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Intro: We are Alice and Nancy, good morning ladies and gentlemen.

We are here today to

showcase this wonderful, and contemporary idea for a new way of living. Let us now
welcome our masterpiece: "The Luxe Plaza,"

   Gate: We arrive at the entrance gate, which is the first object we can see in the entire
residential area. This is the gate, as you can see. So what makes this unique? It is manageable
from a distance. When you purchase a flat in our ecosystem, we will send you a president card
with two buttons, open and close. As a result, all you have to do to enter or exit your
apartment, and the building, is click the button.

 The picture will depict the same garden. I will not reveal the specific flowers we placed, but
they must be the most valuable and rare ones.
    -Sports: This is constructed for several sports-related purposes. You can play basketball,
football, badminton, or even just run around like a crazy person here:))))
  -Playground: In that case, it is merely a playground. By coating the floor with natural foam,
the material has been specially formulated for babies and toddlers so that it will be as soft and
bouncy as your mattress. As a result, nothing horrible happens if your baby falls.
III.Inside the tower:
Overview: As Alice mentioned, there are 80 floors in the Luxe Tower. We may use all 80
floors for a variety of purposes, including entertainment, education, commerce, and so on.
The first 30 floors are available for a wide range of concepts, and Alice and me will be
revealed later. In those, we have only 15 floors, called the “Multicultural World”. Here we
have 15 different cultures around the world, and I’m going to list what are they clear in the
next few minutes. Additionally, the last 50 floors for apartment.
Multicultural World:Alright, let's roll the ball to the “Multicultural World”. There are 15
floors for this service, corresponding to 15 different regional cultures. I divided them into 2
categories: Asian and American. In “Asian” we have Vietnam, Thailand, South Korea, India,
Japan, China, Singapore, and Indonesia. Come to “American”, we have American cuisines in
general, and France. And finally, “Europe” Italy, Mexica, Brazil, and Greece. I'm going to
choose the 2 most prominent cultures and show them to you guys. It is Korea and America. 
 In Korea, I am divided into small areas: dining, fashion, game area, and photography area. 
In America, everything is the same as in Korea, but I added a new area called, “ENGH”,
where we can Experience a New way of Greek History. Here is the illustration. 
Of course, people and visitors can also enjoy the togetherness in the tower along with Luxe
Plaza inhabitants, who have the same benefits. Depending on the type of ticket you buy, they
have to pay a cost, of about $500 to enter. With the above facilities, our plaza will guarantee
that your life will be lavish and worry-free. Right now, as soon as possible, contact us through
this phone number: 0908504121

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