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Names: Lorena Sánchez -Vanessa Almeida

Vane: Hello Lorena. How are you doing?

Lore: Hi Vanessa. I’m fine. Thanks. How about you?

Vane: Good. Thanks Are you single?

Lore: No, I’m not. I’m married.

Vane: Where's your husband?

Lore: He's at work. What’s your nickname?

Vane: OK.My nickname is China, but everyone calls me Vane.

Lore: How do you spell your name?

Vane: V-A-N-E-S-S-A

Lore: Oh. How do yo spell your nickname?

Vane: C-H-I-N-A

Lore: OK. Are you here for English class?

Vane: Yes, I am. How about you?

Lore: Yes, I’m in English class. What’s your phone number?

Vane: My cell pone number is 0969015092.

Lore: ¿What’s your ID number?

Vane: My ID number is 2300218167.

Lore: ¿What’s your email address?

Vane: My email address is

Lore: OK. Well, have a nice day.

Vane: See you later.


Lore: Hello Vane. Where’s Angela?

Vane: Hi Lore. I don't know. I think she’s sick.

Lore: Oh ¿Are David and Martha here?

Vane: No, they’re not. They’re at the library.

Lore: Oh, wait. ¿Vane, is this your notebook?

Vane: Yes, it is. Thanks. Oh, and this is my higtlither.

Lore: What’s in your bag, Vane?

Vane: In my bag. I have a notebook, a ruler, a pen, a pencil, an eraser and some kyes.

Lore: OK. What’s on the floor?

Vane: On the floor, there are some chairs, tables and a wastebasket. What’s next to the

Lore: Next to the window, there is a clock and a calendar.

Vane: ¿Where are the students’ workbooks?

Lore: They’re in the closet.

Vane: OK. Excuse me. What’s the word for this in English?

Lore: Dictionary

Vane: Thanks.

Lore: Sure.

Vane: Oh.. How do you spell it?

Lore: D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y. I think.

Vane: That’s OK. Can I borrow a pencil, please?

Lore: Sure. Here you go.

Vane: Thank you.

Lore: You’re welcome.

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