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Importance of Facial Scrubs ......................................................................................................................... 3
How Often To exfoliate.................................................................................................................................. 3
How to Use a Facial Scrub Properly ............................................................................................................. 4
Basic Recipe ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Ingredients in detail ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Exfoliating Components ............................................................................................................................ 5
Carrier Oils ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Sunflower oil .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Canola Oil.............................................................................................................................................. 6
Olive Oil ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Avocado oil ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Evening Primrose oil ............................................................................................................................. 7
Coconut oil ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Apricot Kernel oil ................................................................................................................................... 8
Essential Oils ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Other things you can add .......................................................................................................................... 9
Homemade Facial Scrub Recipes .............................................................................................................. 10
Banana facial scrub ................................................................................................................................. 10
Avocado and Oatmeal Facial Scrub ....................................................................................................... 10
Olive Oil and Sugar Facial Scrub ............................................................................................................ 10
Brown Sugar and Coconut Oil with Rose oil (optional) ........................................................................... 11
Oatmeal Face Scrub ............................................................................................................................... 11
Yoghert and Strawberry Scrub ................................................................................................................ 11
Oats and Honey Scrub ............................................................................................................................ 12
Chia Seed Scrub ..................................................................................................................................... 12
Essential Oil Ideas for Different Skin Types ................................................................................................ 12
Scrubs for dry skin .................................................................................................................................. 12
Scrubs for Oily Skin ................................................................................................................................. 13
Scrubs for normal skin ............................................................................................................................ 13
Scrubs for acne prone skin ..................................................................................................................... 13

Importance of Facial Scrubs

Using a facial scrub regularly is an important part of skin maintenance. The main reason why has to do
with helping the cell turnover and expose the fresh new hydrated skin cells underneath.

Skin cells normally turn over every 30 – 45 days which means that the old cells die and then flake off.
Sometimes, they need a helping hand as they can get stuck. When they are stuck, you will notice that
your skin will start to look dull, flaky and feel dry. If you try and moisturize the dry skin, it may be a
waste of time as these dead skin cells will not respond to any kind of moisture.

By removing the dead skin cells on top of the skin, the new skin cells underneath will be fresh and
hydrated. As a result, your skin will look hydrated and have a nice glow about it. It will also feel smooth
and plump.

To know whether you need to exfoliate, a really good way to determine this is to put a piece of sticky
tape on your skin, remove and then take a look at the tape. You may notice that there are tiny skin cells
attached to the tape.

After exfoliation, you will notice that it is easier to apply makeup and that it goes on a lot smoother than
before exfoliation.

How Often To exfoliate

Using a facial scrub 1 – 2 times a week (3 absolute max) should be enough to keep your skin in good
condition. Any more than that, you can find that the scrubbing may irritate your skin and leave it red
and raw.

Remember that the objective of scrubbing is just to help remove that dead skin cell layer and not to
overdo it.

An absolute must after using a mechanical scrub is to moisturize your skin. You need to give those fresh
new cells which you have just helped expose, a good dose of moisture to keep them looking plump and

How to Use a Facial Scrub Properly
To use a facial scrub properly, simply follow the steps below:

1. Tie your hair back out of the way

2. Cleanse your skin with your normal cleanser to take away all traces of dirt and makeup

3. Rinse with warm water

4. Put a small amount of scrub in between your finger tips and apply to your face

5. Use small circles to exfoliate the skin and only press gently with your finger tips

6. Spend about 3 – 5 minutes doing the little circle and avoid the eye area!

7. Rinse off with warm water

8. Moisturize after (very important!)

Basic Recipe
The basic scrub recipe consists of the following

 Exfoliating component

 Carrier Oil

 Essential Oil (if desired)

 Other additives such as honey or aloe Vera

The ratio of exfoliating component to carrier oil is 2 parts exfoliate to 1 part oil. However, I do find that
sometimes you may need more or less of the oil. A good way to judge this is to put your exfoliating
component into a mixing bowl and then add your carrier oil very slowly until you get the consistency
that you require.

Ingredients in detail
Here are some of the more popular exfoliating components in detail. There are many more you can use,
so don’t limit yourself to only these ones.

