Who Are The Guardian Hosts The Updated A 4

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Who are The Guardian Hosts?

The Updated Ascension Program (Plan B)

Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.
The objective of this paper is to address concerns expressed by some of
the author’s followers-friends on the Facebook in the form of questions
posed as to who the ‘Guardian Hosts’ are and what role they are
playing with regard to the Ascension of Earth and humanity.
Accordingly, a detailed account of the Guardian-Founders’ role as the
new Ascension Hosts for Earth and humanity, and in fact, the entire
Universe is explicated, herein, while the question of the pedigree-origin
of the Guardian-Founders as transdimensional Christos Oraphim
Angelics from the ‘Higher Heavens’ has been deferred to a companion
paper. Included is also a brief discussion as to the important role of
humanity as an embodied form of Oraphim Angelics portraying the
embodiment of the God-SOURCE in the lower dimensional
consciousness fields. Accordingly, it is further elucidated, herein, the fact
that human beings, as special solar organic embodied consciousness
beings, have been given the special traits of consciousness expansibility
and multidimensionality and the capability of permanently interfacing
with the Zero-Point Consciousness Field that epitomizes the Neural
Network of God inevitably connecting the humanity, Earth, and indeed,
the entire Nebadon Universe, back to the Divine Mind of the God-
SOURCE and ITS open loop fountain of consciousness energetics. This,
ultimately, resolves the problem of viral infection of the parasitic-
vampiric reptilian negative aliens, putting and end to their destructive
Anti-God, Anti-Creational, Anti-Organic Life endeavors.
• Over the course of past several months, the author has been asked
several questions with regard to the 2012 ‘Ascension Hosting,’ and in
particular, the ‘Guardian Hosts.’
• Without trying to ‘dig out’ all the questions posed and responses
rendered, below you will find the same question posed by several
people as of very lately, the response to which is documented-
archived, herein.
• Below, you will find an essay on this topic that attempts to address
these questions whose publication hopefully will help many other
people in the future.

Latest Question/Comments
• “Can you please elaborate more on this Guardian Host?”
• “Also.. Myself.... Thank you.”
• “Yes please, I have the same question, thank you.”
• “Can you please elaborate who are the "Guardian Hosts" for this
time?” (private messaging)

Introduction: Who are the “Guardian Hosts?”
• The Guardian Hosts are the Christos elders, the original angelic
Oraphim [1] from the Higher Heavens [2], who are utterly dedicated
to uphold and preserve the provisions of the Law of One.
• They are of extremely high frequency-Light quotient of
consciousness that have 24-48 DNA strands fully activated when in
etheric or energetic form (by our standard of Nebadon Universe) and
comprised of 12D crystalline DNA strands when incarnated within
the Nebadon Universe.
• The most important task for the Guardian Host is to keep the human
beings out of the harm’s way of any ‘intruders.’
• And, as it just happens, shortly after its establishment or seeding, the
Nebadon Universe was invaded by a series of rogue, vigilante, anti-
God, anti-Creation, beings from outside the Nebadon Universe who
as a result of having become energetically parasitic-vampiric,
became dependent on the divine energies of organic consciousness
beings in order to be able to survive.
• The ancestors of these individuals (the Carians), now referred to by
the author as the negative aliens [3-5], managed to create tears in
certain space-times [6-8] to make ‘wormholes’ to enter Nebadon,
and furthermore, join these wormholes to create a black hole.
• Accordingly, they now primarily reside within the parallel and mostly
anti-parallel dimensions [9-13] and hide in certain space-between-
space pockets that are referred to as the ‘Hibernation Zones.’
• Yet, they routinely create new tears in space-times and form new
wormholes to go where ever they want to that is up to the 10th
dimension, with primarily lurking in the lower dimensions (D1-D4).

