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War over Human Embodied Consciousness:

When will the Problem with the

Negative Aliens End?
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.
The following short essay is the result of responding to several soul
member’s and followers of the author’s work on Facebook. It is
explicated that human consciousness, while embodied [1], is of
paramount importance that will determine the longevity and survival of
the Nebadon Universe [2]. This may sound quite shocking to human
beings at first as humans have historically been ‘conditioned’ [3-7] to
feel somewhat worthless by the negative aliens [8-9] as to their present
low state of consciousness [10], being led to believe that they were
evolved from apes and that they will never amount to anything in this
galaxy or our Universe. Yet, this is all carefully presented as
misinformation, deception, and lies to us fueled by the fact that the
negative aliens need to keep us in a state of ‘unconsciousness
enslavement’ [11] being condemned to live on a ‘prison planet’ in which
they can effectively and optimally harvest our precious divine
consciousness energies. And, of course, this has been exasperated by
the fact that the negative aliens have historically demonstrated that
they utterly hate us with all their might as they believe, with totally
repugnant jealousy, that we were ‘favored’ as the ‘chosen’ ones, having
been devised with our incredible genetic morphogenetic structure that
include a 12D DNA strand crystalline silicate-based genetics, and as
Christos beings, that allows consciousness multidimensionality [12-13]
and consciousness expansibility [14-15], being inherently able to Ascend
and eventually and inevitably ‘Go Home,’ becoming one with our
progenitor as Avatars [16]. This alone ensures the longevity and
perpetuity of our Universe with us as ‘Guardian Initiates’ [17] who are
supposed to someday administer this Universe and guide all its
(organic) inhabitants [18-20]. And, it may be true that upon full
decipherment and appreciation of this fact it may trigger a sense of
great self-responsibility and even pressure in humanity inundated with a
sense of helplessness and even dread as to worry with anticipation with
regard to the outcome of this war on consciousness with the negative
aliens. Yet, we are NOT ‘ALONE.’ The Guardian-Founders as our
ancestors and co-creators are all the way with us, not just to save us,
but to save this Universe, in which the answer to its longevity and
eternal existence lies with our consciousness embodiment. Yet, pursuant
to the Principle of Free Will and Sovereignty, this can only be achieved
as a result of our awakened resolved intent with reference to
‘allowance’ and full cooperation in order to prevent delay regarding the
eviction of the reptilian negative aliens [21].

• This essay is primarily the result of questions raised by many of our
soul family members who are Facebook friends and followers, and in
particular, an attempted response to one of our avid soul-seekers
who asks:

