Solutions 3e Pre-Int Ukraine Wordlist

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Solutions Pre-Intermediate Ukraine wordlist


Ukraine Pre-Intermediate wordlist

English Part of speech Phonetics Translation Example sentence Unit Lesson
beard n /bɪəd/ борода I'm going to grow a beard. I IC
black adj /blæk/ чорний There's a shiny black car in front of our house. I IC
board games n /ˈbɔːd ɡeɪmz/ настільні ігри She doesn't like playing board games. I IA
bowling n /ˈbəʊlɪŋ/ боулінг They enjoy bowling. I IA
brown adj /braʊn/ коричневе, каштанове Jane's got brown hair. I IC
canteen n /kænˈtiːn/ їдальня We usually have lunch in the staff canteen. I ID
chemistry n /ˈkemɪstri/ хімія Our chemistry teacher is very friendly. I IA
chess n /tʃes/ шахи Can you play chess? I IA
classroom n /ˈklɑːsruːm/ класна кімната The teacher is in the classroom. I ID
coat n /kəʊt/ пальто Put your coat on – it's cold outside. I IC
corridor n /ˈkɒrɪdɔː(r)/ коридор This corridor is very long. I ID
curly adj /ˈkɜːli/ кучерявий He's got curly hair. I IC
dance n /dɑːns/ танець She's interested in modern dance. I IA
dark adj /dɑːk/ темний She was small and dark with brown eyes. I IC
desk n /desk/ письмовий стіл, парта The students put their books on their desks. I ID
drama n /ˈdrɑːmə/ драма Drama is my favourite subject. I IA
drawing n /ˈdrɔːɪŋ/ малювання She's good at drawing and painting. I IA
fair adj /feə(r)/ біляве, русе Chloe has fair hair and blue eyes. I IC
geography n /dʒiˈɒɡrəfi/ географія Geography is boring! I IA
gym n /dʒɪm/ спортзал The school built a new gym three years ago. I ID
hair n /heə(r)/ волосся Dave's losing his hair. I IC
hall n /hɔːl/ вестибюль There's a large hall in my school. I ID
hat n /hæt/ капелюх Luke's wearing a new hat. I IC
homework n /ˈhəʊmwɜːk/ домашнє завдання Have we got any homework? I IB
ice skating n /ˈaɪs skeɪtɪŋ/ катання на ковзанах Would you like to go ice skating this weekend? I IA
interactive whiteboard n /ˌɪntərˈæktɪv ˈwaɪtbɔːd/ інтерактивна дошка Nearly every classroom has an interactive whiteboard. I ID
IT [information technology] n /ˌaɪ ˈtiː/, /ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃn tekˌnɒlədінформаційні технології I think IT is great. I IA
jacket n /ˈdʒækɪt/ піджак Do you have to wear a jacket and tie to work? I IC
jumper n /ˈdʒʌmpə(r)/ джемпер The green jumper is very warm and comfortable. IC
laptop n /ˈlæptɒp/ ноутбук Moira took her laptop to Korea. I ID
leggings n /ˈleɡɪŋz/ леггінси These leggings are very trendy. I Vocabulary Builder IC
long adj /lɒŋ/ довгий She has lovely long hair. I IC
moustache n /məˈstɑːʃ/ вуса He wants to grow a moustache. I IC
music n /ˈmjuːzɪk/ музика What sort of music do you like? I IB
noticeboard n /ˈnəʊtɪsbɔːd/ дошка оголошень Are there any messages on the noticeboard? I ID
PE [physical education] n /ˌpiː ˈiː/, /ˈfɪzɪkl ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn/ фізична культура Our PE lesson is at 10 o'clock. I IA
picnic n /ˈpɪknɪk/ пікнік We had a picnic on the beach. I IB

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Solutions Pre-Intermediate Ukraine wordlist

