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Insights on the tectonic styles of the Red Sea rift using gravity and magnetic

Article  in  Marine and Petroleum Geology · July 2021

DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105253


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4 authors:

Saada Ahmed Saada Kevin Mickus

Suez University Missouri State University


Ahmed Mohammed Eldosouky Amin Ibrahim

Suez University Zagazig University


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Insights on the tectonic styles of the Red Sea rift using gravity and magnetic

Saada Ahmed Saada a, ∗, Kevin Mickus b, Ahmed Mohammed Eldosouky a, Amin Ibrahim c

a Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Suez University, Egypt
b Geology Department, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO, 65897, USA
c Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Egypt


Keywords: Global topography, bathymetry, magnetic, and gravity data were analyzed to study the nature of the Red Sea
Red Sea

crust to infer its tectonic regime. The Red Sea is a classic example of incipient ocean basin formation after the
Heat flow breakup of a continent. We used spectral analysis of the magnetic and gravity data and two-dimensional (2D) for-
ward modelling of the gravity data to image crustal sources within the Red Sea. The magnetic data were also ana-
Gravity and magnetic
lyzed to determine the Curie point depth, which was then used to estimate heat flow values within the Red Sea.
Axial trough
Seafloor spreading Profiles of bathymetry, gravity, magnetic, and heat flow data were constructed across the southern, central and
northern portions of the Red Sea to determine crustal structural differences between these regions. Residual and
regional gravity anomaly maps determined from the spectral analysis and 2D gravity forward models indicate
that there is a large amplitude gravity maxima over the main axial trough within the central and southern Red
Sea caused by a combination of partially molten material intruding into the crust and the formation of a new
oceanic crust. However, the central portion of the Red Sea based on the residual gravity anomaly map is a transi-
tion zone where the oceanic crust is discontinuous and is separated by inter-trough zones. In the northern portion

of the Red Sea, the discontinuous residual gravity maxima and high frequency magnetic anomalies can be corre-
lated with isolated deeps implying the last stage of the continental rifting and beginning of seafloor spreading.

1. Introduction ing that has been suggested from seismic reflection surveys (Stockli and
Bosworth, 2019).

The Red Sea has been commonly described as the stereotypical ex- Haase et al. (2000) interpreted basaltic samples from the axial
ample of the transition of continental rifting to the formation of an in- deeps in the northern RSR to be tholeiitic mid-ocean ridge basalts
cipient ocean basin (Bosworth, 2015). While there has been contro- (MORB) that formed in a slow-spreading ridge from an asthenospheric
versy on the cause of this tectonic activity, most workers have used ei- source. Ligi et al. (2018) studied the gabbroic rocks of the mafic com-
ther passive or active rift models to describe the onset of rifting (Hansen plex exposed on the Brothers islands and determined that the geo-
et al., 2007). In the passive rift models, the Red Sea region (RSR) or at chemical signatures are analogous to that of MORB.
least its northern and central portions formed in response to far-field There has been a variety of geophysical studies (gravity, magnetics,

stresses associated with subduction within the Zagros Mountains (Fig. seismic reflection/refraction and seismic receiver functions) on the na-
1). These extensional stresses caused divergence and anti-clockwise ro- ture of the RSR crust and lithosphere, and the nature of the continental
tation of the Arabian plate, causing the initial opening of the RSR (Ligi margins in both Africa and Saudi Arabia (e.g., Brown and Girdler, 1982;
et al., 2019). Other workers suggest that the southern RSR was formed Cochran, 1983; Bonatti et al., 1984; Mooney et al., 1985; Izzeldin,
in response to active rifting produced by the Afar plume that formed the 1987; Martinez and Cochran, 1988; Mougenot and Al-Shakhis, 1999;
Ethiopian-Yemen Large Igneous Province. The southern RSR has been Saleh et al., 2006 Hansen et al., 2007; Ravat et al., 2011; Hosny and
classified as a volcanic rifted passive margin (Menzies et al., 1997), Nyblade, 2014; Mitchell and Park, 2014; Gallacher et al., 2019; Tang et

while the northern RSR, has been termed a nonvolcanic rifted passive al., 2016; Augustin et al., 2019; Ligi et al., 2019; Azab et al., 2020).
margin due to the lack of basaltic volcanism and magmatic underplat- These geophysical studies have shown that the crust thins under the
axis of the RSR (Hansen et al., 2007; Hosny and Nyblade, 2014) and

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S.A. Saada).
Received 21 September 2020; Received in revised form 30 May 2021; Accepted 26 July 2021
0264-8172/© 2021
S.A. Saada et al. Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (xxxx) 105253


Fig. 1. Tectonic map of the Red Sea and surrounding area (modified after Bosworth et al., 2005; Bosworth, 2015; Rasul et al., 2015). (For interpretation of the refer-
ences to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

that the oceanic crust consists of intermediate to mafic material. Seis- ial only crops out in the low areas (Deeps) on bathymetric maps
mic refraction and gravity modelling have shown that the crustal thick- (Augustin et al., 2019). These low areas are discontinuous and become
ness along both margins is approximately 20 km (Voggenreiter et al., more widely spaced as one goes further north. The Deeps are separated
1988; Prutkin and Saleh, 2009) and the crust thins to approximately by inter-trough zones which are shallower and have distinct gravity and
10–15 km in the center of the northern RSR (Gaulier et al., 1988). Seis- magnetic anomalies that suggest that they are regions of thinned conti-
mic refraction analyses on the Arabian shield and in Egyptian Precam- nental crust (Gaulier et al., 1988; Egloff et al., 1991; Makris and Rihm,

brian regions show that the crust thickens to 35–40 km (Mooney et al., 1991; Augustin et al., 2019). However, portions of the northern seg-
1985; Hansen et al., 2007; Hosny and Nyblade, 2014). ment of the RSR are covered by thick sediments especially salt, which
While the above geophysical studies have revealed the general inhibit determining the nature of the crust in this region (Augustin et
lithospheric structure of the RSR, the detailed morphology of the RSR al., 2019; Ligi et al., 2019).
crust has only becoming known recently after increased seismic reflec- Of importance in defining the origin and crustal structure of the RSR
tion analyses and drilling (Augustin et al., 2019; Ligi et al., 2019; is determining both the geothermal gradient (GG) and heat flow (HF)
Stockli and Bosworth, 2019). These studies showed that the northern along the RSR. Previous studies using both direct HF measurements and
and southern portions of the axial rift are distinctly different (Augustin HF values determined from magnetic studies (e.g., Girdler and Evans,
et al., 2019). The southern portion have axial valleys that are continu- 1977; Morgan et al., 1985; Boulos, 1990; Saleh et al., 2013; Saada,
ous and well developed with distinct normal faults and having basaltic 2016; Saada and Kharbish, 2019) have shown that the mean HF value
volcanism while in the northern axial valleys, the ocean volcanic mater- within the RSR (116 mW/m2) is higher than 90% of the mean HF values