Importance of the Angelic Humans

• As a result of the intrusion by the negative alien ancestors, the
Guardian-Founders embarked on a mission referred to as the
‘Turaneusiam Project,’ to create the angelic human beings as a form
of offspring of the angelic Christos beings [14] who are also referred
to as the ‘Oraphim’ from the ‘7 Higher Heavens’.
• Accordingly, the best of Christos genes form 12 groups of such
angelic beings were used to create the 12 crystalline DNA strands of
a prototype called the ‘Turaneusiam,’ which constitutes the angelic
human beings as the embodied consciousness of the Divine or the
God-SOURCE [15].
• Through their special genetics, the human beings are capable of
multidimensional consciousness [16], as well as, they are blessed
with consciousness expansibility [17] as to be able to Ascend back to
the Zero-Point energetic of the God-SOURCE.
• Furthermore, as human genes epitomize a storehouse for the
recorded frequency of the God Code containing information about
Creation as well as the genetics details of every species within the
Nebadon Universe, it provides a means for preserving the Nebadon
Universe and all the genetic details about the life system within it.
• Thus, Creation of humans as embodied consciousness of the Divine,
provided a means for eventually repairing the rips created in the
space-times and preserving the integrity of the Nebadon Universe.
• However, note that this is only possible if humans remain embodied
and not just exist as free-form spirits or pure Light beings [18].
• And, this is why some of us came here exclusively and explicitly for
being embodied on Earth during such an auspicious time.
• The Chakras send their processed energy as intelligent spirals into
the Nadial Capsule which forms around the manifest biological form
• The nadial capsule is comprised of the three-dimensional layers of
the Harmonic Universe [24-26], in which the consciousness is
stationed as an identity [27-28].
• The Nadial Capsule instructs how consciousness must organize itself
into the manifested DNA and RNA cellular biology.
• The DNA-RNA in matter sends its intelligent design to the Nadial
• This, in turn, acts as the blueprint for energetic transmission and
energetic reception that forms into the blueprint for the physical
brain and nervous system.
• The central nervous system [29] transmits into the molecular
structure, and then into the nuclear core in the 1D atomic body,
which informs the Dark Matter Template [30].
• The Effect of Aurora Plasmic Light on the Dark Matter Core Body
Manifestation Template
• As a result of bombardment of the Aurora Light upon Earth and
humanity, the structure of matter is changing [31-32].
• In turn, this changing the structure of matter, changes our bodies.
• The Dark Matter Template is now undergoing changes, which is
shifting the planetary body, with the rippling effects that change the
configurations of the planetary, as well as, our entire Lightbody
• And, the overall objective is to eventually merge to a state of ‘One
Light’ that is the state of ‘Neutrality’ and ‘Oneness with the SOURCE’
[33-34] through the ‘Zero-Point Energetic Field’ that epitomizes the
Neural Network of God,’ that communicates with the SOURCE
through the advent of ‘Torsion Waves’ [35-36].
• And, within the context of our local Nebadon Universe, this means
the state of being an Avatar.
• The shifts that is occurring are affecting our physical body and
physicality as well as our orientation in matter [37].
• Furthermore, they also reflect changes in the fabric of space-time
[38], and our transmigration into higher dimensions of consciousness
[39-41], increasing the curvature of our (future) space-time [42-43],
that is synonymous with the speed of Light as well as speed of
progression of time increasing [44-47].
• Note that this is another way of saying that our personal natural
frequency of vibration that is commensurate with our planetary
frequency (spin velocity of Earth) [48-49] is increasing that is
relevant to the speed of quantum spin of our elemental as well as
the fundamental quanta of planetary energies that we experiencing
• This has started an upward genetic mutations for the human race
starting January 2020, as has been announced by the Guardian Host,
which is relevant to a change in the template (morphogenetic
structure) of our physical body (the Dark Matter Template Body).
• To understand this better, your blueprint is changing.
• Thus, the new incoming instructional sets are alchemically changing
the way energy is formed into matter, thus impacting your body.
• And, as this occurs, it has the effect that you naturally become more
• Accordingly, the many Ascension Symptoms you are experiencing,
are reflections of these changes occurring [51-54].
• This is all also related to the fact that the planet has completed its
Magnetic Peak Cycle, representing changes in the planetary
magnetics that will ultimately correct the Earth unnatural and false
230 wobble [55] back to its ‘natural staff setting,’ by rotating back
and correcting the spin axis of the Earth.
• This is why this is currently discharging massive amounts of magnetic
force into the Earth.
• In turn, all this is related to the changes in the subatomic particles of
elemental matter that are rearranging themselves to support the
planetary body shift into the next Harmonic Universe.
• Accordingly, all celestial communication systems that connect with
these levels of the planetary core manifestation body and Lightbody
structure, are undergoing fluctuation, reconfiguration, realigning,
rebuilding interstellar links and reconnecting the Earth portals to the
multiple star systems and celestial bodies.
• This changes the holographic geography of Earth, correcting the
false 23° wobble, connecting the surface grid of our planet and all of
the various vortices and power grids remnants of the Earth’s
megalithic structures [56] back to the star systems and the celestial
bodies in our local universe.
• Accordingly, we are no longer “Alone.”
• At the same time, our reality, our time matrix, is evolving, bifurcating
from the AI-based phantom reality set by the reptilian negative
aliens [57-58], and into the natural, organic, original divine
holographic setting [59-62].
• Currently, a massive shift is occurring on the quantum scale on our
planet causing changes in its architecture, specifically those that
