Drawing with a Pencil tool

To draw with a pencil, follow the steps below:

1. Click on Pencil tool.
2. Press the left mouse button and drag the mouse to draw the desired shape and
then release the mouse button when you have drawn the desired shape.


Figure 3.8: Drawing with a pencil

2. Using Eraser Tool to erase part of your drawing

To erase with eraser tool, follow the steps below:

1. Select the Eraser tool.
2. Bring the cursor on the area to be erased and then press the left mouse button
and drag it over the area which you wish to erase.

Figure 3.9: Using Eraser tool

Computer Software 117

Using pencil tool, draw the flower shown below:

3. Drawing different shapes and lines

To draw a rectangle, follow the steps below:
1. Using your mouse, click on the rectangle tool.
2. Move the cursor to the drawing area.
3. Press the left button of the mouse and drag it down till the rectangle of desired
size is drawn.
4. Release the left button.


Figure 3.10: Drawing different shapes

Note: Drawing different shapes such as squares, rounded rectangles, circles and polygons
using the tool box will follow the same steps as above.


Use the tool box to draw the following shapes:

4. Colouring your drawing

Different tools are available in the tool box for colouring your drawing, such as: brush
tool and fill colour tool.

Fill Colour Tool

Brush Tool

Figure 3.11: Colour drawing

Computer Software 119

To use fill colour tool, follow the steps below:

• In the tool box, click the Fill Colour tool.
• Select the colour to be filled from the colour box.
• Open the previous class activity where you have drawn different shapes.
• Move the mouse pointer inside the shape to be coloured and click the left
mouse button.

To use Brush colour tool, follow the steps below:

• Click the Brush tool.
• Follow the same steps as above.

5. Class Activity

These are the following steps which show how to draw your famous Bugs
Bunny cartoon.

First step is to draw two circles. Second step is to draw a curve from
left circle edge to bottom middle.

Third step is to draw a curve from Fourth step is to erase the inner
right circle edge to bottom middle lines to make a heart Shape.
to join the other curve.
Note that you can just draw the heart
shape by selecting the heart shape from
the shape option in the ribbon.


Fifth step is to draw lines from Sixth step is to draw the mouth with
middle to make moustaches. tongue and teeth.

Seventh step is to draw the nose. Eighth step is to draw two


Ninth step is to draw two Tenth step is to draw the hair by

eyes with circles. attaching the two eyebrows.
Computer Software 121

Eleventh step is to draw the ears. Now colour it.

Figure 3.12: Creating Pictures with Ms Paint

Activity: Using Microsoft Paint

Complete the following picture. Be sure to follow the steps below. Check
them off as you complete them. Follow the directions for erasing if you
make a mistake. Remember that you can always undo whatever new part
you have just added to your picture. And you can start over by going
to "NEW".

Draw a house.

1. Use the square tool to make the house.

2. Use the straight line tool to make a roof on the house.
3. Use the polygon tool to make a chimney.
4. Use the square and the straight line tool to make windows.
5. Use the curved line tool to add curtains to the windows.
6. Put a sun in the sky. Use the circle tool.
7. Put rays around the sun using the pencil tool.
8. Colour the sky blue with the airbrush.
9. Colour the sun yellow with the paint can.
10. Paint the curtains with the paint brush.
11. Use the paint can to colour the house. * If your whole picture changes colours,
go to VIEW<ZOOM<LARGE to see where the paint is leaking. It means that one
of your lines isn’t connected all the way.
12. Write your name with the text key. Choose a style and colour that you like.
13. Save.


Word processing software, also known as a word processor, is used to create, any type of
document such as letters, reports, essays, textbooks, etc.

Figure 3.13: Documents created by word processor

Examples of word processing programs: Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, Lotus WordPro,

and Open Office Writer.

Before you can use any application software, you need to launch or run it.

We will refer to Microsoft Word 2010 in this chapter.

You can start MS Word 2010 by following the steps below:

1. Click on Start
2. Click on All Programs
3. Click on Microsoft Office
4. Click on Microsoft Word 2010
Computer Software 123

Figure 3.14: Steps in starting Microsoft Word

You have opened the MS Word software and the following screen will appear.
Title Bar
Menu Bar

and Vertical Insertion Point Document
Status Bar

Figure 3.15: Word Processing Interface


The key for the various elements of the working screen is given as:

Element Function
Title Bar A Title Bar contains the word processor name and the document name.

Menu Bar The Menu Bar is generally found directly below the Title Bar. The Menu
bar displays the menu. It starts with the word File and clicking an option
will launch a pull down menu with related commands.
Ribbon A display of commands and features that are intended to make it easier
to find the tool or command that you want.
Horizontal They are used to measure and define the margins of the document.
and Vertical
Document The rectangular area where text is typed or pictures inserted.
Insertion A vertical line blinks to indicate where the next letter typed will
Point be inserted.
Vertical and Use these to view hidden portions of large documents.
Status Bar The Status Bar appears at the very bottom of the screen and provides
such information as the current page, current section, total number of
pages, inches from the top of the page, current line number and current
column number.
Figure 3.16: Key Elements of a Word Processing Screen


Step-by-Step: Creating and opening documents

What you will learn:
• To create a new, blank document.
• To save a document.
• To exit Microsoft Word.
• To open an existing document.
Computer Software 125

To Create a New, Blank Document:

1. Click the File tab. This takes you to Backstage view.
2. Select New.
3. Select Blank document under Available Templates. It will be highlighted
by default.

Figure 3.17: Creating a New Document

4. Click Create. A new, blank document appears in the Word window.

You have opened the MS Word software. Now type the following text:


Glory to thee Motherland,

O Motherland of mine.
Sweet is thy beauty,
Sweet is thy fragrance,
Around thee we gather
As one people,
As one nation,
In peace, justice, and liberty.
Beloved country, may God bless thee
Forever and ever.

To Save a document

As you have seen, you have two options in Microsoft Word to save a document:
• Save
• Save As

To use the Save As Command:

1. Click the File Option.
2. Select Save As. The Save As dialog box appears.

Select location where you
want to save the file
Enter the name of the document

Figure 3.18: Save As dialog box

Computer Software 127

3. Select the location where you wish to save the document using the drop-down
4. Enter a name for the document, for example “Exercise 1”.
5. Click the Save button.

To use the Save Command:

• Click the File Option.
• Select Save from the menu.

Using the Save command saves the document in its current location using the same
file name. If you are saving for the first time, select Save, the Save As dialog box
will appear.

To Exit Microsoft Word:

1. Click the File tab. This takes you to Backstage view.
2. Select Exit.
3. You are prompted: “Do you want to save changes to Document6?” To save
your changes, click Yes. Otherwise, click No. If you click Yes, the Save As dialog
box appears.

Figure 3.19: Exiting Microsoft Word


To Open an Existing Document:

1. Click the File tab. This takes you to Backstage view.
2. Select Open.

Figure 3.20: Open a saved document

The Open dialog box appears.

Figure 3.21: Open dialog box

Computer Software 129

3. Select your document example “Exercise 1”.

4. Click Open.


Step-by-Step: Editing Text

What you will learn:
• To insert, delete, select text.
• To copy and paste text.

Open MS Word software and type the following text:

January 2010 has been a profitable month and the company has shown growth
in many areas. Ad sales are up by 23% and capital expenditures have decreased
since 4th quarter in the Sales Department. The sales team hired a new design
specialist, the post of VP of sales was filled, a new Sales Chief position was
created, and the sales team accrued 14 new clients including one national chain.
Additionally, online ad sales doubled since July of last year. Statistics indicate
that sales in most markets with the use of online ads and our clients are reading
those statistics and responding to them. Marketing trends indicate that this
growth will continue.

1. Move your mouse to the location you wish text to appear in the document.
For example, before “ The sales team hired…”.

2. Click the mouse. The insertion point appears.



Figure 3.22: Location where text needs to be inserted

3. Type the following text.

The Manager of the company has to review his strategies and has decided to hire an
experienced staff.

4. Save the document as “Practical 1”.

Open an existing document, for example “Practical 1”.

From the above text, erase the words “a new design specialist, the role of VP of sales
was filled,”.

There are two ways to erase text from a document.

1. Use backspace button
2. Use delete button

To use Backspace key, follow the steps below:

Backspace button
Computer Software 131

1. Put your cursor just after the character ',' as shown below.

Position the cursor before

pressing Backspace

Figure 3.23: Cursor before applying backspace button

2. Press Backspace to erase the characters in the sentence. Your sentence should
be as follows.

Cursor position when the

words have been deleted

Figure 3.24: Cursor while applying backspace button


Backspace key has erased characters before the cursor.

To use Delete key, follow the steps below:

Delete button

1. Put your cursor just before the letter “a” from the sentence “a new design
specialist, the role of VP of sales was filled,”.

Cursor before the first character in the

sentence to be deleted

Figure 3.25: Cursor while applying delete key

Computer Software 133

2. Now press delete button to delete the characters. Your sentence should be as
shown below:

Cursor position when some texts have

been deleted

Figure 3.26: Cursor position after sentence has been deleted

Delete key has erased characters after the cursor.

1. Place the insertion point next to the text you wish to select.
2. Click the mouse and, while holding it down, drag your mouse over the text to
select it.
3. Release the mouse button. You have selected the text. A highlighted box will
appear over the selected text.


Figure 3.27: Selecting Text


1. Select the text you wish to copy.

Example: The sales team hired a new design specialist, the role of VP of sales was
filled, a new sales chief position was created, and the sales team accrued
14 new clients, including one national chain.

2. Click the Copy command on the Home tab. You can also right-click your document
and select Copy.
Computer Software 135

Figure 3.28: Copy Command

3. Place your insertion point where you wish the text to appear.
Example: At the end, after the words “will continue”.

4. Click the Paste command on the Home tab. This text will appear:

Figure 3.29: Text has been copied



1. Select the text you wish to copy.

Example: The sales team hired a new design specialist, the role of VP of sales was filled,
a new sales chief position was created, and the sales team accrued 14 new
clients, including one national chain.

2. Click the Cut command on the Home tab. You can also right-click your document
and select Cut.

Figure 3.30: Cut Command

3. Place your insertion point where you wish the text to appear.

Example: At the end, after the words “will continue”.

Computer Software 137

4. Click the Paste command on the Home tab. The following text will appear:

Figure 3.31: Text has been cut and paste

Changing the appearance of a document is known as formatting.

Character attributes are the different properties of characters (letters, numbers,

symbols, etc).

Some common character attributes are:

• Shape and style
• Size
• Underline
• Colour

So formatting the character attributes means changing the shape, size, colour and so on
of the words, numbers, etc. in a document.


Step-by-Step: Formatting Text and Paragraph

What you will learn:
• To format font size.
• To format font style.
• To format font colour.
• To use the Bold, Italic, and Underline
• To apply character effects.
• To align Paragraph.
• To change paragraph spacing.
• To change line spacing.


A set of characters with a particular style and width is called font. Each font is given a
name and has certain characteristics.

