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Stress is a typical response to life constraints like anxiety, despair, melancholy, and

other healthy sensations that impair our capacity to carry out our everyday tasks. As I run my

school errands, I frequently find myself hampered by thoughts such as unfinished

assignments and exam preparation. In this condition, I spend some time alone in a quiet

place, take some deep breaths, and bring forth a sense of calmness. (YouTube) After all, the

noise has subsided; I take a path to reflect on what I have worked for and pay attention to

what I need to accomplish in a specific time frame. After all, I devise a plan to achieve the set

academic goals.

Life is full of ups and downs. Some days, I love listening to soft relaxation music

when I am emotionally down. It tends to calm and help me forget everything bothering me in

this life. On other days when I feel stressed, I prefer to get about eight hours of sleep each

day. If I didn’t achieve it by chance, I would always compensate the following day.

(YouTube) Enough sleep helps make my mind fresh and my concentration better each day.

With a fresh mind, I will grasp new content without much hesitation, and it will take a long

time before I forget it. Again, sometimes some days can leap to the worst, and I don’t have

much to do. When this transpires, exercise becomes essential. I enjoy doing exercises like

bicycle riding and basketball because they help burst the hormone endorphin. Releasing this

hormone during exercise helps reduce stress and improve my well-being.

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