B CHAPTER-2 Oct26-1

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Review of Related Literature

In this review of the following literature and studies, we present and

discuss foreign literature, local literature, foreign studies, and local studies of our

research to know the need for school systems to use computers and the internet

for management purposes and the possible benefits, and advantages of an

institution having an android and web-based school management system.

Foreign Studies

Inventory has the responsibility of keeping the materials on-site so that

they are accessible when needed. Inventory also keeps finished goods, spare

parts, and tools in addition to the materials needed for construction. In the

Indian construction sector, projects that have cost overruns and timetable

extensions are quite typical. By properly implementing inventory management,

issues like these might be resolved. Thus, there will be an increase in on-site

productivity and steady project development. The process of managing an

inventory includes several steps, such as selecting the goods and purchasing

them, calculating the cost of transporting them, and storing the materials. (Malik

& Sharma, 2022).

According to "Arabian Journal for Science Engineering" (2022) contends

that for many reasons, carrying inventory is common. such as to address supply

or demand volatility, to accomplish economies of scale, or as a price risk

management strategy. Additionally, it can be used to play a strategic part in

vertical competition environments with multiple periods. Once the retailer buys

the extra inventory from that period, the supplier will need to lower the price to

a level lower than in the first period. Strategic inventory management is

therefore seen as a competitive advantage for the retailer. Products that have

been stored away typically lose quality over time, making them less fresh than

those that have just been purchased. Customers consider older products to be

less valuable as a result.

The process of making an online payment carries several potential

financial hazards. Online payments may have unfavorable effects for a variety of

reasons. Due to the nature of the internet, technologies that are not intended for

e-commerce cannot guarantee the validity and security of payments. We need

an electronic payment (e-payment) system that not only offers a secure

payments system but also has features like an online customer and seller

authentication, evidence of transactions that customers have authorized to be

made to both sellers and banks, customer privacy, and transactional data

security (S Fatonah et al., 2018).

Online banking and third-party payment platforms have a unique

relationship in China where collaboration and competition coexist. A win-win

situation can be achieved by quantifying the degree of competition and

cooperation between them and by foreseeing their future development trends.

The Lotka-Volterra model is used in this study to quantitatively analyze and

forecast the effect of commercial banks’ online payment systems on the growth

of third-party online payment systems. An online bank acts as the predator, and

a third online payment system is the prey (Mao et al., 2020).

Their study Is relevant to the present study in that it tackled online

payment. Online payments have been a part of our lives for some time and have

shown to be crucial, particularly during pandemics when we try to maintain social

distance. The researchers include online payments to allow the clients to make

payments to anybody, at any time, as it suits us and lessens the hassle to go to

the main office and also help the clients pay their loan/installment using BPI


A system for tracking attendance is required by the business to determine

how much responsibility each employee has for their work. This will allow the

business to provide a clear evaluation of each employee’s performance, as well

as to generate attendance reports and pay employee salaries using attendance

information that has been stored in the business’ database. (Riyanto &


Local Studies

Matudan et al. (2020) found that data monitoring and recording are a

specialty of Zonan Construction Supply’s inventory system. About the stocks and

location, there is comprehensive information. Keeping an accurate record of all

required information is its goal. For the business owner, an inventory system will
increase the business’ accuracy and efficiency. The client’s issues included

discovering product disappearances, unsecured data that was easy to access in a

logbook, and difficulty in producing reports (it is time-consuming).

This literature is closely related to the current study for it directly

mentions the role of inventory because it is essential to organizations since it

helps them to manage many locations, avoid stockouts, and maintain correct

records. Using the inventory solution makes these procedures simpler than

attempting to complete them all manually. The researchers created inventory

features for the proposed system to access and manage the materials needed for

the construction and to make it easier for the admin to access if there is a stock

and changes in the prices of the materials.

The ease of time-in and time-out, submission of accomplishment reports,

attendance monitoring, and report printing boosts office workers' productivity.

With the right tool, you can meet your needs during these trying times, reducing

your stress and burden. DigiAtt filled the gaps in the current online attendance

system by making it easier to monitor attendance and accomplishment reports,

providing a less time-consuming way of reproducing DTR and Reports

generation, printing reports, and making it easier for employees to log in and out

(Amora, 2021).

It was included in their study that attendance is required by the business

to determine how responsible the workers should be. And to make it easier to

monitor attendances and accomplishments reports and also provide a less time-
consuming way of reproducing DTR. The proposed system includes attendance

features to provide a precise evaluation of each employee's performance and to

make them easier to compute their salaries using the attendance of the


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