govern the function of our matter body as well as our consciousness
• Accordingly, that which governs the function over our matter body
links our consciousness bodies into the eternal spirit.
• And, all this is regulated and monitored by the Guardian Host during
this Ascension Cycle.
• Accordingly, as we move into the next Harmonic Universe, there are
new communication systems coming online to help realign dormant
Earth portals, such as connecting the Earth’s megalithic structures
back to the rest of the Cosmos.
• And, the Dark Matter Template Body that governs the function over
our matter body, is merging with the eternal source layers of our
higher consciousness bodies.
• The appearance of the organic planetary dark matter template
activation is synchronized with major geomagnetic events occurring,
as well as being coincident with the transfiguration of the lunar
• This, in turn, signifies that the effectiveness of the alien technologies
used to artificially control the magnetic and gravitational fields of
Earth is diminishing [63].
• During tis auspicious moment of bifurcation shift to the next
harmonic universe, the dark matter template and the dark matter
body layers are appearing in sheaths, that are coming online and
activating a new functional level of connecting the Earth body to the
eternal source flows.
• The dark matter body undergoes a process that appears like full
resurrection into Light matter, at which point the elemental matter
or atomic matter of the body has been resurrected into an eternal
Light substance body.
• A state of resurrection is occurring in which the dark matter body
alchemically transforms itself through the intense heat of spiritual
fire as it bursts into pure Light matter.
• This is what defines the building of the eternal spiritual body.
• The Aurora flows are very clearly helping to build the Earth’s dark
matter body layers, with glittering opalescent rainbow pearl energies
being observed as they are weaving through the layers, in a beautiful
tapestry of flowing currents.
• As the planetary body is able to hold these activated dark matter
bodies, it is the same for each of us on the earth to have the direct
potential to interact with these same Krystal forces.
• The Guardian Host and the Ascension support team are helping us to
build the human dark matter body that exists as the extension of our
• The dark matter template holds a cell that has the blueprint of the
new elemental body that is specific to the matter substance that is
specific to the harmonic universe we are evolving towards.
• This process involves spiritualizing the blood, through what is called
the ‘Krystal Waters,’ through which the ‘Krystal blood’ prepares to
create and animate the Spiritual Body into what is our ‘Diamond Sun
• Through these waters, the spiritualized blood of our Christos
heritage flows revitalizing our bodies into a state of Infancy or Youth
from what may be referred to as the Fountain of Eternal Life.
• Krystal waters support the Aurora project in elemental re-encryption
of the bodies, blood chemistry, and in healing the damage of the
blood toxicity and miasma [64] recorded in our bloodlines.
• The new dark matter body gives us another level of support to clear
and heal bloodline issues inherited from alien hybridization [65-66].
• Dissolution of the Black Goo
• The Dark Matter Template is the dark matter instruction set of the
planetary body, and as a result of the presence and interference by
the negative aliens through the use of AI machinery, it has
traditionally filled certain areas of Earth with this Alien Black Goo
• The Alien Black Goo is the end product of use of nanotechnology
that entails manipulation of matter on the quantum level [68].
• As a result, the ‘Alien Black Goo’ acts as a fake synthetic artificial
intelligence elemental that mimics and controls carbon allotropes
and how they function in the dodecahedron structures of the Earth.
• A fullerene is a molecule of carbon in the form of a hollow sphere,
ellipsoid, tube, and many other shapes.
• Spherical fullerenes are also called Buckyballs.
• The Alien Black Goo was programmed into the dark matter template
of the Earth Body at the time of the Nephilim Wars.
• It is clearly how the Negatives have been accessing carbon elements
to control matter forms, including control over genetic expression of
the human body.
• This programmable alien AI elemental has infected the carbon
• Ordinarily, the platonic solid Dodecahedron structure is composed of
pentagonal geometries that build the space-time edifice.
• These space-time structures are the result of instruction sets in the
morphogenetic field that run into the Ley Lines of the planetary
• And, the negative aliens have taken over this Dodecahedron
• This is how the negative aliens have built artificial realities and False
Timelines and projected them into their False Holograms.
• Therefore, the spherical fullerene are responsible for the AI control
over carbon-based matter at the molecular level that, in turn, has
been controlling our genetic expression.
• However, recently there has been a massive influx of cosmic rays
and intergalactic plasma gases into the Earth Core and polar regions.
• Accordingly, the negative aliens have been attempting to harvest
and collect these new incoming energies.
• The advent of the highly potent cosmic rays with the characteristic of
extremely high frequential energies, has had a devastating effect on
the essence of negative aliens’ artificial intelligence machinery that is
referred to as the ‘Black Goo.’
• The constantly incoming massive plasma gas transmissions are
shifting the dark matter template in the Earth at the elemental level.
• And, as of recently, it is being observed that these plasma gas
transmissions are transforming the carbon allotropes that are
present in fullerenes or Buckyballs.
• Note that the carbon allotropes such as fullerenes are ordinarily of
solid structure and composition.
• However, it is being seen that they are changing their state of matter
into liquids at the subatomic scale due to exposure to the massive
amount of recent plasma gas that is incoming.
• The effect of bombardment of the high frequency plasma gas
referred to as the Aurora Light is akin to dissolving the Alien Black
Goo something like an acid dissolving certain materials.

