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Republic of the Philippines


Higher Education Regional Office VI (HERO VI)
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Intended Learning Outcomes: At the end of this module, the student must have:
1. Discussed the nature and meaning of places and landscapes through picture analysis.
2. Drew a land and places classification road map according to their usage in your community.
3. Identified reasons for knowing the different places and landscapes in the world through video tour vlog promotion campaign.

A. Introduction
This Places and Landscape in the Changing World OBTLP attempts to “coin” and “translate” “theory” into “practice.” So that as mankind live on earth
may be able to “transform” words into action. All doings made by man to nature may be “helpful” in building a better place to live. Thus, the geographic
variables may be understood according to they are made. To give pride to those who are living in their respective places and landscape both rural and
urban areas. Attached to the landforms and water-forms of the land may the variability on the changing identity made into pluralistic way with full of
respect and reverence. As rural inhabitants compete their urban counterpart in terms of their value-laden places and landscape.
As nature provides sceneries that the rural are blessed may all men seen places and landscape full of life to the fullest as their urban counterpart
mainstreaming development as by-product of man’s partnership to creation. However, there are also instances that the urban locale can landscape the
needs and wants of an individual that the rural cannot. With that, may this study will help the individual to “foresee” and “predict” the variability of such
places and landscape in the changing modern world. May the multimedia infrastructure resilient enough to flatten the places and landscape as the WIFI
and PSYFI increases in the road-mapping on the superhigh-link Netizens of the world.
B. Activity
Instruction: Using the pictures below discuss the nature and meaning of places and landscapes.

Pictures show that places and landscapes are visible features of an area of
land, its landforms, and how they integrate with natural or man-made
features. A landscape includes the physical elements of geophysical defined
landforms such as mountains, hills, water bodies such as rivers, lakes, ponds,
and the sea, living elements of land cover including indigenous vegetation,
human elements including different forms of land use, buildings, and
structures, and transitory elements such as lighting and weather conditions.
Combining both their physical origins and the cultural overlay of human
presence, often created over millennia, landscapes reflect a living synthesis of
people and place that is vital to local and national identity. The character of a
landscape helps define the self-image of the people who inhabit it and a sense
of place that differentiates one region from other regions. It is the dynamic
backdrop to people's lives. Landscape can be as varied as farmland, a
landscape park, or wilderness. The Earth has a vast range of landscapes,
including the icy landscapes of polar regions, mountainous landscapes, vast
arid desert landscapes, islands, and coastal landscapes, densely forested or
wooded landscapes including past boreal forests and tropical rainforests, and
agricultural landscapes of temperate and tropical regions. The activity of
modifying the visible features of an area of land is referred to as landscaping.
b. List down one of the famous places and landscapes that found in your city/municipality and provide short descriptions about it.

Mount Kanlaon, is an active stratovolcano and the highest mountain on the island of Negros in the Philippines, as well as the highest in the whole
Visayas, with an elevation of 2,465 m (8,087 ft) above sea level. Mount Kanlaon is 43rd-highest on the list of islands by the highest point in the
world. The volcano straddles the provinces of Negros Occidental and Negros Oriental, approximately 30 km (19 mi) southeast of Bacolod, the capital
and most populous city of Negros Occidental and of the whole island. It is one of the active volcanoes in the Philippines and part of the Pacific Ring
of Fire. The volcano is a favorite spot for mountain climbers and is the centerpiece of Mount Kanlaon Natural Park, a national park originally
established on August 8, 1934.

C. Analysis
Deepen your understanding for the following statement: Answer it comprehensively.
1. Why do we need to study places and landscapes?
By studying places and landscapes we learn the beauty of the world through natural and man-made sort of landscapes. Living within aesthetically
pleasing and culturally meaningful landscapes enhances our sense of wellbeing. Cultural ties to landscapes and feelings for the visual beauty of
mountains, lakes, coasts, forests, etc. which are a common bond among people or social groups of given regions. It is essential to understand the
value of places and landscapes aside from its physical beauty it provides economic growth to the country. It provides tangible benefits (such as
economic value through, for instance, tourism, or recreation value), and the latter of which provides spiritual identity, or ecological value.

