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Research Context

Aiming for high productivity and increased competitiveness in the

economic sector, some companies are heavily invested in computerized

technology. An easier approach to conduct product sales and inventories is made

possible by the use of computerized sales and inventory systems.

Today's technological advancements provide users efficiency and

dependability as well as the simplest approach to manage and monitor

transactions. These developments have a significant impact on society by making

work easier. It takes a lot of effort to keep the operations running smoothly,

making managing a large organization challenging. The inventory is important

because it’s an account of what everything looked like when you moved in. By

being thorough before you sign the inventory, you are putting yourself in a good

position when your tenancy comes to an end.

This project entitled “E-Connect: Integrated Management System of MJC

Group of Company” is a software development project focused on the

improvement and implementation of software that will help the company to

manage their businesses and also will make the system more efficient and

convenient to use.
This study presents the conception and application of the rental housing

management system. The system uses the Django framework, which implements

the separation layer and the logical layer, to increase the efficiency of house

rental. Renter information can be browsed, queried, entered, amended, and

managed by the system. Due to the present perspective of the need to use and

appreciate technology's possibilities, a significant transformation is currently

occurring in the sphere of technology. The housing industry is still reluctant to

adapt by putting forth a novel strategy that makes managing rental homes easy

(Rathore, 2021).

Purpose and Description of the Study

The purpose of this study is to develop the first mobile application E-

Connect: Integrated Management System for MJC Group of Company, employees

used manually transaction to manage their materials and to facilitate client’s

house loan in terms of loan status, loan payments and loan transactions and

inventory system is to give efficient tracking of the inventory products, sales

and records, to maintain accuracy in the computation of products and give

security to their personal and transaction records will be kept in safe.

Our project aims to give the company the ease in accessing the sales and

inventory records that reduce the time consumption during transaction process

and helps them to track down the products that are being obtained and acquired

by the company.
One of the features of E-connect: Integrated Management System for MJC

Group of Company is the inventory of sales report, financial statement and

stocks for construction where the company can manage, store and track the

materials. The system guarantees easily processes and it will lessen the use of

papers. The MJC Group of Company is still using manual process for keeping and

storing data of important information for their clients and inventories transaction.

Retrieving of documents that is urgently needed will make a lot of time which

leads for the developers to come up with the idea of developing for the proposed


Company Profile

MJC Group of Company is the newest and only exclusive residential

development in Pozorrubio Town Plaza.

History of MJC Group of Company

The Company’s name originated from the owner of company named

Manuel Juanita Callanta as the CEO of the company. The company is located at

Artacio Street, Pozorrubio and was started in the 2015 availed by the municipality

of Pozorrubio. Since there are several hectares of rice fields in the municipality of

Pozorrubio, where the Sunshine Village subdivision is located, and even before

there were established houses in this village, rice fields were planted and such
crops could be planted because the owner here was forced to sell it to the

businessman Sir Callanta due to his bankruptcy, the event here is the reason the

couple thought of doing a house rental business. They began working on their

project to develop a subdivision in Pozorrubio in 2016, after purchasing a large

plot of land. The flat where they reside and their clients was the first item they

constructed there.

The company offered different services on their different branch such as

MJC Reality, JEC Properties, JEC Stalls and Rentals, MJC Investors, Lending, MJC

Micro Lending Company, MJC Sunshine Village Subdivision, MJC Design and

Construction Company and MJC Reality and Development and Corporation.

Now, MJC Group of Company continues to grow because of their

continued development of their business, the number of clients is increasing and

their company is getting better known this is all because of their hardwork and

consistency that’s why they achieve their current state.

Figure 1.1 Organizational Chart

Conceptual Framework

Most serious research texts allude to the conceptual framework, which is

defined in some and completely explained in few. Figure 2.1, Shows the

paradigm of the study, it displays what are the required to be resolve at the

study input of the system requirements of the proposed system.

In relation to this study, our system provides a realistic view of a location

that can be utilized by local authorities and planners. The paradigm shown in

Figure 2.1. Identifies the inputs, activities or processes, the output and it shows

the expected relationship among these components.

