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‫االسم الرباعي ‪ :‬نور جمال كاظم محمد‬

‫الكلية‪ :‬التقنية الطبية ‪ /‬جامعه الفراهيدي‬

‫القسم ‪ :‬تقنيات المختبرات الطبية‬
‫الدراسة ‪ :‬صباحي‬
‫المادة ‪ :‬االحياء البشري‬
‫اسم الدكتورة ‪ :‬الباب فواز ابراهيم‬
‫السنه الدراسية ‪2020/2019 :‬‬
What is cancer :
Cancer is an abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells anywhere in
the human body, where these damaged cells are supposed to die, but
they divide and grow uncontrollably, and these abnormal cells are
called cancer cells, and these cells can separate from the original mass
of cells It travels through the blood and lymphatic vessels to other
areas of the body, and this process is from the growth of cancer cells
that leave from one area to grow in another area called metastasis or

Cancer symptoms :
It is necessary to know the symptoms that appear on those with it,
which differ according to the affected part of the body with this
disease, and that they can appear from the beginning of the disease or
at the end of it. Feeling a thick mass or area under the skin. Change in
weight, whether weight loss or weight gain is abnormal or
uncontrolled. Skin changes such as yellowing, redness of the skin,
darkening of the skin, dark sores that heal, and changes in the
appearance of moles. Bowel and bladder disorders. Persistent
coughing and difficulty breathing. Difficulty swallowing. Hoarseness.
Persistent indigestion or discomfort after eating. Feeling pain in the
joints and muscles without reasons. Fever and night sweats.
Unexplained bleeding or bruising .
Types of cancer :
The types of this disease must also be known, which include more
than 200 types, where each cancerous type includes several names
according to the region of its infection, and the types of cancer include
the following :

Cancer of the tissues lining the skin or internal organs:

lung cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic and ovarian cancer and skin
cancer .

Sarcoma: This type of cancer begins in the bones, cartilage,

muscles and blood vessels, or borrows from connective or supportive
tissues .

Leukemia: It begins in the hematopoietic tissues as the bone

marrow, and causes the production of large numbers of abnormal
blood cells, and its names such as lymphocytic leukemia, myeloid
leukemia, cellular leukemia and T-cell cancer .

Lymphoma and myeloma: This type begins to appear in

immune system cells such as lymphoma, T-cell lymphoma, B-cells,
Hodgkin's or non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and proliferative lymphoma .

Central nervous system cancer: It is a cancer that begins to

grow in brain and spinal cord tissues, such as gliomas, meningiomas,
pituitary tumors, vestibular tumors, primary lymphomas, and primary
dermatological neuroma .
Cancer diagnosis:
There are certain types of cancers that are self-diagnosed through a
routine self-examination such as breast and prostate cancer, where it
is discovered after a tumor is felt or when other symptoms appear, and
there are other methods of diagnosis in which the medical history of
the person and family is taken, physical examination and some
laboratory and imaging analyzes, as the analyzes The laboratory for
blood, urine and stools may reveal the presence of abnormalities that
indicate the presence of cancer, and also to ensure the presence of
cancer and locate it. Doctors perform x-rays, use computerized
tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, or use ultrasound and
optical fiber endoscopy examination. A biopsy is also taken from
Tumor tissue to check for cancer .
Cancer treatment :
It is necessary to know what treatment is necessary for him, as there
are many different options and types of treatments for the treatment
of this disease, and the type of treatment is determined according to
the type of cancer, the stage of diagnosis and the general health of the
injured, and among the types of cancer treatment are the following :

Chemotherapy: aims to kill cancer cells with drugs, which

target rapidly-dividing cells .

Hormonal therapy: This type of treatment includes taking

medications that change the action of certain hormones or interfere
with the body's ability to produce it. This type is used in breast or
prostate cancer .

Immunotherapy: This type uses drugs that help boost the

immune system and encourage it to fight cancer cells, such as adoptive
cell transport .

Personal medicine: Or as it is called precision medicine where it

is considered a new approach, where genetic tests are used to
determine the best treatments, but it has not yet been proven to be
able to treat all types of cancer .

Stem cell transplant: This type of treatment is useful for people

with leukemia or lymph nodes, which is the removal of cells such as
red or white blood cells that were destroyed by chemotherapy or
radiation, and then strengthened and returned to the body again .
Surgery: Surgery is often part of the treatment plan when a tumor
is present, as the surgeon removes lymph nodes to reduce or prevent
the spread of the disease .

Medicines that target the functions inside cancer

cells: These drugs prevent cancer cells from multiplying and
strengthening the immune system, such as drugs with small molecules
and monoclonal antibodies .

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