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Fig. 2. Composite stratigraphic column of the northern and southern RSR (adapted after Bosworth and Burke, 2005; Bosworth, 2015).

recorded worldwide. The high HF values are not restricted to the axis of tory is beyond this short recap and the readers are referred to the out-
the RSR but extend to the coasts where they are twice the world mean standing overview by Stockli and Bosworth (2019). The RSR is approxi-
(Girdler and Evans, 1977). However, all of the above studies have mately 2250 km long, has a maximum width of 355 km and a maxi-
shown a noticeable increase of the HF towards the axial trough (AxT). mum depth of 3040 m that occurs within the central Suakin Trough
Understanding the thermal structure of the embryonic continental mar- (Fig. 1). The RSR was formed after the breakup of the Arabian-Nubian

gins and its local variations is important for determining the origin of shield. The Arabian-Nubian shield was formed during the 715-530 Ma
the early stage of plate separation. East African orogeny where multiple episodes of accretion of island arcs
To aid in determining the nature of the lithosphere in the northern occurred (Miller and Dixon, 1992; Abdelsalam and Stern, 1996; Stern
RSR region, a detailed geophysical study was conducted using available and Johnson, 2010). Later Paleozoic and Mesozoic extensional tectonic
bathymetry, magnetic and gravity data. The analysis was performed by events produced a series of sedimentary sequences that range from
creating gravity and magnetic derivative maps, spectral analysis of the Cambrian to Eocene in age (Stockli and Bosworth, 2019). The sedi-
magnetic data and two-dimensional (2D) gravity forward modelling. ments range from marine to fluvial sequences and are currently found

The spectral analysis of the magnetic data was used to determine the in downfaulted grabens and half-grabens that formed as a result of the
Curie isothermal point depth (CPD) and the CPD was used to estimate extensional stress that formed the RSR. Fig. 2 shows the composite
the heat flow in the RSR. The anomaly maps, CPD values and 2D for- stratigraphic column within the RSR (Bosworth and Burke, 2005;
ward models was integrated to determine a general lithospheric struc- Bosworth, 2015).
ture of the northern RSR and to generate a model on how the northern The onset of RSR rifting is a controversial subject due to the lack of
RSR formed. deep drillholes throughout the RSR (Bosworth et al., 2005; Stockli and
Bosworth, 2019). The initial onset is evidenced by normal faulting and
2. Geology and tectonics syn-rift sedimentation in half-grabens that occurred in the Gulf of Suez
and Egypt approximately 23 Ma (Bosworth et al., 2005). This extension
The RSR and Gulf of Suez rift system is a Tertiary tectonic feature occurred basically at the same time (23 Ma) within the central and
and is considered one of prime examples of the breakup of a continent northern RSR (Bosworth et al., 2005) and occurred over a wide area
(Stockli and Bosworth, 2019). The complete tectonic and geologic his- (over 1000 km) before becoming localized along the main rift axis be-

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Fig. 3. Total intensity magnetic map of the RSR showing the locations of selected profiles. The profiles are labeled from P1 to P4 (axial trough profiles), aa’ to cc’ (in-
ter-trough profiles) and 1–10 (northern profiles).

tween 14 and 20 Ma ago (Augustin et al., 2019). During the Early rocks along the rift margins where mylonites became exposed in Saudi
Miocene (~14 Ma), extension caused the exhumation and faulting Arabia (Gaulier et al., 1988).
along the RSR margins, and rift margin uplift (Bosworth et al., 2005). The Miocene extension was widespread in the northern and central
This extensional event has been linked to the onset of strike-slip fault- RSR and the high amounts of extension led to the deposition of thick se-
ing of the Aqaba transform fault and a change from rift normal to quences of evaporitic deposits (Garfunkel and Ben-Avraham, 1996). De-
oblique extensions within the RSR (Stockli and Bosworth, 2019). This spite the large amount of extension, evidence of rift related basaltic
extension also led to detachment faulting and rising of lower crustal magmatism is limited in the northern and central parts (Martinez and

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Fig. 4. Bouguer gravity anomaly map of the RSR showing the selected profiles used to compare bathymetry, gravity, magnetic, and heat flow. The profiles are la-
beled from P1 to P4 (axial trough profiles), aa’ to cc’ (inter-trough profiles) and 1–10 (northern profiles).

Cochran, 1988). This lack of basaltic magmatism has been provided as 3. Data and methodology
evidence for the lack of sea-floor spreading in the northern and central
RSR (Ligi et al., 2019). However, there is sea-floor spreading and 3.1. Data
basaltic magmatism in the southern RSR which is thought to have start
after the formation of the Aqaba-Dead Sea transform fault system and Magnetic anomaly data (Fig. 3) were obtained from the CIRES (Co-
may serve as evidence of Late Miocene extension and possible continen- operative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences) EMAG2
tal breakup (Augustin et al., 2019). (Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid) 2-arc-minute resolution dataset, com-
piled from a combination of airborne, marine, and satellite magnetic
data (Maus et al., 2009). Longer wavelength magnetic data (i.e., >

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Fig. 5. Topographic-bathymetry map of the Red Sea area using the ETOPO1 Global Relief model (Amante and Eakins, 2009). Also shown are the locations of profiles
(numbered) that were modeled along the deeps of the AxT (P1–P4), and along the inter-trough areas (aa'- cc’), as well as the northern profiles (1–10). (For interpreta-
tion of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

300 km) were acquired by the low-Earth orbit satellite CHAMP for the University 10 (DTU 10) and the 1 arc minute (1 km spatial resolution)
production of the MF6 model, which has a length-scale resolution of Earth Topography (ETOPO 1) are used to generate the Bouguer gravity
333 km (Maus et al., 2009). We employed the CIRES-compiled data set anomalies from the WGM 2012 model. The World Geodetic System 84
consisting of all available wavelength data for this study. (WGS 84) was used as a datum and an average density of 2.67 g/cm3
The gravity data used were the Bouguer gravity anomalies extracted was used as a reference density for crustal rocks. This resulted in the de-
from the World Gravity Model 2012 (WGM, 2012) (Bonvalot et al., velopment of Bouguer gravity anomalies with ~9 km spatial resolution
2012). These data, which began as the Earth Geopotential Model 2008 from the WGM 2012. Fig. 4 shows the Bouguer gravity anomaly map of
(EGM, 2008) are provided by the Bureau Gravimetrique International the RSR area.
(BGI). The initial EGM 2008 was created by merging available land, Bathymetry data were obtained from the ETOPO1 global relief
marine, and airborne gravity data worldwide, as well as satellite gravity model that integrates all available land topography, bathymetry data
data from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE). Up- into a 1 arc minute grid (Amante and Eakins, 2009). The data were
dated Arctic gravity data, global gravity field of the Denmark Technical gridded and shown as a bathymetry map of the RSR (Fig. 5). There are

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Fig. 6. a: The radial averaged power spectrum of the Bouguer gravity anomaly data used to create residual and regional gravity anomaly maps. b: Low-pass fil-
tered gravity (regional) anomaly map of the RSR where wavenumbers lower than 0.005 rad/m were removed. c: High-pass gravity (residual) anomaly map of the
RSR where wavenumbers higher than 0.005 rad/m were removed.


