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The Write Agenda ISSUE: Five June 2011

James D. Macdonald Critical of Author Mark Davis; Throws Stones from His Own Glass House
In 60 Minutes, Absolute Write, Accountability, Advances, Author, Authors, Book Reviews, Credibility, James D. MacDonald,Professionalism, Propaganda, Publishers, Publishing, Reputation, Reputation Management, Travis Tea, Uncategorized onJune 30, 2011 at 7:26 pm

Three reviews at Amazon, all five star! All by people who havent reviewed anything else. None of them identified as real name. Dude, that trick is old. James D. Macdonald AbsoluteWrite readers have been commenting on Author, Mark Davis faked kidnapping to promote his new book Rejection. To read more about this unique book marketing strategy, click here. After reviewing some of the James D. Macdonald book reviews on Amazon, it appears thatJames D. Macdonalds swift criticism of Mark Davis may be superfluous. In fact, The Write Agenda discovered some interesting anomalies. The Write Agenda discovered 11 Five Star reviews of James D. Macdonald books that were written by people who havent reviewed anything else. In addition, The Write Agenda also discovered 15 anonymous 5 Star reviews (i.e., None of them identified as real name ) of James D. Macdonald books. Once again, the always self-righteous James D. Macdonald is being hypocritical and disingenuous. In a similar article, entitled Victoria Strauss, Throwing Stones from a Glass House? (Clickhere), The Write Agenda questioned Victoria Strauss stone throwing at Author Greg Mortenson. While commenting on the 60 Minutes

story regarding possible fabricated stories by Author Greg Mortenson, a pondering Victoria Strauss posted the following question on her Facebook page: 60 Minutes has raised questions about some of the claims in best selling author Greg Mortensons books, as well as his charity work. Could this be yet another example of a nonfiction author embroidering the truth? (Emphasis Added). Victoria Strauss Like James D. Macdonalds fellow weinerdog Victoria Strauss, its very ironic that James D. Macdonald would even consider questioning the veracity of another author while his own needlework on the fabric of truthfulness still remains in question. The Write Agenda recently called James D. Macdonald out on his purported claim of receiving, on average, $50,000 -$75,000 for book advances. (Click here to read more.) The hypocrites crime is that he bears false witness against himself. What makes it so plausible to assume that hypocrisy is the vice of vices is that integrity can indeed exist under the cover of all other vices except this one. Only crime and the criminal, it is true, confront us with the perplexity of radical evil; but only the hypocrite is really rotten to the core. Hannah Arendt, On Revolution, 1963 References Macdonald, James D. Poinsettia Publications Absolute Write Water Cooler. Absolute Write. 29 June 2011. Web. 30 June 2011. <>.

Author Watch Best Sellers June 29, 2011

In Amazon, Amazon Rankings, Amazon Sales Rankings, Author, Author Watch, Authors, Best Sellers, Publishers, Publishing,Self-Publishing on June 29, 2011 at 2:57 pm

The Write Agendas list of untraditionally published authors with current Amazon Sales Rankings of 10,000 or better. Title Author Publisher Pub List Current

Date Her Perfect Revenge (a romantic comedy novel about getting even with a bad Outskirts boy!) Anna Mara Press



February 19, 2008



Forget to Remember Alan Cook

AuthorHous November e 9, 2010 January 12, 2010




Mike Wood Booksurge



Dr. John Chungs SAT BookSurge Math John Chung Publishing Inge Auerbacher iUniverse Sherylynne L. Outskirts Rochester Press

Septembe r 3, 2009 $27.99 December 7, 2009


Children of Terror



Altered Destiny: A Hustlers Choice

January 22, 2010



Soldier of Rome: The Legionary (The Artorian Chronicles James Part One) Mace Sweet Farts (Sweet Farts Series) Raymond Bean

iUniverse BookSurge Publishing

December 1, 2006 November 11, 2008





Soldier of Rome: The Centurion (The Artorian Chronicles James Part Four) Mace


January 3, 2011 March 5,

$5.99 $0.99

4,011 4,114

Obsessive/Obsession Toye Brown Outskirts

Press, Inc. Soldier of Rome: Heir to Rebellion (The Artorian Chronicles Part Three) Elfhunter: A Tale Of Alterra, The World That Is (Tales of Alterra, the World that Is.) Fire-Heart (A Tale of Alterra, The World That Is)


James Mace


July 20, 2009



AuthorHous Septembe C.S. Marks e r 12, 2007



AuthorHous June 10, C.S. Marks e 2009



Ravenshade (A Tale of Alterra, The World Author That Is) C.S. Marks House From A Name to A Number: A Holocaust Survivors Alter Autobiography Wiener Paramedic to the Prince: An American Paramedics Account of Life Inside the Mysterious World of Patrick the Kingdom of (Tom) Saudi Arabia Notestine Footsteps to Forever: A World War II Thriller

