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Summary of Part2: Chapter 5 & 6





Part 2: Applying the Three-Step Writing Process
Chapter 5: Writing Business Messages
One key element is a clear idea of who her audience is and the type of information these readers are
likely to need. When promoting her book, for example, she emphasizes that no business book can
appeal to every reader, and she lists the specific types of readers who can benefit from her book.
She also does something that many business “how-to” writers don’t: She addresses the personal
side of being a successful entrepreneur.

Four aspects of being sensitive to audience needs

Readers and listeners are more likely to respond positively when they believe messages are about
them and their concerns.

Using the “YOU” Attitude

Adopting the “you” attitude means speaking and writing in terms of your audience’s wishes,
interests, hopes, and preferences.

Instead of This

‘We offer MP3 players with 50, 75, or 100 gigabytes of storage capacity’.

Write This

‘You can choose an MP3 player with 50, 75, or 100 gigabytes of storage’.

Maintaining standards of Etiquette

Even if a situation calls for you to be brutally honest, express the facts of the matter in a kind and
thoughtful manner.

Instead of This

‘You’ve been sitting on our order for two weeks, and we need it now’.

Write This

‘Our production schedules depend on timely delivery of parts and supplies, but we have not yet
received the order you promised to deliver two weeks ago. Please respond today with a firm
delivery commitment’.

Emphasizing the Positive

You can communicate negative news without being negative. Never try to hide negative news, but
always be on the lookout for positive points that will foster a good relationship with your audience
Instead of This

‘It is impossible to repair your laptop today’.

Write This

‘Your computer can be ready by Tuesday. Would you like a loaner until then?’

Using Bias-Free Language

Bias-free language avoids words and phrases that unfairly and even unethically categorize or
stigmatize people. Bias can come in a variety of forms:

 Gender Bias
 Racial and ethnic bias
 Age bias

Building strong relationships with your audience

Successful communication relies on a positive relationship between sender and receiver. People are
more likely to react positively to your message when they have confidence in you.

Establishing your credibility

Audience responses to your messages depend heavily on your credibility, a measure of your
believability based on how reliable you are and how much trust you evoke in others.

 Honesty
 Objectivity
 Awareness of audience needs.
 Credentials, knowledge, and expertise
 Endorsements
 Performance
 Sincerity

Projecting Your Company’s Image

Your company’s interests and reputation take precedence over your personal views and
communication style. When you communicate with anyone outside your organization, it is more
than a conversation between two individuals. You represent your company and therefore play a
vital role in helping the company build and maintain positive relationships with all its stakeholders.

Controlling your Style and Tone

Your communication style involves the choices you make to express yourself: the words you select,
the manner in which you use those words in sentences, and the way you build paragraphs from
individual sentences. Your style creates a certain tone, or overall impression, in your messages. The
right tone depends on the nature of your message and your relationship with the reader
Creating a Conversational Tone

The tone of your business messages can range from informal to conversational to formal. When
you’re communicating with your superiors or with customers, your tone may tend to be more
formal and respectful. Most business messages aim for a conversational style that is warm but
businesslike. You can achieve a tone that is conversational but still businesslike by following these

 Understand the difference between texting and writing

 Avoid stale and pompous language
 Avoid preaching and bragging
 Be careful with intimacy
 Be careful with humor

Using Plain Language

Plain language presents information in a simple, unadorned style that allows your audience to
easily grasp your meaning. Audiences can understand and act on plain language without reading it
over and over.

Selecting the Active or Passive Voice

In active voice, the subject performs the action and the object receives the action: “Khalid sent the
email message.” In passive voice, the subject receives the action: “The email message was sent by

Active sentences are usually stronger than passive ones. Use passive sentences to soften bad news,
to put yourself in the background, or to create an impersonal tone when needed.

Findings Words that Communicate Well

When you compose your business messages, think carefully to find the most powerful words for
each situation and to avoid obscure words, clichés, and buzzwords that are turning into clichés.

 Choose strong, precise words

 Choose familiar words
 Avoid clichés and be careful with buzzwords
 Use jargon carefully
Four types of Sentences

Sentences come in four basic varieties: simple, compound, complex, and compound complex.