The width of the characters depends on the font style; their height is determined by the
font size and is measured in points.

Computer 48 points

Computer same font size of 16 points but different font styles


To change font size:

1. Select the text you wish to modify.

Example the sentence “a new design specialist, the role of VP of sales was filled,” from
the “Practical 1” document.

2. Click on the Home tab.

3. In the Font group, click the down arrow next to the Font Size box.
Computer Software 139

Figure 3.32: Format Font Size


To change the font type, follow the steps below:

1. Select the text you wish to modify.
2. Click the down arrow next to the Font field. A menu of fonts appears.
3. Choose a font.


Figure 3.33: Format Font Style


1. Select the text you wish to modify.
2. Click the down arrow next to the colour icon.
3. After clicking the down arrow for the colour, select the colour

Figure 3.34: Format Font Colour

Computer Software 141


Besides using larger font sizes, another way to emphasize a word is by changing its
character attributes as follows:

Example of Underline


Characters have a line below them

To use the Bold, Italic, and Underline Commands:

1. Select the text you wish to modify.
2. Click the Bold, Italic or Underline command in the Font group on the Home tab.

Figure 3.35: Bold, Italic and Underline Commands



Effects can be applied to text such as:


Superscript appears smaller and above the baseline (Example, X3).

The characters “th” are in superscript.

H2O 5th

The number “2” is in Subscript.

A subscript appears smaller and below the baseline (Example, H2O or X2).

A line is drawn through the middle of the selected word. This is known as strikethrough.

To use the superscript, subscript and strikethrough commands:

1. Select the text you wish to modify.
2. Click the superscript, subscript or strikethrough command in the Font group on
the Home tab.
Computer Software 143

Figure 3.36: Superscript, Subscript and Strikethrough

In Microsoft Word, you can position or align the paragraph’s edge relative to the left and
right margins of the document. There are four ways to align paragraphs:

1. Align Text Left: Aligns all the selected text to the left margin.
2. Center: Aligns text an equal distance from the left and right margins.
3. Align Text Right: Aligns all the selected text to the right margin.
4. Justify: Justified text is equal on both sides and lines up equally to the right and
left margins. Traditionally, many books, newsletters and newspapers use full-


Figure 3.37: Paragraph alignment

By default, paragraphs are left aligned in Microsoft Word.

To use the Paragraph alignment:

1. Select the paragraph you wish to modify.
2. Select one of the four alignment options from the Paragraph group on the
Home tab.

Figure 3.38: Change Text Alignment

Computer Software 145


Paragraph spacing is the spacing before and after a paragraph.

Paragraph spacing can be achieved by:

1. Select the paragraph you wish to modify.
2. Click the Line spacing command on the Home tab.
3. Select Add Space before Paragraph or Add Space after Paragraph from
the menu.

Figure 3.39 Format paragraph spacing


Line spacing is the space between any two lines of text in a paragraph:

The default line spacing is called single line spacing.


To adjust line spacing the following are performed:

1. Select the text you want to format.
2. Click the Line spacing command in the Paragraph group on the Home tab.
3. Select a spacing option.

Figure 3.40: Line spacing


You may want to insert various types of illustrations into your documents to make
them more visually appealing. Illustrations include Clip Art, Pictures, SmartArt, Charts,
and more.

Step-by-Step: Working with Clip Art

What you will learn:
• To locate clip art.
• To insert clip art.
• To insert a picture from a file.
Computer Software 147


1. Select the Insert tab.
2. Click the Clip Art command in the Illustrations group.
3. The Clip Art options appear in the task pane to the right of the document.
4. Enter keywords in the Search for: fields that are related to the image you wish
to insert.
5. Click the drop-down arrow in the Results should be: field.
6. Deselect any types of media you do not wish to see.
7. If you would like to also search for Clip Art on, place a checkmark
next to Include content. Otherwise, it will just search for Clip Art on
your computer.
8. Click Go.

Figure 3.41: Clip Art Command


1. Review the results from a clip art search.
2. Place your insertion point in the document where you wish to insert the
clip art.
3. Click an image in the Clip Art pane. It will appear in the document.


Figure 3.42: Selecting a Clip Art Image

You can also click the drop-down arrow next to the image in the Clip Art pane to view
more options.

Step-by-Step: Header and Footer

What you will learn:
• Insert a header or footer.
• Insert date and/or time onto header or footer.
• Add page number.


Headers and footers are areas in the top, bottom and side margins of each page in a

The header is a section of the document that appears in the top margin, while the footer
is a section of the document that appears in the bottom margin.

Headers and footers generally contain information such as the page number, date and
document name.
Computer Software 149

To insert a header or footer

1. Select the Insert tab.
2. Click either the Header or Footer command. A drop-down menu will appear.
3. From the drop-down menu, select Blank to insert a blank header or footer, or
choose one of the built-in options.

4. The Design tab will appear on the Ribbon, and the header or footer will appear
in the document.
5. Type the desired information into the header or footer.
6. When you have finished, click Close Header and Footer in the Design tab, or
press the Esc key.


After you close the header or footer, it will still be visible, but it will be locked. To edit it
again, just double-click anywhere on the header or footer, and it will become unlocked.


To insert the date and/or time into a header or footer
1. Double-click anywhere on the header or footer to unlock it. The Design tab will
2. From the Design tab, click the Date and Time command.

3. Select a date format in the dialogue box that appears.

Computer Software 151

4. Place a check mark in the Update Automatically box if you would like it to always
reflect the current date. Otherwise, it will not change when the document is
opened at a later date.
5. Click OK. The date and/or time now appear/s in the document.


Word can automatically label each page with a page number and place it in a header, a
footer, or in the side margin. You can add page numbers to an existing header or footer,
or you can insert page numbers into a new header or footer.

To add page numbers to an existing header or footer

1. Select the header or footer. The Design tab will appear.
2. Place the insertion point where you want the page number to be.

3. From the Design tab, select the Page Number command.

4. Click Current Position and then select the desired style. The page number will appear
in the document.


If you have already typed information into your header or footer, it is important to place
the page number at the Current Position to avoid losing anything. If you select a page
number from Top of Page or Bottom of Page, it will delete anything you have already
added to the header or footer.

To insert page numbers into a new header or footer:

1. From the Insert tab, click Page Number. A drop-down menu will appear.
2. Select the desired page number style and it will appear in your document.


To Insert a Picture from a File
1. Place your insertion point where you want the image to appear.
2. Select the Insert tab.
3. Click the Picture command in the Illustrations group. The Insert Picture dialog
box appears.
Computer Software 153

Figure 3.43: Inserting a Picture from a File

4. Select the desired image file and click Insert to add it to your document.

Figure 3.44: Selecting an Image File

To resize an image, click and drag one of the corner sizing handles. The image will change
size while keeping the same proportions. If you want to stretch it horizontally or vertically,
you can use the side sizing handles.


There are five views available in MS Word 2010:
1. Print Layout,
2. Full Screen Reading,
3. Web Layout,
4. Outline and
5. Draft

Click the View tab to have access to the five document views.

Print Layout view

View the document as it will appear on the printed page.

Full Screen Reading view

View the document in full screen Reading View in order to maximise the space available
for reading or commenting on the document.

Web Layout view

View the document as it would look as a Web page.

Outline view
View the document as an outline and shows the outlining tools.

Draft view
View the document as a draft to quickly edit the text.
Certain elements of the documents such as headers and footers will not be visible in
this view.
Computer Software 155

Activity 1
1. Type the following:

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is the title.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!

When the blazing sun is gone,

When there’s nothing to shine upon,
Then you show your little light.
Twinkle, twinkle, through the night.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!

2. Format the words which are underlined into bold.

3. Put the phrase: ‘Twinkle, twinkle, little star,’ in italics.
(NOTE: you have the sentence twice).
4. Bold and underline the title. Change the size to 16 and font type to ‘Papyrus’.
5. Highlight the two paragraphs, change the size to 14 and font type to Arial.
6. Insert a clip art above first paragraph.
7 Add the Header “Twinkle, twinkle, little star”
8. Add a page number as footer
9. View the document in each of the following five views: Print Layout, Full Screen
Reading, Web Layout, Outline & Draft
10. Save as Twinkle star.


Activity 2
A sample letter is given below. Type this letter in Word and save it as ‘Absent’.

DATE: 15th January 2013

FROM: Vinod Sharma

Royal Road
Rose Belle

TO: The Form Teacher

High School
8 John Kennedy Street
Port Louis

Letter of Absence

I am writing this letter to inform you that my daughter, Hemsika, was absent from school
on Monday 14th January 2013. I had to take her to the hospital.

I shall be glad if you can forgive her for her absence.

Yours sincerely

Vinod Sharma

Format the letter as follows:

15th January 2013 [Bold, size 12]

Vinod Sharma [type: Monotype Corsiva, size 18]
Letter of Absence [bold, underline, size 14]
Insert Sir/Madam [Italic, size 12]
Hemsika [bold, italic and underline]
Delete [8 John Kennedy Street]

Excuse [type: Times New Roman]

Yours sincerely [type: Berlin Sans FB, size 16]
Computer Software 157

Spreadsheet software is used to organize data in rows and columns, and perform
calculations on the data.

A spreadsheet document is often called a worksheet.

Examples of spreadsheet programs: MS Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro Pro and Open
Office Calc.

Spreadsheet application is used for calculating and managing accounts, performing

calculations on data collected during surveys, solving mathematical equations, forecasting
and so on.

You can start MS Excel 2010 by following the steps below:

1. Click on Start
2. Click on All Programs
3. Click on Microsoft Office
4. Click on Microsoft Excel 2010

Figure 3.45: Steps in starting Microsoft Excel


You have opened the MS Excel software and the following screen will appear.

Title Bar


Bar Column


Figure 3.46: Features of a Microsoft Excel screen

The key for the various elements of the working screen is given as:

1. The workbook is the basic document for Excel. Its filename uses the extension
xls, from Excel spreadsheet. A workbook usually contains several worksheets.

2. A worksheet is a single sheet of data. One or more worksheets make a workbook.

The default workbook contains three worksheets, namely Sheet1, Sheet2,
and Sheet3.

A worksheet is also called just a sheet or spreadsheet.

On each worksheet, data is organised vertically in columns and horizontally

in rows.

Each column is identified by a letter (For example, A, B, C ...) and each row is
identified by a number (example, 1, 2, 3 ...).

3. A cell is the intersection of a column and a row.

Computer Software 159

An active cell has a dark border around it and the row and column headers are
coloured. This is the cell that receives your commands.

Each cell has a unique cell address (For example, A1) to define its location on
the worksheet.

A cell can be empty, or can contain a label or a value (For example, a number) or
a formula.
• Labels are texts that identify the data and help organise the worksheet.
• Values are numbers to be used for calculations.
• A formula performs calculations on the data in the worksheet, and displays
the resulting value in the cell that contains it.