2. Are those stationary?

Some of places and landscapes are stationary and some are not because there are some changes made by humans. Just like the landscapes made
by humans such as; construction of buildings, flyovers, dams, and reservoirs. Landscapes, like mountain farming systems and national parks, new
townships, deforestation, and mining are some examples of man-made landscapes. Natural landscape can also change due to environmental and
natural factors such as; gigantic movements of the earth's crust, typhoon, soil erosion, natural phenomena etc.

3. Do they change?
Yes, they are changing due to natural and man-made factors but even if it brings changes, the changes for sure can impart a unique beautification
economic growth to the individual country. They are not just the scenery that we view from a scenic lookout and it is the combination of
environmental and human phenomena that coexist together in a particular place on Earth's surface. The growth of technology is one of the factors
and it increased the ability to change a natural landscape.
4. Are they uniform throughout the globe?
All are landscapes are unique and they are not uniform throughout the globe because they can never be in the same form because of natural factors
and we do not know their probable aesthetic outcomes. Their differences make them more ravishing and distinctive as well as their similarities can
convey and individual charismatic aura to the entire world. Moreover, there are things in it that make it look different from other landscapes.
Therefore, it provides a sense of place and identity and they map our relationship with the land over time, and they are part of our national heritage
and each of our lives.

5. Are they distributed equally?

They are not distributed but they are formed in a natural way depending on their environment. The creation of the landscape is unpredictable but it
always brings significant value to humans and to the entire world. The landscape mostly transforms through natural phenomena as well as it can be
man-made. Man-made can also be a cause of distribution and creation of these places and landscapes. In their own strength, they can build and
construct different landscapes wherein by this way the places which they live will be surrounded by this comeliness style of landscapes. Which it can
attract more tourist as well as it can benefit their social and economic growth.

D. Abstraction
An understanding of place is fundamental to the concept of livability, including transportation-related aspects of livability. People live in places,
move within and between places, and depend on the movement of goods to and from places. The individual characteristics of places are vital in
determining quality of life. The internal structure of places and the differences between places also matter greatly in terms of socioeconomic
inequality. However, it is difficult to measure what matters about places because their nature depends on both physical and social characteristics.
They not only have a location, territorial domain, and natural environment, but also are social constructs, shaped by human behavior and
interactions. One must avoid the temptation to think of place only as a location or a piece of territory, despite the fact that many data are collected
and presented for a specific territory, especially territory delimited by political boundaries. A place is distinguished by its people, markets,
governments, and institutions, as much as it is by its physical landscape and natural resources, transportation systems (including streets and roads),
buildings, and boundaries. Like livability and sustainability, place is an ensemble concept.
Landscapes and features are important because they contribute significantly to our well-being and quality of life. They provide the broader
context within which we live our lives. Living within aesthetically pleasing and culturally meaningful landscapes enhances our sense of wellbeing.
Protection of cultural landscapes can contribute to modern techniques of sustainable land-use and can maintain or enhance natural values in
the landscape. The continued existence of traditional forms of land-use supports biological diversity in many regions of the world. Landscaping is an
art of planning the drives, walks, lawns, shrubs, gardens, flower-beds etc. so as to form a beautiful setting for a building. The main purpose of
landscaping is to create a joyful environment round the building and give the occupants a healthy breath, good appearance and natural beauty.
A landscape is part of the Earth’s surface that can be viewed at one time from one place. It consists of the geographic features that mark, or
are characteristic of, a particular area. A natural landscape is made up of a collection of landforms, such as mountains, hills, plains,
and plateaus. Lakes, streams, soils (such as sand or clay), and natural vegetation are other features of natural landscapes. A desert landscape, for
instance, usually indicates sandy soil and few deciduous trees. Even desert landscapes can vary: The hilly sand dunes of the Sahara
Desert landscape are very different from the cactus-dotted landscape of the Mojave Desert of the American Southwest, for instance. A landscape
that people have modified is called a cultural landscape. People and the plants they grow, the animals they care for, and the structures they build
make up cultural landscapes. Such landscapes can vary greatly. The growth of technology has increased our ability to change a natural landscape.
An example of human impact on landscape can be seen along the coastline of the Netherlands. Water from the North Sea was pumped out of certain
areas, uncovering the fertile soil below. Dikes and dams were built to keep water from these areas, now used for farming and other purposes.
Many human activities increase the rate at which natural processes, such as weathering and erosion, shape the landscape. The cutting of
forests exposes more soil to wind and water erosion. Pollution such as acid rain often speeds up the weathering, or breakdown, of the Earths rocky
surface. By studying natural and cultural landscapes, geographers learn how peoples activities affect the land. Their studies may suggest ways that
will help us protect the delicate balance of Earths ecosystems