Fig. 7. a TDR map of the Bouguer gravity anomaly data. Black lines represent boundaries of the middle portion of the Red Sea. b The combined tilt derivative
(TDR + TDX) map of the Bouguer gravity anomaly data. Black lines represent boundaries of the middle portion of the Red Sea. (For interpretation of the refer-
ences to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

three main bathymetric regions: (i) shallow shelves (less than 50 m), units. In this study, derivatives, wavelength and phase match filtering

(ii) deep shelves (500–1000 m), and (iii) the main trough were used to estimate the residual anomalies.
(1000–3000 m) containing the AxT. The Bouguer gravity anomaly map (Fig. 4) shows anomalies that
contain longer and shorter wavelengths. These longer wavelength
3.2. Gravity and magnetic data processing anomalies are commonly caused by deeper and wider density sources
and the short wavelength anomalies are usually caused by local and
3.2.1. Regional and residual gravity anomalies shallower density sources. To emphasize on the short wavelength
To use the above data to study the nature of the RSR crust, gravity anomalies that might be caused by upper crustal sources, a high-pass
and magnetic anomalies due to crustal density/magnetic susceptibility filter was determined using a phase match filter (a type of Fourier
sources must be isolated using regional-residual anomaly separation Transformed based wavelength filter) and applied to the Bouguer grav-
techniques (Mickus et al., 1991). This is usually a difficult task due to ity anomaly data (Phillips, 2001). Phase match filtering separates the
the small density/magnetic susceptibility contrast between most crustal data into different wavelength components by modelling the observed
anomalies from distinct source layers at increasing depths determined

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Fig. 8. Total intensity magnetic map of the RSR showing the 227 overlapping squared areas (centered by black dots) used for estimating the CPD and HF.

by the spectral properties of the data (Phillips, 2001). The radial aver- weighting in order to image the sources at their correct depths (Fedi
age power spectrum of the Bouguer gravity anomaly data (Fig. 6a) dis- and Pilkington, 2012). Thus, the residual gravity anomaly anomalies
plays a threshold wavenumber value of 0.005 radians/meter, which is only represent shallow (upper crustal) density sources. The regional
equivalent to source layer with a depth of 11.0 km. The lower and residual gravity anomaly maps are given in Fig. 6b and c, respec-
wavenumbers (<0.005 radians/meter) represent the deeper or regional tively.
gravity anomalies whereas, the higher wavenumbers (>0.005 radians/
meter) reflect the shallower or residual gravity anomalies. However,
the depth of 11.0 km is just an approximation to all the source depths,
where the automated depth determination methods must have depth-

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Fig. 9. Examples of the power spectrum analysis to estimate the depth to the base of magnetic sources (CDP) for areas a.) 28 and b.) 121 (Fig. 8). Zt-depth to the
top of the magnetic body, Z0-depth to the centroid of the magnetic body, Zb-depth to the bottom of the magnetic body.
3.2.2. Edge detection using tilt derivative filters times the actual depth to the bottom of a magnetic source in order to be
The accurate delineation of the lateral locations of the geological confident of the determined depth.
contacts associated with the magmatic intrusions along RSR is a manda- The spectral method of Tanaka et al. (1999) which was based on the
tory task in the interpretation of Bouguer gravity anomalies. Thus, the method of Bhattacharyya and Leu (1975) and Okubo et al. (1985) was
derivative based techniques are useful in this regard. A tilt derivative used to estimate the bottom of magnetic sources. Tanaka et al. (1999)

(TDR) filter is defined as the arctangent of the ratio of the vertical and showed that determining the radially averaged power density spectra of
total horizontal derivatives of the gravity field (Miller and Singh, 1994; the magnetic anomalies over a region, a depth to the bottom of a mag-
Salem et al., 2008). The inverse version of the TDR is called the hori- netic source can be estimated. The top of a magnetic source is estimated
zontal tilt derivative (TDX) filter, where the amplitude of the total hori- by fitting a straight line through the lower wavenumber portions
zontal derivative was normalized using the modulus of the vertical de- (0.03–0.2 radians/km) portions of the radially averaged power density
rivative values. According to Cooper and Cowan (2006), the TDX filter spectra (ln [ΦΔT (|k|)1/2]) curve. Likewise, the depth to the centroid of a

resolves the shallow and deep sources simultaneously as it equalizes the magnetic source is also determined, where the quantity (ln [ΦΔT
signal amplitudes. Castro et al. (2018) proposed a new edge detection (|k|)1/2]/|k) is plotted and a straight line is fit through the higher wave
technique by combining TDR and TDX filters. The combined tilt deriva- numbers (0.5–0.8 rad/km). The basal depth of the magnetic source is
tive filter is superior, as it can produce constant values (a plateau), over then calculated from Zb = 2Z0 –Zt, where Zt is the top bound and Z0 is
the entire source, in contrast to other derivative based techniques the centroid.
where the sources are delineated by peaks that could be confused with One byproduct of estimating the CPD is that the HF can be estimated
for a large region. The estimate of the HF is dependent on the tempera-

noise. Additionally, its response away from the source edge is flattened
and consequently, the location of the source can be is easily recognized. ture used for the most common magnetic mineral, magnetite which is
In this work, both the TDR and the combined tilt derivative estimated to be 580 °C (Haggerty, 1978). To roughly estimate the HF
(TDR + TDX) filters were applied to the Bouguer gravity anomaly data from CPDs, the one-dimensional conductive heat flow equation was
as auxiliary interpretation tools to image the near-surface geometry of used where the temperature gradient is constant. The equation
the RSR crust and the surrounding Precambrian basement structures (Fournier's law) is
(Fig. 7a and b). The local phase filters (TDR and TDX) were computed

using Grid Math Expression” section of “Grid and Image” menu in Oasis
Montaj software (Geosoft™). where q is the heat flux, dT/dz is the temperature gradient and k is the
thermal conductivity. Tanaka et a.l (1999) showed the Curie tempera-
3.3. Calculation of the Curie point depth and heat flow ture, C can be defined as

Spectral methods have routinely been used in the analysis of mag- (2)
netic data to determine the CPD by analyzing magnetic data over large
regions (Shuey et al., 1977; Blakely, 1988). The main problem with where D is the CPD, provided that there are no heat sources or sinks be-
spectral methods is that small scale CPD variations are difficult to deter- tween the earth's surface and the CPD. Then, the CPD becomes
mine and the determination of the depth to the bottom of a magnetic
source is a function of the region analyzed (Hussein et al., 2012). In
general, the width of the area analyzed must be at least three to four

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Fig. 10. CPD map estimated from the power spectrum analysis of the magnetic data.