Step-by-Step: Working with Excel

What you will learn:
• To create workbook.
• To work with Columns, Rows, and Cells.
• To create simple formula.


Excel files are called workbooks. Each workbook holds one or more worksheets.

To create a new workbook:

1. Click the File tab.
2. Select New.
3. Select Blank workbook under Available Templates. It will be highlighted
by default.
4. Click Create. A new, blank workbook appears in the Excel window.


Figure 3.47: Creating a New Workbook

You have opened the MS Excel software. Now we are going to produce the
following worksheet:

Figure 3.48: Sheet 1

Computer Software 161


1. To modify Column Width:

(a) Position your mouse over the column line in the column heading so that
the white cross becomes a double arrow .

Figure 3.49: Positioning Mouse over the Column Line

(b) Click and drag the column to the right to increase the column width or to
the left to decrease the column width.

Figure 3.50: Increasing the column width


(c) Release the mouse. The column width will change in your spreadsheet.

Figure 3.51: Increased column width

Note: the same steps are repeated for the row height.

Save the document as ‘Exercise 1’. (Similar to the steps of saving a word document).


A formula is an equation that performs a calculation.

One of the most useful features of Excel is its ability to calculate, using a cell address to
represent the value in a cell. This is called using a cell reference.

The key thing to remember when writing formulas for Excel is that all formulas must
begin with an equal sign (=).
Computer Software 163

To Create a Simple Formula in Excel:

1. Select the cell where the answer will appear (D3, for example).

Figure 3.52: Selecting Cell B4

2. Type the equal sign (=).

3. Type in the formula you want Excel to calculate. For example, "25*200".

Figure 3.53: Entering formula in D3


4. Press Enter. The formula will be calculated and the value will be displayed in
the cell D3.

Figure 3.54: Result in D3

A presentation program, also known as presentation graphics, links together a sequence
of slides containing text and graphics.

The presentation can be viewed as a slide show which is usually displayed on a large
monitor or on a projection screen.

Presentation software is used to create presentations, quizzes, e-learning packages,

information points and many other multimedia products.

Examples of presentation software: Microsoft PowerPoint, Corel Presentations, Lotus

Freelance Graphics, Harvard Graphics, Open Office Impress.
Computer Software 165

A database is an organised collection of information. It is used for producing reports as
well as for storing information.

Databases are used to store and handle data such as customer details for a business,
medical records at a surgery or stock items in a warehouse.


Student No: CO12 field

Surname: Sharma
First Name: Vik
Record DOB: 30/07/88
Address: Royal Road Moka
Telephone: 4334343

Figure 3.55: Example of Database

Both spreadsheets and databases can be used to handle almost the same information,
but each is optimized to handle a different type most efficiently. The larger the number
of records, the more important the differences are.

Examples of databases: MS Access, DBase, FoxPro, Oracle, MS SQL Server.

Accounting software is application software that records and processes accounting
transactions within functional modules such as accounts payable, accounts receivable,
payroll and trial balance.

Accounting software is used by companies to record and report their financial


Popular accounting software includes Intuit QuickBooks, Peachtree Complete Accounting

Quicken and QuickBooks Pro.


Games packages help people. Both children and adults derive much pleasure from
playing computer games which come in games packages:
• Maze
• Role playing
• Shooting
• Strategy
• Critical thinking

Figure 3.56: Example of Computer Game

Computer Software 167


Multimedia programs incorporate many of the graphics applications’ elements, but

also include video and sound capabilities.

A multimedia program is needed for making a music video.

Some of the more popular programs are from Macromedia, such as Flash, Authorware,
Director and Shockware.

A software upgrade is a new version of a software product designed to replace an
older version of the same product. For example, you may be running version 1.0.1 of a
program, version 1.0.2 is an upgrade, and version 2.0.0 is another update.

Another good example is windows XP has been upgraded to windows 7.

Benefits of software upgrade

1. New features not available or found in previous versions are added.
2. Often, the new version of a program has better performance.

Some software upgrades are not free. However, most software updates are small and
almost always free because they fix bugs (program errors) with a program.


Quick Test
1. Indicate whether the following statements are True or False.
(a) An accounting package is used for payroll calculation. ( )
(b) Each application software does a specific work. ( )
(c) Greeting cards can be created using the Paint program. ( )
(d) Open Office Impress is an example of a database software. ( )
(e) A painting application allows freehand drawing and photo editing with
a mouse. ( )
2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word.
(a) The most common package used in banks is__________________.
(b) Chess is an example of a __________________game that can be played with
a computer.
(c) The _______________ is the basic document for Excel.
(d) Open Office Writer is an example of a _________________ software.

(e) Images made with drawing packages consist of lines, shapes and
co-ordinates and are known as ______________________ packages.

3. Circle the correct answer.

(i) Which software is the most suitable choice for creating and editing large
amounts of text in a report?

A. Spreadsheet

B. Word processing

C. Database

D. Accounting package
Computer Software 169

(ii) Which of the following is an example of a database package?

A. QuickBooks

B. FoxPro

C. Corel Presentation

D. Open Office Calc

(iii) The symbol denotes in Microsoft Paint

A. Airbrush

B. Magnifier

C. Fill with Colour

D. Colour picker

4. Match the following:

(a) Payroll 1 Collection of records on disks.

(b) Pac Man 2 A package to manipulate data arranged in
row and columns.
(c) Database 3 Posters and greeting cards.
(d) Spreadsheet 4 The name of a video game.
(e) Adobe Photoshop 5 A program used to produce salary.
(f) Presentation software 6 A program used to draw engineering

5. (i) List two applications of computers in each of the following areas.

(a) Banks (d) Supermarkets
(b) Hospitals (e) Police departments
(c) Schools (f) Advertising agencies

(ii) What are the benefits of software upgrade?


6. Label the following window with appropriate words:

7. State two advantages of using a

(a) Spreadsheet package,

(b) Word Processing package.

8. Indicate the type of package used for each of the following applications:

(a) To keep track of daily household expenditure and compute total at the end of
the month.

(b) A Form 1 student wants to draw a school scene on the computer.

(c) To create a road map.

(d) To create letters and reports which need frequent changes.

(e) An officer wants to calculate salaries and print payslips.

9. Label the window on the next page with the words given.

Document Title Menu bar Control button Quick Access Toolbar

Ribbon Ruler Status bar Scroll bar Document area

Computer Software 171

10. Tonia buys some presents for her friends. She uses the spreadsheet to work out
the bill.

(a) Write True or False for the following statements:

(i) Cell A3 contains a label. ( )
(ii) Cell B3 contains a value. ( )
(iii) The active cell is D8. ( )
(iv) A formula can be found in cell D3. ( )
(v) The result that should appear in cell D4 is 12. ( )


(b) Look carefully at Tonia’s spreadsheet and complete the following:

(i) What value is expected to appear in cell D4?
(ii) Type the formula that has to be entered in cell D6 to find the amount.
(iii) Write the formula used in cell D8 to calculate the bill.

11. Use the following terms to complete the passage below.

cells active letter cell reference workbook
.xls worksheets rows columns number

A spreadsheet ______________ is a file containing spreadsheets which Excel calls

______________ Excel file names end in ______________

A spreadsheet is made up of ______________ , arranged in ______________ and

______________ .

Each cell has a unique ______________ , consisting of its column ______________

and a row ______________ Only one cell is the ______________ cell at any
one time.

• Software refers to the programs that we run on our computer systems.

• Software comprises two main types:
1. System software
2. Application software
• A program is a set of instructions for the computer to perform a
particular task.
• Good software is user-friendly and bug-free.
• Removing an error from a program is called debugging.
Computer Software 173

• System software is a set of programs that manages and controls all the
hardware. An operating system such as Windows and Linux are examples of
system software.
• Application software is a group of programs used by the user to perform
specific tasks such as writing a letter, keeping accounts, printing
invoices, etc.
• There are two types of application software:
1. Ready-made software.
2. User-designed software
• Ready-made software or personal productivity tools is created for
general use.
• A package is a collection of programs designed for general use. Examples:
Word processing software, spreadsheet software, database software,
presentation software, graphics software, accounting package.
• Word processing is creating any type of document such as letters, reports,
essays, textbooks, etc, using a computer.
• A spreadsheet is the application used to enter data in rows and columns and
manipulated according to requirements.
• A database package allows users to create a database and to manage
data in many forms from basic lists (e.g. customer contacts through to
complex material).
• Presentation software is used to create presentations, quizzes, e-learning
packages, information points and many other multimedia products.
• Accounting package manages an organisation’s accounts including revenues/
sales, purchases, bank accounts, etc.
• Graphics packages can be used to create posters, perform image processing
in order to improve or alter photographs, or to create original artwork.
• A software upgrade generally refers to any major upgrade to the software
that adds significant changes to the program.


1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given in the box below.
User-designed, Design, software, database, spreadsheet, application software,
accounting package, drafting, animation, inventory package
(a) Computers can help engineers in___________________ and
(b) Information on criminals is stored in a computer
(c) __________________ software is specially designed to suit the specific
needs of the company.
(d) ___________________ is a group of programs that allows users to do a
wide variety of tasks on their computers.
(e) A _____________________ calculates the salary details of employees.

2. Match the following:

(a) Windows 7 1 User-friendly and easy to learn

and use.
(b) Graphics package 2 Keeps track of different items sold or
(c) Adobe Illustrator 3 is an example of an operating system.
(d) Packages 4 Allows user to create drawings.
(e) Inventory package 5 is a software that allows the user to
edit and adjust photographs.

3. Explain the following terms with examples where appropriate.

(a) Formatting (d) Formula
(b) Bug (e) Operating system
(c) Word Processing
Computer Software 175

4. There are two types of software.

(a) Define the term software.
(b) List the two types of software.
(c) Give one difference between them.
5. This question is about Word Processing.

Treasure Island
Treasure Island is an adventure novel by Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson.
The story is about pirates and a buried treasure. The book was first published in
1883. Although written more than a century ago, the book is still very popular
with young children. The story is also very popular for its characters and action.
Long John Silver1 is perhaps the most popular character in the story. It also
influenced other pirate stories where we find treasure maps marked with an “X”,
tropical islands and one-legged seamen with parrots on their shoulders.

1 Long John Silver was also known as ‘Barbecue’ and ‘Sea Cook’.

(a) The word processing features used to create the effects of the
title ‘Treasure Island’ are referred to as: _______________ and
(b) A new paragraph needs to be created after “… young children.”
(in line 4). To do this, one has to place the blinking cursor at the end of
the sentence and hit the ______________ key on the keyboard.
(c) The word processing feature used to create the effect for the text Robert
Louis Stevenson in line 1 is referred to as ___________ .
6. This question is about Spreadsheets.
(a) Look carefully at the picture below and then answer the questions in
the space provided.


(i) The name of the workbook is _____________________.

(ii) The workbook consists of _________________________
(iii) What is the name of the active worksheet? __________________.
(iv) The text Dry Cleaning in cell A5 is not fully visible. What needs to
be done to make the text fully visible?
(v) The formula in cell D3 should be ______________.
(b) Look carefully at the picture below and then answer the questions in
the space provided.

