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B/P3 - Develop a plan to use social media in a business

Business - Heston Fish Bar


Welcome to Heston Fish Bar's social media report and plan. This strategy contains a
rough idea of how Heston Fish Bar will use social media. I've written a social media
policy and set goals for the social media platforms that Heston Fish Bar will use. I've
chosen that you'll use Twitter and Instagram as your social media platforms.
I've shown how to create accounts and use social media on every social network. In
addition to discussing how to establish a social media plan, I also talked about how
the company may use social media to create an online community. I also considered
how to assess the success of your business and how to communicate with customers.
In addition, I'll update the social media and produce a strategy with annotations. I'll
also talk about the social media I've selected's data analytics and assess the social
media strategy I've developed. I'll assess the social media strategy that has been op-
timised. I will assess the plan and the data analytics report I'll be writing about.

Business Requirements-
When I read the brief, I understood that you are a company with a location in Heston
and that you want to draw new customers to your Fish Bar. When I read the brief, I
also noticed that you wanted to start promoting kids' parties. I also gather from the
summary that you provide a variety of sausages, like battered sausages and saveloys.
I observe that similar companies use a variety of social media, and I recognise that
you want to start using social media to market your firm. You don't currently have any
social networking accounts open.
When I read the brief, I also understood that you provide free WiFi for your clients. I
also know that six employees work at your fish shop.
When I look at other companies, I realise that they all have similar target markets.
You might compete with a comparable company that is also a fish bar, which I've
found. Traditional’s Fish and Chips is the name of the fish shop; this other shop may
be the one with which you are in direct competition. I choose this other company be-
cause it is a rival from which you and I can learn.
I gathered from reading the general criteria that you want to set up social media even
if you don't currently have any. It'll assist you in establishing a social media strategy
and choosing which social media to employ.
The ability to communicate with your clients is one of the other criteria of the busi-
ness. It's crucial that you think about your customers because that's what social me-
dia is for: marketing your company and connecting with potential clients. In this situa-
tion, you're connecting with clients and letting them know about your fish shop.
Instead of using conventional approaches, social media websites enable you to con-
nect with a larger audience. Although posters would reach out to individuals who
passed Heston Fish Bar, using social media websites will have a higher influence on
the business as social media can reach out to more people than posters and pam-
phlets. The usage of traditional means, such as posters, may not reach as many peo-

Target Audience-
Heston Fish Bar's target demographic and age range are 11 to 70 years old. I've
stated the age range in this way because they exclusively specialise in Fried Food. Ad-
ditionally, I should mention that Heston Fish Bar is appropriate for families. The shop's
ideal customers are families and workers.
Social Media Plan-
This is the first section of your plan, which is your strategy for using social media. In
this strategy, I'll give you some shrewd goals to work toward before describing how
you may start interacting with clients and potential customers on social media. I will
also specify who manages each social media channel I will pick for your companies. I'll
also describe how to measure your smart targets on the social media platforms of
your choice in this approach. I'll also go over how you may communicate with your
consumers and how social media can be used in a variety of ways to draw in a wide
variety of clients. I'll also talk about using a social media policy because it's amazing
how closely you adhere to its guidelines.
1. Make sure to utilise hashtags and particular keywords in your Instagram posts, and
publish at least twice a week. I'll check in with you in December to make sure this
is occurring.
2. Obtain 10 followers on Twitter by the end of 2017. You can review this once you
have attracted these followers.

How should they encourage their existing users to start interacting on the
different social media you have chosen?

I gathered from reading the business needs that you don't currently have any social
media networks, hence you don't currently have any users. I would encourage you to
be active on your social media and post on the many social media sites that I will be
setting up for you once you have set up your social media because this is simply the
planning stage.

Once I've created your Twitter account, you can use it to start interacting with your
audiences on Twitter as the first step toward building a relationship with them. I did
some research, and I found that many other companies use Twitter for customer ser-
vice objectives. This is what you could do, for instance, by allowing your customers to
purchase food via social media and then come pick it up if they were on their way to

As you do not have any existing users then it is hard to encourage people to use the
social media but once the social media has been created, your customers will be able
to comment on posts and react to different posts on the Instagram page that I will
create for your social media.

How can they promote both the business and each social media account?

Once your social media platform is set up, the possibilities for what you may accom-
plish there are endless. Your choice to use social media will help you market your
company since, as I've mentioned, you can engage with potential clients there. You
can advertise your company using a variety of social media platforms. For instance,
on Twitter, you can register your social media as a place and then provide information
about the Fish Bar’s location and the services it provides.

