Performance Task 2.1

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Name: Lhea Shaine B.

Barrientos Year/Section: BSP -1B

Performance Task 2.1: The First Mass Site in the Philippines

Activity: Comparison and Contrast

To compare is to tell how two or more things are alike. To contrast is to describe how two or
more things are different. Clue words such as but or unlike show contrasts. Often authors don’t
use clue words. Readers must make comparisons for themselves. Use this chart to compare
and contrast the conflicting accounts of the site of the first Mass in the Philippines.

Subject being compared

 Limasawa and Butuan: A Reassessment of the Evidence. The subject under
consideration is the conflicting accounts of the location of first Mass in the Philippines

Reasons for comparison

 To ascertain the location of the first mass in the Philippines that is chosen specifically,
Limasawa. The first Catholic Mass in the Philippines was held on March 31, 1521, in
Limasawa, but a monument commemorating the location of the first Mass in the
Philippines was erected in Butuan in 1872.


Point 1 Point 2
Assessing the modern plans reveals that the The port was not in Butuan, according to
island named Mazua in the Pigafetta account Pigafetta authoritative account. nonetheless,
and maps, the place tip-off much more on an archipelago father Bernard examined all of
Leyte Island where Limasawa was placed at the Pigafetta map data, which were either
the time. According to Jaime De Veyra, the located in Mazua off the southern tip of the
first Mass was held in Limasawa, Not Butuan. relatively large island of Leyte. A comparison
In a footnote to Francisco Colinfis Labor with the modern plans will exhibit that this
Evangelica, historian Pablo Pastells stated corresponds to Limasawa rather than Masao
that Magellan did not travel to Butuan, but or Butuan. This also applies to Limasawa
rather from Limasawa to Cebu. Francisco southern end. It does not fit the Butuan coast,
Albo (Pilot of Magellan Flagship) does not fit where no islands can be seen to the
somehow indicate the first Mass; however, he southwest but only to a certain North.
writes that they constructed a bridge on a
mountain situated near three island which are
west and the southwest which best matched
the description of Limasawa geographical
position, which would not adhere to Butuan
so that no islands could be seen in those


Point 1 Point 2
In 1953, the people in Butuan asked the Based on the most recent father Francisco
Philippine Historical Committee to rehabilitate Colin, a Jesuit historian, Magellan initially
the monument or place a marker on the site. traveled to Butuan, then to Limasawa, and
The Butuan Monument in the 18th Century, an finally to Cebu. Nevertheless, Father
empire was placed in 1872 near the opening Francisco Combes stated two visits to
of the Agusan River at a location which was Limasawa: in his version, Magellan toured
previously and within municipalities of Butuan Limasawa first, then passes to Butuan in the
but now pertains to the municipality of 19th Century, and afterward comes back to
Magallanes termed upon Ferdinand Limasawa. The Butuan practice was
Magellan. It is a masonry pillar with a trivet perceived, according to Augustinian, fray
containing an incantation. To memorialize Joaquin Martinez de Zuniga. Both contend
Magellan's emergence and the feast of the that this is from Limasawa and with the
first Mass on this site on April 8, 1521 the additional assistance of Limasawa
conclusive proof from Butuan legacy. commander that perhaps the and we obtain it
stated in journalist after writing each
Magellan invasion force went to Cebu,
imitating from the previous and being copied
by those who followed. But shorn of these
 Limasawa was chosen unanimously as the location for the first Holy Mass. In 2008, a
second panel led by Dr. Benito Legarda Jr. upheld the Gancayco panelfis decision
Limasawa, not Butuan is a town in region 12, and Limasawa is an island off the
southern coast of Leyte. Butuan, as observed, is a river village called the Agusan
River delta, which is not mentioned in the witness account. The island depiction
pertains to Limasawa, an island off the coast of Leyte with dimensions of 9 degrees
and 54 degrees north. Butuan campaigners are insufficiently persuasive to necessitate
the NHI nullification or repudiation of the case court decision (National Historical
institute). Both Limasawa and Butuan are known for their batik.
 We can see that the first Mass in the Philippines too place in Limasawa on Easter
Sunday, March 1521. As proven by the examples provided. Moreover, conclusions
from the data, one has interpreted well, the sequence of events is reliable to the
issued findings, and it will be on Limasawa. Thus, researching the history of the first
mass in the Philippines, from refurbished details. The first Easter Mass in the
Philippines a watershed moment in Philippines Christian history was held in 1521 on
the island of Mazua, now established as Limasawa Island, Leyte.

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