June 12, 2009



November Authorhouse 22, 2010




December 7, 2009



R. Samuel Baty iUniverse

October 13, 2008



Invisible Tears

Abigail Lawrence

April 16, Authorhouse 2010 Septembe r 3, 2007 February 3, 2009 March 3, 2010




Ray Melnik iUniverse Lisa M. Caretti Eloquent Books



Whistle in the Dark



A Lone Palm Stands

H. A. OLsen Booksurge



If I am So Smart Why Brooke Cant I Lose Weight? Castillo

April 26, Book Surge 2006 AuthorHous March 25, e 2005



Hotline to Murder

Alan Cook



The Lyme Disease Solution

Kenneth B. Singleton BookSurge M.D. Publishing Curtis J. Hopfenbec k Xlibris

February 22, 2009



THE LIQUID CITY The Hayloft (Gary Blanchard) (7L) The Seven Levels of Communication: Go From Relationships to Referrals

May 16, 2011



Alan Cook

AuthorHous June 2, e 2006



Michael J. Maher Keith Knapp

Author Solutions Outskirts Press

October 13, 2010 October 30, 2007






The Elect Note: Rank 1 10 100 1000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 2,000,000

James Gilbert


January 10, 2010



Copies Sold/day 3000 650 100 13 2.2 (11 copies every 5 days) 0.2 (1 copy every 5 days) 0.006 (3 copies every 500 days) 0.0001 (1 copy every 1000 days)

Edit this entry.


Double Flop! Ann A.C. Crispin Blames Nice Weather & BBQ for Book Signing Flop in Bethesda, MD: Sprains Ankle During Fall
In A.C., A.C. Crispin, Absolute Write, Amazon Rankings, Amazon Sales Rankings, Ann Crispin, Author, Authors, Book Signings, Credibility, Mike Saxton, Professionalism, Propaganda, Publishers, Publishing, Reputation, Reputation Management, SFWA, Writer Beware on June 27, 2011 at 7:27 pm

As she has planted, so does she harvest; such is the field of karma. -Sri Guru Granth Sahib

Ann A.C. Crispins heavily promoted book signing event for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom, which was held Saturday June 25, at the Barnes & Noble in Bethesda, MD., resulted in an epoch double flop for the author. Ann A.C. Crispin, in a recent Facebook posting stated: The booksigning [sic] at B&N today in Bethesday [sic] was a disappointment. Lovely, gorgeous, beautiful day with a street faire across the block and a bbq cookoff [sic] competition on the Mall in DC. Not a day for being inside, and so there were few books sold. Its interesting that beef, pork and street faire beat-out the corpulant Ann A.C. Crispinand were the more attractive formidable competitor of the day. Nevertheless, but wouldnt one think that the influential Disney Editions PR and promotional staff representing Ann A.C. Crispin would have the foresight to research potential competing events in the area prior to scheduling? Or, could it be that Ann A.C. Crispin hasnt fully engaged herself in the promotional legwork that needs to be accomplished? Ann A.C. Crispin wrote about this responsibility in a March 9, 2011 Writer Beware posting: For most of the time I was writing it, I was uncomfortably conscious of the fact that when I finished the actual writing of the book, my work would by no means be finished. I knew that, for the first time in my life, Id really have to work at promoting a book. Ann A.C. Crispin Obviously, the writers write and publishers promote mantra has once again reared its fallacious head. Excuses and negativity seem to be the norm for Ann A.C. Crispin. On a walk through BEA recently with Victoria Strauss, Ann A.C. Crispin commented how dismal the turnout was for Strategic Book Group authors: Not many people in the aisle, and nobody lined up for autographs. It was really sad. I felt so sorry for them. (Click here.) The Write Agenda produced photographic evidence proving Ann A.C. Crispins comments were disingenuous. The Write Agenda also posted photographic evidence which further questioned Ann A.C. Crispins own BEA turnout. Consequently, Strategic Book Group Author, Mike Saxton offered a unique

response to Ann A.C. Crispins negativity (Clickhere). Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom has a dismal Amazon lifetime sales ranking of 3,571,521. Speaking of legwork, if one flop wasnt enough for Ann A.C. Crispin, the Disney Editions author reported falling arse over teakettle sometime after the book signing event: Last night I managed to fall down 1 and a half stairs while at the free concert in St. Marys county. Beautiful baroque music, and a sprained ankle for me. <sigh> I did not need this! Karma has a way of sneaking up on you when you least expect it . . . sometimes twice in the same day. Whatever we do lays a seed in our deepest consciousness, and one day that seed will grow. - Sakyong Mipham References Ann Crispin | Facebook. Web. 27 June 2011. <>. Can an Old Dog Learn New Tricks? Internet Book Promotion. Writer Beware Blogs! 9 Mar. 2011. Web. 27 June 2011. <>.

