Lamp VCD

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During the implementation of the plan, in addition to the achievements, the team also

encountered a number of challenges. First, unable to find the most suitable person to extract
information, the group arranged a schedule and went to the lake together, since one of the
purposes of the lake was to provide water for agriculture, the group planned to ask farmers but
could not find farmers as well as because there were few houses, Finding and gathering
information from people is very difficult. Secondly, the group has not convinced the audience
they want to exploit, because this is neither a famous place nor a tourist destination, but the
people who work there are not used to interviewing, they do not have much knowledge about
the lake nor are afraid to get on camera.

Cause: the cause of the first challenge is choosing the wrong time frame and choosing the
wrong audience. The group arrived at the location at 12:00 p.m. and because there was no
long-term accommodation arrangement, finding farmers were almost impossible and the place
was less populated, so it was even more difficult to ask the people, the group tried to ask the
workers who were taking a lunch break near the lake but they seemed to be quite afraid to
answer. The cause of the 2nd challenge: is a lack of experience in field travel. The group does
not create a trust for the audience they want to exploit information, the group is also
embarrassed to approach people, has not clearly introduced themselves as well as lax
preparation in terms of costumes, making them not have much trust.


For the team and for myself: Having a very memorable experience and helping the team
recognize many shortcomings. It helps the team recognize and know the need to choose a
more suitable time frame, choose a more suitable audience, be stronger in reaching people and
a more appropriate way of communicating to create a trust for them. Forcing yourself to solve
difficult situations that arise in front of you that are not in the plan, when the implementation
of the plan is not as the whole team discussed, going to practice forces the team to think faster
to find solutions to solve problems at that moment, thereby improving reflexes while helping
themselves to have teamwork experience so that you can strongly voice your opinions as well
as learn to restrain yourself to listen to other members' opinions. In addition, after the trip, the
group gained more knowledge about the lake and learned about the useful policies of the state
for people and farmers near the lake. Having a lake, in addition to the greatest benefit of
providing water for agriculture and providing domestic water for the people of the state, also
combines to build a park to develop into a tourist destination thereby attracting tourists that
create jobs for many people.

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