(i) What is the formula that must be entered in cell B4 to find the
Grand Total?
(ii) What formula would you use to find the difference between the
Total Expenses of the years 2007 and 2008?
Computer Software 177

7. (a) What information is involved in each of the following areas? Give at

least 3 different types of information.
(i) Inventory in a store
(ii) Purchases in a shop
(iii) School Administration
(b) For the information identified in part (a), suggest application software
that will be required.
8. Write the appropriate words for the alphabets 'A to H' given below.


1. Explain the following terms with examples where appropriate. [2 marks each]
(a) Debugging
(b) System Software
(c) Ready-made software
(d) Cell address
(e) Accounting package


2. Fill in the blanks in the paragraph below using the following words:
[1 mark each]
Cursor, backspace, highlighted, italics, bold, delete, school

The word ‘_______________’ is underlined and the word ‘picture’ is in _______________.

The word ‘program’ is typed in _____________. You can also see the ________________
between the words ‘we’ and ‘use’. If Judes presses the ________________ key on his
keyboard, the letter ‘e’ will be deleted. If he presses the __________________ key the
letter ‘u’ will be deleted. The word ‘This’ is ________________.

3. Fill in the chart with the terms used in software. [1 mark each]
Computer Software

Application Software

Operating system

4. (a) Define graphics packages. [2 marks]

(b) List the three types of graphics packages. [3 marks]
Computer Software 179

(c) List two differences between ready-made and tailor-made software.[2 marks]
(d) What is a good software? [2 marks]
5. Mark is using a spreadsheet to find the total amount of every month. Look carefully
at the picture below and complete the following:

(a) The content of cell A1 is called a _____________________. [1 mark]

(b) The content of cell B2 is called a __________________________. [1 mark]
(c) The content of cell D2 is called a ________________________. [1 mark]

(d) On the above picture, write the formula in cell D5 which finds the total of the
values in cells B5 and C5. [2 marks]
(e) Write a formula which can be used in cell E2 to divide cell D2 by 2. [2 marks]
(f) Which cell is the Active Cell? [1 mark]
6. (a) State four advantages of using a word processing program. [4 marks]


(b) i. What is a presentation software? [2 marks]

ii. List an example of presentation software. [1 mark]
7. Match the following with an example already given. [1 mark each]

A Title Bar 1 Use these to view hidden portions of A- 4

large documents.
B Scroll 2 is a program or user interface which -
is easy to use.
C Programming tools 3 links together a sequence of slides -
containing text and graphics.
D User friendly 4 contains the word processor name -
and the document name.
E Database 5 is a language used to create -
F Presentation program 6 is an organised collection of -

Electronic Communication

The following topics are covered in this chapter:

4.1 What is Internet
4.2 Electronic Mail

After studying this section you should be able to:


a) Understand what is Internet.

b) Connect to the Internet.
c) Understand Uniform Resource Locators (URL).
d) Define email and how to create an email account.
e) Learn how to send and retrieve email.
f) Access webpages using URL.

4.1 W��� �� I�������?

The Internet is a network of computers within which there are other computer networks
linked together.

A network is a collection of computers and devices connected together

via communications devices and media.

The Internet spans the entire world. Computers that are part of the Internet are
spread worldwide.

Figure 4.1: Example of Internet


To connect to the Internet you need:
• a multimedia computer
• telephone line
• modem
• an ISP (Internet Service Provider)
• Web browser, example, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, etc.

An Internet Service Provider (also known as an ISP or even as an IAP, Internet Access
Provider) is a company that offers paid services for connections to the Internet.
Electronic Communication 183

There are several listed Internet Service Providers in Mauritius such as Orange,
Emtel, Mahanagar Telephone Mauritius Limited (MTML) and Data Communication
Limited (DCL).

ISP usually connects customers to the Internet using wireless or cable connections.

Telephone Line


Internet Service Provider (ISP)


Figure 4.2: Example of Internet Connection

There are two ways of accessing the internet:

• a dial-up service, which lets user dial the ISP using a telephone line and a
modem. The user pays the ISP for using the dial-up service for the duration of
the Internet connection.
• a dedicated line, example, MyT, ADSL, etc, is a connection that is available 24
hours a day by a designated user or company. It is referred to as an unlimited
access. There is no direct cost when user uses his account.


The World Wide Web (commonly shortened to the WWW or Web) is one of the most
popular services available on the internet.

It consists of a worldwide collection of electronic documents.

Each of these documents on the Web is called a Web page.

A web page may contain text, images, videos and other multimedia as well as built-in
connections called hyperlinks to navigate between other documents.


Web pages are written in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).

A Web site is a collection of related Web pages.

Main Navigation Social Bookmarks

Site Search


Footer Navigation
Figure 4.3: Example of a Web Page

Some common examples of uses of the Internet are:

• view web pages on the WWW (World-Wide Web).
• access a wealth of information, such as news, weather reports, and
airline schedules.
• share files.
• play online games.
• download files, listen to music and watch movies.
• watch video, for example YouTube.
• do research and take online training courses.
• shop for goods and services.
• communicate with others around the world, for example using email and some
social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, Bebo.
Electronic Communication 185

Figure 4.4: Example of Social Networking

The benefits of the Internet are:

• Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
• Provide vast range of information.
• Advertisement and business information can reach millions of people.
• Easy to contact people through emails and Facebook.
• Anyone can publish online.
• Learners can become researchers because of easier access to data.

There are some dangers related to Internet use. They are:

• Risk of theft of personal information such as name, address, credit card number,
etc, by unauthorised people (hackers).
• Sending unwanted e-mails in bulk known as spamming, which provides no
purpose and needlessly obstruct the entire system.
• Viruses can be shared.
• Internet allows you to access and download millions of pornographic photos,
videos and other X-rated stuff. Such unrestricted access to porn can be
detrimental to children and teenagers.
• There are some websites that send emails requesting your IDS and passwords
and then they raid your account. This is known as phishing sites.
• Legal issues with the Internet.



There are ethical and legal issues to consider when you are using the Internet.

Firstly, you need to evaluate whether the information you find on the Internet is true
and accurate. You should be cautious about which sites you get your information from.
In fact, it is a good idea to research a topic on several sites to get a full picture of what
people are saying about the topic.

Secondly you need to consider copyright matters so as you could use Web
information legally.

Copyright is a form of protection provided by laws to the authors of “original works of

authorship" including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, architectural and certain other
intellectual works.

You need to cite information obtained from the Internet properly; otherwise you would
be committing plagiarism.

Plagiarism is the act of stealing and passing off the ideas, words, or other intellectual
property produced by another as one's own. For example, using someone else's words
in a research paper without citing the source is an act of plagiarism.

Lastly, you need to aware that slanderous (libel) postings and pranks are subject to
legal and ethical issues.

Slander (libel) is the action of publicly saying, printing or otherwise presenting false and
damaging information about a person or organisation. In so doing you could be faced
with legal pursuit.

1. Students at school use the Internet for various purposes. Name three
activities you can do on the Internet at school.
2. Discuss this statement with your friends and teachers and state whether
you agree with it. “It is claimed that the internet has created more
problems than benefits for home users.”
Electronic Communication 187

A Web browser also known as Internet browser is a software program used to access
and view Web pages.

There is a number of web browsers available. The most popular are:

Figure 4.5: Examples of Web Browser

To locate information on the internet, we use a search engine.
A search engine is a program that searches documents for specified keywords and
returns a list of documents where the keywords are found.

There are many search engines to choose from and they all perform a similar job;
examples of search engines are:


Figure 4.6: Search engines

Search engines take the words that you enter and try to match these to their database
of web pages.

Step-by-Step: Search engine

What you will learn:
• To search for information
• To refine the search

Open a webpage with a search engine. In this case you are going to enter a search
string into

NOTE: Words you enter in a search engine are known as a “Search String”.

If you want to search about a particular topic:

1. Write keywords for example "Scuba Dive”.
2. Click on the search button.
Electronic Communication 189

1. To search for a topic enter the search sting into this box

2. Click on the Google

Search button

Figure 4.7: To perform a search

You can see from the picture below that the Google search engine has found over 54
million possible web pages about scuba diving. Web pages located by a search engine
are known as hits.

Too many results after typing

"Scuba Dive"

Figure 4.8: Search result


By adding some extra search string key words we can refine the search and narrow
down the number of hits. This helps us ensure that we can easily locate the page we are
looking for. In the screenshot below I have changed the search string to “learn to scuba
dive” and this has lowered the number of hits to about 24 million.

Refined Search String

Lower number of Hits

Figure 4.9: Refined search

The search could be refined further by adding the name of your country into the search.
In this example I have changed the search string to “learn to scuba dive in Mauritius”.
This reduces the hits substantially to less than 800 thousand.
Electronic Communication 191

Further refined
search string
Much lower number of Hits

Figure 4.10: Further refined search


The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is the unique address of a Web page. It is also
known as Internet address or Web address.

The URL tells the web browser where to locate the Web page.

A URL consists of a protocol and a domain name.

For example, the URL for Google search engine is

Protocol http
Domain Name
http stands for hypertext transfer protocol which is the standard that enables pages
to transfer on the Web.


The domain name consists of:

1. Server name
2. Type of information helps to identify what a website offers. For example:
.com : Commercial enterprise
.edu : Education Institution (or academic usually with .ac)
.gov : Government
.org : Non-profit organisations
.net : Network access provider

3. Location or country

These are referred to as two-letter Internet country codes, for example:

.mu : Mauritius
.uk : United Kingdom
.in : India

An example of a domain name is:

The general format of the URL consists of:

1. Protocol or URL Type, the first part of a URL that indicates what type of
resource or method of access is available at that address.
For example:
• http - a hypertext directory or document (such as a Web page)
• ftp - a directory of files or an actual file available to download
• gopher - a gopher document or menu
• news - a newsgroup
2. File server name
3. Folder name where the web page is stored
4. Web page name
Electronic Communication 193

For example, this is a URL on the home page of the University of

Technology, Mauritius.

Look at the URL name and then answer the following questions.

1. What is the server name?

2. What is the domain type?
3. What is the name of the web page?

Quick Test

1. Circle the correct answer.

(a) What does ISP stand for?
A. Internet Service Provider
B. Internet Service Protocol
C. Internet Safety Provider
D. Internet Service Payment
(b) Why do people use the Internet?
A. To communicate with friends
B. To find information on various subjects
C. To access pictures, music and video clips
D. All the above


(c) How do you call a computer that serves web pages?

