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“o BY CES mites et td Use of ICT Files saved! Good thing Ihave my flash drive Unit 4; ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND ICT (23 Atthe end ofthis lesson, you willbe able to: 1. recognize the different guidelines in using a computer ond the Internet; 2. explain he harmful effects of unwanted software (virus and malware); ond ‘use the computer ond the Internet responsibly. of Though to Ponder . “One machine can co the work of 50 ordinary men. No “rmedhne can co the work of ane exreordnary man.” Anonymous No, Son. You were born, not (Mommy, am | just downloaded. lownloaded? Read the situation below. Charles is a fourth-grade student who always brings his smartphone to school. Whenever there are latest versions of smartphones, he always makes sure to buy one with the best feature among the many choices. He wants to show to his classmates and friends that he always has the latest and the newest gadget. However, he admits that he only uses his smartphone for online chatting, messaging, and gaming. On the other hand, his classmate, Jason, uses his smartphone when communicating with his family and friends; searching and browsing the Internet for his projects and assignments; preparing his report through co a PowerPoint application; and editing document using the Word Processing. He also uses educational applications, such as dictionary and translator. All these things are done using his android phone, which he bought three years ago and five times cheaper than Charles’ smartphone. Who do you think uses his gadget effectively and can be tagged as a digital native, Charles or Jason? Why? According to Marc Prensky, as quoted “A digital native refers to a new group of students enrolling in educational establishments referring to the young generation as ‘native speakers’ of the digital language of computers, videos, video games, social media, and other sites on the Internet.” It simply refers to people who are exposed to technological advancement since birth. They are the ones whose entertainment involves the use of technological devices. In contrast, Technopedia defined digital immigrants as the complete opposite of digital natives. These are people who were not introduced to technology when they were young. They can choose to neglect since they thought that it was already too late for them to lear or accept and adjust in the changing phase of modernization. Charles and Jason are both digital natives of the same age. However, they have different understanding on the role of technology in their lives. One perceives that the primary function of his smartphone is for entertainment use, while the other one maximizes the use of his smartphone. This proves that not all digital natives are tech-savvy or experts in using devices. Computer is defined as an electronic device designed to manipulate data and to gather, store, connect, or process meaningful and useful information. It consists of three major components: hardware, software, and peopleware. 1, Hardware refers to any tangible or physical part of the computer, which can be perceived by the human senses. It is classified as input, process, output, and storage devices. 2. Software is any intangible, or commonly known as a program installed in the computer, which can also be categorized as application, operating system, or utility software. t 3. Peopleware refers to the people who use the computer or develop the computer software and hardware systems. Below are some of the features of a computer. 1. Speed. Unlike other machines, a computer is able to multitask and can accomplish a task in just a second. Accurate. It can provide an exact, correct, and concise output if the command is properly executed. Endurance. Unlike humans, a computer never gets tired and exhausted unless the hardware malfunctions. It can last 24/7 or more with no definite time to shut down. Self-operating. It does not need to be monitored, supervised, | or intervened. If it is commanded properly, the computer can do and accomplish anything on its own. Store and recall information. There are internal and external devices that can be uséd to store data. These devices can store data based on their storage sizes and capabilities. ICT is an effective strategy or a tool to help people in gathering, processing, saving, and sharing information. If can be in the form of telephone, cell phone, communicating machine, and computer. All of these devices are accessible and efficient in transferring and disseminating information from one place to another. Importance of Computer, Internet, and E-mail Technology has become part of our everyday life. The following are the importance of computer in different fields. i pen’. HELE: Foundation of Life Skills 4 Education. The lessons can be very interesting and lively for the pupils with the aid of video clips, slide presentations, and other computer-aided software or application games, which can be downloaded from the Internet. Teachers can easily compute the grades of their pupils through the use of MS Excel. The pupils can expand their ideas through the use of Internet. They can also make surveys, documents, and projects using the different productivity tools, as Se. a Medicine. Different cases ranging from simple to severe illnesses are somehow addressed with the use of technology. Analyzing the sickness of a person is easier with the use of an X-ray machine, computerized tomography (CT) scan, and ultrasound. Doctors can make their diagnosis accurate through the use of these machines. Business. Mass production of breads, pastries, school supplies, furniture, and cosmetics, among others, can be done with the use of machines. Promotions and marketing strategies will be easier to execute because of the different options on the Internet. News and entertainment. Latest trends and updates as regards to government issues, fashion trends, medicine, education, and public awareness can be read and seen through the different gadgets and appliances, such as television, radio, and personal computer, among others. Important Guidelines in Using Computer and Internet The following are the things that can be considered in using the computer and the Internet. Ts Know your purpose before using the computer. This will helo you save energy, time, and effort. Check if all the external cords are connected to the front and back panel of the system unit, such as the cable connector of keyboard, mouse, monitor, speaker, automatic voltage regulator, printer, and local area network (LAN). Listen to the sound of the motherboard. Do not turn on the system unit if the motherboard produces an unusual sound. Use the computer once the welcome screen appears on the screen. Identify the web browser that you would like to use. Examples are Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Internet Explorer, among others. Unit 1: ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND ICT (21 6. Think carefully before receiving, opening, or sharing files, using social media sites. This may affect the privacy or security of your files. 