My friends and I play football on the playing field twice

playing field n /ˈpleɪɪŋ fiːld/ ігрова площадка
a week. I ID
reception n /rɪˈsepʃn/ рецепція, приймальня Leave the keys at reception if you go out, please. I ID
red adj /red/ рудий She's got red hair and freckles. I IC
shirt n /ʃɜːt/ сорочка Nigel wears a crisp white shirt to the office every day. I IC
short adj /ʃɔːt/ короткий John's got short hair. I IC
skateboarding n /ˈskeɪtbɔːdɪŋ/ скейтбординг We don't go skateboarding on Fridays. I IA
staff room n /ˈstɑːfruːm/ кімната для персоналу Is the meeting in the staff room? I ID
straight adj /streɪt/ прямий He's got straight dark hair. I IC
sweatshirt n /ˈswetʃɜːt/ футболка, бавовняний спортивний свI bought the blue sweatshirt yesterday. I IC
textbook n /ˈtekstbʊk/ підручник That history textbook isn't very interesting. I ID
tie n /taɪ/ краватка The silk tie Mark bought last week is very expensive. I Vocabulary Builder IC
trousers n /ˈtraʊzəz/ брюки Georgia wears trousers more often than skirts. I IC
video games n /ˈvɪdiəʊ ɡeɪmz/ відео ігри
Some people spend too much time playing video I IB
walk n /wɔːk/ ходьба We went for a walk in the country. I IB
wavy adj /ˈweɪvi/ хвилясте Her sister's hair is wavy. I IC
whiteboard n /ˈwaɪtbɔːd/ дошка Whiteboards are very popular in schools nowadays. I ID
a bit adv /ə bɪt/ трохи I was a bit annoyed with him. 1 1A
a little bit adv /ə ˈlɪtl bɪt/ трохи I'm afraid I'll be a little bit late tonight. 1 1A
annoyed adj /əˈnɔɪd/ роздратований He got annoyed with me for being late. 1 1E
annoying adj /əˈnɔɪɪŋ/ надокучливий His most annoying habit is always arriving late. 1 1E
anxious adj /ˈæŋkʃəs/ тривожний I'm anxious about my exam. 1 1A
ashamed adj /əˈʃeɪmd/ присоромлений She was ashamed of her old clothes. 1 1A
ask for phr v /ɑːsk fə/ попросити She sat down and asked for a cup of coffee. 1 1C
bleed v /bliːd/ кровоточити Your nose is bleeding. 1 1F
blood n /blʌd/ кров The heart pumps blood around the body. 1 1F
bored adj /bɔːd/ знуджений I'm bored with eating the same thing every day. 1 1A
boring adj /ˈbɔːrɪŋ/ нудний Do you find your job boring or interesting? 1 1A
break (your arm) v /breɪk/ поламати (руку) He broke his leg in a car accident. 1 1F
broken (arm) adj /ˈbrəʊkən/ зломана (рука) Her broken arm was hurting badly. 1 1F
bruise n /bruːz/ синяк The man's face was covered in bruises. 1 1F
I can't spend too much time in the sun because I burn
burn v /bɜːn/ згоріти, обпектись
easily. 1 1F
confused adj /kənˈfjuːzd/ збентежений When he regained consciusness he was confused. 1 1A
confusing adj /kənˈfjuːzɪŋ/ заплутаний Her instructions were confusing. 1 1E
cross adj /krɒs/ сердитий
I was really cross with her for leaving me with all the 1 1A
He had a deep cut in his forehead.
cut n, v /kʌt/ поріз, різати
Be careful not to cut yourself on that broken glass! 1 1F
delighted adj /dɪˈlaɪtɪd/ захоплений She was delighted at getting the job. 1 1A
disappointed adj /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd/ розчарований We were disappointed with our hotel. 1 1A
We were disgusted at the standard of service we
disgusted adj /dɪsˈɡʌstɪd/ що відчуває огиду
received. 1 1E

