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Thursday, 1 December 2022

Name : Meiza silviana

Address : Lingkar barat
Email address :
Phone number : 0813 6806 7547


My name is Meiza silviana, 5th semester students of Uinfas Bengkulu.

I am writing this letter to applay for the member role at esco(art and
culture division). I feel thet my skills, educational background make
me an ideal candidate for this role.

I am thrilled to join esco because I want to add experience and add

friends. Moreover, this opportunity will allow me to gain knowledge
and skills in field

With the skills that I have, I believe that I will be an asset to this
organization. I will try to keep this organization alive.

Enclosed with this letter are document attached for your review.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

Meiza silviana

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