An additional variable that affects the estimated HF is thermal con- 3.4. Basement depth estimation
ductivity of the rocks in the region. Thermal conductivity values nor-
mally range between 1.3 and 3.3 W m−1 K−1 for granites to The local wavenumber or source parameter imaging (SPI) approach
2.5–5.0 W m−1 K−1 for metamorphic rocks (Lillie, 1999). Tanaka et al. was applied to the gravity data using a grid-spacing of 1000 m to esti-
(1999) used a range of kC (1000–2500 W m−1) to show that HF values mate the depth to the basement rocks. The theory behind this technique
(>150 mW/m2) in spatially small areas (individual composite volca- was discussed by several authors (e.g., Thurston and Smith, 1997;
noes) the power density spectrum method cannot image local CPDs. Smith et al., 1998 and Bello et al., 2017).

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Fig. 11. Heat flow of the RSR as estimated from the CDP analysis. Also, shown are the location of axial trough (P1 to P4) and inter-trough (aa’ to cc’) profiles.

4. Results The Arabian-Nubian Shield Mountains surround the RSR depression

with a maximum elevation of 4300 m above mean sea level (a.s.l) in the
4.1. Bathymetry and topography southernmost region. A continuous main axial trough runs southeast-
ward, from south of Ras Mohammed in the southern Sinai to the prox-
One can obtain a general idea about the structure of the RSR by ex- imity of the Zubayr Islands offshore Yemen. The RSR main trough is
amining the topography-bathymetry map of RSR and its vicinity (Fig. about 1000 m in depth and has separated Deeps that exceed 2000 m in
5). The most distinct geomorphologic features are the Deeps along the depth (Monin et al., 1981). These Deeps have an intimate relationship
basin axes and the high elevations of the rifted shoulder (Figs. 1 and 5). to the evolution of oceanic spreading centers in the southern portion of
the RSR (Martinez and Cochran, 1988; Cochran and Martinez, 1988).

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Fig. 12. Basement relief map estimated using SPI method on the gravity data.

4.2. Magnetics which are related to the Aqaba trend and Nubian fault system, respec-
tively (Fig. 3). The central portion of the RSR is characterized by high
The total magnetic intensity anomaly map of the RSR (Fig. 3) shows frequency maxima and minima. The eastern portion has large ampli-
values ranging from −237 to 211 nT. Also, alternating positive and neg- tude maxima that are caused by the Proterozoic metamorphic and ig-
ative anomalies trending mainly in a NW direction are parallel to the neous lithologies within the Arabian-Nubian massive.
shoreline and the rift axis becoming more pronounced in the southern
part of the RSR. Local anomalies that trend WNW are observed in the
northeastern portion and are associated with Najd strike-slip faults. Ad-
ditionally, there are linear anomalies that trend NNE and ENE to NE

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Fig. 13. Comparison between bathymetry, gravity, magnetic and HF data of the RSR along profiles P1 through P4.


Fig. 14. Correlation between bathymetry, gravity, magnetic and HF data of the RSR along profiles aa’, bb’ and cc’.

4.3. Gravity in the central portion of the RSR. These maximum gravity values are
aligned in a well-defined region along the AxT with a width of about
The Bouguer gravity anomaly map (Fig. 4) has a gravity maximum 30 km which decreases northward in width to 15–20 km from the cen-
over the whole RSR in a similar fashion of that at oceanic areas. In gen- tral RSR. The linear nature of these central anomalies disappears north
eral, the gravity anomalies exhibit two different fields: a long wave- of 23 N and the gravity anomaly pattern is broken into a series of high
length pattern and a series of higher frequency anomalies. However, the frequency anomalies that in general trends toward the NW.
high frequency anomalies, especially on land, should be ignored, since The regional gravity anomaly map (Fig. 6b) shows the high ampli-
it is an after fact of how the Bouguer gravity anomalies were calculated tude gravity values (75–211mGal) that extend along the AxT including
from the satellite data. The majority of the anomalies are parallel to the a higher density region beneath the RSR crust and the Gulf of Aden that
RSR axis and there is an increase in anomaly amplitude toward the AxT is probably due to the crustal thinning. The residual gravity anomaly

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Fig. 15. The association of bathymetry, gravity, and magnetic data along the northern RSR profiles (1 through 10).

map (Fig. 6c) depicts three distinguishable gravity maxima regions From the TDR and TDR + TDX maps (Fig. 7a and b, respectively),
aligned in parallel and interspersed successively by two negative re- the RSR can be divided into three anomaly regions (separated by the
gions were imaged in the southern part. The middle high residual grav- black lines on Fig. 7a and b) from south to north according to the tex-
ity anomaly of amplitude ranging from ~27 to 98 mGal and 20–40 km ture of the derivative anomalies. The southern part has positive TDR
wide is continuous between latitudes 15ᴼ-20ᴼN. The continuity of the values (Fig. 7a) that are located on the AxT. The zero values can be

central maxima is laterally displaced in the central region which ex- identified by a light yellow color, which separate positive and negative
tends from latitudes 20ᴼ- 23ᴼN, and displays discontinuous residual values (violet and blue colors respectively), are coincident to edges/
gravity anomalies with a width of 10–15 km that average N16ᴼW trend contact of the AxT. In the TDR + TDX map (Fig. 7b), the contact re-
over a distance of ~346 km. Further to the north, the anomaly pattern lated to the AxT is sharper and more centered, while the anomaly is flat-
is broken into a series of short wavelength maxima associated with lo- tened out in areas where there are no structures of interest. The central
calized extension in the region and the anomaly amplitudes are lower part contains positive TDR values intersected by parallel segments
due to the thick evaporite layer in the region (Augustin et al., 2019). aligned in a NE direction with a limited spatial extent. Such segments
The northern RSR, as evidenced from the bathymetry and the residual are best identified in the TDR + TDX map and could be interpreted as
gravity anomaly maps (Figs. 5 and 6c), indicates that the main trough rift-associated transform faults. The response of tilt and combined tilt
has three trends: (i) N47ᴼW between latitudes 23ᴼ-24ᴼN, (ii) N7ᴼW be- derivative filters (Fig. 7a and b) in the northern part of the RSR exhibits
tween latitudes 24ᴼ-25.5ᴼN, and (iii) N41ᴼW that extends from lati- a similar pattern, where, the alternated anomalies with NNW to NW
tudes 25.5ᴼ-27.5ᴼN. trends are clearly noticed.