7. You may record or save the history of important websites that you have visited for future use. 8. If you are in a computer shop, you may use incognito windows to secure the history of sites you have visited. The shortcut key for incognito windows is Control + Shift + N. 9. Make sure to remove the plug to the outlet after using the computer to save energy. Did you know? Google web page looked like the image below way back in 1998, Harmful Effects of Suspicious Software Unlike the human body, a computer cannot create a system on its own that can fight and block the harmful effects of any downloaded software or applications, unless it is programmed. A computer has limitations and restrictions. One of the factors that may cause computer defects is a suspicious software with malware. @ HELE: Foundation of Life Skills 4 Si A malware is defined as a “malicious software,” which can serve as a bridge to hack the private information of the computer owner and to corrupt his or her files. The malware can be obtained through external factors, such as opening suspicious websites; using infected storage ' devices like flash drive and memory card; or even accepting, opening, and receiving suspicious messages from your e-mail account. Some of the various types of malwares are the following: 1. A computer virus sometimes hides itself as a file, and once it is installed in your system, it may corrupt the structure and make ambiguity in executing a task. One of the best examples is the “Il Love You” virus. 2. Wormis a type of virus with a primary goal to infect and pass by the other network through a LAN. 3. Spyware can cause the hard drive and the random access memory (RAM) to malfunction. Unlike Worm and Computer Virus, spyware does not duplicate or replicate itself. However, it is programmed to spy the personal information of the user, such as documenis, videos, and other important data stored in a computer. 3 4, Adware is an unwanted pop-up advertisement that appears on a website. 5. Trojan horse portrays itself as a file that can be transferred through a storage device or that can be downloaded from the Internet. Once it opens, it triggers all the hidden viruses and can cause a very serious damage in the operating system and application software. 6. Spam uses the address book in the e-mail account of the user to send messages or transact accounts in behalf of the user. pct ‘Unit 1: ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND ICT the following indications: You can easily notice a computer infected by a malware through 1. There is a sudden change in computer's speed. You will notice that your computer is experiencing logging and slowing down in terms of running and executing a command. 2. There are repetitious notifications. Frequent notifications of error messages or warning dialogue or message box regarding the visited sites. 3. It creates an unusual or suspicious sound from the CPU or speaker. 4. There is an interrupted execution or upgrading of antivirus software installed in the computer. 5. It automatically shuts down or reboots. You can avoid the spread of computer viruses by doing the following: 1. Check and install an antivirus software and activate your computer's firewall. Research the most effective antivirus. You may ask your friends if they have been using that antivirus and their experience in using it so far. 2. Do not forget to update your antivirus regularly. Updating the antivirus can be done quarterly or periodically depending on the system requirements and restrictions. 3. Avoid accepting or downloading files through pop-up windows and from suspicious websites. 4. Do not just share your files from one website to another. Make sure that you have transferred your documents to a reliable address to avoid spywares. 5. Most of the viruses are piled in the e-mail, attachments, word processing files, and images. These can have an extension file name of exe. HELE: Foundation of Life Sls 4 i Netiquette A Responsible use of technology does not only focus in taking care of your passwords, files, and accounts, but also in your behavior while navigating the world of technology. Netiquette is derived from the words net and etiquette, which demonstrates the proper decorum in using the computer or the Internet. How are you going to differentiate netiquette in typical situations like inside computer shops and computer laboratories? In a computer shop, computer users tend to speak loud, shout, say bad words, and do harmful things unintentionally due to their intense emotions, particularly while playing a computer game as a group. In a computer laboratory, computer users cooperate well in class. They are also well-disciplined and respectful. Rules are established so that there will be an order. Users in a computer shop have less rules to follow and no immediate adult to supervise them compared to computer laboratory users. é Pupils, like you, should practice netiquette in order to establish a harmonious relationship with everyone. The following are cases of poor netiquette. 1. Cyberbullying pertains to the use of social media or other networkingsites to mistreat, intimidate, harass, slander, degrade, and complicate other people for personal intentions. 2. Hacking, by nature, is not considered as a crime. There are three different kinds of hackers. The black, the white, and the gray hackers. a. Blackhackers are those who find hacking as a dirty business that would inflict others’ privacy for the sake of money. They are meant to harm the files, computer, or integrity of a person depending on the veracity of their goals. b. White hackers are professional hackers usually hired by companies inorder to crack the files for qualified and analytical purposes relative to the contract and agreement given by the company. c. Gray hackefs have self-initiative to hack. They are not necessarily affiliated with any company. They analyze, evaluate, and identify the strengths and weaknesses of a website or a software. They do not want to cause harm to. any business or software, but they violate the privacy of the website or software. Sending and Replying Messages and Files through E-mail Sending files and replying to messages through e-mail is very easy and fun. Electronic mail applications such as Yahoo Mail or Google Mail will let you send files such as documents, spreadsheets, or pictures from one account to another. To send your files using Yahoo Mail, do the following procedure. 8 Open your Yahoo Mail account by signing in. Type your e-mail and your password. On the window, click on Compose. Click on the paper clip icon t attach a file. Choose and click the picture or document that I click the Open button. Forlarger &** files exceeding 25 MB, simply ear click the Share from Dropbox. 2° While waiting for the attachments to finish, re the address of the recipients on the To text box. On the second text box, type the subject or title of the mail. This is optional. You can send the mail without completing the subject text box. Compose a message or insert information in the box after the Subject text box. Click the Send button when finished. Graphic Software Graphic software can be used to edit photos or images. There are several software that can be used such as the following: 1. MS Paint is the basic editing tool of Microsoft. It has drawing tools and commands that are very user-friendly. 2. Adobe Photoshop is an effective editing tool for texts or pictures which can be used in printing magazines, tarpaulins, and other printing advertisement. It has many exciting and surprising tools and commands that other basic editing tools do not offer. 3. LibreOffice Draw can be done online and is a very effective graphic application for diagramming and charting. It can also be used for a quick sketch and complex plan. There are picture galleries available that you can choose for easily illustrations. Some of the changes or notification that you may consider to Serene your sompiterapiem nected by mates re change of speed, habitual notifications, unusual sound from the CPU, incomplete installation foundation of Life Skills 4

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