SCP 045

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Item #: SCP-045

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-045 must be kept within

Decompression Chamber 32-s(D) at all times. The composition of
Decompression Chamber 32-s(D) should be comprised of inert gases (xenon
and helium preferred). In the event SCP-045 is exposed to atmospheric
air, containment sector within which SCP-045 is held will be sealed and
flooded with helium, pending unlock order by overseer class personnel.

Any personnel entering the chamber should be equipped with full pressure
suits with internal oxygen rebreathers, and should avoid contact with

Description: SCP-045 was found hibernating within an undersea hot

current at a depth of ████ ████████, ████ ███████ and █████ (████)
fathoms, at ████'█W ████'█N. It was recovered by a submarine expedition
and brought on board a bathysphere. The bathysphere was found a week
after submerging, floating some kilometers from where it encountered
SCP-045. The curious circumstance with which the bathysphere was found
(filled with water to an incredible pressure) alerted the Foundation, and
was summarily retrieved.

It is, under its hibernating state, a perfect icosahedron made of a

granular material which has been found to correlate with no known
spectroscopic data. Since it is usually found at high pressures, it can
be assumed that SCP-045 takes its shape due to the compacting effect
acting on it. SCP-045 reacts with atmospheric nitrogen to create vast
amounts of water. Vastly more water is created in terms of mass than
atmospheric nitrogen, so it can be safely assumed SCP-045 draws upon mass
from extra-local sources.

Water created this way is not created at the surface of SCP-045 (If so,
the reaction would rapidly shut down as water generated this way would
preclude more nitrogen from fueling SCP-045). Instead, water is created
in bands at least five (5) centimeters (two (2) inches) from SCP-045,
creating a meta-stable 'vortex' with SCP-045 at the bottom. Water created
this way moves counter-clockwise at speeds directly proportional to the
amount of water that SCP-045 is immersed in. In simulations this vortex
exists even at depths of over three (3) kilometers, though if SCP-045 is
submerged within water at pressures above three hundred and eighty (380)
atmospheres (thirty eight thousand, five hundred (38500) kPA) water is
generated with no additional velocity, causing collapse of the whirlpool.
The composition of water generated by SCP-045 is roughly identical to
that of sea water, and is created at temperatures between ten to thirty
two (10-32) Celsius.

Addendum #045-1: Analysis of the landing site of SCP-045 unearthed

extra-terrestrial meteor matter, lending credence to the theory that
Earth did not acquire terrestrial water through geologic means, but
rather instead through the introduction of SCP-045 to a young earth. Post
introduction, it rapidly began generating water, eventually raising sea
levels to current-day levels.

Computer models showed that seawater generation peaked roughly in the

Pre-Cambrian era, after which continental drift and water generation
slowly drove SCP-045 to depths upwards of three thousand, eight hundred
(3800) fathoms, shutting down water generation completely.

Addendum #045-2: It has been suggested that a sudden earthquake in the

Mediterranean may have raised SCP-045 briefly in the Age of Myth to a
'sweet spot', causing SCP-045 to generate a whirlpool well in excess of
two hundred (200) meters across. This may explain the continual reference
to Charybdis in myths of that time.

Memo regarding #045: "I'm telling you, find me a planet where

atmospheric nitrogen is abundant and I'll get clearance to launch this
baby there. Terraforming on the cheap!" — ███████ ██████████

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