Author Watch Best Sellers June 22, 2011

In Amazon, Amazon Rankings, Amazon Sales Rankings, Author, Author Watch, Authors, Best Sellers, Publishers, Publishing,Self-Publishing on June 22, 2011 at 5:54 pm

The Write Agendas list of untraditionally published authors with current Amazon Sales Rankings of 10,000 or better.

Title Her Perfect Revenge



Pub Date February

List Price $0.99

Current Rank 82

Anna Mara Outskirts

(a romantic comedy novel about getting even with a bad boy!) Branded (Fall of Angels) Keary Taylor


19, 2008

February CreateSpace 23, 2010



AuthorHous November Forget to Remember Alan Cook e 9, 2010 The Fallen Star (Fallen Star Series) Jessica Sorensen April 9, createspace 2011





Altered Destiny: A Hustlers Choice

Sherylynne L. Outskirts Rochester Press

January 22, 2010



Not Telling

May 10, Cindy Vine Createspace 2010 Inge Auerbache r iUniverse Raymond Bean BookSurge Publishing



Children of Terror Sweet Farts (Sweet Farts Series) Elfhunter: A Tale Of Alterra, The World That Is (Tales of Alterra, the World that Is.)

December 7, 2009 November 11, 2008





AuthorHous Septembe C.S. Marks e r 12, 2007 Outskirts Press, Inc. March 5, 2010



Toye Obsessive/Obsession Brown



Soldier of Rome: The Legionary (The Artorian Chronicles James Part One) Mace


December 1, 2006 January 12, 2010




Mike Wood Booksurge BookSurge Publishing



Dr. John Chungs SAT John Math Chung Hex, A Witch and Angel Tale Ramona Wray Michael Turnlund H. A. OLsen

Septembe r 3, 2009 $27.99


March 17, CreateSpace 2011 August 4, CreateSpace 2010 March 3, 2010



The Raggedy Edge



A Lone Palm Stands




Paramedic to the Prince: An American Paramedics Account of Life Inside the Mysterious World of Patrick the Kingdom of Saudi (Tom) Arabia Notestine Abigail Lawrence


December 7, 2009



Invisible Tears

April 16, Authorhouse 2010



Soldier of Rome: The Centurion (The Artorian Chronicles James Part Four) Mace Fire-Heart (A Tale of Alterra, The World


January 3, 2011

$5.99 $2.99

6,101 6,186

C.S. Marks AuthorHous June 10,

That Is)


Ravenshade (A Tale of Alterra, The World Author That Is) C.S. Marks House Soldier of Rome: Heir to Rebellion (The Artorian Chronicles James Part Three) Mace From A Name to A Number: A Holocaust Survivors Alter Autobiography Wiener

June 12, 2009




July 20, 2009



November Authorhouse 22, 2010 Septembe r 3, 2007




Ray Melnik iUniverse



If I am So Smart Why Brooke Cant I Lose Weight? Castillo Lisa M. Caretti

April 26, Book Surge 2006 Eloquent Books February 3, 2009



Whistle in the Dark A Few Degrees from Hell: The 2003 Badwater Ultramarathon



Scott Ludwig James Gilbert


November 11, 2010 January 10, 2010



The Elect Biblical Nonsense: A Review Of The Bible For Doubting Christians




Jason Long iUniverse

January 19, 2005



Footsteps to Forever: A World War II R. Samuel Thriller Baty iUniverse Megans Way (Film Adaptation in progress, 2011 Beach Book Festival Award Winner, 2010 Next Generation Indie Book Award Finalist)

October 13, 2008



Melissa Foster

Outskirts Press, Inc.