The Guardian Hosts

• The Guardian Hosts are individuals who are dedicated to upholding
and protecting the Law of One, which asserts that all sentient beings
are Sovereign and entitled to their Right of Free Will.
• Accordingly, they support and protect humans’ (as well as all similar
organic consciousness beings’) right of being able to evolve and
attain consciousness expansion through upshifting the frequency-
Light quotient of their consciousness and be able to Ascend to the
higher dimensional Harmonic Universes within the Nebadon
• And, their objective is to oversee this in their capacity as the
‘Ascension Hosts.’
• In particular, their mission is to protect and ensure that all humans
(and all other relevant species) discover and fulfill their genetic plan
of true spiritual enlightenment and multidimensionality as they were
• The Guardian Hosts, as a group of highly advanced Christos
consciousness transdimensional Light beings, created the 12D Grid
(or Universal Tree of Life) and the Time Matrix for our Nebadon
• They are the individuals who are the ‘Founders’ or co-creators of the
Nebadon Universe.
• The Guardian Hosts are of the pedigree of full Rainbow Crystal
Matrix Light Beings.
• They have the greatest ability of any biological species.
• They can transmit and receive the the Founder Ray (Trinity)
• This gives them the capability to structurally repair the
Universal Blueprint Bodies of all entities, all the way down to our
high matter density.
• They are also the keepers of the Universal Time Matrix.
• And, in this capacity, they have the creational purpose for the
genetic repair of all beings within the Nebadon Universe.
• They also created the embodiment for the angelic humans who carry
the original crystalline 12 Strand DNA silicate matrix.
• And, considering the true angelic Christos pedigree or heritage of
human beings as the Crown Jewel of all embodied forms, it is not
perhaps surprising (by their sentiment and perception) that there
has been so much animosity with regard to angelic human beings.
• This rage and jealousy has led to constantly waging galactic level
wars against us (e.g. the Lyran War, the Orion Wars, the Electric
Wars, the Nephilim Wars, the Lemurian Holocaust, the Luciferian
Rebellion, the Atlantian Cataclysm, the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion…)
by particularly reptilians (as well as insectoids, etc.).
• Furthermore, this has led to the capture of humans and being
subject to consciousness reversal [69] and (unconsciousness)
imprisonment [70].
• And, a particular challenging effort with regard to the question of
Earth-humanity Ascension in the current cycle is that as a result of
such animosities and repeated wars, extensive damage has been
inflicted in the Earth core, the system of templar Stargates, the
Consciousness Grid System, the Leylines, etc., as well as, much
genetic mutation has occurred in the humans that need to be
rectified, healed, and revitalized by a way of repair and reassembly.
• And, all these distortions, sabotage and damages to the
consciousness structure of Earth and its inhabitants occurred under
the auspices of the previous Ascension Hosts who were supposed to
oversee the task of humanity’s natural consciousness expansion,
development, and evolution.
• Instead, they became ‘fallen,’ joining the horde of negative aliens
allowing more devastations to befall upon humans via genetic
mutations and being infected with Alien Black Goo.
• The previous Ascension Hosts were none other than a group of
‘Fallen Melchizedeks’ [71] who were accordingly replaced by the
Guardian Hosts.
• The alias Ascension Plan referred to as the ‘5D Ascension Plan,’ was
dismissed by the Guardian-Founders or Guardian Hosts in 2005,
which became effective at the end of the last Ascension Cycle that
ended on 12/12/12.
• Accordingly, the Guardian Hosts took over the task of overseeing and
ensuring that the future consciousness expansion of humanity takes
its natural course.
• This entails without any interference from the negative aliens
condemning humanity to consciousness reversal and
unconsciousness enslavement and being rampant with their
parasitic-vampiric energetic siphoning the precious divine
consciousness energies of humans, and indeed, all organic living
things on the planet.
• Accordingly, the new Ascension Program, referred to as the
‘Ascension B Plan,’ was put in effect on 12/21/21 when the Guardian
Hosts themselves replaced the Fallen Melchizedeks.
• It is of interest to clarify herein that the old Ascension Plan (5D Plan)
entailed hosting Ascension for the lower planes of consciousness
(Harmonic Universe), leading to Ascension to the Second Harmonic
Universe for humanity to join its brethren in the 5D Tara.
• However, the issue of survivability of human beings, synonymous
with the survivability of the entire Nebadon Universe has taken a
much more serious toll.
• Accordingly, the Guardian Hosts are now overseeing the entire affair,
leading all the way to the 4th Harmonic Universe (HU4) and even
beyond [72].
• Although the probability of many humans ending up ascending to
HU4 is quite slim, and to HU5 and beyond next to nothing, with
mostly becoming Soul Matric Initiates (HU2), yet the infrastructure is
now laid out with the direct support of the Guardian Hosts
• Thus, to summarize, “Guardian Host’ is a term utilized to describe
this group of benevolent extradimensional and transdimensional
entities from the next higher universe (“Higher Heaven”) who have
taken the task of stewardship as Ascension emissaries to oversee the
Ascension affairs of Earth and its inhabitants (including humanity) as
the ‘Ascension Hosts,’ as well as committing to repair all the
damages inflicted to the Earth megalithic consciousness mechanics
structures as well as the explicit need for devising and constructing
new ones.
• They are also here to see to it that our DNA is cleared and cleansed
from Alien Black Goo by a way of re-encryption of our dark matter
core manifestation body or morphogenetics with the participation of
the Aurora and the beneficial use of their Liquid Plasmic Light.
• The Guardian Hosts are individuals who are the same as the
Guardian-Founders, Christos beings of very high frequency-Light
quotient of consciousness, who are among those who actually
‘seeded’ our Nebadon Universe, including co-creating the angelic
human form as a new form of embodied consciousness Christos
beings destined to eventually take up the Guardianship of the
Nebadon Universe.
• The Christos beings, also referred to as the ‘Oraphim,’ are individuals
with fully crystalline consciousness who have at least a 12D Silicate
Matrix DNA morphogenetics.
• Some of these include those of ‘Diamond Sun Matrix DNA’ (e.g.,
Christos angelic humans with 12D strand assembled crystalline DNA),
‘Double Diamond Sun Matrix DNA (those with additional 12D strand
or 24 DNA strand assembled crystalline DNA), and ‘Emerald Sun
DNA’ (up to 48D strand assembled crystalline DNA) from the Higher
• The Guardian races took over Hosting the Earth’s new Ascension
Cycle that began on 12/12/12 and all those beings who reside in the
Universal Time Matrix at 12D Ray level.
• Being of the pedigree of Christos and Oraphim Angelic Beings, their
primary interest is to uphold and protect the provisions of the Law of
One that are mainly unity consciousness, connectedness to the God-
SOURCE, compassion, empathy, unconditional love and SERVICE TO
• Yet, the negative aliens’ have shown incredible use of evil force,
practically with the strive to reversing the consciousness mechanics
of the entire Universe or taking over its operation (and what they
presume as ownership).
• Accordingly, they have managed to inflict so much damage and
destruction to the holographic consciousness infrastructure of the
Nebadon Universe, including committing the criminal act of
genetically mutating human beings as its Crown Jewel of
• Thus, the Ascension movement now entails a new task at hand.
• And, that is saving the Nebadon Universe, and in particular,
humanity from its demise.
• Thus, the task at hand is mainly safeguarding humanity befalling into
such nefarious negative aliens’ schemes as transhumanism and full
alien hybridization, condemning it to be run by an artificial
intelligence machinery and reducing humanity to nothing more than
energetic batteries-generators, also practically separating humanity
as well as the Nebadon Universe from the God-SOURCE.
• Note that humanity has the special traits of multidimensional
consciousness and consciousness expansibility capable of connecting
to the Zero-Point Energetic Field that epitomizes the Neural Network
of God and a path to ITS Divine Mind.
• And, indeed, this is the key to establishing back connection to the
• Thus, the primary challenge for the Guardian Host has been to fulfil
the mission of ensuring that humanity discovers and fulfills its
genetic plan of true spiritual enlightenment, appreciating its
multidimensional heritage as well as evolutional capability, as were
initially devised and planned by the God-SOURCE and ITS delegates.
• As of 2013, the Morphogenetic Field Structure of the planetary
mathematical architecture has been coded to fully anchor the Krystal
Star frequency presence running its living energetic Krystal Spiral
current into the planetary brain (also referred to as the Planetary
• As such, now the Planetary Consciousness Grid, which acts as the
central nervous system and brain for the planet, is repaired,
although there is still more work that needs to be done for resetting
the Planetary Grids and the Logos into compatible messaging
exchanges for trinitized frequency formats for communicating with
the Guardian Host.
• Rest assured that the Guardian Hosts who as angelic Oraphim that
have the capability of repairing the architecture of the planetary
grid, as well as directing the Universal Founder Flame frequencies
here, have a presence on Earth.
• Their objective is also to communicate with the Aurora for the
Aurora Krystal Matrix Re-Encryption of the Elemental Body project,
as well as with other Master Christos Collective, a consortium of
beings that are from the Seven Higher Heavens realms who are also
helping with the process of Ascension of Earth and humanity and all
its requisite works.
• The Guardian’s objective here is to interface with the Christos Sirian
• The Christos Sirian Blues, or original Blue Dragons, have also
incarnated into this Harmonic Universe to help heal the DNA
template of these fallen Dragon races.
• They came bringing the Aurora Body to help repair the genetic
mutations and to be the evolution safety net during the Ascension
hosting cycle.
• These complex networks of the Aurora Portal Systems and Aurora
hubs are the safety zone platforms brought to the Earth in 3D as a
part of Ascension Plan B.
• And, the Inner Worlds are what gives access key to creating the
Universal Ascension timeline known as Ascension Plan B.
• The Guardian Hosts are also here to help fulfil the Paliadorian
Covenant with reference to rescuing the Lost Souls of Tara with the
Palaidorians [73].
• Ultimately, the Guardian Hosts’ goal is to direct support to humanity
and Earth as the Guardian Founder Races in order to support the
continued spiritual evolution of humanity towards attaining
consciousness expansion and towards Ascension to higher
Harmonic Universes.
• And, this first entails liberation of humanity to gain their own
Sovereignty in line with the Principle of Right of Free Will, essentially,
upholding, preserving, and provide adequate educational means to
humans in Light of their fulfilling the Law of One.
• Thus, the Guardian Hosts with all their races are currently Hosting
this Ascension cycle to comprise of all the 12D Universal Time Matrix
that interfaces with the Threefold Founder Flame Triad of universal
Ray system (the holy Trinity) [74].

