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Intro: Nancy
II.Location: Alice
+Map (from above): Alice
IV.The Luxe Plaza:
1.Fountain(Hera), Parking lot: (Alice)
+Sports arena
V.Inside the tower(80 flrs)
1.Overview: Nancy
2.15 flrs Culture:Nancy
Thai, Viet, Hàn South Korea, American, France, India,Italian, Japan,China, Mexican,
Laos, Sing,Indo,Brazil,Greece
3.5 floors shopping:Alice
4.10 floors left: Alice
+Skating floor
+Opera floor
+Library floor
+The Gifted School
+Bar club, casino, gaming floor
+Healthcare floor
+Main Hall( use to gathering, a ball)
+Market place(Appliances, furnitures)
+Movie theatre

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