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<P Align ="right"><IMG Src="phone.png" align="bottom">&nbsp 81300100096</P>
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<P Align="center"><AHref="main.html">Home</A>&nbsp|
About Us &nbsp| &nbsp<A Href = "Airp.html">Air Pollution </A>&nbsp|&nbsp<A Href=
"Water.html">Water Pollution</A>&nbsp| &nbsp<AHref="Soil.html">Soil
Pollution</A>&nbsp| &nbsp<AHref="Feedback1.html">Suggestions</A>
<TABLE><TR Background="family-park-slider.jpg" bgcolor="#FFF3DD">
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<IMG Src="about_us.PNG"></TD>
</TR><TR></TR><TR><FONT Face="Segoe UI">
<TD><BR><H1 Style=color:blue><FONT Face="Segoe UI">OUR MISSION</H1></TD></TR>
<TD><FONT Face="Segoe UI" Size=4>We at BHING are dedicated to create cleaner and
greener earth
because the environment plays a crucial role in people's physical,mental and social
The degradation of the environment,through air pollution, noise, chemicals, poor
quality water and loss of natural areas,
combined with lifestyle changes, may be contributing to substantial increases in
rates of obesity, diabetes, diseases of
the cardiovascular and nervous systems and cancer; all of which are major public
health problems. Reproductive and mental
health problems are also on the rise. Asthma, allergies, and some types of cancer,
related to environmental pressures, are
of particular concern for children.</TD>
<TD Align="center"><IMG Src="Pollution_effects.png"></TD></TR>
<TR><FONT Face="Segoe UI">
<TD colspan=2><H3 Style=color:red><FONT Face="Segoe UI"> Come and join hands with
BHING to save mother Earth from the so-called monster-POLLUTION. You can e-mail us
at <B Style=color:536A2B></B> or call us at <B
Style=color:536A2B>81300100096</B> </H3></TD></TR>

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