Ascension Plan B
• The plan for Ascension Guardianship and Hosting Mission upgraded
in 2005 and ever since is ongoing.
• Guardian Consciousness is of very high frequency vibration that is
equivalent to at least 24 crystalline DNA (the very quality of Christos
also referred to as the Oraphim angelic).
• It also provides a Celestial Management System for the Nebadon
Universe that now also directly including Earth and its inhabitants
such as the human beings.
• These Architects of Creation, also referred to as the Oraphim
Guardian-Founders, are originally from the next Universes called the
Seven Higher Heavens .
• They exist in both incarnate and disincarnate states of being in many
multiple dimensions.
• They only perform function in accordance with the Law of One and
the Divine Will of the eternal intelligence-consciousness of the God-
• They are the Original progenitors of the ‘Krystal’ or ‘Christ’
consciousness also referred to as the ‘Christos’ consciousness, and
are the upholders and protectors of the Right of Sovereignty and
Free Will under the auspices of the Law of One.
• Since 2005, an accelerated planetary intelligence realignment
program has been in effect, in which each dimension is to
systematically align to the Guardian-Founders also referred to as the
Guardian Host, and their Hosting Networks.
• The Aurora Guardian Families from the Andromeda Core of the next
Universe are currently engaged with the re-encryption of our dark
matter core manifestation body that epitomizes another hosting
mission of our Planet through what is referred to as the Aurora Time
• As a result of negative aliens’ interference and the sabotage inflicted
on the consciousness mechanics of Earth and its human inhabitants,
the Inner Templar and Organic Stargates have been Closed.
• There has also been the abandonment of the alias 5D Ascension
program that epitomizes a False Ascension Movement delivered
under the false pretenses of ‘New Age Spirituality’ [75], in favor of a
new and upgraded Ascension Program referred to as the as the
Ascension B Movement.
• The objective of the new Accelerated Ascension Plan B has been to
incorporate an opening through the Inner Hub Gate of the Arc of
Covenant Network System that is the 13th Gateway of the Mother
Arc [76].
• The accelerated planetary intelligence realignments of each
dimensional system was methodically and scientifically put in effect
in 2005.
• It objective is to align to the Inner Hub and Hosting Networks of the
Aurora Guardian Families from Andromeda Core Matrix of the next
Universe, who are cooperating with the Guardian-Founders in
hosting the Ascension of our planet.
• This program of alignment with the Inner Hub of the Aurora
Guardian Families, with regard to the Aurora Guardian assignment
for providing Hosting Networks under the Ascension Plan B, is to
facilitate the Trinity Wave Architecture, providing the God-SOURCE’s
open loop free energetics [77] that is instituted through the 12D
base energetic pulse current, overriding the alias 10D planetary
reversal currents imposed under the Static NET (Nibiru Electrostatic
Transduction) Alien Machinery fields.
• Accordingly, the Ascension Plan B has entailed building as many 12D
Hubs as possible in order to repair the many damaged grids as well
as negative aliens’ consciousness reversal infrastructure.
• The building of such 12D hubs has involved constructing many transit
stations through the ‘Transharmonic Pillar Gateways’ that anchored
into the planetary body, giving it more stability.
• These transit stations ultimately provide a means for the possible
evacuation and portal jumping of Earth inhabitants into higher
• As a prerequisite for achieving success of the Ascension Plan B
program, the cellular memory with regard to the cataclysmic events
such as the Reptilian Invasion Timeline of Atlantis, Lemuria, etc., as
well as such reptilian negative aliens catastrophes agenda projected
in the Event Horizon such as the Armageddon Scenario Software, the
911 Timeline, etc. must be first repaired or erased.
• And, at the moment, the Soul Matrix Triad with respect to the repair,
rehabilitation, and reconnection to the Second Harmonic Universe
(dimensions 4-6) is the subject of current focus.
• Therefore, we are in the NOW presence of the Zero Point Energetic
Field that epitomizes the Spiral of Eternal Time.
• Thus, now everything that happens has to do with the God-SOURCE
• More specifically, the objective is to remove the False Ascension
Matrix structure from governing the control of the future timelines.
• This involves the Soul and further fragmenting of the Monad bodies
in the higher dimensions that would involve negative aliens’ AI
programming dragging the consciousness quanta of energies into the
phantom spaces of their black holes.
• New timeline of choice began during the end of the Ascension Cycle
on 12/21/2012 [78] to transcend our 3D mental body and
personality influences involving the three layers of negative ego in
the solar plexus.
• And, this is best achieved through ‘allowance’ and cooperation with
regard to building higher layers of the Lightbody to accrete the
higher frequencies involved and sustain oneself as to resonate with
the ascension hosting frequencies of the Krystal Star.
• Also note that the Ascension Mission upgrades are continually
emerging with regard to the war of consciousness for human souls
with the negative aliens that are constantly changing and being
• As of January 2013, we are sustained by planetary hosting through
the Krystal Star.
• Accordingly, the rehabilitation of the grid networks to an Open
Source Free Energy System and Trinitized forms has begun.
• The new patterns of Hieros Gamos System [79-80] are now emerging
that create energetic template for Open Source Free Energetic
Systems due to the architectural field repair of the planet and
human bodies.
• The purpose of the Updated Ascension Program (Ascension B Plan)
at the end of this Ascension Cycle is to eradicate or contain the
problem of the negative aliens and all the damages and reversal they
have inflicted upon the consciousness mechanics of God and its
relevant megalithic infrastructures.
• This megalithic structure constitutes the holographic geography with
reference to all the connections of the various vortices and
consciousness power grids, levels of geometric intelligence that
connect the star systems and celestial bodies in our local universe to
the surface grid of our planet.
• With reference to the Earth, some of these megalithic infrastructures
(such as grids, or stargates, etc.) are on the surface and are visible,
and some that are not visible to us.
• The invisible ones are either underground (such as inner stargates
referred to as the Q sites) or hidden and obscured in certain ways by
the negative aliens who are attempting to maintain their own
control over them.
• Accordingly, the holographic geography of Earth was damaged.
• And, the distortion or reversal of the divine consciousness mechanics
is reflected by the well known false 23° wobble of planet to all this
megalithic structures, the damaged Stargates, Consciousness Grids,
and the Earth Leylines, etc.