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Solutions Pre-Intermediate Ukraine wordlist

disgusting adj /dɪsˈɡʌstɪŋ/ огидний What a disgusting smell! 1 1E

embarrassed adj /ɪmˈbærəst/ збентежений He's embarrassed about his height. 1 1A
embarrassing adj /ɪmˈbærəsɪŋ/ бентежний She made an embarrassing mistake at school last week. 1 1E
envious adj /ˈenviəs/ заздрісний She was envious of her sister's success. 1 1A
excited adj /ɪkˈsaɪtɪd/ схвильований Are you getting excited about your holiday? 1 1A
exhausted adj /ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd/ виснажений I usually feel exhausted after exercising. 1 1E
exhausting adj /ɪɡˈzɔːstɪŋ/ виснажливий Teaching young children is exhausting work. 1 1E
extremely adv /ɪkˈstriːmli/ надвичайно Listen carefully because this is extremely important. 1 1A
fall (over) v /fɔːl/ падати, перечіплятись The little boy fell over and hurt his knee. 1 1F
She found out that the tickets for the concert were
find out phr v /faɪnd aʊt/ виявити, вияснити
very expensive. 1 1H
frightened adj /ˈfraɪtnd/ наляканий They're frightened of spiders. 1 1E
frightening adj /ˈfraɪtnɪŋ/ лякаючий He's having a frightening experience. 1 1E
get over phr v /ɡet ˈəʊvə(r)/ пережити, поправитись He never got over his wife's death. 1 1H
hurt v /hɜːt/ завдати болю Did he hurt himself? 1 1F
The goalkeeper seriously injured himself when he hit
injure (yourself) v /ˈɪndʒə(r)/ пошкодити (самостійно)
the goalpost. 1 1F

They escaped from the accident with only minor

injury n /ˈɪndʒəri/ травма
injuiries. 1 1F
interested adj /ˈɪntrəstɪd/ зацікавлений I'm really not interested in going to university. 1 1E
It's always interesting to hear about the customs of
interesting adj /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ цікавий
other societies. 1 1E

Could I look at the newspaper when you've finished

look at phr v /lʊk æt/ розглядати
with it? 1 1B

None of the children owned up to breaking the

own up phr v /əʊn ʌp/ відверто визнати
window. 1 1H
pain n /peɪn/ біль He screamed with pain. 1 1F
proud adj /praʊd/ гордий They are very proud of their new house. 1 1A
put back phr v /pʊt bæk/ покласти на місце Cathy put the books back on the shelf. 1 1H
rather adv /ˈrɑːðə(r)/ досить, швидше It was a rather nice day. 1 1A
relieved adj /rɪˈliːvd/ спокійний, полегшений I'm relieved that you aren't hurt. 1 1A
satisfied adj /ˈsætɪsfaɪd/ задоволений They were satisfied with their party. 1 1E
satisfying adj /ˈsætɪsfaɪɪŋ/ що дає задоволення Helping others is satisfying. 1 1E
shocked adj /ʃɒkt/ шокований He had a shocked expression. 1 1E
shocking adj /ˈʃɒkɪŋ/ шокуючий This is shocking news. 1 1E
slip (over) v /slɪp/ підсковзнутися She slipped over on the wet floor. 1 1F
The sprain in your wrist looks quite serious.
sprain n, v /spreɪn/ звих, розтягнення зв'язок
I've sprained my ankle. 1 1F
surprised adj /səˈpraɪzd/ здивований I was very surprised to see Cara there. 1 1E
surprising adj /səˈpraɪzɪŋ/ несподіваний It's surprising how many adults can't read or write. 1 1E
suspicious adj /səˈspɪʃəs/ підозрілий We became suspicious of his behaviour. 1 1A
talk about phr v /ˈtɔːk əˌbaʊt/ обговорювати We need to talk about the plans for the weekend. 1 1H
tired adj /ˈtaɪəd/ втомлений She was tired after a hard day's work. 1 1E
tiring adj /ˈtaɪərɪŋ/ виснажливий They're having a tiring journey. 1 1E
trip (over) v /trɪp/ спотикатися The boy tripped over the bag on the floor. 1 1F
upset adj /ʌpˈset/ засмучений She was looking very upset about something. 1 1A