July 19, 2009



Hotline to Murder

AuthorHous March 25, Alan Cook e 2005 Timothy A. Pychyl Ph.D. Xlibris



The Procrastinators Digest

June 26, 2010



Watchdog Comparative The Price of Freedom (Pirates of the Caribbean) Note: Rank 1 10 100 1000 Copies Sold/day 3000 650 100 13 A.C. Crispin Disney Editions May 17, $22.95 10,622 2011

10,000 100,000 1,000,000 2,000,000

2.2 (11 copies every 5 days) 0.2 (1 copy every 5 days) 0.006 (3 copies every 500 days) 0.0001 (1 copy every 1000 days)

James D. Macdonald Paid $50,000 $75,000 in Advances? Sorry, Were Not Biting: Prove it!
In Absolute Write, Accountability, Advances, Amazon, Amazon Rankings, Amazon Sales Rankings, Author, Author Contracts,Authors, Credibility, James D. MacDonald, Money should flow toward the author, Professionalism, Propaganda, Publishers,Publishing, Reputation, Reputation Management, Self-Publishing, Travis Tea, Writer Beware, Yog's Law on June 21, 2011 at9:28 pm

Ive got about 30 books out (theyre all listed on my web page). My advances are around $50-$75K/book. I havent yet cracked the magic six-figure mark, but hey, Im just a mid-list writer. James D. Macdonald On June 21, 2011, James D. Macdonald posted this statement (above) on theAbsoluteWrite site. Were sorry but we are very skeptical about this claim. $50,000 $75,000 advances on James D. Macdonald titles? If this is true it would suggest that $1,500,000 $2,250,000 has been paid out in advances to James D. Macdonald. TheseJames D. Macdonald titles have current Amazon Sales Rankings from 53,496 7,710,072. For example, one of the James D. Macdonald titles, published in 1990, has a current Amazon Sales Ranking of 4,006,340. An Amazon Sales Ranking of 2,000,000 equates to 1 copy sold every 1000 days (see chart below). This particular book has been out for approximately 7300 days (1990). Tor, one of James D. Macdonalds publishers, reportedly has an advance range between $7500 $20,000; over 50% less than the lowest claimed advance by James D. Macdonald. Any advance above $20,000 for a mid-list writer is high and uncommon. Moreover, during the time that James D. Macdonald began writing, the average advances were substantially less and in the range of $2500 $15,000. The implication that James D. Macdonald leaves the reader is that advances were paid on each of the 30 books. Also, notice the self-promotional hook to drive the reader to his

website. Keep in mind this is on a site typically utilized by other authors not the average book buyer. (Remember: Money flows toward the author. However, not in the circumstances listed on the Yogs Law Pop Quiz; click here.) Given James D. Macdonalds historical Amazon Sales Rankings, we think this is quite an exaggeration. Also, no publisher would make this kind of an investment based on this type of sales performance from an author. We could be wrong in this analysis. However, James D. Macdonald could clear up our skepticism by posting proof of these advances rather than just making the statement. Until that happens, were going to deem this statement C.R.A.P. (click here). References First Time Writers Advance How Much. THE MASTER JULES Was a Beautiful Man, Slender, Tall, Green Eyes Almost a Snake Skin Color, an Intensity of Gaze That Few People. Web. 21 June 2011. <>. Meyer, Michael. Essay About That Book Advance The New York Times Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. 21 June 2011. Web. 21 June 2011. <>. Self-Publishing Mistakes Page 10 Absolute Write Water Cooler. Absolute Write. Web. 21 June 2011. <>. Show Me the Money! Brenda Hiatt. Web. 21 June 2011. <>. The Business Rusch: Midlist Writers & Big Publishing (Changing Times Part 14). Kristine Kathryn Rusch. Web. 21 June 2011. <>. Amazon Sales Rankings Rank Copies Sold/day

1 10 100 1000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 2,000,000

3000 650 100 13 2.2 (11 copies every 5 days) 0.2 (1 copy every 5 days) 0.006 (3 copies every 500 days) 0.0001 (1 copy every 1000 days)

Author Watch Best Sellers June 15, 2011

In Amazon, Amazon Rankings, Author Watch, Authors, Best Sellers, Publishers, Publishing, SelfPublishing on June 15, 2011at 7:13 pm

The Write Agendas list of untraditionally published authors with current Amazon Sales Rankings of 10,000 or better.

Title Her Perfect Revenge (a romantic comedy novel about getting even with a bad boy!) Branded (Fall of Angels)



Pub Date

List Price

Current Rank

Outskirts Anna Mara Press Keary Taylor

February 19, 2008



February CreateSpace 23, 2010



Forget to Remember

AuthorHous November Alan Cook e 9, 2010 Sherylynne L. Outskirts Rochester Press Inge Auerbache r iUniverse Jessica Sorensen



Altered Destiny: A Hustlers Choice

January 22, 2010



Children of Terror The Fallen Star (Fallen Star Series) Elfhunter: A Tale Of Alterra, The World That Is (Tales of Alterra, the World that Is.) Soldier of Rome: The Legionary (The Artorian Chronicles Part One)