A. web deliverer
B. web server
C. web page stream
D. search engine
(d) What does URL stand for?
A. Uniform Resource Locator
B. Universal Resource Location
C. Uniform Resource Location
D. Universal Resource Locator
(e) Which of the following is not necessary to access the Internet?
A. Spreadsheet package
B. A connection to an ISP
C. A multimedia computer
D. A web browser

2. State whether the following statements are True or False:

(a) To find information on the Internet, users can use the URL. ( )
(b) The Internet allows users to send messages via email and access information
on the World Wide Web. ( )
(c) An Internet server can be identified by a protocol. ( )
(d) An ISP offers users access to the Internet. ( )
(e) Hackers are some websites that send emails requesting your IDS and
passwords and then raid your account. ( )
3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
(a) An application called a _______________________ such as Netscape
Communicator is required to access the Internet.
Electronic Communication 195

(b) A search engine is a program that searches documents for specified

____________________ and returns a list of the documents where they
are found.
(c) The first part of a URL indicates the ___________________ or
____________________ at that address.
(d) A __________________ can contain text, images, video, animation
and sound.
(e) The _____________ is made up of millions of _____________________all
brought together to form the vast __________________.
4. This is the URL on a home page of the Rai University of India:
1 2 3 4
(a) What is a URL?
(b) Identify the different parts of the URL.
(c) What is the Internet?
(d) List three services offered by the Internet.

5.2 E��������� M���

Electronic mail, short for email, is the transmission of messages and files via a computer
network or internet.

Figure 4.11: Sending Emails over the Internet


The message can be simple text or can include an attachment such as a word processing
document, a graphical image, an audio clip or a video clip.

An attachment is a computer file or files placed inside an email message.

Click the "Attach" button to browse for

the files you want to attach to this email

Figure 4.12: Example of Attachment

A user utilises an email program to create, send, receive, forward, store, print and delete
email messages.

In order to use email the following are needed:

• An email address which will be provided by an email service such as Microsoft,
Hotmail, Google mail and Yahoo Mail
• Internet access to send and receive emails.
• Email software, such as Microsoft Outlook.

Messages sent from one person will go to the 'mailbox' of the recipient. They will be
stored there until the person to whom the message has been
addressed logs on to retrieve his or her 'mail'.

Today, email is not limited to computers. It can be sent from

many other devices such as mobile phones, games consoles
and television.

Most e-mail programs allow users to create an address book,

which contains a list of names and e-mail addresses.
Electronic Communication 197

The following is a comparison of E-mail against Ordinary Post:

Email Post
Advantages • Very quick and cheap • It does not require any special
delivery. equipment.
• Computer files can be • Packets and parcels can be
attached to an email. sent.
• Records and copies are kept
• Can be accessed anywhere in
the world.
• Can be sent at any time to
suit the sender.
Disadvantages • A computer and other • It is slow.
hardware (example, a • It can be expensive.
modem) are required.
• It is not secure.
• It is easy to get on junk
mail lists.
• No guarantee the mail will be
read until the user logs on
and checks his/her email.
• There is always a risk of


E-mail has become widespread nowadays and in so doing, has brought a lot
of problems.

Inbox Overflow
You may be so inundated with the number of e-mails that you receive – many of them
unnecessarily (junk e-mails or spams)–that you do not have the time to respond.

E-mail attachments can be dangerous

Secondly, you should also be careful when opening attachments in e-mails as they could
contain viruses. So, if you receive an attachment from an unknown source, it is often
best to simply delete it.


It is insecure
Confidential business documents sent over e-mail are not confidential unless it is
encrypted. These documents can be read both inside and outside of your organization.
For example, your system administrator may read them.

Delivery is not guaranteed

Just like postal mail, e-mail may be delivered or not.

It lacks ubiquitous access

It is problematic for most users to access their email from all locations, such as
at home or while on the road. This is the primary reason why web-based email
became popular.

An e-mail address is a combination of a user name and a domain name that identifies
a user who sends or receives e-mail.

An example format of an email address is which is read as vsharma

at intnet dot mu.
User Name Domain Name
Often the user’s first initial and then the last
name It refers to the email server that temporarily
stores incoming and outgoing mail messages. It
is maintained by an Internet Service Provider.

There are two main types of email:

1. client-based email
2. webmail

Client-based email is used by business users. It involves the email being downloaded
from a server to an application (example Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird) on
the user’s computer.

Webmail can be accessed through a web browser via any computer with an Internet
connection. One of the earliest Webmail services was Hotmail. Other very popular
webmail providers include, Yahoo! Mail, Gmail and AOL.
Electronic Communication 199


The easiest way to create an email account is to use a free online service.

Examples of free online services include:

• Gmail:
• Hotmail:
• Yahoo:

Step-by-Step: Create an email account

What you will learn:
• To register an email account.

1. Launch Internet Explorer

2. Type in URL: and the following figure will appear:

Figure 4.13: Steps to launch email service

3. To sign up for free e-mail, click on the Sign in link or double click on Mail icon.

4. The following screen will appear:


Figure 4.14: Sign in to Yahoo screen

Electronic Communication 201

5. Click on the Create New Account link, a registration form will be shown
as below:

Use your own details

to fill in the form

Figure 4.15: Registration Form

6. Then, fill in all the information needed.

7. After completing the form, click Create My Account button as shown in the
following figure to send in the registration form.


6. Fill in with
all information

7. Click to register

Figure 4.16: Registration Form completed with basic information

8. After clicking on the Create my account, the following screen will pop up.

Figure 4.17: Registration form completed

Electronic Communication 203

9. After completion, the dialog box will appear, then click Get Started button to
start using the e-mail.

Figure 4.18: Confirmation of registration

10. New message will appear from Yahoo in your Inbox.

11. Click Inbox icon to check message and double click to read the message.
12. The following message appears:

10. New message

appears in the

Figure 4.19: Message read in the inbox



To access an email account, you need to go to the web site
using a web browser, then:
1. Enter your username (User ID or Login name).
2. Enter your password.
3. Next, click Sign In button, then you may proceed with your e-mail.

1. Enter Username or User ID

2. Enter Password

3. Click on Sign in button to

proceed with your email

Figure 4.20: Assessing an Email Account

To send or compose messages, click on New icon.

1. To click on the New Icon will help to

create or compose new messages

Figure 4.21: To select New Icon to send messages

Electronic Communication 205

The screen will look like the picture below. Fill in the boxes as follows:
BCC: (Blind Carbon Copy) Enter email address here if you
want to send a concealed copy of the email to another

To: Enter the email

address of recipient
CC: (Carbon Header
Copy) Enter email
address here if you
send a copy of the
email to others
Subject: Enter a phrase
on what your email is
about Body
This is where you type your email

Figure 4.22: Components of an email

An email message is made up of two parts: the header information and the body.

After writing down the message, click Send icon to send the message.

Each received email is shown in a list in the Inbox folder.

To access the email, double click on the one you want to open.

Messages listed in the box

Folders to organise messages Double click to read the message

Figure 4.23: Message received


Email messages can be organised in various folders such as:

Inbox Incoming messages
Draft All incomplete messages
Sent All messages already sent
Spam All messages that are not legitimate
Trash All deleted messages
After you have read the email, you have a few options:

The message that are moved from step 4

can be placed in these folders

Figure 4.24: After email have been read

1. You can delete the message if you want to by clicking “Delete”.

2. You can reply to the person who sent it by clicking “Reply” and follow the steps
above for “Sending emails”.
3. You can send the email on to someone else by clicking “Forward” and follow
the steps for “Sending emails”.
4. You can “Move” the message to any folder so that it can be accessed later.

To sign out, click on Sign Out link.

Electronic Communication 207

To sign out click on the Sign Out link here

Figure 4.25: To sign out an email account


To assess a webpage using the URL, the following steps are performed:
1. Open Web Browser, example, Internet Explorer.
2. Type the URL of the site you wish to enter in the Address Bar then
press enter.

In this example, the address used is the address for the homepage of Amazon
Shopping is : Website (

Figure 4.26: Assessing a webpage using the URL

If you know the URL for a particular page within the website, you can type the full
address into the browser to get to an exact page. For example if you wanted the phones
page on Amazon you would enter this URL:


View Favorites icon

Figure 4.27: Typing full URL to access phones on amazon site

To avoid having to retype long URLs, you can use the View Favorites icon to store
individual URLs into your web browser.
1. Click on
Favorites Icon.
2. Click on add
to Favorites.

Featured Categories in phones

3. Dialog box
appears. Click URL added
on add. to favorites.

Figure 4.28: URL added to Favorites

Electronic Communication 209

Quick Test
1. Circle the correct answer.
(a) One big advantage that people find with the Internet is that they can
send and receive emails. What button (followed by send) is used to send a
copy of a received email to someone else?
A. Forward
B. Reply
C. Back
D. Reply all
(b) Which of the following folder is used when all messages are incomplete?
A. Drafts
B. Outlook
C. Trash
D. Spam
(c) What is an email attachment?
A. A forwarded email
B. A file sent with an email
C. A reply to an email
D. A deleted message
(d) How is an email that can be accessed from any computer with an Internet
connection and a web browser known as?
A. Internet mail
B. Email
C. Webmail
D. Client based mail


(e) How are unsolicited emails commonly known as?

A. Rubbish
B. Spam
C. Viruses
D. Attachment

2. Which of the five points below are true about email?

(a) Speed - quick delivery of emails.
(b) Ability to send exact copies to many people at the same time.
(c) Can include pictures.
(d) It is free to send email.
(e) Can spell check the email.

3. Consider four characteristics of email that may concern some people.

4. List the different items needed to send and receive email.

5. (a) What is an email?

(b) List two advantages of email.
(c) List the two parts of an email address.

6. (a) List two types of email accounts.

(b) Differentiate between the two types of email accounts.

7. List the two parts of an email message and differentiate between them.

8. What is the difference between outbox and sent items?

Electronic Communication 211

• Internet is a global network of computers.

• A computer network is a group of computers connected to each other and
allows them to share resources.
• Internet offers access to the World Wide Web.
• You need a web browser to access the Web.
• Web users use web tools called search engines to find their way around
the Internet.
• Every web page has a unique address called a Uniform Resource Locator
(URL). It begins with the code http://.
• A search engine is a program that searches documents for specified keywords.
It then returns a document in which keywords are found.
• You need either a dial-up connection or a dedicated ISP line connection to
connect to the Internet.
• Electronic mail or email is a means of sending messages, text, and computer
files between computers via the Internet.
• There are two main types of email:
1 client-based email
2 webmail
• To use email, you need an email address, Internet access and
email software.
• An attachment is a computer file placed inside an email message.
• Email clients generally organise messages into various folders.


1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given in the box below.

client based mail, web page, email server, web browser,

computer network, Internet browser, web based mail,

(a) A _____________________ is formed by a group of interconnected

(b) The http://www part is added to get the full address of the
(c) An_____________________________ is an application software used
to locate and display web pages on the WWW.
(d) __________________ is accessed through a web browser and from any
computer with an Internet connection.
(e) An ___________________temporarily stores incoming and outgoing
email messages.
(f) ___________________ are used to access web services.
2. Circle the correct answer.
(a) What is the Internet?
A. It is a number of cables connected to the telephone network.
B. It is a network of computers that connects to millions of computers
C. It is just a place where somebody can play games and chat.
D. It is where you send emails.
Electronic Communication 213

(b) What is the World Wide Web?

