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Once upon a time in west Sumatra, there lived a family. They were Mr. Mahmuddin, Mrs.
Maimunnah and their son, Malin Kundang. Mr. Mahmuddin was very simple and lovely. Malin
Kundang was nice and kind hearted. And the mother was very pretty and glamour but she was
careless with her family.

Day by day this family lived in togetherness but the mother was very busy with herself. All
day and night she just thought about her hair, nails and what she would wear. She never paid
attention with her family. She went to her friend’s house just for fun. Malin Kundang spent most of
his time with his father. They both were accord.

One day, Mr. Mahmuddin would like to go to the beach with the family.

Malin Kundang was exited to hear that. Yet, Mandeh did not want to join them. She would rather
stay home than going outside.

“I don’t think I can go, it will be a hot day. Stay at home is better”, said mandeh.

“All right but please prepare some cookies and beverage for us”, asked abak.

“I can’t cook anything. Just find it out there”, shouted mandeh.

Then, Malin kundang told his father “Abak, I don’t need any foods or beverages, spending time with
you is enough for me” said Malin in a said voice.

Malin and Abak enjoyed the view and the wind. As they walked along the beach, Malin
looked away to the sea and . . . (Singing: - Que Sera Sera)

“When I was just a bit gloomy I ask my father what will I be? Will I be famous? Will I be rich.
Here what he said to me”
And Abak continue the song . . .
“Que sera sera whatever will be will be, the future is your eyes to see, Que Sera Sera”

Then suddenly Malin asked Abak.

“Abak, sometimes I thought that I would sail the sea to find a new place for me to live”.
Abak stopped his walked.
“Why do you want to go my son?” asked Abak.
“I want to be rich Abak”, said Malin.

“My son, look! You want to see another place to be a rich man but you don’t realize that wherever
you live in this country, you can be rich because of our country is wealthy kid, this is Indonesia.

“What do you mean Abak?”

“Just see the Ocean in front you. There are many nature wealth in it. And look behind you. We have
fertile land. All are depend on your knowledge and your mind, boy.” Said Abak.
“Now I understand Abak.” Said Malin.

Malin kundang grew fast and became adult man. He worked as a fisherman. He had a ship
and had many employees. By using his knowledge he got from Abak, he sold the fish to all region in
Indonesia even to Malaysia.

(singing: Demi Lovato – This is me)

This is real this is me

I am exactly where I am supposed to be now
Gonna let the light shine on me
No I’ve found who I am
There is no way to hold in it
No more hiding who I wanna be… this is me

However, nothing changed with mandeh.

One rainy dark night, tears dropped on his face. He thought about his father who always
patient with Mandeh. Abak was getting older but he never happy and had to do the house works
which he wasn’t supposed to do. In other side, he cared about his mother who filled with sins
toward her husband. Malin always wanted his mother realize of her mistakes. Malin never forgot to
pray to Allah about his parent.

In a shiny afternoon, Malin and Abak asked mandeh to join them to the beach but she
ignored him. Malin and Abak went to the beach without mandeh. At the beach Abak went up to
Malin’s Ship. He would like to go with Malin for fishing.

Malin was sad. He prayed to Allah. “Ya Allah, please give me a chance to see my mother care about
me and Abak. I want my parents live happily, peacefully in togetherness”.

Suddenly, the thunderstorm came over the sea. The ship was shaky and unsteady. Malin Kundang
and Abak kept praying to Allah. “May thou save us, ya Allah”.

Then, the ship sank. Malin kundang swam to the seaside and carried Abak in his back. At the beach
Abak fainted. Mandeh heard about it and she saw her husband lying flat on the sand. She was not
sad instead of angry to his husband. “Why don’t you wake up? Who will make breakfast and clean
the house? You are nothing!!”. Not long after that, Abak wake up.

Suddenly, the weather became cold and the wind blew so fast. Mandeh couldn’t stand for the cold
and she couldn’t ran for the wind. Then, she lied flat on the sand. Malin tried to help his Mandeh but
Apparently Mandeh died. Slowly, her body getting stiff. Several days later it became stone.

Many people are wrong about the story of Malin Kundang. They think that was the stone of malin
kundang but actually that was his mother.

There was no rebellious son instead of a rebellious wife.

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