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Exercitiu: Colecteaza toate stirile pentru companiile din imaginea de mai jos si completeaza Sheet-ul News din acest Ex

Perioada colectarii: Ianuarie - August 2022


Identity Security (Secure and convenient access for business, users, customers, and devices. IAM, PAM, PKI, c
Aria de activitate companii:
Use Cases: Fulfillment of complex compliance requirements (e.g. DSGVO, PSD, TKG, IT security law)
High level of security despite a rapidly growing number of endpoints in IT and OT infrastructures
Management of increasing dynamics in IT / OT systems. (e.g. DevOps)

Info tabel de completat:

Date: data publicarii stirii
Company: numele companiei
Area: tara unde se afla sediul companiei
Title: titlul stirii + primul paragraf (sau informatii din articol, astfel incat sa cuprinda niste detalii despre subiectul s
URL: link catre articol

Surse: Stirile se iau din paginile de News/Press Releases de pe site-urile companiilor. Unele au blog si publica acolo
eaza Sheet-ul News din acest Excel.

rs, and devices. IAM, PAM, PKI, certificates, secure token)

d OT infrastructures

a niste detalii despre subiectul stirii, precum in exemplu)

r. Unele au blog si publica acolo stirile. Sau de pe site-uri de stiri de incredere.

Date Company Area

Mar-22 Deep Instinct Israel, US


Deep Instinct, the first company to apply end-to-end deep learning to

cybersecurity, today announced the formal launch of its Stratosphere
Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP) program. It’s designed to enable
MSSPs to bring Deep Instinct to customers all over the world, increasing the
security posture of their customers while growing their business. Deep
Instinct provides a secure, multi-tenancy security platform that can
effortlessly support a multitude of clients on a single solution.

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