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- In analyzing an artwork, we - is a closed space made when a RED – passion, excitement, love, sexy,

should look at its content where line connects to itself. rage. Anger, fear, danger, warn
we observe the message the
YELLOW – attention, fun, happiness,
creator or the artist is trying to tell
bright, irresponsible, unstable, energy
to the observer as well the the
story behind that art piece. The BLUE – peaceful, conductive to think,
conveyed emotion is also - ORGANIC: shapes, often
coldness, fear, tranquil, loyalty
important in analyzing an art curvilinear in appearance, that are
piece so that we could say how similar to those found in nature, GREEN – refreshing, sedating, soothing,
effective the artist is through such as plants, animals, and rocks. and relaxing, calm-light greens
his/her artwork. VIOLET – royal noble, sophistication,
melancholy and death, moody

ORANGE – courage, confidence, friendly,

- GEOMETRIC: any shapes and
success, ignorance, sluggishness
- An art piece is composed of based on math principles, such as
different forms. In analyzing one, a square, circle, and triangle. BROWN - wealth, prosperity, valuable,
we should look at the elements low, traditional, boredom
used by the artist and how well GRAY – security , reliable, intelligence,
does he/she execute each element solid, gloomy, sad, conservative
in the art piece. These elements - is one of the elements of visual
and their meaning are the WHITE – goodness, innocence, pure, fresh,
art  which pertains to the way that
following: easy, clean, wide
a shape or physical configuration
occupies space. BLACK – formal, dramatic, death, evil,
narrow, mystery, protection, classy

- Lines can be horizontal, vertical, or

diagonal, straight or curved, thick - a boundless, three-dimensional
or thin. They lead your eye around extent in which objects and events - positive stands in this equation for
the composition and can occur and have relative position the place occupied by form
communicate information through and direction.
their character and direction.
- an element of art determines the - negative is what remains between -
lightness or darkness of a color. and around the form’s shapes.

- integral element and has

- refers to the way an object feels to psychological effects that
the touch or looks as it may feel if enhances the ability to think and
it were touched. to intercept better with the
My Creative Portrait

In this activity, my concept is to do a literal portrait of ART ANALYSIS

myself but making it creative by adding things in the surrounding
that would describe me as a person. This work shows the elements
of art such as the line, shape, form, texture, color, space, and value. Visual Content:
We can see some curve lines that represents movement because
since I was younger, I love dancing and joining dance performances In her artwork, I am seeing clouds, birds, sky, sea, sunset,
in and outside the school. Aside from that, we could also see some form of a girl and variation of colors. For me, this artwork is telling
organic shapes in the background of the subject. When it comes to me about the personality of the artist. The different colors shows the
texture, we can see the difference between the texture of the skin different emotions the artist usually feel. The blue represents
that symbolizes rough experiences I’ve been through and the texture calmness and serenity and it also explains why there is sea and
of the rays above the head. Furthermore, if we observe the hair, it is sunset in the artwork. The red represents my outrage emotion. The
color blue because that’s my favorite color and I like swimming on yellow represent the joy. I think the artist also like watching the sun
the beach that’s why it seems like waves or water flow. You can also sets while hearing the sea breeze.
observe that bright colors are dominant because I’m optimistic and
always looking for the bright side of things. Regarding space, the
positive space is the subject itself while the negative is its Visual Form:
background where we can see the things about me such as my In this artwork, the artist use different elements of art. I see
favorite sports like badminton and volleyball, my favorite hobby like curve lines and straight lines. It also shows some organic shapes
taking pictures, painting, doing origami, dancing, and eating which are human figure, clouds, sea, birds, sun, and sky. Form is also
biscuits. I also like watching the moon at night and watching the sun present in the artwork. When it comes to color, the artist use
set at dawn. With regards to value, the light is coming from the different colors with different values that help emphasize the form
right side that’s why the right side of the portrait is lighter than the of the shapes. When it comes to space, there are positive spaces
left side. Last element is form where we can see a sphere on the which includes the human figure, clouds, sun and birds while the
neck area and also the cup. To explain the lower part of my artwork, negative space includes the sea and the sky. Last is the texture,
there is a gold medal, that is because I joined art contests test and where the artist mostly used smooth texture in her artwork.
won the several times. We could also see cup and dark surroundings
because I love drinking coffee especially during rainy days. Lastly,
this artwork was made using mixed medias such as color pencil,
graphite pencil and gouache.
In this lesson , I have learned that analyzing artworks is
important for you to establish connection with the artwork itself. It
is also important for you to feel the emotions the artworks are
trying to convey, for you to see the message the artist is trying to tell
through his/her art piece. By analyzing artworks, we can see that
using different kinds of elements and proper executions of those are
important for us to effectively convey the emotions we are trying to
make them feel and to tell them exactly the story we are telling
them. Artworks are not just physical art piece but a piece with a
story to tell and emotions to feel. Its elements are ingredients to a
perfect piece of art. In this lesson I learned those things and it
helped me to appreciate other artworks especially mine. It could
also help me with my future pieces of art and eventually make
improvements on how I perceive art.

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