• “What’s your thoughts Prof. Mohsen, how long this dynamics
[negative aliens] will bother us to take a sigh of relief?”
• It is coming to a conclusion soon (time is relative) with the negative
aliens being evicted and quarantined [21] and left to self-consume
[22] and die (no more vampiric energetic feeding) so they cannot
interfere any more.
• Yet as they know they are losing the war on human consciousness,
they have concentrated their efforts with incredible bitterness and
resentment through rampant feedings and strive for total
domination of human body and soul.
• They have the delusion that if they take control over us through
transhumanism [23-24] and such and evict us from our bodies, they
can regain organic consciousness embodiment [25-26]!
• The Guardian-Founders are diligently working on this.
• Yet, the crux of the problem lies with the condition of the human
beings who, in actuality, defines the very essence of our Universe, as
their embodiment (DNA) is equipped with the knowledge of all times
with regard to this Universe, including the genetic details regarding
EVERY species in this Universe.
• Human beings, through their multidimensional nature of their
consciousness and their innate trait of consciousness expansibility
as well as capability to achieve Hieros Gamos (Sacred Marriage) [27],
provide a way back to the Zero-Point Field that epitomizes the
Neural Network of God and the Divine Mind of our Prime Creator
• Thus, we are the ones that provide the connection to God-SOURCE
• This Ascension movement through the re-encryption of the dark
matter core manifestation of the human body (in turn, the advent of
Light as reflected in our Lightbodies as well as DNAs) [32] is not just
about a mere benevolent effort to rescue humanity from the
clutches of the negative aliens.
• It is about saving the Universe from the dark and evil influences of
the negative aliens FOR GOOD [33]!
• The problem with the negative aliens is their incredibly deep
infiltration in the consciousness affairs of God through their
continued strive for its reversal [34], leading to stealing, copying, and
mimicking the holographic mechanics of consciousness [35-39] as to
form their own evil kingdom via cloning, soul capture technology
[40], and forming virtual reality structure to serve as fully phantom
• Full virtual reality phantom timelines means that they have FULL
control over the reality of all concerned, particularly human beings
that are to serve as ’farm animals’ and ‘battery generators’ and
automatons to feed them and their evil AI machinery.
• Meanwhile, humans are plagued with ‘unconsciousness,’ perceiving
what they experience is their “fate” and negative aliens are their
• Living in full virtual reality phantom timelines in their ‘space-
between-space’ dimensions (such as the Astral Plane), there is no
longer a hint of Sovereignty and Free Will [41], in which the negative
aliens openly declare themselves as human masters and “creators.”
• It is an utterly gloomy situation for human beings in which they
continually undergo repeated reincarnations [42] as ‘breeders’ and
energy generators.
• Repeated reincarnations entails being streamed upon by the very
same reality timelines that are based upon humanity always
experiencing pain, suffering and anguish as to provoke producing
‘loosh’ for them [43], upon which they feed, in order to survive.
• Their recent program of transhumanism and aggravated alien
hybridization means that one is under the control of AI signaling
being streamed upon as automatons.
• Being subject to negative aliens’ virtual or phantom reality timelines
means that although still having a remnant organic consciousness,
humanity is no longer able to utilize its gift of multidimensionality
and consciousness expansibility and evolution, only being reduced to
a battery-generator automatons.
• Thus, negative aliens practically inherit the Universe while having a
perpetual source of energy living as “gods” bypassing the open
energetic of the God-SOURCE.
• The Guardian-Founders are very concerned about, and are diligent,
as to not just save humanity, but to save the entire Nebadon
• However, the very genetics of humanity [44-46], that is the treasure
source for the Universe, has been tampered with, mutated and
damaged on the surface.
• So, they are focusing to clear and cleans human DNA from the
imposed ‘black goo’ [47] and restore it to its 12D strand silicate
based crystalline morphogenetic structure.
• Apart from dealing with the incredibly devastating problem of either
repairing the consciousness mechanics infrastructure of Earth (Earth
Core, Stargates, Consciousness Grids, Leylines, etc.) [48] or designing
and constructing new ones, there is also the problem of dealing with
humans who have long been victims of mind control and
‘conditioning,’ as to ‘awaken’ them [49], while they are constantly
being subject to new paltering, deceptions and lies by the negative
• Constantly dealing with negative aliens through neutralizing their
new nefarious strategies and warring tendencies, as well as
repairing-devising and constructing new conciseness infrastructure
for Earth as well ‘awakening’ and re-educating human beings,
relieving them from mind control, as well as now completely re-
encrypting core manifestation body and genetics, all takes
considerable time by Earth’s standard.
• The main issue to decipher is that humanity is the key factor in the
whole equation of Ascension, leading to saving the Universe.
• Accordingly, cooperation of human beings through crystal clear
‘awakened’ state of mind is of paramount importance without which
the whole process can take a long time to formalize, leading to relief,
for the whole Universe.
• Recall that consciousness expansion is only possible via
individualized effort as well as ‘allowance.’
• This is the nature of our Sovereign existence having Free Will as
divine solar organic consciousness beings.

Similar Other Questions and Answers:

• “When will God stop them” [the negative aliens]?

• It is in the process.
• Their nefarious AI (Artificial Intelligence) machinery is being
systematically taken down and God’s original consciousness
mechanics together with the system of natural (as opposed to
phantom or artificial) holographic reality is being restored.
• So is your morphogenetic structure.
• “What happens when the negative aliens no longer have the power
to do this?”

• Then you live a sovereign - free life, without mind programming and
parasitic energetic attachment and privy to develop your
consciousness and evolve (no frequency fences) according to God's
original Creation plan.

• “When will humanity be able to experience Nirvana?”

• In Buddhism nirvana refers to a transcendent state in which there is
neither suffering, desire, nor sense of self, and the subject is
released from the effects of karma [50] and the cycle of death and
• These are conditions that are usually obtained when you reach
(ascend to) the dimensions 10-12 (HU4) [51] where there is no body,
no gender, and when you torsionally vibrate as an orb of light.
• It is the state of having constant access to the Zero-Point field or
Divine Mind of God.

• “When will humanity be able to experience Moksha?”

