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Your Values
Discovering Your Authentic,
Real Self That Will Drive Women Wild!
Your Values

Copyright 2021 by Marni Kinrys and The Wing Girl Method, Uncles Toads
Media Group Inc.

Written By: Marni The Wing Girl Method

DISCLAIMER: No responsibility can be accepted by Marni, The Wing Girl

Method or her publishers for the accuracy of information contained in this
book, or any action taken or not taken based on such information.

You are responsible for your own behavior, and none of this book is to be
considered legal or personal advice.

You may NOT copy, steal, or distribute all or any part of this book without

Contact: Marni, The Wing Girl Method,

Instagram: @winggirlmethod

Your Values

Your Values
Hey You!!

Before I dive into telling you,

“How To Get To Know You,” I want
to properly introduce myself.

My name is Marni and from here on

out, I am going to be your personal
Wing Girl.

I’m not just any Wing Girl. In fact, I was voted the #1 Wing Girl in the
world and World’s Best Female Coach at the PUA Summit.

My job is to tell you everything about women so that you can meet,
attract, date, seduce and be with the women you want. I have
successfully done this for almost a decade. I have helped thousands of
men all over the world get everything they want with women and now
it’s your turn.

Your Values


I want to be very clear with you. I am not
a Pick Up Artist. I do not teach routines,
lines or any type of manipulation. In fact,
I believe that many of the top Pick-Up
Artists materials actually harm more men
than they help. Why? Because a lot of their
techniques stress the goal of feeling
superior to women, in order to gain
success with women. This creates an
unequal dynamic where insecurity
becomes the driving force behind
attraction. This is certainly not healthy for anyone involved. My belief is
that if you have the power to feel Superior to anyone, eventually you will
resort back to feeling inferior. Both labels are just two different sides of
the same coin.

The materials I provide will show you how to empower yourself by getting a
clear understanding of how women work, what they want and why they do
the things they do. In addition, my written, audio, and video coaching
products will help you gain a strong masculine character, whose presence
women will be attracted to regardless of your individual life circumstances.

Your Values

How Is A WOMAN Going

to Help Me Gain A Strong
Masculine Character?
I am pretty sure you are asking yourself “How is SHE going to help me gain
a strong masculine character.” Trust me I have heard it before. This is why
I want to explain it in detail, so we can eliminate this belief and move forward.

BELIEF: Women Give Bad Advice To Men About What Women Want
TRUTH: Most Women Give Bad Advice To Men About What Women Want

To be fair, many women do not actually comprehend what women want or

why they do the things they do. Most women will be able to tell you exactly
what they WISH they wanted, but very few are able to say what they
genuinely want.

In fact, about five months ago I put out an ad asking for women to give me
their opinions on what women really want from men. I got over 600
responses from women around the world. Many where Beautiful, intelligent
women who I later discovered has absolutely no idea what it was they
wanted, what they were attracted to or what they responded to with men.
I was shocked! But one thing I did learn is that women were very interested
in being heard (save that note for later).

For some women, it’s difficult to admit the behaviors they respond too. This is
either because they are embarrassed or because they really don’t have a clue,
even if they desperately want to figure it out. Most women also hold
Your Values

themselves on a social pedestal - and are very fearful of “confronting

themselves” and falling off.

Now, there are some women out there who are different. Take me for
example. I am a woman who deeply understands what goes on inside my
mind, and I am able to articulate WHAT, HOW and WHY I do the things I do
and think. I am also a woman who is not embarrassed or fearful about how
you will perceive me, when revealing the truths behind my actions.

However, in most other ways I am just like all the rest of the women in the
world, and exactly like the women you want to be with. I have been attracted
to men, loved men, hated men, been hurt by men, got revenge on men, felt
insecure around men, had sex with men, rejected men, been wishy-washy
with men, led men on, flirted with men for fun and pleasure, teased men,
broken up with men for no reason, avoided men, flaked on men, given men my
number with no intention of answering their calls, had one night stands with
men, been in long term relationships with men and placed men in the friend
zone when they deserved a romantic chance. I have experienced every
scenario you have experienced but on the other end.