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very adv /ˈveri/ дуже Our holiday was very exciting. 1 1A

worried adj /ˈwʌrid/ стурбований Don't look so worried. Everything will be all right. 1 1E
worrying adj /ˈwʌriɪŋ/ тривожний It was a worrying time for us all. 1 1E
accomplish v /əˈkʌmplɪʃ/ досягати, здійснювати Jane Austen accomplished a lot as a writer. 2 2E
accomplishment n /əˈkʌmplɪʃmənt/ досягнення The accomplishment of this plan is important. 2 2E
achieve v /əˈtʃiːv/ досягти, добитися They achieved a lot in a short time. 2 2E
achievement n /əˈtʃiːvmənt/ досягнення, здобуток Winning the gold medal was her greatest achievement. 2 2E
across prep /əˈkrɒs/ через He walked across the field. 2 2A
along prep /əˈlɒŋ/ вздовж I walked slowly along the road. 2 2A
astonishing adj /əˈstɒnɪʃɪŋ/ дивовижний I sometimes find your behaviour astonishing! 2 2F
athletic adj /æθˈletɪk/ атлетичний Her athletic ability is outstanding. 2 2C

attempt n, v /əˈtempt/ спроба, намагатися

They failed in their attempt to reach the North Pole. 2 2E
Don't attempt to make him change his mind.

awful adj /ˈɔːfl/ жахливо I feel awful – I think I'll go to bed. 2 2F

behind prep /bɪˈhaɪnd/ позаду There's a small garden behind the house. 2 2A
beside prep /bɪˈsaɪd/ поруч Come and sit beside me. 2 2A
boots n /buːts/ чоботи
Sarah finds her old boots very comfortable for walking 2 2G
in the countryside.
brave adj /breɪv/ хоробрий He was brave in his fight against cancer. 2 2C
brilliant adj /ˈbrɪliənt/ блискучий That's a brilliant idea! 2 2F
cave n /keɪv/ печера When it started to rain, we ran to shelter in a cave. 2 2A
cliff n /klɪf/ скеля The white cliffs of Dover are spectacular. 2 2A
complete v /kəmˈpliːt/ завершити He completed his teacher training course in June 2005. 2 2E
completion n /kəmˈpliːʃn/ завершення You will be paid on completion of the work. 2 2E
dark adj /dɑːk/ темний It was a dark night, with no moon. 2 2A
deep adj /diːp/ глибокий The sea is very deep in the Mariana Trench. 2 2A
delicious adj /dɪˈlɪʃəs/ смачний This soup is absolutely delicious. 2 2F
desert n /ˈdezət/ пустеля The desert is a dangerous environment. 2 2A
develop v /dɪˈveləp/ розвиватися This scheme helps pupils develop their natural talents. 2 2E

There was an unexpected development during their

development n /dɪˈveləpmənt/ розвиток
journey. 2 2E
dinghy n /ˈdɪŋɡi/, /ˈdɪŋi/ човен для прогулянок Shall we hire a dinghy when we go to the seaside? 2 2G
down prep /daʊn/ вниз The rain was running down the window. 2 2A
She had a strange dream last night.
dream n, v /driːm/ сон, снитися
I dreamed that I was running. 2 2E
employ v /ɪmˈplɔɪ/ наймати на роботу They employ 600 workers. 2 2E
employment n /ɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ зайнятість
It is difficult to find employment in the north of the 2 2E

entertain v /ˌentəˈteɪn/ розважати Barbeques are a favourite way of entertaining friends. 2 2E

There isn't much entertainment for young people in

entertainment n /ˌentəˈteɪnmənt/ розваги
this town. 2 2E
erupt v /ɪˈrʌpt/ вивергатися The volcano erupted last summer. 2 2E
eruption n /ɪˈrʌpʃn/ виверження Volcanic eruptions are often unpredictable. 2 2E

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This novel is very important and needs close

examination n /ɪɡˌzæmɪˈneɪʃn/ експертиза
examination. 2 2E
examine v /ɪɡˈzæmɪn/ досліджувати The detective examined the room for clues. 2 2E
She has five years' teaching experience.
experience n, v /ɪkˈspɪəriəns/ досвід, зазнавати We are experiencing some difficulties accessing the 2 2E
exploration n /ˌekspləˈreɪʃn/ розвідка Space exploration is extremely expensive. 2 2E
They went on an expedition to explore the River
explore v /ɪkˈsplɔː(r)/ розвідувати
Amazon. 2 2E
fantastic adj /fænˈtæstɪk/ фантастичний She's a fantastic swimmer. 2 2F
filthy adj /ˈfɪlθi/ брудний Your room is filthy. You must clean it! 2 2F
forest n /ˈfɒrɪst/ ліс We must do more to protect tropical forests. 2 2A
helmet n /ˈhelmɪt/ шолом
Helmets are an important head protection in several 2 2G

