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EE Student Contract at International School Bangkok

Instructions: 1) Complete all areas marked with * by initialing. 2) Print and get parent/guardian signature. 3) return Mr. Bell to the
Library by Thursday, Dec. 1.

Student name: Rehaan Student ID number

A: I hereby recognize that as a student undertaking an Extended Essay as part of my IB Diploma, it is my responsibility

● Read the latest version of the general guidelines for the Extended Essay *

● Read the Subject Guides and Commit to the Subject Area: _(list here) *

● Read the Role of the EE supervisor *

● Adhere to any deadlines and meeting requests specified by the supervisor and/or EE coordinator - See *
Deadlines on Page 2

● Adhere to all policies relating to academic honesty/integrity including but not limited to: the BEST DRAFT *
and FINAL VERSION of my Extended Essay, and agree that any breaches are my responsibility (link to ISB
EE Handbook and the Main Library Citation Webpage.

● Adhere to the IB’s ethical guidelines and the IB’s animal experimentation policy at all times *

● Be proactive and maintain good and regular communication with the supervisor/EE coordinator, especially *
with respect to any major problems that might prevent the progress of the EE.

● I am committed to putting in the work, and I want to achieve a grade _____ (Insert Grade)

B: I hereby also acknowledge that my supervisor’s responsibility is to:

● Provide encouragement and advice specific to the subject/topic chosen and advice appropriate for *
relevant research skills. Evident in but not limited to emails, check-ins, and meetings

● Help and assist with the timely arrangement of the 5 (3 official) EE meetings and prompt return of *
feedback for the draft EE

● Validate the originality of my work and provide me with one piece of formal written feedback *

● Complete the supervisory report/sign my Reflections on Planning and Progress Form (RPPF) *

C: I understand that my supervisor, although striving to support me in the best possible way, cannot *
guarantee a specific grade. Supervisors issue a predicted grade whilst an external examiner issues the final
and actual grade.

Student signature & date → Parent signature & date →

Supervisor → EE Coordinator →
Responsibility Deadline must be delivered by 8PM the day

Researcher’s Reflection Space Steps 1-5 November 14/16

Submit First Drafts of Research Question to November 28

Google Classroom (GC)

Return Contract to Main Library with Subject Area December 1


Submit Completed Research Proposal January 17, 2023

Meet with Supervisor and Write/Upload first February 27

Official Reflection to Managebac

Upload Annotated Bib to Google Classroom March 27

Update and Submit RRS to Google Classroom March 27

and Supervisor

Research Review Meeting - Complete Form and April 24th

submit to Google Classroom

Meet with Supervisor approval for May 22

Experiments/Data Collection plans AND/OR
Research Review

Submit your EE OUTLINE WITH Writing Started June 12

to Google Classroom

Interim Meeting with Supervisors and Upload September 5

Reflection to Managebac

BEST DRAFT SUBMISSION - Supervisors will September 25

read and provide feedback within 3 weeks

FINAL EE Submission November 20

Final Meeting with Supervisor for Viva Voce and December 4

Upload of Final Reflection to Managebac

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