A. It is the same as the Internet.
B. It is the address of a website.
C. It is the same as email.
D. It is a way of accessing information over the Internet.
(c) What does ISP stand for?
A. Internet Standard Protocol.
B. Internet Service Provider.
C. International Student Project.
D. Internet Saved Pictures.
3. (a) What is an attachment?
(b) I want to e-mail a friend whose e-mail address is
Follow the instructions below using the screen on the next page.
(i) Enter the e-mail address of my friend in the appropriate place.
(ii) The subject of the e-mail is The book you lent me – enter it in its
appropriate place.
(iii) If I want to send a file as attachment, which button should I press?
Draw a circle around the appropriate button.
(iv) What is Bcc?


(c) Put a tick ( ) next to the names of Web Browsers.

Internet Explorer
Windows Live Messenger
Mozilla Firefox

(d) Put a tick ( ) next to the URL’s (addresses) of Search Engines.
Electronic Communication 215

4. Refer to the diagram below and answer the following questions.

(i) What is the name of the sender of this email?

(ii) The following email address is to be sent as a carbon copy to Write this email address in the above picture.
(iii) What is the subject of this email?
(iv) Circle the button which needs to be clicked so that the sender receives
the email.



1. Circle the correct answer. [1 mark each]
(a) What does WWW stand for?
A. Wide World Web
B. Web Wide World
C. World Wide Web
D. Wide Web World
(b) What do you call a company that provides Internet access to customers?
(c) What would you most likely use to find web pages about a particular topic?
A. Address Book
B. Search Engine
C. Website
D. Forum
(d) What button would you click to send a copy of an email that you have received
from a friend?
A. Forward
B. Reply
C. Reply All
D. Draft
(e) Which of the following is NOT a sensible thing to do, if you want to prevent
your computer from becoming infected with a virus sent by email?
A. Open all attachments sent to you.
B. Only open attachments from people you know and trust.
C. Regularly update your anti-virus software.
D. Make regular backup.
Electronic Communication 217

2. Many people use the Internet to play games online. Mention 3 other important
uses of the Internet. [3 marks]
3. (a) What do the following stand for? [1 mark each]
(i) ISP ________________________________________________________
(ii) LAN _______________________________________________________
(iii) URL _______________________________________________________
(b) Underline the correct answer: [1 mark each]

To have an Internet connection, one needs to first request the services of an [IP, WLAN,
ISP, PST]. When logged onto the Internet one needs a Web [Searcher, Surfer, Connection,
Browser] where to enter the [URL, ISP, LAN, CPU] of the page to visit, or one can just
click on a [page, hyperlink, popup, toolbar] present in the homepage.

(c) List the names of two Search Engines. [1 mark each]

(d) Look carefully at the picture below and answer the following questions by
entering the correct number. [1 mark each]


(i) Where do I enter the URL of a website?

(ii) Where do I click to refresh a website?
(iii) Where do I enter a keyword to search?
(iv) Where do I click to stop a webpage from downloading?
(v) Where do I click to navigate to the Home Page?
(vi) Where do I click to view a list of previously visited URLS?

4. Explain the following terms with example where appropriate. [2 marks each]
(a) Internet
(b) Attachment
(c) Client-based email
5. (a) List the different parts of an email address. [2 marks]
Electronic Communication 219

(b) Look at the URL name and then answer the questions below.
[1 mark each]

(i) What is the name of the server?

(ii) What is the domain type?
(iii) What is the name of the web page?

(c) What is the difference between typing an email address in the Cc field and
typing an email address in the Bcc field? [2 marks]
(d) List two disadvantages of web-based mail. [2 marks]

6. (a) What are the legal and ethical issues you need to consider when you are using
the Internet.
(b) E-mails use have brought along some problems. Discuss some of them.


Computer Ethics, Health
and Safety
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
5.1 Computer Ethics
5.2 Health Problems
5.3 Working Safely
5.4 Computer Laboratory Guidelines
5.5 Guidelines on the proper care of computer

After studying this section you should be able to:


a) Have an understanding of computer ethics.

b) Use precautions when working with a computer.
c) List some computer laboratory guidelines.
d) Use the guidelines for the proper care of computer equipment.

5.1 C������� E�����

Ethics deals with placing a “value” on acts according to whether they are “good”
or “bad”.

Figure 5.1: Computer ethics

Computer ethics are the moral guidelines that govern the use of computers.

Frequently concerned areas of computer ethics are:

• Unauthorised access and use of computer systems.
• Copying software.
• Sending computer virus.
• Providing inaccurate information.
• Uploading someone's photo on the web without his/her permission.
Computer Ethics, Health and Safety 223

5.2 H����� E������

There is a number of health problems that you can experience if you use ICT devices
incorrectly or for a long period of time. Some examples are:
1. Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
2. Back and Neck pain
3. Eye Strain and Headaches


Repetitive strain injury (RSI) causes painful swelling of the
wrist and fingers.

RSI is caused by doing the same little movements over and

over again for a long period of time. For example, clicking a
mouse button repeatedly.

Causes of RSI:
1. Typing on a computer for too long.
2. Using a mouse for a long period.
3. Holding the mouse incorrectly.
4. Working in a cramped workspace.

How to prevent RSI?

1. Take regular 2. Use an ergonomic 3. Arrange your 4. Use a wrist rest.

breaks to rest keyboard/mouse. workspace so you
your hands. are not cramped.
Figure 5.2: Preventing RSI



Back and neck pain can cause great pain and really affect the quality of your life.

They can be caused by sitting incorrectly or using poor quality chairs without back
rests. This gives rise to poor posture.

Figure 5.3: Poor Posture

Causes of back and neck pain How to prevent back and neck pain
1. Working in a cramped workspace. 1. Take regular breaks to stretch your
2. Not sitting upright in your chair. body.
3. Incorrect positioning of the computer 2. Use adjustable chairs so you can sit in
screen. a position suitable for your height.
3. Sit upright against the back rest.
4. Tilt the computer screen so that it is
set just below your eye level.
5. Keep your feet flat on the floor.
Computer Ethics, Health and Safety 225

Viewing Distance
Monitor angle
Back angle Document holder

Arm and wrist angle Monitor height


Figure 5.4: Good Posture

Staring at a computer screen for too long can strain your eyes and cause headache.
Eye strain can cause your vision to blur.

Common causes of eye strain are screen flicker and having direct light causing
screen glare.

Causes of eye strain:

1. Staring at a computer screen for a long time.
2. Working in a room with bad lighting.
3. Using a computer screen with glare or flicker.
4. Dirt on the screen.


Preventing Eye Strain:

1. Take 2. Use an LCD screen 3. Use an anti-glare 4. Keep the

regular rather than old screen. computer
breaks. CRT screen. screen clean

Figure 5.5: Preventing eyestrain

1. Do your school computer lab and home computer system have an

ergonomic environment? If not, how would you remedy the situation?
2. What is a good posture and how can you adopt a good one?
3. How would you adjust a seating position that conforms to an
ergonomic environment?

5.3 W������ S�����

Ergonomics refers to designing work environments for maximising safety and efficiency.

Good practices when sitting at the computer table:

• Ensure that the chair, table and keyboard are properly
placed at the right level.

• Always sit at right angle where the eyes, wrist and neck
are properly positioned in front of the computer.

• When typing, keep into account that your fingers

are well placed on the keyboard, left fingers on the
Computer Ethics, Health and Safety 227

keys ASDF and the right hand on the keys HJKL. This will prevent wrist, shoulder
and back pain.

• The movement of the mouse should be rotational.


• Your eyes must target the screen not your fingers when typing.

The eye level should be the same as

the level of the monitor

Use an optical glass

anti-glare filter

Sit at arm's length

from monitor at a
good viewing distance

Feet on floor or
stable footrest



There is a number of safety issues that can arise from using ICT devices.

Some of these safety issues are:

1. Electrocution
2. Tripping over wires
3. Heavy equipment falling on you
4. Fire risks

Most ICT devices require an electrical power source.

Wherever you have electrical power sources, you run the risk
of electrocution.

Causes of Electrocution:
1. Faulty equipment (bare wires, etc.).
2. Spilling drinks over electrical equipment.
3. Opening up an electrical device when you do not
know what you are doing.

How to Prevent Electrocution?

1. Do not use 2. Keep drinks 3. Never open up an

exposed away from electrical device.
electrical electrical
wires. equipment.

Figure 5.6: Preventing electrocution

Computer Ethics, Health and Safety 229


Trailing wires are easy to trip over if they are not secured or tucked away.

Cause of tripping over wires:

Long wires spread across a floor.

Preventing tripping over wires:

1. Hide wires in 2. Tuck wires 3. Use wireless

cable ducts. under desks. devices.

Figure 5.7: Preventing tripping over wires


Some ICT devices (like computer screens) are fairly heavy and can cause injury if they
fall on you.

Equipment should be positioned securely on strong desks and tables well away from
the edge.

Causes of equipment falling:

• Equipment not positioned securely onto desks.
• Poor quality and flimsy desks.


Preventing equipment falling off desks:

1. Keep equipment away 2. Use a strong

from the edge of desk that can
desks. take the weight.
Figure 5.8: Preventing equipment falling off desks

If too many devices are plugged into a single mains outlet at the same time, it might
overload the circuit and cause an electrical fire.

Causes of fire:
• Too many devices plugged into a single mains outlet.
• Leaving devices plugged in unattended for long periods.
• Covering air vents on devices like laptops.

Preventing electrical fires:

1. Do not overload 2. Have a fire 3. Turn off and 4. Do not cover

mains outlets extinguisher in unplug devices up air vents on
(plug sockets). the room. when not in use. devices.

Figure 5.9: Preventing fire

Computer Ethics, Health and Safety 231

Power protection guards your equipment against blackouts, brownouts, surges and
spikes. All these events are anomalies in the flow of the main power supply that can
damage not only your hard disks and other data stored in them but other components
as well.

A blackout is a complete interruption of power.

A brownout is a decrease in voltage levels which can last for periods ranging from
fractions of a second to hours.

A spike is a tremendous increase in voltage over a very short period of time often caused
by a direct lightning strike on a power line or when power returns after a blackout.

A surge is a substantial increase in voltage lasting a small fraction of a second, often

caused when high powered appliances such as air conditioners are switched off.

There are three levels of power protection available to the home computer user. The
levels are:
1. Surge Suppressors
2. Power or Line Conditioners
3. Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS)

Surge suppressors provide a row of power outlets,
an on/off switch and sometimes a telephone jack.

All of these protect equipment from other voltages ,

from AC power lines and phone lines.

They are not always reliable and once the fuse

blows, they no longer protect from power surges.



Power or Line Conditioners, not only provide
protection from power spikes, but also regulate
the power to provide continuous voltage during a


An Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) provides
a backup power supply in the event that the main
power supply fails completely.

It also offers some surge protection.