hill n /hɪl/ пагорб There was a wonderful view from the top of the hill. 2 2A
huge adj /hjuːdʒ/ величезний The film was a huge success. 2 2F
icy adj /ˈaɪsi/ крижаний It snowed all night and now the roads are icy. 2 2A
imagination n /ɪˌmædʒɪˈneɪʃn/ уява She has a lively imagination. 2 2E
imagine v /ɪˈmædʒɪn/ уявляти Imagine that you're lying on a beach. 2 2E
impressive adj /ɪmˈpresɪv/ вражаюче The way they overcame their fears was impressive. 2 2C
inside prep /ˌɪnˈsaɪd/ всередині Is there anything inside the box? 2 2A
lake n /leɪk/ озеро We all swam in the lake. 2 2A
life jacket n /ˈlaɪf dʒækɪt/ рятувальний желет He wasn't wearing a life jacket so he almost drowned. 2 2G

low adj /ləʊ/ низький Those trees are low now but they will grow quickly. 2 2A
motivate v /ˈməʊtɪveɪt/ мотивувати She's a highly motivated student. 2 2E
motivation n /ˌməʊtɪˈveɪʃn/ мотивація He's clever, but he lacks motivation. 2 2E
mountain n /ˈmaʊntən/ гори I climbed a high mountain two years ago. 2 2A
narrow adj /ˈnærəʊ/ вузький The bridge is too narrow for two cars to pass. 2 2A
near prep /nɪə(r)/ біля It's a little village near Cardiff. 2 2A
We are all in need of a rest.
need n, v /niːd/ потреба, потребувати
All living things need water. 2 2E

ocean n /ˈəʊʃn/ океан Two thirds of the earth's surface is covered by ocean. 2 2A
paddles n /ˈpædlz/ весло байдарки These paddles are too heavy! 2 2G
poles n /pəʊlz/ лижні палиці Poles are very helpful when trekking. 2 2G
We started to make preparations for the wedding six
preparation n /ˌprepəˈreɪʃn/ підготовка
months ago. 2 2E
prepare v /prɪˈpeə(r)/ готуватися Bo helped me prepare for the exam. 2 2E
relax v /rɪˈlæks/ відпочити This holiday will give you a chance to relax. 2 2E
relaxation n /ˌriːlækˈseɪʃn/ релаксація He needs time for rest and relaxation. 2 2E
remote adj /rɪˈməʊt/ віддалений They live on a remote island in the Pacific. 2 2C

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Blow the whistle if you're in danger, and someone