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Fig. 16. Crustal 2D gravity model along profile P2.
4.4. Curie point depth and heat flow et al., 1998 and Bello et al., 2017). The SPI depth map is given in Fig.
(13), with the pink areas indicating the shallowest parts and the blue
The CPD, GG, and HF along the RSR were estimated in sequential areas highlighting the deep laying basement complex. The depth solu-
steps. First, the magnetic map was divided into 227 overlapped square tions along RSR range from 1000 m to 5000 m. On the other hand, the
windows with dimensions 150 × 150 km and overlapping 75 km (Fig. coastal areas of continental crust (the African and Arabian plates) the

8). This was done to insure we image deep enough to determine the depth to the basement is shallow as expected on the edge of the conti-
CDP (Hussein et al., 2012). Then, a spectral analysis of the magnetic nental rift. Towards the stretched continental margin, the asymmetric
data was performed on each window to estimate the CPD. The slope of intermittent spikes (represented by the yellow, magenta, green and or-
the second-highest wavenumbers of intermediate radial averaged ange colors) highlight shallow seated basement rocks or intrusion activ-
power spectrum represents the depth to the top of magnetized source Zt ity. Further to the central zone of the RS, long spikes (represented by
and the slope of the lower wavenumbers was used to calculate the blue color) correspond to the rift axis and well correlated with the area

depth to centroid (Zb). Fig. 9a and b are examples of the spectral analy- of deepest bathymetry (Fig. 5).
sis technique for blocks 28 and 121. Then, the GG (dT/dZ) for each win-
dow was determined by dividing the Curie isothermal point (580ᴼC) by 4.6. Comparison of bathymetry, gravity, magnetic and heat flow
the CPD. Lastly, the HF was calculated using equation (3) using an aver-
aged suitable thermal conductivity (2.93 W/mᵒC) (Makris et al., 1991). To further interpret the structural pattern of the RSR, seventeen pro-
The CPD map (Fig. 10) displays a general decrease in depth toward files of bathymetry, gravity, magnetics, and HF were constructed per-

the AxT of the RSR and the Gulf of Aden with the minimum value pendicular to the main trough (Fig. 5) and can be classified into three
(7 km) in the southern part. The CPD away from the AxT increased to a different sets. The first and second sets (P1 through P4 and aa’ through
maximum of 21 km in the eastern onshore parts. The maximum CPD cc’, respectively) were used to examine the deeps and inter-trough re-
values are located between latitudes 18ᴼ and 22ᴼ N eastward within gions (Figs. 13 and 14). Whereas, the third set (profiles 1 through 10)
Saudi Arabia. These two contrasting zones find good correlation with was selected to focus on the northern part of RSR (Fig. 15).
the bathymetry and topographic maps within the RSR, where, the shal- Profile P1 (Fig. 13a) extends from Eritrea to Saudi Arabia. The ba-
lower CPD is located in the RSR deeps. thymetry shows that the depth to the main trough exceeds 500 m while

The GG results depict higher GGs in the Red Sea and vary between ranging from 1000 m to 1500 m within the AxT. The elevation of the
38 and 81 °C/km, while in the onshore regions with values between 26 Arabo-Nubian Mountains along the western margin has a maximum el-
and 50 °C/km. The subsequent HF map (Fig. 11) is characterized by evation of about 1700 m but reaches 2500 m along the eastern margin.
high values along the depression. The HF map has higher values along The Bouguer gravity anomalies range from −50 mGal on the western
the RSR AxT which is supported by the close agreement with high GGs. margin to +200 mGal along the AxT. The main trough has a maximum
Bouguer gravity anomaly between 150 and 200 mGal. The magnetic
4.5. Basement depth estimation using source parameter imaging technique field varies from about −60 nT along the eastern margin to +20 nT
within the offshore parts. Three anomalies mark the main trough. The
The local wavenumber or source parameter imaging (SPI) approach HF values indicate that the high values are located within the AxT and
was applied to the gravity data using a grid-spacing of 1000 m to esti- decrease gradually to both margins.
mate the depth to the basement rocks. The theory behind this technique Profile P2 (Fig. 13b) indicates that the bathymetry has a depths
was discussed by several authors (e.g. Thurston and Smith, 1997; Smith ranging from 1000 to 2800 m within the AxT. The Arabian-Nubian

S.A. Saada et al. Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (xxxx) 105253

Fig. 17. Crustal 2D gravity model along profile P4.

shield on both sides has high elevations ranging from 1000 to 1500 m were constructed using constraints from seismic refraction, reflection
(a.s.l) at the western and the eastern sides, respectively. The Bouguer and receiver function models (Mooney et al., 1985; Voggenreiter et al.,
gravity anomalies range from zero mGal on the eastern margin to more 1988; Hansen et al., 2007; Prutkin and Saleh, 2009; Hosny and
than 250 mGal along the AxT. The magnetic anomalies varies from Nyblade, 2014). Model P2 (Fig. 16) crosses the central RSR and has

about −120nT within the main trough to +110 nT in the eastern mar- high amplitude gravity anomalies (up to 261 mGal) with the gravity
gin. The HF curve shows high values (110–130 mW/m2) within the AxT values increasing towards the central part. The model indicates a rela-
and decreases towards the margins. tively low-density portion (ρ = 3120 kg/m3) that is interpreted as up-
Profile P3 (Fig. 13c) indicates a narrow AxT (about 10 km width) welling asthenosphere. This density is equivalent to a seismic velocity
that is associated with a high Bouguer gravity anomaly (about 250 of 7.5 km/s that was found along the AxT (Gaulier et al., 1988). Saleh et
mGal). The main trough has a high HF (140 mW/m2). Profile P4 (Fig. al. (2006) indicated that this body appears to cover large portions of the
13d) lies within the northern RSR and spans a distance of 410 km from central Red Sea AxT. The high-density layer (oceanic crust) of density

Egypt to Saudi Arabia. It shows an axial depth of about 2400 m. The 3050 kg/m3 was modeled above the upwelling magma in the axial part.
AxT is located near to the eastern coast of the RSR. The gravity, mag- The sedimentary sequence is thin along the axial area but becomes
netic and HF values exhibit the same patterns as Fig. 13a and b. thicker toward the continental shelf areas. The thickness of the crust de-
To examine the nature of the RSR in those areas with no AxT, three creases gradually towards the central part and decreases sharply close
profiles (Fig. 14a, b, and c) were constructed. These profiles exhibit to the AxT. Both the upper and lower crust disappeared at the edges of
high gravity values low magnetic anomalies along the center of the the AxT and is characterized by high amplitude gravity gradient.

