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Read the passage and answer the questions 78 - 85.

Most of the energy people use comes from coal, oil, and gas. They are called fossil
fuels.Those fuels come from fossils under the ground. Fossils are the remains of
plants and animals that lived long ago. Burming fossil fuels pollutes the air.The
air becomes dirty. That can be harmful to people, animals, and plants. Now more
people are using clean energy. Such energy does not pollute the air. Two kinds of
clean energy are wind power and solar power. Solar means "from the sun." The sun
gives Earth heat and light. Some homes have solar panels on the roof. The panels
collect sunlight and turn it into electricity. That is a kind of energy. It lets
people do many things. For example, we use electricity to light our homes and watch
television. Solar power can also be used to warm up the water in our homes. People
can tum wind energy into electricity. Wind turbines are machines that spin when the
wind blows. They make electricity. Wind turbines are ofien as tall as 20-story
buildings. The blades can be more than 100 feet long.Wind turbines are grouped
together in wind farms. Some wind farms have hundreds of wind turbines.The Roscoe
Wind Farm in Texas has 627 turbines. They can power 230,000 homes.
78. The main idea of the passage is....
A)Fossil fuels
B)Air pollution
C)Wind turbines
E)Solar panels
79. Which statements are false according to the passage?
1. Clean energydoesn't pollute the air:
2. Wind turbines make electricity.
3. Wind power can used to warm up the water.
4. Burning fossil fuels is not harmful to people and animals.
82. Write the answer to the question using the word from the passage.
Where is the Roscoe Wind Farm?
83. Complete the sentence with the words from the passage. The panels collect the
sunlight and ....
84. Which noun from the passage best fits the following definition? Write the noun
80. Answer the question according to the passage. What are the remains ofplants and
animals called?
"square or rectangular piece ofwood, glass or metal that forms part ofa door or a
81. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?
A) How many kinds of clean energy are there?
B) How many homes can The Roscoe Wind Farm power?
C) When do wind turbines spin?
D) How many wind farms are there?
E)Where are wind turbines grouped together?
85. Write the adjective from the passage which describes the word “energy".


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