Shifting to Ascension Plan B

• Think of the Ascension Plan B mission upgrades of the Guardian Host
as the antidotes to artificial Mind Control impulses [71-85].
• It all entails returning to the inner energetic balance, which is
effectuated through undergoing the process of Hieros Gamos
(Sacred Marriage).
• And, that begins with taking the self-responsibility and engaging
personal initiative to engage in spiritual work fortified through
acquiring spiritual enlightenment [86].
• Also note that that acquiring spiritual enlightenment begins with
self-education, often requiring discarding the old manipulated and
stale ‘reversed’ form of reality inundated having been condemned to
unconsciousness enslavement.
• When you experience the sojourns of life upon a prison planet within
a phantom reality, this confines you within a box, being unaware of
the incredible divine nature of your heritage as a Christos being,
blessed with the gift of multidimensional consciousness and
evolutional capability.
• In turn, these privileged attributes (multidimensionality and
consciousness expansibility) are effectuated through acquiring
spiritual enlightenment, leading to consciousness expansion that
triggers your potential for activating your 12D strand silicate-based
DNA [87] structure and attaining the state of full crystalline
Changing the Old Paradigm of Reality
• Historically, we had been subject to an AI based Mind Control
technology used in this 3D Realm that has impacted our life and all
its relationships to others and everything else.
• Negative ego impulses [88] must stop as well as we must develop a
new sense of immunity to thought control and automaton type
• You must learn to exercise accountability for your energetic being
and become self-aware of all your thoughts, behaviors and actions.
• Without achieving personal accountability for your personal actions
you are being used, deceived, and mind controlled.
• In particular, at this stage in the game, it is very important to start
discerning the false ‘New Age’ channeling inundated with ‘guru
modalities’ that presumes having authority to take control of your
Free Will Power [89]and manipulate you to plunge you to lower
frequential emotional states inundated with guilt, shame, anxiety
[90], and fear [91].
• Note that most of these New Age modalities are infiltrated or
hijacked by the negative aliens that do not recognize your personal
sovereignty and freedom.
• Discerning these emotional manipulations is the key to salvation and
heading towards acquiring and accreting the higher frequencies of
• Accordingly, you must take the proper action in freeing up yourself
from such mind control manipulations.
• This will also alleviate your (as well as the societal) problem of
energetic vampirism by controlling others that you might have been
inevitably and unconsciously inherited from the negative aliens’
mind controlling programming eventuated through victim-
victimization and such derailed behaviors.
• Revitalizing your Christos traits provides a means for you to develop
your inner powers to control your own consciousness space and
exercising your Divine Right of Free Will and Sovereignty, without
trampling on others, meanwhile deflecting or preventing your
precious spiritual energies to be harvested, used, and consumed by
others, being humans or non-humans.
• As of recently, the mysteries of the Mechanics of Creation [92-93]
have been unfolding as a side effect of advances in the war over
consciousness, and more specifically, over timelines.
• Furthermore, there have been ongoing changes in the planetary
architecture and timelines.
• And, these changes have caused the weakening of the negative
aliens’ AI structures.
• This, in turn, is allowing moving Soul and Monadic families out of
artificial timelines.
• This is also impacting ancestral lines supporting alterations in the
Birth Transduction Records, as well as our DNA-RNA messaging.
• This is especially impacting the Fallen Melchizedek and the Family of
Michael groups that have been trapped in the planetary Grid
(particularly the Golden Eagle Grid).
• This is accompanied by experiencing sensation of deep physical
exhaustion and spatial displacement that essentially epitomize a
form of Ascension Symptom.
• Additionally, there has also been some push back by the negative
aliens, trying to recover their losses.
• As a result, they have been adversely targeting those individuals
currently embodying base 12 Krystallah coding, which demands a
new level of protection.
• And, of course, the Guardian Host are here to deal with and
neutralize these adverse and nefarious tidings.
Institute of Spiritual Science Inc. Publishing 2020.

