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Activity 10




Activity 10

My Aims/ Purposes

At the end of this activity, I should be able to:

a. Write lesson plan and prepare instructional materials for grand demonstration
b. Create an effective motivation and though-provoking questions to catch the
attention of students;
c. Execute significant activities and create assessment tools to measure the
teaching-learning success, and
d. Observe proper classroom management by providing a facilitative learning
environment that is both virtually and psychologically conducive

My Responsibilities

The life of an educator (teacher) revolves around the multi-faceted teaching and
learning process. She/ He undergoes several fife-changing moments that develop
his/her competencies, skills, and talents. As a would-be teacher, your journey in this
course necessities a remarkable experience of presenting ideal teaching through
demonstration (Demo) teaching.

Final/Grand Demonstration Teaching plays a vital role in the lives of teaching

interns. It is dubbed as the ultimate and final journey (last phase) of teaching interns, yet
it is also the start or a beginning of a milestone in becoming a professional teacher of the
21st century. As student teachers/teaching Interns, you should undertake this final stage
to assess and evaluate yourselves and to test how far have you improved.

The Practice Teaching/ Teaching Internship manual under the evaluation phase
stipulates that student teachers must do their best to prepare their final/grand
demonstration teaching. Then, mentoring will be administered in the Post Conference
Program. The practice teaching coordinator, Supervising instructor/professor/ faculty
expert will give feedback, comments and suggestions to their final demo-teaching

That is why it is significant that practice teachers should undertake full teaching
responsibility and give their final/grand demonstration teaching as manifestation of
readiness for the teaching profession.

To guarantee that I will be able attain my learning outcomes, I must obtain the following
steps in my learning task:

Step 1: Write a detailed lesson plan which is prescribed by the University for
Final/Grand Demonstration Teaching

Step 2: Prepare and develop resourceful and highly creative and critical
instructional materials in line with the proper guidelines in the creation of 21 st century
teaching aids and materials

Step 3: Select proper motivation activities as well as to exude the best and
suited pedagogical techniques and strategies in the educative process.

Step 4: Develop a conducive virtual classroom learning environment to your

pupils or students.

Step 5: Ask the assistance of your assigned faculty expert ,practice teaching
coordinator and supervising instructor/professor for the collaboration of best ideas for
your final/grand demonstration teaching.

Step 6: Give your best shot in your virtual final/grand demonstration



Use the following guide questions for you to accomplish this activity. Learning experience
in your final/grand demonstration teaching is essential and has its vital role to make your
answer genuine and more realistic.

You can also record your final/grand demonstration teaching or any device to assist you
easily in preparing your documentation for this activity

My Observations (Reflections and Insights)

Directions: Write an essay on “A Glimpse of My Final Demonstration Teaching”

Our Final Demonstration taught us a wonderful experience which lead us to our

journey in teaching. We all have this feeling of tension, frustration, procrastination and
joy during and after the final demonstration. Starting with creating a lesson plan, that was
the time we say to ourselves "teaching isn't an easy job" wherein we also understand
that teaching is the noblest profession. It's hard to create a measurable and observable
objectives which we, as a future teacher, should make sure that it meets the needs of our
students. Aside from that, these objectives serves as a benchmark by which to measure
progress towards the achievement of the larger goal.

By the time the lesson plan are all set, the final demonstration will begin. Since it
was a face to face set up, making of instructional materials are one of the struggles we
faced during those days. We need to use money, efforts and time in making a n effective
instructional materials. A small support from our co-interns are the most precious
contribution during the final demonstration preparation. We can't do everything without
the help of others. They are the one who saw those flaws and corrections in our final

Still and all, final demonstration prepares us to become the better version of
ourselves when the time comes that we need to teach to our own students. In the day of
our final teaching demonstration, our cooperating teacher helped and assisted us in
preparing for the final demonstration. They are the one who was busy preparing the
classroom while we are busy preparing our instructional materials. Our students were
also helping us. They cleaned the room. They arranged the chairs and wiped the tables
and cabinet. They also bought foods for the panelists. We are really thankful that we
helped each other even the last part of our college life journey. It is common to feel
nervous hearing those comments and suggestion of the panelists but it is also the way to
improve our skills and to enhance our teaching styles. We believed that we did give all
our best to succeed in our final demonstration teaching. We also believed that these
would not become a success if we don’t help and cooperate with each other. We passed
these challenges because of the support of our cooperating teacher. They helped us a
lot in improving ourselves. As well as, it went well because of the cooperation of the
students and most of all because of our Almighty God.

My most heartfelt and memorable messages to my Faculty Expert/ Supervising
Instructor/Professor and Practice Teaching Coordinator during the final/grand

Our most heartfelt and memorable messages to our faculty expert during our final
teaching demonstration were "You project a strong and efficient teacher's personality.",
“You did a great demonstration teaching!”, and “We believed that all of you can be the
best teacher in the future.”. It feels like we already won the battle because of the
comments and messages of our faculty experts about our final demonstration. We know
to ourselves that we did our best and to look presentable in front of our students. It's not
easy to meet the standards of our panelists so we focused to our goal and we prepare
ourselves to the negative comments we might hear in our final teaching demonstration.
The best feeling of our life is when we hear the words "Congratulations! You did an
outstanding performance.". Every phase in the journey of our final teaching
demonstration are very important as we take this as a guide in our teaching journey. We
are grateful to have all of this because finally, we can say all that hard work and
determination were really paid off.

My most heartfelt and memorable messages to my students/peers during my final/grand


“You can do it!, “We are all here to support you in your demonstration teaching.”,
“Anything we can do to help you in your demonstration teaching?” were the best words
and memorable messages from our peers. “Ma’am/Sir, we learned a lot from our
lesson.”, “We were inspired by your stories Ma’am/Sir and give our best to implement it
in our lives.”, and “We really appreciate your efforts for us Ma’am/Sir.” were the best and
memorable messages from our students. These memorable messages are our
inspiration to strive our best to become the best teacher we could ever have.

My most inspiring comments and feedback from my Panel of Evaluators during my

final/grand demo-teaching.

During our final/grand demo-teaching, our most inspiring comments and feedback
from our Panel of Evaluators were “You look and act naturally as a real teacher.”, “You
are very knowledgeable to what you’re teaching and catch the attention of your
students.”, “You gave an outstanding performance to your demo-teaching.”, and “You
catch our attention and made us listened to your discussion from the start and up to the
end of your demo-teaching and we never get bored and even you’re students are very
active and participate well.”. These feedbacks were the most memorable and made our
efforts and sacrifices paid off.

My Exhibits (Evidences/Documentations)

Captured Moments (Final/Grand Demo)

My Exhibits (Evidences/Documentations)

Captured Moments (Final/Grand Demo)

My Exhibits (Evidences/Documentations)

Captured Moments (Final/Grand Demo)

My Exhibits (Evidences/Documentations)

Captured Moments (Final/Grand Demo)

My Exhibits (Evidences/Documentations)

Captured Moments (Final/Grand Demo)

My Exhibits (Evidences/Documentations)

Captured Moments (Final/Grand Demo)

My Exhibits (Evidences/Documentations)

Captured Moments (Final/Grand Demo)

My Exhibits (Evidences/Documentations)

Captured Moments (Final/Grand Demo)

My Lesson Plan during My Final/Grand Demonstration Teaching


My Lesson Plan during My Final/Grand Demonstration Teaching


My Observation Sheet During My Final/Grand Demonstration Teaching


My Observation Sheet During My Final/Grand Demonstration Teaching



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