Because I considered what your firm is about, the various social media accounts I've
selected are appropriate for business use. I'll use Twitter, and Instagram as my social
media platforms. The two most popular social media platforms are those two. I se-
lected Twitter since it offers a variety of services. As a company, you can advertise on
Twitter. You will have to pay for this service, but the benefit is that you can send tar-
geted advertisements to potential customers. For instance, if your business is based in
Heston, you can pay for an advertisement that promotes Heston and the surrounding

You can advertise your company on social media by posting photographs, polls,
quizzes, and competitions. Instagram is one of the other social media networks I've
picked. I choose Instagram since it's a platform exclusively for photographs, and you
can only upload images on it. You could share images of the many different foods and
drinks you sell on Instagram, where you can modify the images using tools akin to
those in Photoshop. You have the option to alter the images you submit to Instagram.

How will you monitor success?

I have established four key smart targets for your company's social media, and I
would like to talk about the review period for these targets to track the effectiveness
of your social media. You can evaluate how effectively your social media is performing
and what you could do better by having these smart targets reviewed every four
weeks, which is the option I made. I see from your business needs that you don't
have any social media at the moment. Making sure you post a lot of interesting con-
tent in the first four weeks is crucial because the more content you post on your social
media, the more potential interest you will have in your posts. Once the social media
is set up to monitor success, I would recommend that you review your targets every
four weeks. At first, it can take time to be noticed on social media.

I think it's crucial to keep track of your company's progress since the more prosperous
it is, the more chance it has of getting noticed. After the first four weeks have passed,
you might check your social media accounts every six to eight weeks because, over
time, the more you utilise them, the better they will get. The more postings you make
on social media, for instance by going live on the Instagram page I'll make for your
company. The targets I have developed for your company are the key to success;
they are smart targets, and the point of smart targets is that they are for you to be
explicit, measurable, attainable, reasonable, and timely. The goals I've set for your
company's social media accounts will help you succeed; it won't happen overnight, but
over time, your company will prosper.

Time Scales

The social media plan's main components are time frames and accountability. I gather
from reading the company criteria that your Fish Bar employs six people. How fre-
quently you post on social media depends on your time constraints and obligations.
What days of the week, when during the day, and how frequently will you post on so-
cial media? For instance, because Saturday is a popular day when people are off work
and perhaps a lot more people would, you could post at 9.30 am and then again at
12.30 pm. Because there are six employees, two of them may be given separate so-
cial media responsibilities, and a rotation system could allow all six employees to par-
ticipate if they had received social media training.

When deciding how to use social media, you have a variety of possibilities. For in-
stance, you could assign your Instagram account to a photography expert who is
skilled at capturing pictures. You could also have different staff who are trained on
various social media platforms. I have a suggestion that would be best implemented if
you had two staff in charge of each of your social media channels. I know I'm going to
set up two social media accounts, but you don't have to use them all the time. For in-
stance, you could use Instagram and Twitter on Mondays and change how you use
your social media. If a customer messages you on Twitter, an automated reply could
be sent back saying, "Thank you very much for your message. We will get back to you
as soon as we can.” If you were to inquire about how other businesses similar to
yours use social media and what hours of the day they post material on the platforms
they use, you might learn how essential the times of day you post on your social me-
dia platforms are. Because more individuals are using social media during these
hours, according to studies, I would advise you to post twice a day, possibly in the
morning and early evening.

How you could interact with clients?

You can start communicating with your clients in a variety of ways.

Twitter is the first social platform I've selected, and many other companies also use it.
I've seen that other businesses utilise Twitter to advertise what they do. If you started
providing customer service via Twitter, it would be simpler for people to contact your
shop. The ability to add polls to Twitter allows you to ask questions like, "What is your
favourite sort of sausage?" or “Battered or Normal.” Doing so would encourage you to
engage with your audience on social media. When responding to customers on Twit-
ter, you only have 280 characters available, allowing you to provide them with a pre-
cise response.

Instagram is the last social media platform I've selected; it's a photo-sharing website
where you can upload pictures. By sharing images of the various products you serve
at your fish bar, you may communicate with your consumers. Instagram also allows
you to alter the images. I also want to talk about how stories are used on social me-
dia. Stories may be another option for you to communicate with your audience.

Using stories on these social media platforms allows you to update your audience with
pictures; these are referred to as stories. Another strategy for enticing potential con-
sumers to visit your fish bar and experience the various foods you have to offer is
through the usage of hashtags on social media.

