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Analyzing Language

Text 1

There is no scientific evidence to either say that

there is a god or that there isnt a god? what i do believe
though through personal experience is that there is
something that explains it all but religion is not the way for
us to find out . i had a near death experience that proved to
me that an afterlife exists but to get there has nothing to do
with religion of any denomination? these religions are giving
people teachings that were man made to control people and
to scare them, all they exist for is financial gain full stop.

Text 2

Religion was once important, no doubt about it. It

helped humans comprehend the world that surrounded
them and was a big factor in the formation of societies. So
basically, it was a big factor in the evolution of human
behavior. But, nowadays it seems as though religion no
longer as a place in the world, we don't need it to
understand the universe, science has taken its place and
societies are already fully formed.
Text 3

a) There is no scientific evidence that there is NOT

a God (and it would be ridiculous to expect there to be any
b) Because of religious people’s own personal
experiences, the word of holy books such as the Bible, and
observation of the beneficial effects that religious belief has
on believers.
c) Because it makes religious believers better
d) Religion is not something that can be completely
supported by fact. Believers in God and religion rely more
on faith, such that there is a greater being and that our
actions have consequences after our death.

Text 4

Ideally, I'd like to say no. The tide is slowly starting

to change and the younger generations are less willing to
believe in religion than the ones before them.

Realistically, a lot of people in the world still need it.

As unfortunate as it is (and sounds), there are people
whose entire lives depend on religion to keep them going
day to day. Call them weak, call them a sheep, call them
devoted, whatever you'd like. The fact of the matter is these
people need religion in order to have some sort of value in
their lives. If you took that away, they'd have nothing.
Text 5

Research shows that for the vast majority of people,

violent video games don't make people violent. Research
has also, shown that violent video games can desensitise
people to violence. They can also increase one perception
of threat in real life.
So, as usual, it comes down to moderation for
yourself and being aware of how your family and friends are
acting. There isn't a right or wrong. It is a spectrum. We
need to manage the outliers and let the majority just get on
with their lives.

Text 6

In video games, children are more likely to imitate

the behaviors of those characters and have difficulty
distinguishing reality from fantasy.
Violent video games require active participation and
identification with violent characters, which reinforces
violent behavior. Young children are more likely to confuse
fantasy violence with real world violence, and without a
framework for ethical decision making, they may mimic the
actions they see in violent video games.

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