Ob 2018 QP

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Examination, 2018
Organisation Behaviour

section A
1.What are organisational goals?
2.Define perception.
3.What are the ‘Y’ Factors ?
4.Define organisational effectiveness.
5.What is quality of work life ?

section B
1.What are the challenges before organisationl behaviour?
2.Decribe Mc Gregor’s theory ‘X’ & ‘Y’.
3.What are the factors influenceing personality?

section C
1.Define organisational behaviour and its scope. What are different
models of OB ?
2.What is Vroom’s Expectance theory of motivaiton What are its
applications? Give example.
3.Define organisaiotnal culture. What are the major external reasns
for change in organisation?
4.How are group decisions made? How can group decisions be mafe
more effective?
5.What is leadership? Describe the factors that influence the
effectiveness of leadership.

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