rescue n, v /ˈreskjuː/ порятунок, рятувати should come to your rescue. 2 2E
He rescued a child from drowning.
Don't take any risks when you're driving.
risk n, v /rɪsk/ ризик, ризикувати
The man risked his life to save the little boy. 2 2E
risky adj /ˈrɪski/ ризиковано Off-piste skiing is a very risky sport. 2 2C
river n /ˈrɪvə(r)/ річка He sat down on the bank of the river to fish. 2 2A
rocks n /rɒks/ скелі The beach was covered with rocks. 2 2A
rocky adj /ˈrɒki/ скелястий The rocky coastline is making our walk difficult. 2 2A
rope n /rəʊp/ мотузка The rope broke and she fell. 2 2G
rucksack n /ˈrʌksæk/ рюкзак Is Louise's rucksack waterproof? 2 2G
When you climb, you should always wear a safety
safety harness n /ˈseɪfti ˈhɑːnɪs/ ремені безпеки
harness. 2 2G
shallow adj /ˈʃæləʊ/ мілке The sea is very shallow here. 2 2A
shore n /ʃɔː(r)/ берег After a long swim, she finally reached the shore. 2 2A
spectacular adj /spekˈtækjələ(r)/ вражаючий Tonight's sunset on the beach is spectacular. 2 2C
starving adj /stɑːvɪŋ/ голодний Can I have a sandwich? I'm starving! 2 2F
steep adj /stiːp/ крутий I don't think I can cycle up that hill. It's too steep. 2 2A
stream n /striːm/ течія, потік I waded across the shallow stream. 2 2A
I need someone strong to help me move this
strong adj /strɒŋ/ сильний
bookcase. 2 2C
stunning adj /ˈstʌnɪŋ/ приголомшливий The view from our hotel room is stunning. 2 2F
swimming trunks n /ˈswɪmɪŋ trʌŋks/ плавки Tom needs to buy a new pair of swimming trunks. 2 Vocabulary Builder 2G
tall adj /tɔːl/ високий A tall oak tree stands in the garden. 2 2A
terrifying adj /ˈterɪfaɪɪŋ/ страшний
The accident was terrifying and left all people involved 2 2C
deeply upset.
thrilling adj /ˈθrɪlɪŋ/ зашоплюючий Snowboarding is thrilling. 2 2C
through prep /θruː/ через We drove through the centre of London. 2 2A
tiny adj /ˈtaɪni/ крихітний The baby's fingers are tiny! 2 2F
tragic adj /ˈtrædʒɪk/ трагічний It's tragic that she lost her only child. 2 2F
under prep /ˈʌndə(r)/ під We found him hiding under the table. 2 2A
valley n /ˈvæli/ долина This small town is in a valley. 2 2A
volcano n /vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ/ вулкан When did the volcano last erupt? 2 2A
waterfall n /ˈwɔːtəfɔːl/ водоспад There are a lot of lakes and waterfalls in this area. 2 2A
wide adj /waɪd/ широкий How wide is the river? 2 2A
One or two mistakes are acceptable but no more than
acceptable adj /əkˈseptəbl/ прийнятний
that. 3 3E
acting n /ˈæktɪŋ/ виконання His acting is exceptionally good. 3 3A
action film n /ˈækʃn fɪlm/ бойовик Oliver is watching an action film on his laptop. 3 3A
animation n /ˌænɪˈmeɪʃn/ мультиплікація Frozen is my little cousin's favourite animation. 3 3A
appropriate adj /əˈprəʊpriət/ доречний I don't think this film is appropriate for young children. 3 3C
assume v /əˈsjuːm/ припустити I assume that you have the necessary documents. 3 3F
certain adj /ˈsɜːtn/ впевнений I'm certain of one thing – he didn't take the money. 3 3E
character n /ˈkærəktəz/ персонаж The main character in the film is a boy. 3 3A
chat show n /ˈtʃæt ʃəʊ/ чат-шоу, розмовне шоу Chat shows are sometimes quite shallow. 3 3A