The social media account that I will be using is
Twitter, I have chosen twitter because this is a
good way for you to interact with your cus-
tomers. You can use different keywords on
Twitter to attract new customers to your
business. I have chosen Twitter because it
has so many users and it is a big social me-
dia platform.

1. Choose a profile photo that visually rep-

resents your brand and fits well in a
small, circular space — typically your logo.
This doesn’t just appear on your profile
— it's the icon associated with every
Tweet you post. 

2. Your account @name is what comes af-

ter the “@”. It’s unique to you, appears in
your profile URL, and is tied to everything you
do on Twitter.
3.  Channel your go-to elevator pitch here. In these 160 characters, you’ll be intro-
ducing yourself to the world. Tell people what you do, what value you bring, and
why they should follow you. 

4. Include a link to what you want people to

see now. It might not be your homepage con-
sider your “About” page or the landing page
of your latest campaign.
1. Go to your profile and tap the three hori-
zontal lines in the top right-hand corner.
2. Tap Settings.
3. Tap Account.
4. Tap ‘Switch to professional account’.
5. Tap continue.
6. Select a category for your business and
tap done.
7. Tap OK to confirm.
8. Tap Business.
9. Tap Next.
10. Add contact details or tap skip.
11. If you want to, you can follow the steps to link your Instagram Business Ac-
count to your Facebook Business Account, as Facebook and Instagram are both
connected via MetaVerse.
12. Tap X in the corner to return to your profile.
Type of Content Date Generated/Cre- Date Scheduled for Time Scheduled for
ate Publication Publication

(Wall posting, Image

or GIF)
Wall Posting Tuesday 27th of Sep- 1st of October 2022 10:00AM
tember 2022
Wall Posting (Tweet) Tuesday 27th of Sep- 5th of October 2022 11:00AM
tember 2022
Wall Posting Tuesday 27th of Sep- 11th of October 2022 14:00PM
tember 2022
Image Thursday 29th of Sep- 17th of October 2022 17:00PM
tember 2022
Wall Posting (Tweet) Friday 30th of Septem- 20th of October 2022 13:00PM
ber 2022
Wall Posting Friday 30th of Septem- 24th of October 2022 18:00PM
ber 2022
Wall Posting Friday 30th of Septem- 25th of October 2022 12:00AM
ber 2022
Wall Posting Friday 30th of Septem- 26th October 2022 11:00AM
ber 2022
Type of Content Date Generated/Cre- Date Scheduled for Time Scheduled for
ate Publication Publication

(Wall posting, Image

or GIF)

Image 29th of September 2022 1st of October 2022 10:00AM

Image 29th of September 2022 5th of October 2022 16:00PM

Image 29th of September 2022 8th of October 2022 10:00AM

Image 29th of September 2022 12th of October 2022 12:00PM

Image 30th September 2022 15th of October 2022 9:00AM

Image 30th of September 2022 19th of October 2022 10:00AM

Image 1st of October 2022 22nd of October 2022 12:00PM

Image 1st of October 2022 26th of October 2022 14:00PM

Social Media Improved Plan:

How can they promote both the business and each social media account?

Because I can see from your business requirements that you don't currently have a
website or any social media accounts, I'm also going to start a blog for your company.
By setting up a blog on your social media accounts, you may reach a wider audience
and eventually convert your blog into a website, which will help you promote your
brand. I've chosen to make your blog using a website called Wordpress.

You can advertise on your blog and spread the word about any special deals you have
going on at your shop to draw in visitors who aren't from Heston. The blog I've cre-
ated for you can help you market your social media because you can link to each of
your accounts there. You can also link your blog to your social media profiles on Twit-
ter, and Instagram.

The time frame for this blog would be simpler to manage because you could focus
more on your social media and could possibly schedule posts for your Wordpress blog
since I will also be creating a blog for your company. A blog does not need to be up-
dated every day.

Since I am aware that you don't currently have a website and that you need one for
your social media strategy, I have created a smart target around the blog website
that I will build for you. This target is suitable for your business needs. I'll use your
social media along with the blog I'll write.

The number of views I anticipate your blog will receive is the clever target I have cre-
ated for it. When you arrive to examine your sensible target, you should check your
blog's data. This smart goal that I've added to your plan is used to gauge how suc-
cessful your blog will be. By setting up smart targets for your blog, you'll be able to
maintain tabs on how many blog posts have been viewed and comments have been
left, as using a blog will allow consumers to do both. The smart target I've created for
your blog will be able to count the number of views and posts it receives. In the long
term, this will bear successful to your business.