5.4 C������� L��������� G���������

A computer room is a place where several computers are displayed.


Computers displayed in a parallel. Computers displayed in a circle.

Computer Ethics, Health and Safety 233

To work in a computer room, you need to abide by the following rules:

1. Before entering a computer room, get the permission of your teacher.

2. Do not eat or drink inside a computer room.
3. Do not touch or step over broken cables.
4. Do not switch on mobile in computer room

Figure 5.10: Signs used in the computer lab

Your computer laboratory may look like this.

Figure 5.11: A Typical Computer Laboratory in a School

Some Safety Guidelines:

1. Obtain your teacher’s permission before performing an activity in the
computer room, including printing a document.
2. Do not touch broken plug or cable; instead, report it immediately to
your teacher.
3. Do not step, connect or disconnect any cable or plug without permission.
4. Do not open the system unit casing or monitor casing.


5. Do not eat or drink in the computer laboratory.

6. Do not run or play in the computer room.
7. Do not insert any metal object such as clip, pin and needle into the
computer casing.
8. Do not remove anything from the computer laboratory without permission.

1. What signs do you see in the lab? How are they important?
2. What are the things that you are allowed and not allowed to do once
you are in a lab?

5.5 G��������� �� ��� P����� C��� ��

C������� E��������
Various devices that are used in the computer room, such as the keyboard, mouse and
printer, are fragile and need special care.

Guidelines to handle computer devices properly:

1. Do not operate your computer during heavy rain or lightning.
2. Do not switch your PC on or off too rapidly. Wait at least 2 minutes before you
switch on your PC after it has been switched off.
3. Always shut down the computer properly in the correct order, that is, select the
Shut Down option.
4. Avoid exchange of floppy disks, pendrives, and CD/DVDs.
5. Sharing of storage devices can infect your computer with viruses.
6. Never put the devices in direct sunlight; they may be damaged by sun rays.
Computer Ethics, Health and Safety 235

• It is important to know and observe the rules and safety precautions when
using computers.
• A number of health and safety concerns related to vision, body aches and
pains have arisen with an increase in computer use.
• A properly adjusted chair should be used for users suffering from back and
neck pain.
• Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is caused by rapid keyboard movements and
arms in a static position over a long period of time. It can be prevented by
having a good posture, working at a steady rate and taking regular breaks
from the screen.
• Users suffer eye strain when staring at a computer screen for long hours.
They should take regular breaks.
• You must follow the rules on using the computers in your school
computer laboratory.


1. State whether the following statements are True or False.

(a) Ethics is the behavior of individuals and studies what is morally right or
wrong. ( )
(b) It is not important to take precautions in the computer lab. ( )
(c) If your arms are raised or your wrists are bent for long periods of
keyboarding, it can result in tendon and nerve disorders. ( )
(d) The same movement over and over again can result in a health problem
called Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). ( )
(e) We can use the computer during thunderstorms. ( )
2. Fill in the blanks.
(a) The computer and its ________________ are fairly safe to work with.
(b) A ______________ is one which can be sustained with the minimum of
static muscular effort.
(c) ______________ commonly refers to designing work environments for
maximizing safety and efficiency.
(d) ____________ are moral guidelines that govern the use of computers.
(e) To work in a computer room, students need to follow some
3. Place each of the following sentences in its respective column.
i. Sit on a comfortable chair at right angle.
ii. Take soft drink near the keyboard.
iii. Place the fingers properly on the keyboard.
iv. Place the screen at least one metre away.
v. Hold the broken cables and repair them.
vi. Put heavy things on the computer or on any devices.
vii. Switch off the computer through proper shut down.
viii. Play in the computer room.
Computer Ethics, Health and Safety 237

ix. Pendrives and diskettes must be scanned for viruses before use.
x. Remove parts of computer.

Do’s in a computer room Don’ts in a computer room

4. (a) State what RSI stands for.

(b) State one symptom of RSI, two causes of RSI and two ways to prevent it.
(c) State two causes of back pain and two ways to prevent it.

5. There is a number of safety hazards that can arise from using ICT devices.
(a) Describe what is meant by ergonomics.
(b) State two causes of electrocution and two ways to prevent it.
(c) State two causes of falling ICT equipment and two ways to prevent it.

6. State five precautions which one should observe when using a computer in
a computer lab.

7. (a) State the three levels of power protection available to the home
computer User.
(b) Power protection guards your equipment against blackouts, brownouts,
surges and spikes. Differentiate between these four terms.



1. Circle the appropriate answer. [1 mark each]
(a) You should never
A. Place your computer in a clean, dry, cool and dust free environment.
B. Keep your computer away from radiators or hot lamps.
C. Scan your removable disk and computer regularly to check if there are
D. Obscure the ventilation holes in the monitor or the computer’s case.

(b) You should always

A. Set up a regular maintenance schedule.
B. Operate the computer during lightning and thunderstorm.
C. Touch any internal part of the computer.
D. Move the computer when it is switched on.

(c) The use of anti-glare screen can help users to cut down on screen reflections
and can prevent
A. Head Ache
B. Repetitive Strain Injury
C. Eye Strain
D. Back Ache
(d) Why should you not eat and drink in a computer lab?
A. Liquids, if spilt can damage the computers in the lab.
B. Leftover food can attract ants and cockroaches.
C. The steam from the hot food can damage the floppy disks in the lab.
D. All of the above.

(e) Plugging too many power cables into a socket can result in
A. Cheap and reliable use of computer.
B. Health and safety issues.
C. Socket being overloaded, overheated, and cause a fire to start.
D. Increased performance by the computer.

2. Define the following terms: [2 marks each]

(a) Ergonomics
Computer Ethics, Health and Safety 239

(b) Eye strain


(c) Computer Ethics


3. (a) Tick ( ) the correct position. [1 mark each]


(b) Why is it the correct position? [3 marks]


4. List any two Computer Lab Safety Rules for protecting users. [2 marks]
5. List one safety issue for: [1 mark each]
(a) Cables trailing.
(b) Overloading of power sockets.
(c) Heavy objects falling.


6. Indicate whether the following statements are True or False [1 mark each]
(a) Avoid exchange, floppy disk, pendrives, CD/DVD. ( )
(b) Defragment files and scan the hard drive occasionally help to protect
hard disk. ( )
(c) You should repeatedly turn the computer on and off. ( )
(d) We should not take breaks to change our position and stretch our muscles
when working on a computer. ( )
(e) Use wireless technology to eliminate the use of wires altogether. ( )

7. Describe the following health risks and identify at least 2 solutions for each:

(a) Repetitive Strain Injury [3 marks]


(b) Eye Strain [3 marks]

Revision Paper 1 241

Question 1

Circle the correct answer. [1 mark each]

(a) Classify the four types of computers, based on increasing size and computing
1 Supercomputers 2 Minicomputers 3 Microcomputers 4 Mainframe Computers
A. 3 2 1 4 C. 3 2 4 1
B. 1 3 2 4 D. 1 2 4 3

(b) __________________ refers to the physical parts of a PC.

A. Data Processing C. Information System
B. Software D. Hardware

(c) The main memory is also known as the __________________________.

A. Backing Storage C. Secondary Storage
B. Primary Storage D. Firmware

(d) A __________________ reads printed or handwritten data on documents

and photos.
A. Scanner C. Keyboard
B. Barcode reader D. mouse

(e) A mouse is a device ______________________________________________.

A. that comes in different shapes and sizes.
B. that can be clicked.
C. that controls the cursor on the screen.
D. that is all of the above.

(f) The _________________ key moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line
of typed characters.
A. Page Up C. Home
B. Page Down D. End

(g) An operating system__________________________________________________.

A. controls all parts of the computer’s hardware.
B. manages information on disk and drives.
C. runs various application programs.
D. does all of the above tasks.

(h) The _________________ icon stores all the files or folders you delete and allows
you to recover them later.
A. My computer C. Internet Explorer
B. Recycle bin D. My documents

(i) The letter B in the diagram indicates

A. Bold C. Blue
B. Black D. Brown

(j) A group of 8 bits form one_____________________.

A. gigabyte C. kilobyte
B. byte D. megabyte

(k) The first row in a table is known as the ________________________.

A. row height C. header row
B. header column D. column width

(l) A table has 6 rows and 4 columns and is therefore called a __________________.
A. 4 x 6 table C. 2 cell table
B. 10 cell table D. 6 x 4 table

(m) A section at the bottom of the page, for secondary information is known as
A. header C. landscape
B. footer D. portrait
Revision Paper 1 243

(n) Which one of the following is not necessary to access the internet?
A. A web browser C. A modem
B. A connection to an ISP D. A word processing software

(o) The Inbox folder in an email is used to keep_____________________________.

A. incoming messages C. messages already sent
B. incomplete messages D. trashed messages

Question 2

Fill in the blanks using the words given below. [1 mark each]

bullet webpage hyperlink gridlines virus

icon scrolling outbox ports footer

(a) A ___________________ is a tiny program intentionally created to destroy

programs and data.
(b) A _____________________ is a symbol, such as a dot or diamond, next to
a list.
(c) A link that is a reference in a document to another section of the same
document or different document is known as a ______________.
(d) A _____________________ is a document on the web.
(e) The lines that separate the cells of a table are known as
(f) An _________________________ is a small picture that may represent a
command or function.
(g) One or more lines of text that appears at the bottom of each page of a document
is known as _______________________.
(h) An ___________________ is an email folder that contains unsent messages.
(i) The ____________________ are sockets that connect the PC to various input
and output devices.
(j) _____________________ means moving the document up, down, left or right
on the screen.

Question 3
State whether the following statements are True or False. [1 mark each]

(a) The Internet is a privately owned network.

(b) We should reveal personal information to any stranger on the Internet.
(c) Computers cannot store information for later use.
(d) Photographs can be resized once they are inserted into a document.
(e) By default, a table width in Ms Word is set to fit within the page margins.
(f) Hardware is the term used to denote all computer programs
(g) You can run more than one program at a time with GUI.
(h) A spreadsheet is a program used to draw engineering drawings.
(i) The ‘Right Tab’ right aligns text along the tab position.
(j) The ‘Ignore all’ button is clicked to ignore the identified mistake once.

