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CA 10 - REVIEWER Score  

1. Which word is spelled co rectly?

A impiety

B impeity

C impity

D impeiety

2. Which word is spelled co rectly?

A pestered

B pesttered

C peste red

D pesthered

3. Which word is spelled co rectly?

A sought

B saught

C sught

D soght

4. Which word is spelled co rectly?

A imminent

B iminent

C immienent

D imminnent

5. Which word is spelled co rectly?

A fu ious

B fuo ious

C fu iuos

D fu ious
6. Which word is spelled co rectly?
A suitors

B sutors

C suito rs

D suitores

7. Which word is spelled co rectly?

A disguise

B disguse

C disguese

D disguisse

8. Which word is spelled co rectly?

A assassinate

B assasinate

C asassinate

D assassinatte

9. Which word is spelled co rectly?

A whereabouts

B wherebouts

C whereabots

D wereabouts

10. Which word is spelled co rectly?

A intercede

B interciede

C intersede

D interceide

11. E is is the goddess of ____________.

A discord

B beauty

C love

D wisdom
12. He is the husband of Helen.
A King Menelaus

B Achilles

C Agamemnon

D Hector

13. ____________ implored the help of Zeus and begged him to intercede so that Odysseus can
retu n to his family

14. She was the old nurse who recognized Odysseus.

15. Penelope proposed that anyone who would succeed in shooting an a row through a row of
___________ would win her hea t.

16. ____________ promised Pa is that he could have the most beautiful woman in the world should
he decide to give her the coveted golden apple. 

17. ____________ promised Pa is to give him wisdom that would last forever.

18. He is the f iend of Achilles who wo n his a mor but died in the battle.
A Patroclus

B Ajax

C Poseidon

D He mes

19. He is the father of Hector.

A King P iam

B Zeus

C Poseidon

D Mars
20. She was the Queen of the Olympian goddesses.
A Hera

B Aphrodite

C Athena

D Peneope

21. It is an active promotion of a cause or p inciple that involves actions leading to a pa ticular

22. It is a way to promote your advocacy.

23. In making a campaign advocacy, this should be catchy and desc iptive.

24. In making a campaign advocacy, this should be self-explanato y and appealing.

25. It gives specific venues to maximize your effo ts in spreading awareness about your

26. In this section, the topic is introduced and your position is made clear.
A Statement of Position

B Arguments

C Reinforcement of the Statement of Position

27. In this section, a number of points are presented.

A Statement of Position

B Arguments

C Reinforcement of the Statement of Position

28. In this section, your arguments are summed up.
A Statement of Position

B Arguments

C Reinforcement of the Statement of Position

29. When evaluating a spoken text, you have to consider the use of cohesion.
T T ue

F False

30. The three 3 basic elements of spoken texts include the following: Words, Grammar and

31. Fluency is a judgment of this ease of communication and is an impo tant c ite ion when
evaluating speaking.
T T ue

F False

32. Speakers need to pronounce individual sounds clearly, understand the functions of language,
and follow the conventions of tu n-taking.
T T ue

F False

33. Basic asse tion expresses understanding for another person’s situation followed by a
statement that expresses suppo t for the speake ’s ights.
T T ue

F False

34. Emphatic asse tion is a simple and direct statement expressing one’s opinions, feelings, or
T T ue

F False

35. Escalating asse tion is used when the other person does not respond to the speake ’s
asse tion.
T T ue

F False
36. Basic asse tion is usually used for expressing negative feelings.
T T ue

F False

37. I Language asse tion typically comes in three 3 pa ts, the first one desc ibing the other
person’s behavior, the second pa t stating how the behavior affects the speaker, and the
third pa t stating what the speaker wants to happen.
T T ue

F False

38. The “Odyssey“ relates the momentous episode of the Trojan War.
T T ue

F False

39. The Ea th is a sphere, or more precisely an oblate sphe iod.

A Opinion

B Asse tion

40. Ticket name and passpo t name are the same.

A Opinion

B Asse tion

41. Adobo is the best dish of Filipinos.

A Opinion

B Asse tion

42. Most Japanese people aren't ve y interested in Sumo.

A Opinion

B Asse tion

43. To solve traffic, it is better to invest in subways and trains than in road widening programs.
A Opinion

B Asse tion
44. The oldest known disease in the world is leprosy.
A Claims of Fact

B Claims of Policy

C Claims of Value

45. Decreasing carbon dioxide emissions from car exhaust, manufactu ing processes, fe tilizers,
and landfills, while slowing deforestation, may help slow the process of global wa ming.
A Claims of Fact

B Claims of Policy

C Claims of Value

46. It’s better to apply good nut itional choices at home than teach them at school, because good
nut ition then becomes ingrained in the child’s expe ience.
A Claims of Fact

B Claims of Policy

C Claims of Value

47. Just as smoking ads have been banned in order to decrease the urge to engage in an
unhealthy behavior, soda ads should be banned for the same reason.
A Claims of Fact

B Claims of Policy

C Claims of Value

48. The city’s board of education should institute an honors program not only for high school
students, but for elementa y and junior high school students as well.
A Claims of Fact

B Claims of Policy

C Claims of Value

49. The healthcare system should be completely refo med.

A Claims of Fact

B Claims of Policy

C Claims of Value
50. Fashion modeling is degrading to women.
A Claims of Fact

B Claims of Policy

C Claims of Value

51. This claim is an example of claim of fact: Studies have shown that exposure to violent media
is a isk factor for violent behaviors.
T T ue

F False

52. A claim of policy argues that something is good or bad, or that one thing is better than
another thing.
T T ue

F False

53. A claim of fact makes an asse tion about something that can be proved or disproved with
factual evidence.
T T ue

F False

54. Connective words link ideas in an argument.

T T ue

F False

55. Conjunctions express the w ite ’s attitude to the topic.

T T ue

F False

56. Evaluative language suggests the degree of approval or helps compare ideas.
T T ue

F False

57. Thinking verbs join one pa t of a sentence to another. They link the flow of the argument.
T T ue

F False
58. The purpose of an exposition, is to present one side of an argument and persuade the reader
or listener to agree or take action to solve the problem .
T T ue

F False

59. Poseidon was mad at Odysseus because he blinded his son, the one-eyed ____________.

60. ____________ was the name of the child of Odysseus.

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