Exfoliating Components
o Baking Soda: Baking soda is a lovely exfoliating ingredient to use as the size of the
granules is just right to act as a gentle exfoliate.

o Sugar: Sugar is a wonderful natural exfoliate to use for a number of reasons:

 When mixed with water it becomes a natural gentle glycolic acid

 The size of the granules are great for sensitive areas such as the face

 You can use variations of sugar such as brown sugar or caster sugar

 It dissolves easily and quickly in water

o Coffee Beans: Granulated coffee beans are a lovely

exfoliate to use as it has a natural anti-inflammatory
effect on the skin. It also can help boost collagen
production as well. Plus, it smells great and can be
extremely useful for using in the morning!

o Oatmeal: Oatmeal which is ground is a perfect choice

for a facial scrub as it is very gentle on the skin. It
absorbs and removes the dirt and impurities form your skin and at the same time leaves
it feeling hydrated and nourished. It is a really great choice for people with sensitive skin
as it is both soothing and healing. It is also great for acne.

o Salt: Salt is another exfoliating component that can be used, but it can be a bit harsher
due to the size of the crystals. It works really well on dry areas such as elbows, knees
etc. If you want to use it for your face, be careful with it as it can be harsh.

Carrier Oils

These are the more popular carrier oils that you can you in a
facial scrub, many of which you may have hanging around in
your pantry at home.

The types of oil you can use are:

Sweet Almond Oil:

Sweet almond oil contains both vitamins and minerals. The

vitamins that are in this oil are A, B and E. This oil also
contains fatty acids that are great for nourishing your skin.
This means that this oil is good in homemade body scrub for
the following skin types:

 Normal
 Dry
 Sensitive
 Mature
 Eczema prone

Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil contains both nourishing fatty acids and the vitamins A and E. It is great for normal and dry skin types

Canola Oil

Canola Oil is a great choice of carrier oil for skin types which are:

 Mature
 Sensitive
 Normal
 Dry

Olive Oil

Olive oil is popular oil for homemade body scrub as it contains fatty acids which are
nourishing for your skin and it also contains a natural sunscreen. Olive oil is
great for hand scrubs and for the following skin types:

 Eczema prone
 Dry
 Mature

Avocado oil

Avocado oil is very nourishing for the skin and is great for the following skin types:

 Dry
 Normal
 Sensitive
 Mature
 Eczema prone
 Psoriasis prone

Evening Primrose oil

Evening primrose oil contains both vitamins and minerals which are great for skin. It also contains fatty acids that
the skin nourishing and is great in a homemade facial scrub. It is useful for the following skin types:

 Dry
 Mature
 Psoriasis prone
 Eczema prone

Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil is a plant wax which contains vitamin E, minerals, fatty acids and proteins which are all great for skin. It
also contains protective antioxidants. Jojoba oil is beneficial for the following skin types:

 Normal
 Oily
 Mature
 Acne prone
 Eczema prone
 Psoriasis prone
Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a firm favourite and great for dehydrated and sensitive skin.

It is great for combating the free radicals for anti-aging due to containing a
natural source of antioxidants.

It is also lovely for hand scrubs as it is great for conditioning nails. It

contains fatty acids which are nourishing and is beneficial for dry skin

Apricot Kernel oil

Apricot kernel oil contains the vitamins A and E and fatty acids which are great for nourishing skin. This oil is great
to be used in facial scrubs. Apricot Kernel oil is good for the following skins:

 Sensitive
 Dry
 Mature
 Premature aging

Other oils that can be used are:

 grapeseed oil
 Vitamin E oil
 Wheatgerm oil
 Peanut oil
 Soy oil

Essential Oils
Adding essential oils can be fun and also add some really great therapeutic benefits
to your facial scrub.

Popular choices include Lavender, Jasmine and Rose.

When adding essential oils, add them drop by drop until you are happy with the
scent of the scrub. The last thing you want is it too overpowering and some essential oils are stronger
than others.

Other things you can add

There are so many other things that you can put into your homemade facial scrub, most of which can be
found in your own pantry or fridge.

Some great ideas are:

 Honey is a fantastic antibacterial additive which helps with

inflammation and redness at the same time as nourishing your skin.