Question 4
What does each of the following acronyms stand for? [2 marks each]

(a) ALU
(b) URL
(c) GU
(d) ROM
(e) LCD
(f) ISP

Question 5
What are the character attributes of each of the following words? Tick ( ) the attributes
that apply: [2 marks each]

NO. Word Bold Italicised Underlined None

1 beautiful
2 important
3 adventure
4 bank
5 boy
6 school
Revision Paper 1 245

Question 6
Give the definition of the following terms: [2 marks each]
(a) Application software ______________________________________________
(b) Computer Ethics _________________________________________________
(c) Peripheral ______________________________________________________
(d) Website _______________________________________________________
(e) Ergonomics _____________________________________________________

Question 7
Match the following by inserting the appropriate letters in the boxes provided. An
example is given to you. [1 mark each]
1 Ms Word 2007 A defines the location of a cell.
2 Cursor B web browser used to access web services.
3 Formatting C a cell that receives commands.
4 Clip Art D a database containing billions of pages of documents.
5 Active cell E a set of program that coordinates all activities among
6 Computer network F Program that has no errors.
7 World Wide Web G indicates the next letter that is typed will be inserted.
8 Internet Explorer H an example of an advanced processor.
9 Cell address I a set of computers connected together.
10 Operating system J a collection of ready-to-use images available on your hard
11 Bug free K changing the appearance of your document.
Question 8
In the following table, six application packages are listed. Write the application type
next to it by using words from the list below: [2 marks each]

document creation graphics & design web browsing email

presentation graphics database management spreadsheet

Application Software Application Type

Ms Excel
Ms Access
Auto CAD
Internet Explorer
Ms PowerPoint
Outlook Express

Question 9
(a) What is an email? [1 mark]
(b) To send and receive emails, three items are needed. Choose the appropriate
ones given in the list below.

Email account, Word Processing software, Internet access, Speakers, Email address

(i) ______________________________________
(ii) ______________________________________
(iii) ______________________________________ [3 marks]

(c) List two types of email accounts. [2 marks]

(i) ___________________________________________________________
(ii) ___________________________________________________________

(d) Give three reasons why most people prefer email over conventional
postal mail? [3 marks]
(i) ______________________________________
(ii) _______________________________________
(iii) _______________________________________
Revision Paper 2 247


1. Circle the correct answer. [1 mark each]

(a) Which of the following is not considered as a type of personal computer?

A. Desktop computer C. Laptop computer
B. Notebook computer D. Mainframe computer

(b) The number of pixels on a computer monitor defines its

A. Resolution C. Refresh rate
B. Aspect ratio D. Video standard

(c) The internet is

A. a software C. a game
B. a private network D. a global network

(d) What does RSI stand for?

A. Repeated Strain Inclusion C. Routine Structures Infection
B. Regular Systems Initiation D. Repetitive Strain Injury

(e) Which of the following would you use to find information on the Internet?
A. E-mail program C. Search Engine
B. Word Processor D. Help menu

(f) A word processor can be classified as

A. Hardware C. Text
B. Software D. document

(g) The intersection of a row and a column is called

A. data C. field
B. cell D. equation

(h) Which of the following is NOT related to health and safety?

A. A trailing power cable
B. A chair that cannot be adjusted
C. A slow processor
D. Poor lighting

(i) A huge collection of electronic pages containing information about many

different subjects is called:
A. World Wide Web C. surfing the net
B. email address D. Website

(j) Microsoft Windows XP is a:

A. Application software C. GUI
B. System software D. Modem

2. Write the following in the correct columns below: [8 marks]

Presentation package Printer Webcam Spreadsheet package
Word processing package Speakers Modem Image editing package

Hardware Software

3. Fill in the blanks with the following words: [12 marks]

scanner data monitor mouse calculations manipulate Input

documents Internet keyboard printer electronic

A computer is an ____________ device that manipulates information or

____________. Computers can store, retrieve and ____________ data. A computer
system consists of ____________ and Output devices. Computers are widely used
Revision Paper 2 249

to type ____________, performing complex ____________, managing databases,

compiling presentations, communication, browsing the ____________ and
gaming. A common computer system consists of a ____________ to be able to
view the messages generated by the computer, the systems unit where the physical
components are attached to the motherboard, a ____________ to type personal
documents, a ____________ to give instructions to the computer, a ____________
to print your files and a ____________ to make a digital copy of your documents.

4. When a user switches on his computer, the following picture is shown on

the screen.

(a) Use the following words to label the picture. [5 marks]

desktop window close icon folder taskbar recycle bin

(b) What is the item labeled X in the picture above, used for? [1 mark]

(c) What must the user do to the item labeled Y in the picture above, so that the
Window shown below appears on the screen? [1 mark]

(d) Look carefully at the Window above and then draw the buttons (in the squares
below) that she must click to do the following: [3 marks]

Maximise the window.

Minimise the window.

Close the window.

(e) Complete the following sentences: [3 marks]

• The window’s _______________________ is used to change the size of the

• After a window is maximised, the Maximise button will change into the
_________________ button.
• When a window is minimised, it will go down into the
Revision Paper 2 251

5. Tonia buys some presents for her friends. She uses the spreadsheet to work
out the bill.

(a) Write True or False for the following statements: [5 marks]

i. Cell A3 contains a label. ( )
ii. Cell B3 contains a value. ( )
iii. The active cell is D8. ( )
iv. A formula can be found in cell D3. ( )
v. The result that should appear in cell D4 is 12. ( )
(b) List two examples of a spreadsheet package. [2 marks]
(c) Define the term 'formula'. [2 marks]

6. (a) State four advantages of using a word processing program in contrast to

a typewriter. [4 marks]

(b) The crossword puzzle below refers to terms used in Word

Processing. [10 marks]
5 A Word Processor file can also contain 1 The keys that can move the cursor
these. around.
7 Use Cut and Paste to ………….. text. 2 Text is placed at the cursor’s location when
you …………….
8 You can use this input device to select 3 A file created by a Word Processor is called
text. a ……………..
9 A Word Processor is used to type 4 Store your work on a disk.
10 You need a printer to do this. 5 It blinks.

7. Explain the following terms with appropriate examples. [2 marks each]

(a) Peripheral devices ________________________________________________

(b) Debugging ______________________________________________________
(c) Database _______________________________________________________
(d) Attachment _____________________________________________________
(e) Sensor _________________________________________________________
Revision Paper 2 253

8. (a) Define email address. [2 marks]

(b) List the two parts of an email address. [2 marks]
(c) Briefly discuss the two types of computer software. [4 marks]

9. (a) List the two types of input devices. [2 marks]

(b) Differentiate between: [2 marks each]
i. File and folder
ii. Save and Save as
iii. Ready-made software and User designed software

10. (a) List two parts of a file name. [2 marks]

(b) List two functions of the operating system. [2 marks]
(c) List the different functions of a mouse. [4 marks]

1. Circle the correct answer. [1 mark each]

(a) Which of these is an ADVANTAGE of email?

A. Receiving junk mail
B. Emails may carry a computer virus
C. It is fast
D. Receiving a huge quantity of mail

(b) The ___________________ manages each of the steps the CPU makes as
it works.
A. Arithmetic and Logic Unit C. Memory Unit
B. Control Unit D. Read Only Memory

(c) The computer monitor on the desk should be:

A. Below eye level. C. Above eye level.
B. At eye level. D. To the right of the desk.

(d) Which of the following is an input device for a computer?

A. Monitor C. Printer
B. Mouse D. Speaker

(e) To keep a football league classification you use:

A. A Paint program C. A Spreadsheet
B. A Word Processor D. A Browser

(f) A formula must always start with the symbol:

A. Plus (+) C. Equals (=)
B. Exclamation Mark (!) D. Asterix (*)

(g) Which of the following can help to prevent backache?

A. anti-glare screens C. foot rests
B. blinds at the window D. use a keyboard with a good ergonomic
Revision Paper 3 255

(h) What is ergonomics?

A. the science concerned with designing safe and comfortable equipment
for humans
B. ensuring that the hardware is reliable and won't break down
C. making sure that you do not have an accident at work
D. Health & Safety at Work Act

(i) Chrome is an example of

A. Web Browser C. System software
B. Application software D. Search engine

(j) Removing of software errors is referred to as _____________________

A. Error C. Formatting
B. Debugging D. Package

2. State the application of the following peripherals: [1 mark each]

(a) Joystick: ________________________________________________________
(b) Multimedia Projector: ____________________________________________
(c) Graphics Tablet: _________________________________________________
(d) Light pen: ______________________________________________________
(e) Scanner: _______________________________________________________

3. What does each of the following acronyms stand for? [1 mark each]

(a) PDA : __________________________________________________________

(b) BIOS : ______________________________________________________
(c) OCR : __________________________________________________________
(d) CPU : __________________________________________________________
(e) URL : __________________________________________________________
(f) MICR : ______________________________________________________
(g) POS : __________________________________________________________
(h) OMR : ______________________________________________________
(i) TFT : __________________________________________________________
(j) CRT : __________________________________________________________

4. (a) Give two differences between RAM and ROM. [2 marks]

(b) State three reasons why memory is important in a computer? [3 marks]
(c) Give 2 advantages of using hard disk as a secondary storage rather than a
floppy disk. [2 marks]
(d) Digital Cameras are widely used nowadays; give 3 advantages of using a
digital camera. [3 marks]

5. Alex is using Microsoft Excel to keep record of the results of a football league. He
uses spreadsheet functions to make automatic calculations for him.
In cell C3, he adds the values under W, D and L.
In cell I3, he deducts the value under A from F.
In cell J3, he calculates the number of points a team has. Teams receive 3 points for
each win and no points for losses. (Refer to Key when necessary)

(a) Write the appropriate formula in each of the boxes. [6 marks]

N.B. Make sure that the results of the formulas remain correct even if the
values change.

Pd – Matches Played, W – Matches Won, D – Matches Draw, L – Matches Lost,
F – Goals in favour, A – Goals Against, GD – Goal Differences, Pts – Number of
Revision Paper 3 257

(b) Insert one of the following in each of the blank spaces: [1 mark each]
column value formula label row

i. Cell C3 contains a ____________.

ii. Cells next to each other are known as a _________.
iii. Cell B4 contains a ____________.
iv. Many cells on top of each other are called a ___________.
v. Cell F4 contains a ____________.

(c) Name some of the advantages of using a spreadsheet. [2 marks]

(d) Write down the filename that Alex used to save his spreadsheet. [2 marks]
6. State 3 health risks that affect computer users and state a possible solution
for each. [6 marks]

7. A local computer shop has put up this advert. [8 marks]

Just take a look at these


Intel Pentium IV CPU

256 Mb RAM
400 GB Hard drive
19” Colour Monitor
Speakers & Subwoofer
US Robotics 56K Modem
USB Keyboard
Optical Mouse
Mini Tower Chassis
Windows 7
Microsoft Office 2010

Can you really afford to miss this


8. (a) List three factors used to categorise computer systems. [3 marks]

(b) How many bytes can be used to store the sentence “Information Technology
has an impact on our day to day activity?” [4 marks]
(c) List down three good practices in a computer room. [3 marks]
Revision Paper 3 259

(d) List down three bad practices that are not allowed in a computer room.
[3 marks]
9. (a) List any three file operations which are allowed by Windows Explorer
[3 marks]
(b) Complete the diagram with the words given. [6 marks]
Application software Utility program Program translators
Ready-made software Computer software Operating system

10. Explain the following terms with appropriate examples: [2 marks each]
(a) Screen Resolution
(b) Internet Service Provider
(c) Formatting
(d) Formula
(e) Email

11. (a) List the three parts of a domain name. [3 marks]

(b) Give an example of free online services. [1 mark]
Revision Paper 3 261


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