RSR. The main trough along these profiles has also high HF values. Model P4 (Fig. 17) is modeled by the same low-density upwelling
To further examine the northern portion of the RSR, ten profiles magma (ρ = 3120 kg/m3) as seen on model P2 (Fig. 16). It has a small
(Fig. 15) were constructed perpendicular to the main trough. These pro- region of oceanic crust under the AxT. The depth to both the lower and
files indicate that the main trough has depths ranges from 1250 m (Pro- upper crust increases abruptly at the edges of the central axis and grad-
file 10) to 2250 m (Profile P4). The maximum gravity values are not al- ually increases towards both margins. The upper and lower crusts, as
ways within the main trough (e.g., profiles 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9) but show well as the upper mantle, are intersected by the upwelling magma dis-
positive gravity anomalies on both sides of the main trough. The depth similar to model P2 (Fig. 16) where they both become thinner at the

and the width of the northern RSR reveal different values and there is AxT. The sedimentary layer like model P2 (Fig. 16) is thinnest at the
no definite pattern from one profile to another. The magnetic field AxT and becomes thicker toward the continental margins.
along these profiles exhibits a different anomaly pattern from one pro- Model aa’ (Fig. 18) also has upwelling magma beneath the main
file to another. Occasionally, the gravitational field can be correlated trough. However, an oceanic crust was not required in the model. The
with high magnetic anomalies within the AxT (Profile 1) but in other depth to upper mantle ranges from 23 to 31 km. The model has intru-
parts, the anomalies have low gravity values. sive rocks from the asthenosphere in the central portions and the conti-
nental crust is thicker than that of model P4 (Fig. 17). Unlike models P2
4.7. Gravity modelling and P4, the sedimentary layers have a maximum thickness at the AxT
area and become thinner towards the coastal areas.
To further determine the crustal structure across the RSR, four 2D Gravity model cc’ (Fig. 19) is similar to model aa’ (Fig. 18) in which
gravity models were constructed along profiles P2, P4, aa, and cc (Figs. it has no oceanic crust but has deeper depths to the upper mantle which
16–19) using the GM-SYS modelling software (Geosoft™). The models ranges from 34 to 28 km. The intrusive rocks of the asthenosphere were

S.A. Saada et al. Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (xxxx) 105253

Fig. 18. Crustal 2D gravity model along profile aa’.

modeled in the central-western parts. Parallel to profile aa’, the conti- of the northern region of the RSR beneath the main trough. Mitchell
nental crust is has a minimum thickness in the central parts of about and Park (2014) indicate that the P-wave velocities (6.6–6.9 km/s) are
14 km. The sedimentary rocks increase in thickness toward the AxT and analogous to the measured velocities of unaltered gabbro which had
become thinner towards the rift margins. been detected from a deep refracting layer beneath Miocene evaporites.
The high amplitude residual gravity anomalies in the southern part
5. Discussion (Fig. 6c) is coincident with the AxT and interpreted to be caused by true

seafloor spreading with oceanic crust that occur coincident with short
The above analysis of bathymetry, gravity and magnetic data pro- wavelength magnetic anomalies, maximum depths along the axial de-
vided constraints on the tectonic styles along the RSR. Bathymetry pro- pression and high HF values (Fig. 13). Whereas, the central RSR is inter-
files P1 through P4 (Fig. 13) indicate that the AxT has a small scale preted to be a transition zone where the oceanic crust is not continuous
ridge within the central trough. The calculation of the HF from the CDP due to the existence of inter-troughs and the width of the residual grav-
analysis indicates that the maximum HF values occur within the AxT. ity maximum (10–15 km) is smaller than that of the southern RSR
However, these values seem to be low as compared to the measured val- (20–40 km). The northern RSR can be interpreted as a second mag-

ues (Cochran and Martinez, 1988). This observation can be explained matic intrusion phase or the first stage of seafloor spreading due to the
by the fact that the CPD only has one data point every 150 × 150 km existence of disseminated deeps that are associated with short wave-
area. However, the HF results are consistent with studies by Saleh et al. length magnetic anomalies and the high amplitude residual gravity
(2013), Saada (2016) and Saada and Kharbish (2019). In addition, the anomalies. This interpretation is conformable with the study by Haase
results are consistent with the global HF map that was published by et al. (2000) and Ligi et al. (2018) who proposed that the northern RSR
Davies (2013) who indicated that the young ocean crust includes active had a stretched and thinned continental crust intruded by MORB-
back-arc basins with a high HF. magma type. Additionally, the partially melted region under the Thetis

Profiles P1 through P4 (Fig. 13) show a gravity maxima and short Deep (Fig. 1), which can be considered to be initial stage in the forma-
wavelength magnetic maxima anomaly pattern that are associated with tion of oceanic crust support the interpretation. The lowering of the
the AxT, while the minima are located on the sides. The distribution of magnetic anomaly amplitudes in this region can be related to the thick
the RSR deeps parallel to the AxT can provide proof for seafloor spread- evaporites over the RSR depression (Girdler and Styles, 1974). Our re-
ing along this part as they are also associated with high HF values. sults indicate that the bathymetry of the northern RSR, especially
Anderson et al. (1968) deduced that the low P-wave velocities and at- within the isolated deeps, shows uplifted ridges with about 200–400 m
tenuation of the P-waves under the AxT is due to partial melting at shal- height characterized by high frequency topography highs on deep pro-
low depths. The regional gravity anomaly map (Fig. 6b) indicates a files on P1–P4 (Fig. 13).
gravity maximum along the AxT which is caused by shallow oceanic Positive gravity TDR values (Fig. 7a) may be interpreted as uplifted
crust and the partially molten material intruding less dense crust as val- blocks or intrusion of higher density material. The first interpretation is
idated by models P2 and P4 (Figs. 16 and 17, respectively). Thus, the not realistic due to the sharp escarpment that denotes the AxT (Figs. 5
partially melted region continues into the central region and a portion and 12). There is a close agreement between anomaly patterns of the

S.A. Saada et al. Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (xxxx) 105253

Fig. 19. Crustal 2D gravity model along profile cc’.

