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Thanks miss Dawin for let to add more

information. Before  I'm going to present. Can

you clap your hands please? Ok thanks you.
First of all I would like to pay my high respect to
lecture and my beloved classmates. Right now,
I'm going to talk about disadvantages of social
media the first point is that people's addiction
to social media. As we know that in the era in
which we are living is the age of modern
technology, so people can do something better
and faster than the past. Such as they can
communicate with each other from one place
to another place, watch movies ,play games
and so on. All the thing make them feel happy
and enjoyable. When they are happy or
enjoyable they spend much time on it , and they
become addicted to it.
When people addicted to the social media they
don’t care about people around them. For
example, l often go home or back Phnom Penh
by bus. While l was travelling in the bus, l saw a
lot of people who were holding their phones;
they didn’t speak to each other even a man
who sat next me; he didn’t even speak to a
word because he was busy on scrolling
Facebook and Tiktok. One more thing is that if
we look at in our community we will see that
there are many people who addicted to social
media especially teenagers who addicted to
play games. For example when they were
playing game they don’t care don’t about
people around them. Sometime, when their
mony ask for doing something they often reject
or excuse. Mom l can’t do; l’m busy do this do
that. All the things are excuse because of
addiction. Moreover, when people addicted to
social media they feel tired, Because electronic
devices such as computer and mobile phones
can absorb human energy, And when human
energy is lost, they will be lazy to something
that use power especially they will loss focus.If
they loss focus they can’t not something
perfectly. As the quote says” no focus nopower
no power no success”.
And the second point is Spending Time on
Social Media is a Waste of Time 
The majority of people use social media
platforms to unwind and kill time.
In my extensive research on Disadvantages of
Social Media, I discovered that it is the most
time-consuming activity for people.
The majority of those affected are youths and
students. They only used social media to scroll
through the newsfeed and share photos and
They squander their valuable time on social
media. And they failed to take any steps toward
a better future and professional success. One
more thing, some people they work 8 hours,
and the rest of their time they spend on social
media; imgane that if they work overtime 10
hour or 11 how much money they gain, so that
means they waste their time because time is
mony. The last point is social media causes a
sleep issues. For example, some people before
they sleep; they watch different movies such as
fun movies or horrible movies and so on; And
when they begins to sleep, They feel
reminiscent of what they see ,so that  make
them a insomnia.

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