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09/02/2021 English exam - WILL x GOING TO

English exam - WILL x GOING TO

2º Informática

1. Name: *

2. Mary: "I am about to fall asleep. I need to wake up!" Clare: "I______you some 2 pontos

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a) 'll go

b) am going to get

c) will get

d) am going to get to

e) will go to get 1/5
09/02/2021 English exam - WILL x GOING TO

3. No texto acima, o verbo auxiliar Will está sendo utilizado para enfatizar a 2 pontos
ação premeditada do cachorro. Esta afirmativa está:

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4. Qual é o tempo verbal predominante nos dois primeiros quadrinhos? 2 pontos

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Simple Present Tense, percebido pelas expressões I’m”e I’ll.

Simple Future Tense, percebido pela construção I’m going to e I’ll.

Present Continuous Tense, apresentado pelo -ing em going.

Simple Past Tense, pois fala de barbies.

Present Perfect Tense, pois apresenta o verbo have como auxiliar em I will have. 2/5
09/02/2021 English exam - WILL x GOING TO

5. Billy: “After you _____work, will you please drop by the grocery store and pick 2 pontos

up some milk and bread.” Sally: "No problem, I ____up the groceries and be
home by 6 o'clock."

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a) left – will not pick

b) leaves – will pick

c) left – won't pick

d) leave – will pick

e) leaves – will not 3/5
09/02/2021 English exam - WILL x GOING TO

6. Considering the dialogues in this strip, mainly in the first and second boxes, 2 pontos
the use of will and going to to express future can be explained by:

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They both refer to prior plans.

Both of them refer to predictions.

They refer to plans and predictions, respectively.

Both of them refer to willingness.

They refer to willingness and plans, respectively.

7. Mark T (True) or F (False), according to the comic strip above. 2 pontos

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Susan does not approve of Calvin's experiment.


False 4/5
09/02/2021 English exam - WILL x GOING TO

8. Calvin and Susan are going to do a project for a science fair. 1 ponto

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9. Curiosity is a source of motivation for scientific discoveries. 1 ponto

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