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Explain the importance of welcoming clients and their families in a courteous manner.

Your persona serves as your resume, and the way you make others feel after engaging with you
becomes the name of your brand. Your smile serves as your logo. Since you rarely get another
chance, a good first impression is essential to starting a connection with a potential client.
It's been said that the first five seconds are crucial for making a great first connection. This brief
period of time will have a lasting impact and shape the direction of a relationship. A genuine
invitation that is extended with warmth and sincerity makes people feel thoughtful, valued, and
as though they made the right choice by choosing to work with a company that values its
Maintaining these relationships is crucial to developing a successful business; doing so requires
effort, time, and responsibility. In the era of online entertainment, it is relatively simple for
customers to spread a negative experience to potentially hundreds or even thousands of people.
Making an attractive, significant, and friendly experience for a potential client is thus more vital
than it has ever been.
There are numerous statistics that back this up:
Following a negative customer experience, 89% of customers switched to a rival.
Customer experience is a top priority for consumers even in a bad economy, with 60% stating
they frequently or always pay more for a better experience.
Even for welcome emails, the typical open rate is 50%.
The idea that when people feel welcomed, they are far more likely to return is not brand-new. "A
warm greeting is more than just a friendly grin; it's an excellent place to start. You must pay
close attention to everything that is being told to you. It demonstrates your sincere interest in
them as a customer if you can recall specific specifics about them. Gaining deeper insight into
them will enable you to predict their needs. A potential customer might be welcomed and shown
that you are seriously interested in establishing a mutually beneficial business connection if you
have taken the time to look into their background.
Making a strong first impression depends so much on eye contact. People often refer to eyes as "the
windows to the soul" since they reveal so much about someone. When someone greets you, it can be
incredibly unsettling if they are looking over their shoulder or not making eye contact with you.

Respect is characterized as a favorable attitude toward a person. It must be demonstrated before it can
be earned, yet it is earned. It demonstrates your concern for the comfort and wellbeing of your patient
if you have anticipated their demands. We must keep in mind that a consumer may arrive at a location
feeling a variety of emotions. Due to a challenging voyage or other circumstances, they could be
apprehensive and stressed when they arrive. Don't miss this chance to eliminate any unfavorable
feelings they may be carrying upon arrival and to make a great first impression.

“All of our staff, from hostesses to brand ambassadors understand the importance of how to greet
people. They have the experience of working on many different types of events which gives them the
ability to understand the importance of interacting enthusiastically and correctly with customers. This is
the reason why we meet and interview all of our staff. It is my belief that you need to see people face to
face to see how they will interact with others and to see how they present themselves.

The importance of a welcome cannot be understated. It is a form of personalization which is valuable for
the relationship to last. Some may say they have heard it before, but the question to ask is, if this is true,
why have so many got their welcome wrong? Luci and the Welcome Team know how important it is,
and so make sure to maximize the opportunity straight away to ensure the most is made from the

Define and state the importance of ethics in the workplace, specifically healthcare.

Ethics is defined as the moral principles that govern a person’s behavior, or how a profession

conducts itself. Because healthcare deals with moral dilemmas regarding life and death, it requires a

strong ethical code to provide guidance in making decisions

Healthcare ethics is the collection of principles that guide doctors, nurses, and other clinicians in

providing medical care. It combines moral beliefs — a sense of right and wrong — with a sense of

the provider’s duty toward others.

Healthcare ethics covers how providers treat patients. It also provides guidelines for ethical behaviors

such as relationships with patients and colleagues; relationships with vendors such as pharmaceutical

companies, in which doctors may be offered incentives to prescribe medications; and financial

incentives to overtreat or undertreat patients.

Wherever a conflict of interest between the patient and the provider arises, ethics in healthcare

demand that the decision come down on the side of the patient.

While codes of ethics can’t always provide hard and fast rules about healthcare decisions, they do

provide a framework for decision-making. For example:

 Ethical guidance can help doctors communicate with patients and their families on end-of-life


 They can inform care considerations, especially in fast-paced emergency situations.

 When combined with patient-centered care, they can help create an environment of

compassionate care that works for patients, their families, and providers.

The nature of healthcare is such that there will always be ethical conflicts. Providers will have

different professional and moral opinions on how best to treat patients. The value of a code of ethics

is that these disagreements can be resolved with respect and communication.

Some benefits of a code of ethics include:

Dispute resolution: A code of ethics can help untangle conflicts with patients, families and colleagues.

Provide support: Ethical guidelines supports physicians, nurses and other providers, allowing them to
work with a clear conscience and easing decision making.

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