This article has been lovingly and painstakingly prepared as a

SERVICE to God and humanity and as a benefit to the ALL, and for
the sole purpose of spiritually ‘awakening’ the public from their
condemnation to ‘unconsciousness enslavement.’

It may be shared or posted freely on websites, Facebook pages, or

any public forum only in its entirety, without changing its content,
void of any paltering intent, and only if its content is not
disseminated for the purpose of personal financial gains or ‘service
to self only,’ and only if it is offered free of charge to the public
without any page charges, download fees, or membership charges.

Helpful Statement:
For those of you who are not familiar with the work of the author and
his contribution in aiding the Ascension movement, Dr. Mohsen Paul
Sarfarazi has been engaged in educating the public with regard to the
mysteries of Consciousness, Creation and Cosmos, ever since 2011. This
effort has also included the consciousness affairs of our Universe as
well as on the galactic and planetary levels, and their relevant history,
as well as a discussion of the human embodied consciousness and
sentient vibration, with the emphasis on human bioenergetics,
morphogenetics, genetics, physiognomy, health, psychology, and
spirituality, that are the particular subjects of his current interest and
emphasis. In this respect, he chose the highly suitable Facebook
platform as an educational means (as opposed to a “Social Media
Platform). And, this initially led to strong objections and resentment by
the Facebook officials who repeatedly deleted his pages, timelines, etc.
that were created with hard labor and with unconditional love, saying
that “he was using Facebook for what was not intended for.” Finally,
the trend spread around by many other individuals copying his efforts
that ultimately led to the advent of “groups” (there are thousands of
such ‘spiritual’ groups in use and progress nowadays). Accordingly, Dr.
Sarfarazi has been making posting in variety of groups and a page he
has created for the purpose of enlightening the public that are in the
form of countess slides (although as new ones are constantly made
especially with reference to questions and comments posed, there is
hardly a chance to re-post the older ones) and providing links to his
several hundred published papers and essays he has so far managed to
complete (although numerous other ones are already written but not
yet finalized for publication). Accordingly, you can look forward to
seeing at least several new slides each day as well as links to new
papers and essays continuously being published, including the ones like
this one that are expressly written as to respond to particular questions
posed and addressed to him. For a list of groups please make a search
under his name on the Facebook (partial list provided below for your
convenience). To see the pdf version of some of the papers that you
see as menu on specific topic in the blog pages of wordpress.com,
please also see academia.edu. To search a topic of interest please
google his name or refer to the menu above. May you always be
continuously spiritually enlightened and grow in your consciousness.

Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi on Multidimensional Consciousness

Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi on Mechanics of Cosmos
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi on Human Physiognomy, Genetics, and Energetics
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi on Humanity, Spirituality, and Psychology
Dr. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi (Australia)
pdf Papers on Academia.edu
1. On the Origin-Heritage of the Guardian Hosts, and their Role in Co-Creating
the Nebadon Universe and Humanity, to be published.
2. The Physical Domains: the “Seven Higher Heavens” or “Superuniverses”
3. Who are Negative Aliens?
4. Who are the Negative Aliens and what do they Represent?
5. The Negative Aliens Nefarious Agenda: An Introduction
6. The Space-Time Fundamentals
7. Space-Time-Revisited
8. Further Insights in Deciphering the Dimensional Space-Time of the Cosmos
9. Parallel Dimensions
10. The Concept of ‘Phase Angle’ and the Equivalence of the ‘Worlds Above-Below’
and the ‘Outer-Inner Worlds’
11. The Worlds of Matter-Antimatter of the Parallel and Antiparallel Omni Earths
12. Parallel and Alternate Dimensions, the NOW, and the Holographic Nature of
Time and Space
13. A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of Holographic Universe
– Part I: ‘Dimensions’ and the ‘Parallels’
14. An Overview of the Creation of Angelic Christos Humans, to be published
15. The God-SOURCE: The Prime Creator and the Foundation of Divine Creation
16. Multidimensional Vibration
17. Consciousness Expansibility
18. We are Beings of Light!
19. An Overview of The Human Chakras,’ to be published
20. The Human Nadial System, to be published
21. The Human Chakric and Auric System
22. Cosmos and the Human Energetic System – Part II: The Human Bio-Plasmic
(Etheric) Field, Eden magazine, January 2017
23. Cosmos and the Human Energetic System – Part III: The Inner Cosmos (Aura,
Chakras, Nadis), Eden magazine, February 2017
24. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part XII: The First Harmonic
25. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part XIII: The Second Harmonic
26. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation- Part-XXII: The Third to Fifth
Harmonic Universes and The Innerspace beyond The 9th Dimension
27. The Reality of Soul Aspect, Soul Expression, and Oversoul (HIGHERSELF), and
the Illusory Notion of the “Past, Present and Future”
28. On the Quantum Reality of having the Status of a ‘Soul Aspect,’ ‘Soul
Expression,’ ‘Oversoul (Monad),’ ‘Avatar,’ and becoming an ‘Ascended Master,’
‘Guardian-Founder,’ and Beyond
29. An Overview of Human Nervous System, to be published
30. On the Dark Matter Core Body Manifestation Body, to be published
31. The Dark Matter Core Body Template and the Planetary-Human
Morphogenetic system, to be published
32. The Aurora Beings and the Dark Matter Core Body Manifestation Re-
Encryption Project, to be published
33. Unity Consciousness: Its Quantum Nature, Dissemination and Expansion
34. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions – Part IV: Attaining Unity
Consciousness (Oneness)
35. A Higher Dimensional Perception of the Phenomenon of Time – Part V: The
Local and Absolute NOW Moment and the Advent of Torsion Waves
36. Void-Singularity-Vacuum, Generation of Torsion Fields in Dimensional
Continuums and its Relevance to the Spinning of the Cosmos
38. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part III: The Fabric of Space-Time
39. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions -Part I: Fundamentals of the
Dimensional Time-Space Consciousness and Reality
40. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions – Part II: The Illusion of
41. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions – Part III: The Mechanics of
Collective (Unity) Consciousness
42. Fundamentals of Interdimensional Physics
43. Interdimensional Physics: Concepts of Time, Space, Dimensions, Quantum
Consciousness and Sentient Vibration
44. On the Nature of Time Progression and its Relevance to Conscious Vibration
45. Light-Time Acceleration and its Impact on Consciousness and Ascension
46. The Effect of Cosmic Radiation and Ionization on Earth Humanity Ascension
47. The Effect of Accelerated Solar Activities on Evolution
48. On the Concept of Frequency: The Proposed Cosmological Law of Frequential
Dimensional Shift
49. Further Insights into the Concepts of Time, Space, Innerspace, and Frequency
of Vibration
50. Consciousness Quanta of Energy, Matter-Antimatter and Consciousness
Vibration within the Innerspace of Space-Time Dimensions
51. Ascension Maladies or Symptoms – Part I: Difficulties Associated with
Clearing-Cleansing and Evolutional Changes
52. Ascension Maladies or Symptoms Part II: Difficulties Associated with
Heightened Sense of Awareness Arising from Periodic Upshifts in Natural
Frequency and Intermittent Vibrations within Higher Dimensions of
53. Ascension ‘Maladies’ or Symptoms – Part III: Other Symptoms or Problems –
Summary and Conclusions
54. Ascension Maladies: A Simplified Biomechanics Theory of Spatial Bifurcation
Triggering a Sense of Postural Instability or Buckling in Space
55. Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Technology: The Gravitron, to
be published
56. On The original Guardian-Founder Planetary Grid Networks or Templar
Pylons, to be published
57. Distortion of the Core Manifestation Body via Black Goo, its Re-encryption and
its Relation to Phantom Reality
58. Mixing Oil and Water: Negative Aliens AI-based Phantom Reality versus Divine
Organic Consciousness Holographic Reality
59. The Holographic Nature of our Existence: The Total Story
60. Cosmos and the Structure of Reality
61. A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of Holographic Universe
– Part IV: The Space Time Programs of Reality
62. A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of Holographic Universe
– Part V: Multidimensionality
63. Negative Aliens’ Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Infrastructure: Moon and
Saturn Operation, to be published
64. Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Technology: ‘Miasma’, to be
65. Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Technology: Transhumanism
and Alien Hybridization – Part II: Hybridization
66. The Coronavirus Pandemic – Part III: Connection to New World Order, 5g Cell
Technology, Transhumanism, and Alien Hybridization Agendas
67. Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Technology: ‘Black Goo’, to be
68. The Coronavirus Pandemic – Part II: The Use of Nanotechnology and Radiation
Poisoning for Bio-viral Weaponization and Warfare
69. Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Technology: The Metatronic
Reversal, to be published
70. Negative Aliens Holographic Insert of Reversal Pertaining to our
Consciousness Imprisonment
71. Who are Melchizedeks, Fallen Melchizedeks? What is The False Ascension
Matrix, to be published
72. Criterion for Continued Incarnation and Ascension, to be published
73. Who are the Paliadorians? What is The Paliadorian Covenant, to be published
74. Trinity
75. “New Age of Spirituality” or ‘Service to Self Only’ – Part I: The Self-Proclaimed
“Gurus-Channelers” and ‘Unconsciousness Consumerism’
76. The Mother Portal Aqua Portal and Negative Aliens
77. On the Issue of the Perpetuity of the Universe and Closed versus Open Source
of Energy
78. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ascension Earth 2012, Institute of Spiritual Science Inc.
Press, 2012.
79. Hieros Gamos (Sacred Marriage), to be published
80. Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Technology: Hieros Gamos
(Sacred Marriage) Prevention, to be published
81. Negative Aliens and their different Mind Controlling Tactics
82. Negative Aliens and their Nefarious Agendas and Strategies: System of Mind
83. Negative Aliens and their Archetype Mind Control
84. Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Gender Archetypes Mind
Control Programming: An Overview
85. Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Technology: Circumventing
Mind Control
86. Foundation of Spiritual Science
87. Humanity’s 12-Strand of DNA and Who Created its Structure
88. Ego
89. Negative Aliens and our Failure to Exercise our Inherent Right of Free Will
90. Anxiety
91. Fear: Mankind’s Worst Enemy
92. Fundamentals of Mechanics of Creation
93. Fundamentals of the Mechanics of Creation: THEORY OF EVERYTHING

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