It's not so much that I’m going to help you be a step ahead of her in the game -
it's so that you're actually really in the game and playing it with her. With my
help you are going to be the guy who has a woman that is truly into him, not
because of what you do or what you have, but because you are being yourself
and projecting a confident masculine body language/personality that women
are intensely attracted to. If you have any questions, concerns or comments
feel free to email me directly at

Your Values

Now onto the good stuff!! How you REALLY

get to know yourself so that you can be
authentic, real, and genuine. One key thing
to mention is that being authentic and real
happens once you open up and start seeing
others around you as different instead of
wrong. The more that you get to know
yourself, the more understanding and
accepting you can be of the differences in

There are some questions below that are going to help you discover how
you think, feel, and what your core values are. They aren’t tough, or
meant to trick you. They are actually very easy questions about a great
topic that you are very familiar with, YOU.

The questions were also developed to help you discover where you are
and where you want to go in your life with women.

Please take your time and think about your answers. Again, they are for
you, not for anyone else. So really put some thought into them.

Your Values


1. Answer questions in the order they are listed. If you feel you need more
time to think about a question, pause and take time to contemplate what you
want to write.

2. Be real with yourself. No one is judging you and no one will ever see these

3. You can input your answer directly on this document, or you can print it out
and answer the questions manually by hand.

4. Most importantly - have fun!

Note that “next steps” are provided at the bottom of the questions.

Your Values

1. Look forward 20 years - you are attending a function where someone is
giving a speech about YOU! What would you want them to say?
27.5-10 = 17.5

introvert, shy, not good at talking, lack of energy.

2. If time and resources were not a concern, describe things you long to do.
explore the infinite (love, knowledge & substance)
spread out /receive love to/from others
read all the books
invent new stuff

3. How would you define a true leader? What qualities does this leader
A true leader should have leadership skills,
know the others' ability, explore the other's desire/
good communication skills,

4. If you knew that you could not fail at what you really wanted to do, what
would that be?
getting a gf, getting rich, have a healthy body.

Your Values

5. Think about two or three people you know who really inspire you.
Who are they and what about them is inspiring?
Napolean Hill, author.
combined many rich guys' thoughts and actions.

Bob Proctor, their thoughts are inspiring.

"who are u?"
the biggest part of me, you will never see.
thoughts, ideas, things.

6. What’s missing in your personal and professional life?

What would make your personal and work life more fulfilling?
love, goal, courage.
increase self-confidence, self-love.

7. What are the biggest changes in your personal life and with women you
want to make over:
a. The next 3 Years?
getting a gf, getting more friends. ignore the previous low-quality friends.

Your Values

b. The next 3 Months?

attract high quality girls.

8. What activities have meaning and purpose for you.

reading, exercising, working, sleeping, meditation, hypnosis, self-reflection, chill with fds.

9. What are your biggest personal roadblocks to your personal and

professional success?

10. What is your commitment to eliminating these constraints?

learn, develop & train skills EVERYDAY.

Your Values

11. Of the things you start, what is the percentage of things you finish?
reading - 50%
meet gf - 70%
getting rich - 10%

12. What are you most satisfied with in your work and personal life right now?
What are you least satisfied with in your work and personal life right now?
most satisfied with in your work= exposed to difference area, diversified experience.
personal life: willing to make new friends

least... in work: high work pressure, poor management.

personal life: insufficient energy for doing personal activities, affected by work. not work-life

13. What are your 3 greatest accomplishments or achievements up to today?

Being curious
started the habit of reading, willing to learn
willing to become positive

14. What is the hardest thing in your life that you’ve had to:
a. Overcome?
become rich

Your Values

B. Accept?
my mum & dad.

15. What two steps could you immediately take that would make the biggest
difference in your current situation (in any area of your life)?
learn from the expert,
be discpline

16. What do you believe in? (just yourself, a higher power, etc.)
Explain what, why, and how you came to this perspective.

what: i trust in my believe,
why: because this method is taught by the expert.
how: taught by experts.