E. Application

Based on the picture as a guide. Make (draw) a land and places classification roadmap according to their usage in your own Barangay (Brgy Map
land and places Classification).
F. Evaluation
Create a 2 minute video tour vlog promotion campaign about identifying reasons for knowing the different places and landscapes in the world. This is
graded base on the following rubrics.

Rubrics in Video Tour Vlog Campaign

Advanced (20 pts.) Proficient (16 pts.) Developing (12 pts.) Beginning (8 pts.)

Advanced Proficient Developing Beginning

Participates beyond the Participates, but does Participates, but does Posting is less than
required number of not post anything that not meet the minimum 50% complete or
postings, including encourages others to number of posts. Few posting does not
Contribution discussion on other respond. Participates to no discussion or further any
students' posts. with the required comments with others. discussions. No
number of postings. Some comments to response to
Responds to questions other or response to classmate's posting or
from others when questions. questions.

Proficient Developing
Appropriate, engaging, Beginning
reflective, and Appropriate and Vlogs and comments
respectful to others. respectful to others. done, but lacks Vlogs not engaging,
Content Quality
Vlogs are in-depth, Vlogs have a purpose engagement, analysis are irrelevant, or are
analytical, and or main topic about or substantial difficult to follow in
reflective, make a point reading and is reflection, or may be meaning.
and make connections reflective. off topic.
beyond the text.

Advanced Proficient
Vlog may contain
Vlog may contain significant errors in
Vlog has originality and Speech is fluent. Vlog
Speech & several errors in grammar; errors may
flair, emphasizing may contain one or two
Grammar grammar; errors may cause confusion for the
important points; errors in grammar;
impede viwer's viewer. Speech is
contains no errors in errors do not impede
understanding. Speech choppy without
grammar. viewer's understanding.
lack fluency. complete sentences or
clear topic.
Advanced Proficient Developing
Consistently uses direct Incorporates some Discusses references
References &
references to outside references from outside from outside sources in
Support Includes no references
sources to support sources, but may not a general way, but
or supporting evidence.
thoughts. Uses MLA be consistent. Errors in doesn't use specific
citations correctly. MLA citation. references.

Advanced Proficient Developing Beginning

Video is well lit and Video is well lit and Video is fairly well lit Camera may be jerky,
Video Quality frames subject frames the subject within minimal making it difficult to
appropriately. Editing within the frame movement. Subject is view, poorly lit, or
enhances cohesiveness without excessive usually within the subject not clearly in
of vlog. movement. frame. video.

Advanced Proficient Developing Beginning

Sound Quality Sound is clear and Vlog is understandable Vlog somewhat difficult Vlog is difficult to hear
volume is appropriate. and volume is to hear or is or is too loud.
appropriate. occasionally too loud.

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Par Time Instructor
Part Time Instructor

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