December 7, 2009



April 9, createspace 2011



AuthorHous Septembe C.S. Marks e r 12, 2007



James Mace Mr. Stephen Pidgeon


December 1, 2006



The Obama Error (Volume 1)

May 21, CreateSpace 2011



Not Telling Sweet Farts (Sweet Farts Series)

May 10, Cindy Vine Createspace 2010 Raymond Bean BookSurge Publishing Outskirts Press, Inc. November 11, 2008 March 5, 2010





Toye Obsessive/Obsession Brown



Ravenshade (A Tale of Alterra, The World That Is) Fire-Heart (A Tale of Alterra, The World That Is)

Author C.S. Marks House

June 12, 2009



AuthorHous June 10, C.S. Marks e 2009 BookSurge Publishing



Dr. John Chungs SAT John Math Chung

Septembe r 3, 2009 $27.99 Septembe r 3, 2007



Ray Melnik iUniverse



Soldier of Rome: Heir to Rebellion (The Artorian Chronicles James Part Three) Mace Abigail Lawrence Ramona Wray Michael Turnlund H. A. OLsen


July 20, 2009



Invisible Tears Hex, A Witch and Angel Tale

April 16, Authorhouse 2010 March 17, CreateSpace 2011 August 4, CreateSpace 2010 March 3, 2010





The Raggedy Edge



A Lone Palm Stands (7L) The Seven Levels of Communication: Go From Relationships to Referrals Paramedic to the




Michael J. Maher Patrick

Author Solutions Booksurge

October 13, 2010 December

$29.95 $8.99

6,621 6,655

Prince: An American Paramedics Account of Life Inside the Mysterious World of the Kingdom of Saudi (Tom) Arabia Notestine

7, 2009 January 12, 2010

Alchemy Soldier of Rome: The Centurion (The Artorian Chronicles Part Four)

Mike Wood Booksurge



James Mace James Gilbert


January 3, 2011 January 10, 2010



The Elect




Hotline to Murder

AuthorHous March 25, Alan Cook e 2005 April 26, Book Surge 2006 Outskirts Press October 30, 2007



If I am So Smart Why Brooke Cant I Lose Weight? Castillo Keith Knapp



Moonlight Turn Up The Heat: Unlock the FatBurning Power of Your Metabolism



Philip L. Goglia

BookSurge Publishing

October 26, 2009



Me, Myself and Paris: One Toe Under the Eiffel Tower, The Other In the Grocery Ruth Store Yunker

Outskirts Press, Inc

July 27, 2010



From A Name to A Number: A Holocaust Survivors Alter Autobiography Wiener Peak Oil and the Second Great Depression (20102030): A Survival Guide for Investors and Savers After Peak Oil Note: Rank 1 10 100 1000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 2,000,000

November Authorhouse 22, 2010



Kenneth Worth

Outskirts Press, Inc.

June 30, 2010



Copies Sold/day 3000 650 100 13 2.2 (11 copies every 5 days) 0.2 (1 copy every 5 days) 0.006 (3 copies every 500 days) 0.0001 (1 copy every 1000 days)

Victoria Strauss: The Anthony Weiner Scandal is a BS Story; Weinerdog Still Shows no Compunction for the Truth
In Absolute Write, Accountability, American Book Publishing, Author, Authors, Credibility, Investigations, Professionalism,Propaganda, Publishers, Publish

ing, Reputation, Reputation Management, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association,SelfPublishing, SFWA, Victoria Strauss, Writer Beware on June 14, 2011 at 8:23 pm

In a recent blog posting, we encouraged publishing industry Weinerdog Victoria Straussto follow Anthony Weiners lead and publicly admit her lies regarding American Book Publishing (Click here). On June 13, 2011, Victoria Strauss pointed her Facebook friends to a Talking Points Memo as if its some form of justification to continue to evade the truth. The author of the article, Josh Marshall, makes several statements that the Weiner saga is somewhat trivial. Perhaps Victoria Strauss is attempting to imply that theAmerican Book Publishing report is also equally trivial. Lets read between some of the lines in these quotes from Marshalls article: [I]ts not worth losing him over something relatively trivial like a sex scandal. Basically, unless coercion or harassment or some other clear kind of lawbreaking is involved its really nobodys business and everybody should just shut up. . . . [H]es hurt his wife and possibly his unborn child through his recklessness but thats his and his wifes business. Not mine. But cmon. At heart its still a BS story. I see a Member of Congress whos totally embarrassed himself. But as I tried to make clear to staff last week its hardly a federal case. And his own constituents seem clear that they dont want him to resign. So somehow the apparently unprecedented simultaneous demands for his resignation . . . just strikes me as a degree of pomposity and over-serious high dudgeon that has somehow managed the improbable effect of making his dogged desire to hold on to his office in the face of seemingly daily humiliation look better to me than their stern-minded and oh please! inducing calls for him to cough it up.

