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What is global warming? Global warming has been the average temperature of the earth since
1950, so far the temperature has continued to rise. Global warming can also be associated with
climate change, leading to an increase in average temperatures. However, global warming is
caused by both natural and man-made events, which are believed to contribute to average
temperatures. Global warming is a serious problem and not a problem but a series of
environmental problems. Global warming is an increase in the surface temperature of the Earth,
which has changed the shape of life on Earth. The problems that caused global warming are
divided into two categories: "natural" and "human influence" global warming.

Human influence is now a very serious problem because humans do not care about the earth and
also cause global warming. They are more than the cause of global warming. The earth has
changed over the years and has changed as a result of modern human lifestyles due to activities
such as industrial production, burning of fossil fuels, mining, livestock or deforestation. In
addition, the industrial revolution has used fossil fuels for engines where everything we use has
to do with fossil fuels. For example, when we buy a cell phone, it is used to make machines and
use fossil fuels while releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Another problem is mining, where methane is trapped underground and methane is released
because the cows have produced a form of steel. However, livestock is important as it makes
both responsible for the onset of global warming. The most common problem is deforestation
when people are cutting down trees to build paper, wood or houses. As humans continue to
destroy forests, carbon dioxide concentrates in the atmosphere because the tree can absorb
carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. In addition, humans release carbon dioxide as they breathe,
and millions of people breathe carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Thus, humans continue to
exterminate forests, and human respiration, which releases carbon dioxide, remains in the

In addition, greenhouse gases have been left behind in the atmosphere for hundreds of years.
However, the effects of global warming on the Earth are very serious and the effects will
continue in the future if global warming continues. These include the disintegration of polar ice
caps, economic consequences, hot water and more hurricanes, the spread of disease and
earthquakes. The first effect is that the polar ice cap melts as the temperature rises. The ice at the
North Pole will melt. When ice melts, the first impression of the sea level is triggered when the
glacier melts into the ocean. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, "ice will melt
today, the ocean will rise by 230 feet". It affects many lowland areas such as the Netherlands. In
the future, the Netherlands will be protected by water once the North Pole has melted. However,
it will not be so fast, but sea level will continue to rise.

Other impacts include loss of species habitat, including polar bears and tropical frogs that have
died from climate change. In addition, different birds move elsewhere because animals are not
like humans. They cannot adapt to their changing habitat or temperature. The next consequence
is that more storms are occurring and the effects of the economy are still being felt. The storm
caused damage to homes and the government had to spend billions of dollars on damage and
people needed protection or were killed. As soon as disaster struck, many people died and came
to terms with the disease. The disease is more serious because they spread quickly to other
people and more people are getting the disease and the disease may be more serious due to
different weather.

In addition, global warming has caused many problems for humans, but we, the people who
cause global warming, do the same. Many people have died from illness or disaster, which has
also affected the country's economy. However, we need to reduce global warming by using less
gas, recycling and humans. We must help reduce global warming from raising global
temperatures. Our generation must begin to take care of the earth, because in future generations
they will suffer unless we reduce global warming. So global warming is a serious problem and
we are learning because we need to understand the effects of climate change that will affect us
when we have our business and save the earth.


According to the article based on the links provided, the main problem is global warming which
seems to be a daily issue in our world today. Global warming is the average increase in the
surface temperature of the earth and its oceans due to greenhouse gases released by the burning
of fossil fuels. These greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, absorb heat that
will heat the surface of the earth. Global warming has become one of the biggest environmental
issues in the last two decades. According to NASA, the global average surface temperature
between 1906 and 2005 rose 0.6 to 0.9 degrees Celsius, and the rate of rise has nearly doubled in
the last 50 years. The temperature will continue to rise. "It seems that temperatures are rising
faster than ever before. Human activities such as fossil fuel burning, deforestation,
industrialization and increasing pollution are considered to be the factors responsible for the
increase in global warming. such as carbon dioxide and methane. These gases are essential to the
existence of human life on Earth, but there is global warming.