• When you get your crystalline genes and purge all the frequency
fences and AI machinery out from your DNA-bioenergetics.
• It will be soon.
• But still will take a few passes of reincarnation so the process can be
slowly developed, not being detrimental or painful due to
accelerated too much genetic evolution.
Institute of Spiritual Science Inc. Publishing 2020.
This article has been lovingly and painstakingly prepared as a SERVICE
to God and humanity and as a benefit to the ALL, and for the sole
purpose of spiritually ‘awakening’ the public from their condemnation
to ‘unconsciousness enslavement.’
It may be shared or posted freely on websites, Facebook pages, or any
public forum only in its entirety, without changing its content, void
of any paltering intent, and only if its content is not disseminated for
the purpose of personal financial gains or ‘service to self only,’ and
only if it is offered free of charge to the public without any page
charges, download fees, or membership charges.

1. Humanity’s 12-Strand of DNA and Who Created its Structure
2. On the Issue of the Perpetuity of the Universe and Closed versus Open Source
of Energy
3. The Negative Aliens Nefarious Agenda: An Introduction
4. The Negative Aliens Nefarious Agenda: Revisited
5. Negative Aliens and their Nefarious Agendas and Strategies: System of Mind
6. Negative Aliens and their different Mind Controlling Tactics
7. Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Technology: Circumventing
Mind Control
8. Who are Negative Aliens?
9. Who are the Negative Aliens and what do they Represent?
10. Earth Humanity’s New State of Mind and Consciousness: How to Properly
Perceive it and Cope with it
11. Negative Aliens Holographic Insert of Reversal Pertaining to our
Consciousness Imprisonment
12. A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of Holographic Universe
– Part V: Multidimensionality
13. Multidimensional Vibration
14. Consciousness Expansibility
15. Consciousness Studies 101: Getting Prepared for a New Age of Expanded
16. On the Quantum Reality of having the Status of a ‘Soul Aspect,’ ‘Soul
Expression,’ ‘Oversoul (Monad),’ ‘Avatar,’ and becoming an ‘Ascended Master,’
‘Guardian-Founder,’ and Beyond
17. Who are Guardian-Founders or Guardian Host?, to be published
18. The Phenomenon of Natural (Organic) – Creational (Constructive) Time
Effectuating Consciousness Expansion
19. A Closer Look at Organic Life and Earth Humanity
20. On the Cosmic and Universal Aspects of Experiencing Life as a Solar Organic
Consciousness Being as a Human
21. Negative Aliens and Ultimate Cosmic Retribution for their Actions
22. On the Question of Immortality versus Polarity Reversal
23. Negative Aliens’ Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Technology: Transhumanism
and Alien Hybridization
24. The Coronavirus Pandemic – Part III: Connection to New World Order, 5g Cell
Technology, Transhumanism, and Alien Hybridization Agendas
25. Natural Organic Solar Consciousness versus Artificial Intelligence (AI) Being
26. Mixing Oil and Water: Negative Aliens AI-based Phantom Reality versus Divine
Organic Consciousness Holographic Reality
27. Hieros Gamos (Sacred Marriage), to be published
28. The Prime Creator
29. Unity Consciousness: Its Quantum Nature, Dissemination and Expansion
30. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions – Part IV: Attaining Unity
Consciousness (Oneness)
31. The God-SOURCE: The Prime Creator and the Foundation of Divine Creation
32. The Aurora Beings and the Dark Matter Core Body Manifestation Re-
Encryption Project?, to be published
33. On the True Meaning of Evil and the Distinction between Good and Evil
34. Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Technology: The Metatronic
Reversal, to be published
35. Cosmos and the Structure of Reality
36. A Higher Dimensional Perception of the Phenomenon of Time – Part IV: The
Time Program Server of Reality
37. A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of Holographic Universe
– Part IV: The Space Time Programs of Reality
38. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part VIII: The Holographic
Universe and the Concept of Parallel Reality
39. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part IX: On the True Nature of the
Holographic Programs of Reality
40. Negative Aliens’ Soul Capture Technology
41. Negative Aliens and our Failure to Exercise our Inherent Right of Free Will
42. Saying NO to Reincarnation is your only Ticket out of the 3-D Duality Matrix
43. Negative Aliens and Suppressor Parasite Entities (SPEs)
44. Introduction to Human Genetics
45. On the Physical Structure and Quantum Nature of Earth Human Genetics
46. Human Consciousness, Vibration, and Genetics
47. Distortion of the Core Manifestation Body via Black Goo, its Re-encryption and
its Relation to Phantom Reality
48. On The original Guardian-Founder Planetary Grid Networks or Templar
Pylons, to be published
49. The Several Stages of Awakening and their Relations to the Different Phases of
the Universal Law of Attraction
50. The True Meaning and Purpose of Karma
51. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation- Part-XXII: The Third to Fifth
Harmonic Universes and The Innerspace beyond The 9th Dimension

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