Your Values

17. What kinds of things in your current and previous workplace environments
drive you crazy? What aspects of your dating life? What else in life makes you
very upset? Really allow yourself to go to town and “bitch” here.
bitches with high level of negativity
high level of work pressure, tight deadlines
lack of girls in the environment

cannot attract girls.

poor financial status - lost ~300k previously.

18. What would you change in your personal and/or dating life, if you could
wave a magic wand?
become more positive.


Your Values

So now that you have filled out all these questions,
what are you supposed to do with
the answers?

The first thing you should do is read them.

Then add to them and tweak them if necessary.
Digest what you have written and get to know your
strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes, wants and
needs. I would suggest reading your answers every
evening for a week.

NOTE: I guarantee each time you read them you will discover something new
to add, and you will begin to look at it differently. In addition, you will “feel”
different as well. You will start to have greater confidence, more inner strength
and a deeper understanding of yourself.

After that first week, I want you to go through your responses and look for
your personal core values. You will begin to notice that they are sprinkled
throughout the document.

After you learn how to find them the first time, it will eventually become easy
to instantly pick them out in later exercises.

Your Values

For example:

Answer to question 17 #:

It drives me crazy when people waste their time having small talk with others
in the office. It would be better if people did their work and then socialized
after. I would like that.

Values: If you look at this answer you will see one of the core values is having
a work hard, play hard mentality. Thus, a clear line between work and play is

Go back to each question, look at your responses and see the deeper core
value within each response.

You will find very interesting insights about what you value and don’t value.

Use this deeper knowledge of yourself to also recognize that others around
you have different values than you. It will help you to be less angry with others
by having a deeper understanding and acceptance of their values/actions.

Your Values

What Are
Personal Values?
Personal values provide an internal reference for what is good, beneficial,
important, useful, beautiful, desirable, and constructive, etc. Values generate
behavior and help solve common human problems for survival. Comparative
rankings of value provide answers to questions of why people do what they do
and in what order they choose to do them.

The Importance of Clearly Defining Your Core Values

Defining our values gives us purpose. When you don’t know or you haven’t
clearly defined your values, you end up drifting along in life. Instead of basing
your decisions on your own internal compass, you make choices based on
circumstances and social pressures. One result is that you end up trying to
fulfill other people’s expectations instead of your own. Before you know it, life
has passed you by and you haven’t even started to live. Trying to be someone
else and living without core values is exhausting and leaves you feeling empty
and unfulfilled. Conversely, living a life in line with your core values brings
purpose, direction, happiness, and wholeness.

Your Values

Defining our values prevents us from

making bad choices.
Perhaps you have a vague idea about what you
value. But if you haven’t clearly defined your
values, you can end up making choices that
conflict with them. And when your actions
conflict with your values, the result is
unhappiness and frustration.

Defining our values gives us confidence.

I’ve noticed that when I take the time to really think and meditate upon what
I value and then write those things down, I’m more likely to have the courage
and confidence to make choices based on those values. There’s something
about actually writing down your values that makes you more committed to
living them.

Defining our values makes life simpler. When you’re sure of your core
values, decision-making becomes easier. Furthermore, when faced with a
choice, you simply ask yourself: Does this action align with my values? If it
does, then do it. If it doesn’t, then you probably should refrain from the action.
Instead of fretting over what’s the best thing to do, and possibly having great
confusion when determining how to proceed in times of crisis, you simply let
your internal compass guide you.

Your Values

Overall having an understanding of your core personal values will help you
attract women, date women, seduce women, get a great woman and ultimately
have a strong relationship. Why? Because it helps you really understand
yourself so that you can:

1. Be more open to others (especially women)

2. Act less guarded and defensive

3. Remain emotionally stable when you feel your ego getting bruised

4. Be more empathetic to others who have different values then you

5. Stay calm, and be less angry/frustrated with others

6. Be your authentic real self

7. Have a strong character that women are instantly attracted to!

Women want a man with a strong sense of his core personal values, as well as
a man who can truly put his most authentic self forward.

There are 1000´s of little things that most men don’t know about women.
But I guarantee that if you knew them, it would put you in the top 1% of men.
The men in this elite group have their choice of virtually any women they want.
As your own personal Wing Girl, I can tell every little thing you need to know
about women - including things that women would never want you to know.


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