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Meaning Example

An association (also sometimes called a voluntary group, union, "The association meets four

voluntary organization, unincorporated association, common- times a year."
associations interest association) is a group of individuals who enter into an
agreement as volunteers to form a body (or organization) to
accomplish a purpose.

Altruism or selflessness is the principle or practice of concern for "It was an entirely altruistic
the welfare of others. The adjective is altruistic. act"

To care means to feel concern or interest; attach importance to "These are children in

something. The noun is care. public care."

It is a joint operation or action. The process of working together to "a society founded on
cooperation the same end. The verb is to cooperate. mutual cooperation and
shared prosperity"

To contribute means to give something such as money or time so "We like to think that we
contributions as to help a person, a cause or an organization. The noun are making a positive
is contribution. contribution to society"

This is an idiom. One its meanings is to make a lot of effort with all "We ask from our
one's resources. contributors to dig deep in
dig deep order to help the
orphanage continue its

To donate is to give something for charitable purposes, to help a "The association is funded
cause. The noun is a donation. by public donation."

The adjective generous refers to a person who is willing to give "Generosity is the most

and share unsparingly, showing a readiness to give. The noun natural outward expression
generosity is generosity. of an inner attitude of
compassion and loving-
kindness. " Dalai Lama

As a noun help means an action given to provide assistance. "The homeless center relies

Synonyms of help include aid and support. entirely on voluntary help."

This refers to someone without a home, and therefore typically "He found himself homeless
homeless living on the streets. after his marriage broke

An organized body of people with a particular purpose. "UNICEF is an international


This refers to a child whose parents are dead. An orphanage is a "He was left an orphan at
residential institution for the care and education of orphans. the age of three."

The desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially "It's a family noted for its
by the generous donation of money to good causes. philanthropy."

To raise money means to work to earn money or encourage "Some people were in the
donations for the benefit of someone, something, or doing street raising money for
raise money
something. Fund raising is an expression that means to raise funds charity"
or money.
To rescue means to save someone from a dangerous or distressing "a financial rescue package
situation. for the company."

This refers to work carried out by trained personnel with the aim of "She is doing social work."
social work
alleviating the conditions of those in need of help or welfare.

Street children is a term for children experiencing homelessness "Street children face a bleak
street children
who live on the streets of a city. future"

A sponsor is a person or organization that provides funds for a "He's been sponsored by a
sponsor project or activity carried out by another. well-known company."
Sponsorship refers to the position of being a sponsor.

To provide for or maintain by supplying with money or necessities. "The association received
support Synonyms of support include aid and help. strong support from

to make more effort than is expected of you He's a nice guy, always
go the extra
ready to go the extra mile
for his friends.

knowledge that something exists, or understanding of a situation Greenpeace works to

or subject at the present time based on information or experience promote awareness of the
dangers that threaten our
planet today.

something that you plan to do or achieve My sole objective is to make

objective the information more
syn: aim, target, purpose, goal
widely available.

an act that shows skill, strength, or bravery There have also been
feat outstanding feats of
personal courage.

the condition of being extremely poor Helping to alleviate poverty

in developing countries also
helps to reduce
environmental destruction.

someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something The artist took his
inspiration from African art.

help Teachers can't give pupils

any assistance in exams.

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