By using the blog I design for your company, you could engage with your customers
on social media. I'm going to set up a blog and website for your company. You can in-
teract with your customers in a variety of ways on your blog, such as by advertising
special deals there and by including links to your social media accounts on your blog.
Your customers would be directed to your social media accounts, which would show
them what else you have to offer. You could include a contact us section on your blog
website so that visitors can fill out a form to get in touch with you. If a visitor would
rather send you an email, they can do so as well. You can receive emails from clients
at the company email address I gave you.

You may include a contact us area on your blog website so that visitors can fill out a
form to get in touch with you. If a visitor would rather send you an email, they can do
so as well. You can receive emails from clients at the company email address I gave

B/P4 - Review the plan with others in order to identify and inform improve-

Rate the positive use of Social Media for Heston Fish Bar:
The use of Social Media has allowed Heston Fish Bar to grow its target audience and
increase its customer base. However, Social Media can also be negative as any nega-


Positive Negative


tive review or bad post can mean the company's reputation can be ruined. A survey
online was conducted and more than 75% of people gave the use of Social Media as
What is the most popular Social Media:
Heston Fish Bar has two social media accounts on Twitter and Instagram, where In-
stagram they post stories, photos and videos about their new products or services and
Twitter is used for tweeting about changes to the menu and replying to customer
feedback/complaints, as well as promoting new products or services
43% Twitter Instagram

Most Popular Food on the Menu due to Instagram and Twitter:

Due to Social Media, Heston Fish Bar has been able to introduce new products to the
menu and make some not-so-popular items more popular. Some of the new items
that were introduced were: Cheesy Chips, Veggie Burgers, Pineapple Fritters and Gar-
lic Mushrooms. And some unpopular items that were made more popular include:

15% 21% Cheesy Chips Veggie Burgers

15% Pineapple Fritters Garlic Mushrooms

3% Pineapple Burgers Chicken Legs
25% 5% Steak and Kidney Pie Jumbo Battered Sausage

Pineapple Burgers, Chicken Legs, Steak and Kidney Pie, and Jumbo Battered

Worst Product that can be improved on:

As Social Media has increased the popularity of some items, other items have become
less desirable and therefore fewer people are buying these products. Some of these
products include Scampi, Veggie Sausage, Beef and onion pie, Battered Burgers and

42% 17% Scampie Veggie Sausage Beef and Onion Pie

Battered Burger Plaice

Positive/Negative Feedback on products due to Social Media:

Due to Social Media, Heston Fish Bar has been able to launch new products, however,
not everyone has liked all the new products. A test was conducted when customers

Postive Negative


walked in to test whether or not they liked the products that they recently released.

What do you like most about using social media for your business:
We gave a range of possible answers. Respondents ticked all statements that applied
to them, and answers were pretty evenly spread. 
Knowing What to say on social media It’s an easy way to market my business
13% It helps me make great contacts
I find lots of useful information
Finding the time to do it It works – I win business this way
14% It makes interesting things happen for my business
23% It's good fun
16% Noticed

Getting results from customers

Measuring results

Other reasons

0 7.5 15 22.5 30

Why do you use social media for business:

Respondents could choose from a variety of answers: ‘to make people aware of your
brand’, ‘to attract new customers’, ‘to develop better relationships with current cus-
tomers’, ‘because it’s an enjoyable way to network’, ‘to learn more about our market’,

To make people aware of you

To attract new customers

To develop betterto develop better relationships

because it’s an enjoyable way to network

to learn more about our market

to make good contacts

because it’s expected of businesses today

All of the above

0 0.125 0.25 0.375 0.5

‘to make good contacts’, and lastly, ‘because it’s expected of businesses today’.
43% of the sample ticked all of the above, and the top individual answers were ‘to
make people aware of you (44%), and ‘to attract new customers’ (40%), and ‘to de-
velop better relationships with current customers’ (37%).
Which aspects of marketing your business via social media do you find hardest:




Region 1

Manage your time set up alerts instagram explore tab social media mention top hashtags utilise communities

Measuring results (24%), finding the time to do it (22%) and getting noticed (21%)
were the top three.

Why did you not use social media before:


13% Did not know potential

41% To daunting
Believed it is only negative
Will not benefit the business


Some small businesses do not use social media due to the negative impact why be-
lieve it can have and believe older methods, such as billboards or ads on the back of
buses, work better than social media, even though social media is free to use and
there is a much larger audience for Social media than traditional methods.

What are you doing to keep up with ever-changing social media functions:
Manage your time, set up alerts, instagram explore tab, social media mention, top
hashtags, utilise communities.

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