Figure 2.1 IPO Diagram of the Proposed Study

The input contains different processes of the system. The process included the

Rapid Application Development which have a stage: Requirements Planning, User Design,

Development and Cutover. It is the best model that works for the project and allow the

researchers to constantly take feedback from the user.

The output of this study was Econnect: Integrated Management System for MJC

Group of Company in Pozorrubio.

Objectives of the Study

This study aims to design and develop E-Connect: Integrated Management

System for MJC Group of Company which can monitored through an android and

web-based. This can be used by the clients, employees and the admin of MJC

Group of Company to act as a solution that will serve as a proposal to help for

Their company to save their time and resources with the automation of their daily

aspect. The specific objective of this study are the following:

1. To identify the requirements needed in the development of the proposed

system along with the area of:

a) Employee and client information;

b) Online Billing, payment and salary; and;

c) Inventory.

2. To identify the design consideration that should be implemented in the

development of the proposed system in terms of:

a) User interface design;

b) Content and features; and;

c) Architectural framework.

3. To measure the level of users acceptability of the developed system.

4. To determine the functional and non-functional :

Scope and Delimitation

The E-Connect: Integrated Management System for MJC Group of

Company has two user such as the admin and the user. For client they can view

all buildings design and company offers and make transaction request. They can

see the estimated payment schedule and billing for loan/installment. For online

payment they can make a payment and pay their loan/installment using BPI

account. For registration, any citizen of Municipality of Pozorrubio can register as

a client and required to register first for them to be a member of MJC Group of
Company. For the company and admin they can manage the payment record,

inventories of in/out materials available, financial statement and material needed

for construction, notification System, Installment. System and manage the status

of the transaction. The admin can approve or decline the request booking of the

client and also the admin can approve or decline the new user and check all the

submitted requirements to avoid fraud. The features that comprised the system

for the admin’s panel first the admin need to sign up or sign in for online

registration, there will be a login security with two-authentication factor email

and SMS, the admin can also view MJC Group Company list of clients, view

payment record, they can monitor reports and analytical of the system, the

admin can manage the inventories of the sales report, financial statement,

material needed for construction. It also have notification system, status of the

transactions and lastly visitors used scanner to pass the village.

The E-Connect: Integrated Management System for MJC Group of Company

only works online. The delimitations of the proposed system is that age below 18

are not allowed to register and proposed system is only available in Pozorrubio,

Pangasinan. And it will need a web-host to support the online process,

company will need to get an offer plan to a web hosting site to completely use

the whole capacity the management system. They may get a monthly or yearly

offer. The admins will try to learn again another process for management of the

whole records. Past records must be updated also to system to organized them
all. When having new designs the admins must update it them to the system and

for the client and employees android-based application they also must update

them whenever changes are to be done.

Technical Terms

For the purpose of clarification, the important terms used in this study have

been identified. The following terms are:

Administrator – The one who has full control in E-Connect: Integrated

Management System of MJC Group of Company in Pozorrubio.

Computerization – is the method of cutting down on human errors and

processing time of the staff of MJC Group of Company. It can result to a system

with well-integrated processes that can operate much more quickly and

accurately than s manual system.

Employees – a person who was employed by an employer to carry out a certain

task. Following a selection as an employee following an application and interview

procedure, the employee is hired by the business.

Inventory – includes both the finished goods and products that a business is

ready to sell as well as the raw materials that were utilized to make those


and products. Raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished goods are the

three categories under which inventory can be divided.

Mobile Application – A program or software designed to run a mobile device.

Payroll- a list of the people who work for a corporation, together with their

pay rates.

Raw Materials- refer to the basic materials that are used in the construction

process, usually still in their natural forms. The building or construction process is

material and labor intensive, requiring the application of numerous building

materials, both in the raw and somewhat processed forms.

Rental Housing- refers to a property occupied by someone other than the

owner, for which the tenant pays a periodic mutually agreed rent to the owner.

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