The real BS is Victoria Strauss failure to take responsibility for her false reporting of a police investigation regarding American Book Publishing. Victoria Strauss wants this matter to be trivial and swept under the rug. Victoria Strauss has hurt the business reputation of this publisher, the publishing industry, the reputation of the SFWA and that iseveryones business. Victoria Strauss may have used coercion, harassment and blackmail strategies in her dealings with American Book Publishing. As a result, well continue to make a case out of it. Victoria Strauss constituents (and the flying monkeys) surely do not want her to resign even though she has embarrassed herself. However, we do not feel that our demands for her resignation have been in any way pompous (click here). We will continue to demand that Victoria Strauss cough up the truth regarding American Book Publishing. References Marshall, Josh. Anthony Weiner, Anti-Hero | Talking Points Memo. Talking Points Memo | Breaking News and Analysis. 13 June 2011. Web. 14 June 2011. <>. Victoria Strauss | Facebook. Web. 14 June 2011. <>.

Strategic Book Group Author, Mike Saxton, Replies to Ann A.C. Crispins BEA Comments
In A.C., A.C. Crispin, Absolute Write, Accountability, Amazon, Amazon Rankings, Amazon Sales Rankings, Ann Crispin,Author, Authors, Credibility, Crispin, Law Suits, Mike Saxton, Professionalism, Propaganda, Publishers, Publishing,Reputation, Reputation Management, Robert Fletcher, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association, SelfPublishing, SFWA,Strategic Book Group, Victoria Strauss on June 13, 2011 at 9:07 pm

[Note to readers: We recently shared with our readers some more negative commentary from Ann "A.C." Crispin (Click here: Ann A.C. Crispins 2011 BEA Observations: Industry Weinerdog Still Struggles with Truth & Deceit ) We are pleased to have received this letter from Strategic Book Group Author, Mike Saxton which addresses Ann Crispin's negativity towards Strategic Book Group and its authors. Victoria Strauss has also made her own comments regarding Strategic's presence at BEA 2011. For the record, Ann Crispin and others, including Victoria Strauss, were defendants in a lawsuit initiated by Strategic Book Group. Ironically, Ann Crispin's latest work, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom, has a lifetime Amazon Ranking of 3,709,949. Its worst rank was 10,051,407. Comparatively, Strategic's Mike Saxton's work, 7 Scorpions: Rebellion, has a lifetime Amazon Ranking of 65,159. Its worst rank was 174,828. Now you know why Ann Crispin is a "Weinerdog." (Saxton has also out performed Victoria Strauss' last publishing effort.) Good for you you Mike. You have put this all into it's right perspective by demonstrating how to measure success as an author. Your long-term vision certainly competes with the narrowly-focused view of Ann "A.C." Crispin (Click here) who appears to think that benchmarking long lines for her autograph has some kind of merit to it. For more information on Amazon Sales Rankings, click here. ] When reading Ann A.C. Crispins blog postings, even historically, notice her use of Me, Mine, My and I. TO: The Write Agenda In re: Ann A.C. Crispins BEA Comments The question was posed to me recently how I did at the Book Expo of America. Not a surprise, I heard that question a lot. This time it was different however. There was an underlying intention. Upon further probing, I discovered there were serious misnomers about those of us who attended the BEA with Strategic

Book Group, who is my publisher. I would like to set a few things straight, from my point of view. I knew when I attended the BEA that I am an unknown author. The purpose of going was not to have lines out the door to see me. Thats unrealistic. There were many authors there, both known and unknown. I went there to network and to enjoy being in New York City. This is but a piece of the marketing puzzle to become known. I was successful in both. I was not there to pick up an agent. I was not there to shop for a new publisher. I have a publisher. Theyve treated me extremely well, despite rumors to the contrary. As far as what I was able to accomplish, well, here it is. I gained the interest of some of the big bloggers out there. Book bloggers have become a force to be reckoned with so that was a hope of mine. I connected with several High School librarians who were also interested in my writing. Thats good, because locally, I have donated copies to High School libraries including the New Haven Academy and I have received excellent feedback. There were others, but I did not see their nametags. On top of it, two people from a film company Los Angeles stopped by the table not once, but twice. They left with a signed copy of my book as well as my card. Maybe they were only interested in who my cover designer was, who knows? The reality is, its only been a couple of weeks since the event ended and it is a pipe dream to believe that there would be some crazy deal with anyone worked out in such a short amount of time. Matter of fact, the reviewers probably havent even had a chance to open the book yet! The point is, my goal was the realistic one of making connections. Goal met. Period. During my time at the signing table. I was quite busy, as were others around me. Did someone walk up to me and hand me a million dollars? No. If someone had, I would have been suspicious. I was also asked why I went with my current publisher. If people dont wish to give my writing a chance because of who publishes it, feel free to pass me by. I wont enter into a philosophical debate. I have no regrets about going with Strategic. I am really not out to shove my writing into the faces of people who just arent interested. Id rather have 100 people who love it than have a million people who hate it and feel as though they got ripped off. I cant speak for the experience of others but anyone entering new into this field is going to be doing a heavy amount of the marketing of their book, no matter