Emissions such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and other greenhouse gases have remained in
the atmosphere for years, making it impossible to eliminate global warming for decades.
According to the 2007 IPCC report, sea levels will rise 7-23 inches by the end of the century due
to global warming. Since 1880, average temperatures have risen by 1.4 degrees-Fahrenheit,
while the last two decades of the 20th century have been the hottest in the last 400 years,
according to climate studies. The Arctic is one of the worst affected by global warming.
According to a multinational report on the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, provided between
2000 and 2004, average temperatures in Alaska, Western Canada and Russia are twice as high as
the global average. Ice Arctic ice is fast. The region is expected to have a fully ice-free summer
by 2040, or earlier. Earth's atmosphere has changed throughout history. 650,000 years ago, there
were seven cycles of glacial climbing and cracks, with the end of the last ice age, about 7,000
years ago, marking the beginning of modern climate - and human civilization. Most of these
climate changes are caused by very small changes in the Earth's orbit that change the amount of
solar energy our planet receives.

The current trend of warming is significant, with most (more than 95 percent likely) due to
human action since the mid-20th century, growing at unprecedented speeds for decades to
thousands of years. Earth-orbiting satellites and other technological advances enable scientists to
detect and collect different kinds of information about our planet and its climate globally. The
data collected over the years reveal the signs of climate change. The capture of heat of carbon
dioxide and other gases was traced to the mid-19th century. Their ability to influence the
transmission of infrared energy through the atmosphere is a scientific basis for many instruments
flown by NASA. There is no question that rising levels of greenhouse gases must lead to global

Ice sheets from Greenland, Antarctica and tropical mountain glaciers indicate that the Earth's
climate is responding to changes in greenhouse gas emissions. Old evidence can also be found in
tree rings, ocean sediments, coral reefs and sedimentary rock layers. This ancient or
paleoclimatic evidence shows that current warming occurs about ten times faster than the
average warming rate after ice age recovery. Sea creatures are overheated as they absorb oxygen
in the hot seas and rising seas, slowly fishing the islands and coastal areas. Meanwhile, more and
more storms are causing historic floods also landslides and landslides cause unrest as stabilizing
ice melts.

These are just some of the effects that scientists have documented after decades of human
climate change worldwide. And even worse, if climate change-related activities continue to be
abandoned, according to a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on
September 25, whose mission to assess climate change (also known as global warming) is well-
documented. Only a quick and decisive step by the government to dramatically reduce
greenhouse gas emissions from burning global fossil fuels can reduce the damage caused by this
devastating climate disaster, compiling data from nearly 7,000 studies and reflected by 104
researchers in 36 countries.
The Special Ocean and Cryosphere Report on Climate Change (SROCC) contains the latest
evidence of climate change that has begun and is an urgent wake-up call. In addition, climate
change caused by our oceans is increasingly affecting coastal communities, disrupting important
economic fisheries and killing coral reefs. If fossil fuel consumption is not reduced and global
warming continues at current rates, the impact on wildlife and humans could be catastrophic,
according to the IPCC.

As a result, nearly 50% of coastal wetlands have been lost over the past 100 years due to the
combined effects of local pressure on humans, rising sea levels, warming and extreme climate
events, according to IPCC reports. By 2100, the ocean could rise more than one meter and
replace millions of people. About 680 million people live in coastal areas around the world. As
sea levels rise, floods can hit at least once a year by 2050. By 2050, marine heat waves will be 50
times more than at the beginning of the 20th century and the top sea zones could lose more than
3% of their oxygen, destroying them. fragile and pest-prone marine populations, the report said.

Glaciers can be reduced by up to 36%, while snowpack will be reduced by about 25% by 2100.
This affects approximately 4 million people in the Arctic and about 670 million in the mountains.
Excessive loss of ice and snow can cause water shortages, affect food security, increase drought
and contribute to the spread of forest fires. Although ice and snow areas like Antarctica are
inaccessible to most people, the Arctic and the high mountains seem far away. Evidence also
suggests that the warming of the oceans in recent decades has led to an increase in tropical
storms classified as category 4 and higher.

Finally, we must engage and try to stop global warming and other effects of climate change. If
Earth's temperature continues to rise in the future, living things on Earth will die out because of
high temperatures. If humans helped control global warming, the world would be cooler and the
high temperatures would decrease. If everyone stood up and tried to end most of the climate
change, the world would be a safe place to live.

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