Simple Sentence

A simple sentence has one main clause (a single subject and a single predicate), although it may be
expanded by nouns and pronouns that serve as objects of the action and by modifying phrases.

Example: “Profits increased in the past year”.

Compound Sentence

A compound sentence has two main clauses that express two or more independent but related
thoughts of equal importance, usually joined by a conjunction (such as and, but, or). In effect, a
compound sentence is a merger of two or more simple sentences (independent clauses) that are

For example: “Wage rates have declined by 5 percent, and employee turnover has been high”.

Complex Sentence

A complex sentence expresses one main thought (the independent clause) and one or more
subordinate, related thoughts (dependent clauses that cannot stand alone as valid sentences).
Independent and dependent clauses are usually separated by a comma:

“Although you may question Gerald’s conclusions, you must admit that his research is thorough”.

Compound Complex Sentence

A compound-complex sentence has two main clauses, at least one of which contains a subordinate

“Profits increased 35 percent in the past year, so although the company faces long-term challenges,
I agree that its short-term prospects look quite positive.”


By giving important points the most space or when you want to call attention to a thought, use extra
words to describe it.
There are four essential elements that an effective paragraph should consistently contain:
Unity, coherence, a topic sentence, and sufficient development. In order for a paragraph to maintain
a sense of unity, the paragraph must focus solely on a single idea, point, or argument that is being
Completing Business Messages.

Before sending the message you have to read it carefully. For that purpose you have to put your
content at analyze it by revising it that the data is properly organized, clear and correct or not.

Do not give less importance to revision process and seriously consider the spellings , grammatical
and punctuation mistakes because these things creates the impression of your message and a good
messages shows good thinking on its background.

In case of more complex messages you have to put out your message in draft and have to revise it
before sending the message onwards and you also being clear about the data is clear, correct and

Evaluating your Content, Organization, Style &Tone:

You have to evaluate your message from every aspect before sending the message onwards. You
can check the answers of the following questions on evaluating your data:

1. Is message’s information is correct and complete?

2. Is the information you put it out in message is according to the interests of audience?
3. Is the information you used in message is enough for the reader to satisfy his/her needs of
4. We can do the corrections of our messages by the following symbols also called
proofreading symbols that help us in this regard:

Revising to improve Readability:-

Increasing readability means increasing the functionality of your document in terms of both content
and document design—making it “user friendly.” If your document is difficult to read because
vocabulary, sentence structure, paragraphing, organization, or formatting is unclear, your reader
will likely stop.
Ways You Can Make Your Content Easier to Read Make Your Sentences Shorter. The longer a
sentence is, the more difficult it is to understand Shorten Your Paragraphs Include Headers to
Break up Your Text.


They also increase the readability of text by simplifying long sentences or paragraphs and adding
aesthetic passive space to make reading more pleasant. However, using the wrong kind of list or
poorly formatting a list can create confusion rather than enhance readability.

Advantages. The first is the chance to pursue advantages:

Personal passion that you have. The satisfaction of working for yourself is an additional benefit. You
have the benefit of being a sole proprietor, which gives you the freedom to follow personal
interests. Since you do not have to disclose your financial information, financial privacy

Anyone with access to your finances or your plans.

List elements can be separated by numbers, letters, or bullets (a general name for any of these).

Graphical element of some sort that comes before each piece). Unless the list is in some sort of
logical order or ranking or you need to refer to specific list items elsewhere in the document,
bullets are typically preferable over numbers.

Nonparallel List Items (Verb and Noun


Noun expressions

Boost our financial performance

Locating novel foreign markers for

Increasing our profit

Searching for fresh foreign markers for our Producing Your Message

Effective communication is about getting your message across. Specifically, it involves capturing
your audience's attention, ensuring your audience understands the idea you are trying to convey,
and encouraging your audience to do something with that information, such as remember it, apply
it, or provide feedback.

The Different Type of Messages

 Confirmation Messages.
 Information Messages.
 Warning Messages.
 Error Messages.
 System Messages.

Thank You

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