residual gravity anomaly and tilt derivative (TDR and TDR + TDX) of the RSR depression which can be interpreted as a partially molten re-
maps (Figs. 6c and 7, respectively). gion intruding into lower density crustal material.
Two-dimensional gravity modelling indicates that the best fit be- The northern RSR based on the analysis of bathymetry, gravity and

tween the calculated and the observed gravity data as constrained by magnetic data is within the last stage of the rift-related magmatic intru-
seismic data can be explained by a true oceanic crust in the southern sion or the first stage of the seafloor spreading where, oceanic rocks ex-
RSR (profile P2) (Fig. 16). However, the deeps of the northern RSR can ist under the discontinuous deeps of the AxT. Continental crust still ex-
be considered to be incipient seafloor spreading regions. This interpre- ists in the inter-trough zones but has been thinned and is undergoing
tation is supported by the discrete normal faulting of the southern part breaking due to rifting and the magma has been intruded through these
of RSR along the AxT parallel to bathymetric lineation and volcanism weak fault planes.

that is observed at other oceanic spreading centers (Gurvich, 2006). In

addition, Cochran (2005) and Ligi et al. (2012) indicated that oceanic Authorship statement
volcanic rocks crop out in the central deeps that are separated large
basins. Pautot et al. (1984) and Guennoc et al. (1988) reported that the All persons who meet authorship criteria are listed as authors, and
northern deeps are widely spaced and some contain basalt (e.g., Ban- all authors certify that they have participated sufficiently in the work to
nock, Mabahiss and Shaban deeps). Essien et al. (1989) indicated that take public responsibility for the content, including participation in the
the floor of the rift axis basically contains little to no sediments. In con- concept, design, analysis, writing, or revision of the manuscript. Fur-

trast, the continental shelf has a thick sedimentary cover and character- thermore, each author certifies that this material or similar material has
ized by the presence of normal faulting that forms step-like and uplifted not been and will not be submitted to or published in any other publica-
blocks. tion before its appearance in the Hong Kong Journal of Occupational
6. Conclusions Conception and design of study: S.A. Saada, A. Ibrahim, K. Mickus,
A.M. Eldosouky, Acquisition of data: -Analysis and/or interpretation of
Bathymetry, magnetic and gravity data were used to study the tec- data: S.A. Saada, K. Mickus, A. Ibrahim, A.M. Eldosouky, Drafting the

tonic origin of the RSR. The integration of these data sets indicates that manuscript: K. Mickus, S.A. Saada, A. Ibrahim, A.M. Eldosouky, Revis-
the southern RSR is the site of seafloor spreading and it has a true ing the manuscript critically for important intellectual content: S.A.
oceanic crust. This is supported by a wide width of a continuous AxT Saada, K. Mickus, A. Ibrahim, Approval of the version of the manuscript
that has short wavelength magnetic anomalies and a continuous intru- to be published (the names of all authors must be listed): S.A. Saada, K.
sion and formation of high density rocks underneath the AxT. Mickus, A. Ibrahim, A.M. Eldosouky.
The central part of the RSR is a transition zone composed mainly of
disconnected oceanic crust that contains a narrow strip of the AxT, Declaration of competing interest
which has inter-trough topographic highs. The association of high fre-
quency magnetic maxima and minima combined with gravity maxima The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
along the AxT supports this interpretation. The regional gravity anom- interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
aly map indicates that high-density material underline the central part ence the work reported in this paper.

S.A. Saada et al. Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (xxxx) 105253

7. Acknowledgments data. The authors also are grateful to the Associate Editor Jonathan
Craig and the anonymous reviewers whose thorough critical and con-
The authors would like to thank BGI for providing the WGM 2012 structive comments have greatly improved our manuscript.
gravity data as well as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis-
tration (NOAA) for providing the most recent EMAG2-V3 magnetic

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at

Table 1

Results of estimating CDP, geothermal gradient (GG) and heat flow (HF) for each squared area
Area No Zt (km) Z0 (km) CDP (Zb) GG HF

1 6.10 7.79 9 58 168

2 6.87 8.17 9 58 168
3 5.97 8.40 11 51 148
4 6.73 7.95 9 60 174
5 6.03 9.93 14 40 116
6 5.30 9.28 13 41 119
7 5.15 8.13 11 49 142
8 5.62 8.80 12 46 133
9 6.07 8.75 11 48 139
10 5.92 9.03 12 45 131

11 6.52 9.27 12 46 133
12 6.68 8.32 10 55 160
13 5.69 9.73 14 40 116
14 7.03 7.70 8 66 191
15 5.60 9.58 14 41 119
16 5.61 9.71 14 40 116
17 4.82 9.81 15 37 107
18 6.26 9.09 12 46 133
19 6.96 7.70 8 65 189
20 6.63 8.03 9 58 168
21 5.17 7.48 10 56 162

22 6.32 8.92 12 48 139

23 4.38 8.11 12 46 133
24 4.31 7.76 11 49 142
25 3.94 8.91 14 40 116
26 4.12 8.69 13 42 122
27 8.58 7.66 7 82 238
28 4.06 9.23 14 38 110

29 4.82 7.62 10 53 154

30 4.69 8.38 12 46 133
31 3.85 9.70 16 35 102
32 4.43 7.86 11 49 142
33 4.32 8.53 13 43 125
34 3.51 7.90 12 45 131
35 4.83 6.73 9 64 186
36 3.92 7.08 10 54 157

37 4.61 7.59 11 52 151

38 4.98 8.58 12 45 131
39 4.45 7.67 11 51 148
40 4.92 7.66 10 53 154
41 6.16 7.02 8 70 203
42 5.32 7.52 10 57 165
43 4.46 8.19 12 46 133
44 4.18 8.64 13 42 122

45 4.43 9.66 15 37 107

46 3.97 8.45 13 43 125
47 4.94 7.42 10 56 162
48 5.00 7.47 10 55 160
49 3.80 8.84 14 40 116
50 3.89 8.62 13 41 119
51 3.27 9.29 15 36 104
52 4.61 8.64 13 43 125
53 3.98 7.95 12 46 133
54 4.64 7.31 10 55 160
55 3.86 7.81 12 47 136
56 3.53 8.55 14 41 119
57 3.90 9.90 16 35 102

S.A. Saada et al. Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (xxxx) 105253

Area No Zt (km) Z0 (km) CDP (Zb) GG HF

58 3.97 8.76 14 41 119

59 4.89 6.94 9 61 177
60 4.60 6.69 9 63 183
61 5.89 7.79 10 57 165
62 4.61 8.75 13 43 125
63 5.93 8.16 10 53 154

64 4.86 7.29 10 57 165
65 5.11 7.02 9 62 180
66 4.13 6.05 8 69 200
67 5.26 7.88 11 52 151
68 3.28 9.25 15 36 104
69 3.15 8.66 14 39 113
70 3.17 8.43 14 40 116