who their publisher is. I knew that coming in. I researched the publishing industry for six months prior to going with Strategic. It was the route for me. I am not some hapless victim who didnt know what I was doing. If thats a problem, again, feel free to pass me by. When I pick out what I am going to read, I do it based on the merit of the individual volume. I love the look inside feature on Amazon and many authors (including me) post samples on their websites. Scope it out. If you dont like what you see, keep it moving, no regrets. Sincerely, Mike Saxton Strategic Book Group Author 7 Scorpions: Rebellion

Ann A.C. Crispins 2011 BEA Observations: Industry Weinerdog Still Struggles with Truth & Deceit
In A.C., A.C. Crispin, Absolute Write, Accountability, Ann Crispin, Author, Authors, Credibility, Crispin, Professionalism,Propaganda, Publishers, Publishing, Reput ation, Reputation Management, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association,SelfPublishing, SFWA, Strategic Book Group, Writer Beware on June 9, 2011 at 6:38 pm

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. George Orwell Ann Crispin, in a recent Absolute Write blog post, made the following statement: After I did my BEA autographing of The Price of Freedom (published by Disney Editions)Victoria [Strauss] and I strolled around the BEA. We walked past the aisle where the Strategic authors were, sitting at little tables with their books and hopeful expressions. Not many people in the aisle, and nobody lined up for autographs. It was really sad. I felt so sorry for them. - Ann A.C. Crispin It would appear that this would have been another good opportunity for a publishing industry weinerdog to Show, dont tell. In other words, show your evidence and let people experience it rather having to solely trust you on your words alone; especially after your reporting and reputation has been challenged. As the old adage goes: a picture is worth a thousand words, these shutterbugs actually captured Strategic authors engaged with people and signing books. Ann

Crispin, we are really sad for you. We feel sorry for the flying monkeys that you continue to weave into your cult of deceit and deception. (For more information on Ann Crispin, click here.)

Comparatively, here is Ann Crispin sitting at a little table with her books and with a very hopeful expression. Are there many people in the aisle? Is any one lined up for autographs? It is really sad Ann Crispin. We feel so sorry for you.

(Photo credit: Liza Wiemer)

(Photo Credit: Ann A.C. Crispin Facebook Page) Reader Replies: Strategic Book Group Author, Mike Saxton, Replies to Ann A.C. Crispins BEA Comments References Crispin, Ann. Strategic Book Group / Strategic Book Publishing / Eloquent Books / SBM [Archive] Page 3 Absolute Write Water Cooler. Absolute Write. 31 May 2011. Web. 09 June 2011. <>. Wiemer, Liza. Reflections after the BEA and Teen Author Carnival. WhoRuBlog. 31 May 2011. Web. 09 June 2011. <>.

Victoria Strauss Goes from Watchdog to Weinerdog How the Selective Use of Research Material Can Damage Your Reputation: Victoria Strauss Cites another Police Investigation Regarding a Publisher . . . This Time its Correct and TRUE!
In Absolute Write, Accountability, American Book Publishing, Author, Authors, Credibility, Investigations, Law Suits, Making Light, Professionalism, Propaganda, Publishers, Publishing, Reputation, Reputation Management, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association, Self-Publishing, SFWA, Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Victoria Strauss on June 8, 2011 at 3:34 pm