 Aloe Vera can be a nice soothing additive to use in your facial scrub

 Fresh fruit: Adding fresh fruit can have some really great effects on
your skin, but beware that it does shorten the life span of your facial

o Kiwi fruit can help with brightening the skin

o Tomatoes are great for anti-aging effects

o Cucumber is useful for helping with skin puffiness

o Pineapple contains enzymes that can help with dissolving dead skin cells

o Strawberries are packed with vitamin C and can help brighten the skin

Homemade Facial Scrub Recipes
Here is a great list of recipes to try and can be fun making yourself in your own kitchen.

Banana facial scrub

2 Tbsp Mashed up banana

1 Tbsp Honey

1 Tbsp Milk

2 Tbsp Ground oats

Mix all together in a mixing bowl and apply to face. This one can also double as a nourishing mask and
you can leave it on for a few minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Avocado and Oatmeal Facial Scrub

2 Tbsp ground oatmeal

1 Tbsp mashed avocado

1 Tbsp honey

Mix all together to form a thick paste and then apply to the face using small circular motions. Rinse off
with warm water.

Olive Oil and Sugar Facial Scrub

2 Tbs Sugar (any kind)

1 Tbsp Olive Oil

Put sugar in a mixing bowl and then add the olive oil until you are
happy with the consistency. Mix together then apply to the face,
rinse well with warm water.

Brown Sugar and Coconut Oil with Rose oil (optional)
2 Tbsp brown sugar

1 Tbsp Coconut oil

5 or so drops of rose essential oil (optional)

Mix the sugar and coconut oil together until it forms a paste. Add the
rose essential oil drop by drop until you are happy with the scent

Apply to a damp face, and then rinse well with warm water.

Oatmeal Face Scrub

2 Tbsp ground oatmeal

1 Tbsp Almond oil

Put the oatmeal in a mixing bowl and add the almond oil slowly until you get the right consistency of
your liking. Apply to your face and rinse well with warm water.

Yoghurt and Strawberry Scrub

2 tbsp Honey - honey not only firms and moisturizes the skin; it’s also naturally antibacterial making it great for
reducing blemishes and redness.

Juice of 1 Small Lemon - lemon is natural source of Vitamin C that can help lighten and even skin tone. It also has
a natural astringent that tightens pores.

1/4 cup Yogurt - the lactic acid in the yogurt helps smooth and exfoliate skin.
For best results use thicker, natural yogurts with active cultures.

1/4 cup Mashed Strawberries -the Salicylic acids found in Strawberries help get
rid of dead cells and clear acne, leaving your skin brighter.

Mix all the ingredients together in a mixing bowl, apply to your face and leave for about 10 minutes. Rinse well
with warm water.

Oats and Honey Scrub
2tbsp Ground Oats
2 Tbsp Honey

Mix together in a mixing bowl and then apply to your face. Rinse well with warm water.

Chia Seed Scrub

1/2 cup coconut oil
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp chia seeds

Mix together well in a mixing bowl. Apply to damp face and let it set for 2 minutes before rinsing off.

Essential Oil Ideas for Different Skin Types

Scrubs for dry skin

For dry skin, it is important that you use ingredients that are gentle on the skin. You also want the scrub
to have nourishing ingredients in it which can help moisturize the skin as well.

Carrier oils that can help are coconut oil, almond oil or avocado oil.

Using ingredients such as ground oatmeal is perfect for dry skin and try adding some things such as
avocado or honey.

Essential oils that can also be helpful are:

o Jasmine
o Geranium
o Peppermint
o Neroli
o Rosemary
o sandalwood
o chamomile
o frankincense
o rosewood
o Lavender

Scrubs for Oily Skin
For oily skin, try adding essential oils to your facial scrub to help combat the oils. The essential oils which
are great for this include:

o Lemongrass
o Ylang ylang
o Eucalyptus
o Cederwood
o Basil
o Cypress
o Benzoin
o Geranium
o Grapefruit
o Peppermint

Scrubs for normal skin

Try adding these essential oils:

o Neroli
o Lavender
o Geranium
o Rose
o Rosemary

Scrubs for acne prone skin

For skin which is prone to acne breakouts, there are some oils that can be really beneficial.

These oils include:

o Sage
o Clary sage
o Juniper
o Tea tree
o Eucalyptus
o Cinnamon
o Ginger


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