71 3.67 8.79 14 40 116
72 4.03 8.26 12 44 128
73 4.43 8.33 12 45 131
74 4.94 7.39 10 56 162
75 4.33 6.45 9 64 186

76 4.17 6.37 9 64 186
77 4.99 7.60 10 54 157
78 4.35 9.59 15 37 107
79 3.60 10.41 17 32 93
80 4.13 9.01 14 40 116
81 4.70 7.53 10 53 154
82 5.22 8.01 11 51 148
83 4.13 7.81 11 48 139
84 5.69 8.48 11 49 142

85 4.41 7.40 10 53 154
86 5.02 8.48 12 46 133
87 3.33 10.43 18 31 90
88 3.21 10.80 18 30 87
89 3.73 9.34 15 37 107
90 4.70 8.18 12 47 136
91 4.29 7.89 11 48 139
92 4.16 7.79 11 48 139
93 4.52 7.71 11 50 145
94 4.27 7.86 11 48 139
95 4.52 9.37 14 39 113

96 3.44 10.26 17 32 93
97 3.52 10.30 17 32 93
98 4.21 8.44 13 43 125
99 4.33 7.69 11 50 145
100 3.70 7.73 12 47 136
101 4.39 7.76 11 49 142
102 3.81 7.99 12 45 131

103 2.90 10.67 18 30 87

104 3.16 9.97 17 33 96
105 3.55 10.07 17 33 96
106 3.07 10.07 17 32 93
107 5.00 7.65 10 53 154
108 4.38 7.33 10 53 154
109 4.64 6.92 9 60 174
110 5.51 7.58 10 57 165

111 4.04 6.81 10 57 165

112 3.26 10.11 17 32 93
113 3.08 11.06 19 29 84
114 3.52 10.45 17 32 93
115 3.31 10.52 18 31 90
116 4.03 8.26 12 44 128
117 5.38 8.31 11 49 142
118 4.33 7.87 11 48 139

119 4.29 8.06 12 47 136

120 3.54 8.20 13 43 125
121 2.53 11.65 21 26 75
122 3.31 10.50 18 31 90
123 3.07 10.92 19 29 84
124 3.18 10.62 18 30 87
125 4.76 8.12 11 48 139
126 4.08 9.53 15 37 107
127 4.16 8.19 12 45 131
128 4.14 8.95 14 40 116
129 4.26 7.48 11 51 148
130 5.27 7.97 11 52 151
131 4.06 7.70 11 49 142
132 4.69 7.49 10 53 154

S.A. Saada et al. Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (xxxx) 105253

Area No Zt (km) Z0 (km) CDP (Zb) GG HF

133 3.34 9.96 17 33 96

134 4.93 9.30 14 40 116
135 4.71 7.78 11 51 148
136 4.46 9.00 14 41 119
137 5.16 8.59 12 46 133
138 5.47 7.82 10 54 157

139 3.95 6.90 10 56 162
140 4.78 7.81 11 51 148
141 4.37 8.40 12 44 128
142 3.76 9.20 15 38 110
143 5.44 7.67 10 55 160
144 6.49 8.69 11 50 145
145 4.97 7.59 10 54 157

146 5.26 7.83 10 53 154
147 4.81 8.21 12 47 136
148 5.62 7.69 10 56 162
149 4.63 7.66 11 51 148
150 4.58 9.29 14 39 113

151 3.57 10.11 17 33 96
152 4.43 8.11 12 47 136
153 5.32 7.64 10 55 160
154 6.45 8.72 11 50 145
155 5.98 8.05 10 54 157
156 5.48 7.80 10 54 157
157 4.90 8.13 11 48 139
158 4.25 8.55 13 43 125
159 4.01 9.61 15 36 104

160 3.73 9.10 14 38 110
161 5.20 7.64 10 55 160
162 4.73 8.60 12 44 128
163 6.43 7.80 9 60 174
164 4.76 6.25 8 71 206
165 5.85 7.55 9 59 171
166 4.23 8.43 13 44 128
167 3.90 9.77 16 35 102
168 3.64 10.13 17 33 96
169 3.56 9.90 16 34 99
170 6.25 8.59 11 50 145

171 5.93 7.67 9 58 168

172 6.14 6.71 7 75 218
173 5.33 7.46 10 57 165
174 5.15 7.87 11 52 151
175 4.89 8.65 12 44 128
176 4.83 8.89 13 42 122
177 4.52 9.78 15 37 107

178 5.27 9.67 14 39 113

179 5.23 7.93 11 52 151
180 7.45 9.15 11 51 148
181 7.06 9.34 12 47 136
182 6.38 7.44 9 65 189
183 6.26 6.98 8 71 206
184 5.96 8.14 10 53 154
185 5.14 8.13 11 50 145

186 4.63 8.98 13 41 119

187 4.74 9.48 14 39 113
188 5.14 8.07 11 50 145
189 5.78 8.06 10 53 154
190 6.00 8.06 10 54 157
191 6.37 7.37 8 66 191
192 6.38 7.25 8 68 197
193 5.20 7.49 10 56 162

194 4.21 8.87 14 41 119

195 4.55 9.18 14 40 116
196 4.58 10.04 15 35 102
197 7.17 9.37 12 48 139
198 6.55 9.42 12 45 131
199 6.29 7.62 9 61 177
200 6.18 9.34 13 44 128
201 5.99 9.61 13 42 122
202 4.69 9.29 14 40 116
203 4.75 9.17 14 41 119
204 5.37 10.17 15 37 107
205 5.07 10.23 15 36 104
206 6.98 9.14 11 49 142
207 6.61 8.93 11 49 142

S.A. Saada et al. Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (xxxx) 105253

Area No Zt (km) Z0 (km) CDP (Zb) GG HF

208 6.13 8.27 10 53 154

209 6.30 9.76 13 42 122
210 6.05 9.94 14 40 116
211 5.66 11.04 16 34 99
212 5.31 10.44 16 35 102
213 5.77 9.24 13 43 125

214 5.63 8.73 12 46 133
215 5.43 8.27 11 50 145
216 6.51 8.51 11 52 151
217 6.16 9.88 14 40 116
218 6.08 9.66 13 42 122
219 5.92 9.94 14 39 113
220 6.53 8.88 11 49 142

221 4.94 10.18 15 36 104
222 6.24 9.81 13 41 119
223 5.49 7.69 10 56 162
224 6.10 8.32 11 52 151
225 6.35 9.06 12 47 136

226 4.93 11.11 17 32 93
227 5.69 10.08 14 38 110
Minimum 7 26 75
Maximum 21 82 238
Average 12.25 47 136

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