What? Victoria Strauss relying on source material to prove facts? In a June 7, 2011 posting (Police Investigate Historical Pages Publishing Company), Victoria Strauss quotes heavily from the Burlington Free Press and the Manchester Journal. The police investigation, by the Hinesburg Community Police, has in fact actually led to scheduled court appearance for Peter Campbell-Copp of Manchester and his company Historical Pages. In a June 3, 2011 posting (Clark, Mendelson, and [sic] Scott: New Name for a Fee-Charging Agency)Victoria Strauss stated that: Everything that follows is supported by extensive documentation in Writer Bewares possession. We do applaud Victoria Strauss for pointing to reliable news sources regarding the June 7, 2011 posting. Generally, mainstream reporting is deemed to be one of the most reliable for statements of fact. Obviously, in this instance, no one would contest that an actual police investigation did occur. Regarding Victoria Strauss June 3, 2011 posting, one has to consider the weight given to her purported extensive documentation. (For an example of extensive documentation click here.) Victoria Strauss, to be considered as a respectable watchdog, should adhere to the common admonition for a writer: Show, dont tell. In other words, show your evidence and let people experience it rather having to solely trust you on your words alone; especially after your reporting and reputation has been challenged. We do not contest the focus, or topic, of the June 3, 2011 posting. (So, flying monkeys, stay on topic.) However, we do challenge and question her use of extensive documentation. In the event that her extensive documentation is something akin to the types of postings commonly found on the Writer Beware, Absolute Write, or other industry sites, its very likely from questionable sources and unreliable. Seriously, if it was such valuable research, led to the truth and proved facts . . . would you not show it?

Comparative speaking, why does Victoria Strauss suddenly appear to be fostering the use of source material to report publishing industry news? In the American Book Publishing report she merely claimed that: American Book Publishing has been the focus of at least one police investigation. There were no newspaper articles and there was not any extensive documentation utilized by Victoria Strauss to prove this claim. Just her words and reputation. Why is there a selective use of source material by Victoria Strauss? Why prove it effectively in the June 7, 2011 posting but not in the American Book Publishing report? The Write Agenda, through extensive documentation, has in fact proven that this claim by Victoria Strauss is false (click here). For more information on Victoria Strauss and her possible motives against American Book Publishing, click here. Obviously, the reputation and integrity of Victoria Strauss reporting has been seriously called into question. In conclusion, Victoria Strauss has remained silent regarding the findings and challenges to her credibility raised by The Write Agenda. Normally, most people and companies will respond quickly with a response when reputations are challenged. However, she has basically stuck her head in the sand hoping that our findings, i.e. that American Book Publishing was never the subject of a police investigation, will simply pass. Victoria Strauss will continue to be a blemish on the watchdog community until she can either: 1) admit or deny that her actions against American Book Publishing were in retaliation to her attempt to get on the payroll of American Book Publishing; 2) admit or deny that these postings were the result of her following up on a threat to post a false report; and/or 3) admit or deny the veracity of the statements made against American Book Publishing. Until this can happen, Victoria Strauss will no longer be considered an effective watchdog. In fact, the lies and disingenuousness have reduced Victoria Straussto a weinerdog that deserves a kennel at Anthony Weiners House of Deceit. Its simple, the publishing community (authors, agents, publishers, etc.) needs to rise up and force and compel Victoria Strauss to take responsibility for her claims against American Book Publishing. This is your call to action. Write toVictoria Strauss. Write to her publishers. Write to the officers of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA). Post the link to this article on your websites and blogs. If Victoria Strauss continues to remain

silent, she will leave 1000s of authors speculating about her credibility as a watchdog. Victoria Strauss silence and selective use of research material leads a reasonable person to conclude that Victoria Strauss is a liar with a hidden agenda. As a result, she has damaged her own reputation. References Donoghue, Mike. Hinesburg Police Uncover Alleged Publishing Fraud | Burlington Free Press | Burlington Free Press | Burlington News, Community, Entertainment, Yellow Pages and Classifieds. Serving Burlington, Vermont | 07 June 2011. Web. 08 June 2011. < esburg-police-uncover-alleged-publishing-fraud>. Strauss, Victoria. Police Investigate Historical Pages Publishing Company. Writer Beware Blogs! 07 June 2011. Web. 08 June 2011. <>. Strauss, Victoria. Clark, Mendelson, and Scott: New Name for a Fee-Charging Agency. Writer Beware Blogs! 03 June 2011. Web. 08 June 2011. <>. ABOUT US We are a group of individuals, writers, want-to-be authors and inquisitive wordsmiths that have become literally numb from reading the numerous author help related blog posts. Many of these postings are subjective and do not offer any substantial documentation regarding purported claims regarding publishers and other industry professionals. In addition, many of these sites have become nothing more than complaint boards that disseminate speculative claims without any substantiation. We do not discount the validity of some claims made. However, we want to question both sides of an issue and to assist other authors in making informed decisions. If a fact is proven true well support it. If a claim is twisted, slanted, incomplete, not updated (retracted) or smells like innuendo . . . well challenge it.

We will not engage in self-promotion, post links to our books or encourage you, in any way, to purchase our books.

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