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comedy n /ˈkɒmədi/ комедія I can't stand this comedy. It isn't funny at all. 3 3A
convincing adj /kənˈvɪnsɪŋ/ переконливий Her performance in the film is utterly convincing. 3 3A
co-operate v /kəʊˈɒpəreɪt/ співпрацювати Our company is co-operating with an Italian firm on this project. 3 Wordlist
deny v /dɪˈnaɪ/ заперечувати In court he denied all the charges. 3 3F
dependent adj /dɪˈpendənt/ залежний
The industry is heavily dependent on government 3 3E
dishonest adj /dɪsˈɒnɪst/ нечесний Beware of dishonest traders in tourist areas. 3 3E
documentary n /ˌdɒkjuˈmentri/ документальний фільм Did you see that documentary on Sri Lanka? 3 3A
emphasise v /ˈemfəsaɪz/ підкреслити, наголосити They emphasised the importance of healthy eating. 3
ending n /ˈendɪŋ/ закінчення That film has a happy ending. 3 3A
fair adj /feə(r)/ справедливий That's a fair price for that house. 3 3E
fantasy film n /ˈfæntəsi fɪlm/ фантастичний фільм Fantasy films often rely on complex visual effects. 3 3A
funny adj /ˈfʌni/ смішний He's an extremely funny person. 3 3A
He won a lot of money when he took part in the game
game show n /ˈɡeɪm ʃəʊ/ ігрове шоу
show. 3 3A
go for sth phr v /ˈɡəʊ fɔː(r) / йти, обирати Shall we go for a swim this afternoon? 3 3H
The final scene was extremely gripping. I could hardly
gripping adj /ˈɡrɪpɪŋ/ захоплююча
breathe when I was watching it! 3 3A
honest adj /ˈɒnɪst/ чесний Just be honest – do you like this skirt or not? 3 3E
When my brother watches a horror film, he can't sleep
horror film n /ˈhɒrə(r) fɪlm/ фільм жахів
at night. 3 3A
illegal adj /ɪˈliːɡl/ незаконний It is illegal to drive a car without insurance. 3 3E
imaginative adj /ɪˈmædʒɪnətɪv/ творчий She's always full of imaginative ideas. 3 3A
impatient adj /ɪmˈpeɪʃnt/ нетерплячий The passengers are getting impatient at the delay. 3 3E
improve v /ɪmˈpruːv/ поліпшити The weather improved towards the end of our holiday. 3 3F
inappropriate adj /ˌɪnəˈprəʊpriət/ невідповідний Isn't that dress rather inappropriate for the occasion? 3 3C
increase v /ɪnˈkriːs/ збільшити She increased her speed to overtake the lorry. 3 Wordlist
independent adj /ˌɪndɪˈpendənt/ незалежний Most former colonies are now independent nations. 3 3E
invisible adj /ɪnˈvɪzəbl/ невидимий Bacteria are invisible to the naked eye. 3 3E
It is irresponsible to let to let small children go out
irresponsible adj /ˌɪrɪˈspɒnsəbl/ безвідповідальний
alone. 3 3E
keen on something adj /ˈkiːn ɒn ˌsʌmθɪŋ/ захопливий I wasn't too keen on going camping. 3 3G
lead v /liːd/ вести She led the horse into its stable. 3 3F
legal adj /ˈliːɡl/ законний It is not legal to drive a car without insurance. 3 3E
likely adj /ˈlaɪkli/ швидше за все Do you think it's likely to rain? 3 3E
moving adj /ˈmuːvɪŋ/ зворушливий His speech was extremely moving. 3 3A
musical n /ˈmjuːzɪkl/ мюзикл West Side Story is a musical based on Romeo and Juliet. 3 3A
news bulletin n /njuːz ˈbʊlətɪn/ інформаційний бюлетень Why are news bulletins always so depressing? 3 3A
participate v /pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ брати участь Students are encouraged to participate in the running of the college.3 Wordlist
patient adj /ˈpeɪʃnt/ терплячий He's very patient with young children. 3 3E
period drama n /ˈpɪəriəd ˈdrɑːmə/ історична драма This period drama isn't very accurate. 3 3A
plot n /plɒt/ сюжет The play had a very weak plot. 3 3A
Her parents tried to prevent her from going to leave
prevent v /prɪˈvent/ запобігти
with her boyfriend. 3 3F

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We are able to provide accommodation for two

provide v /prəˈvaɪd/ забезпечити
students. 3 3F
reality show n /riˈæləti ʃəʊ/ реаліті-шоу My mother hates reality shows. 3 3A
The school is responsible for the safety of the children
responsible adj /rɪˈspɒnsəbl/ відповідальний
in school hours. 3 3E

reveal v /rɪˈviːl/ The police revealed the identity of the thief. 3 Wordlist

romantic comedy n /rəʊˈmæntɪk ˈkɒmədi/ романтична комедія

The director became famous after her second 3 3A
romantic comedy.
scary adj /ˈskeəri/ страшний Do you find this ghost story scary? 3 3A
The first scene of Hamlet takes place on the castle
scene n /siːnz/ епізод
walls. 3 3A

Some science fiction films have are rather pessimistic

science fiction film n /ˈsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃn fɪlm/ науково-фантастичний фільм
view of the future. 3 3A
script n /skrɪpt/ сценарій Who wrote the script for the movie? 3 3A
sitcom n /ˈsɪtkɒm/ сітком, ситуаційна комедія The two stars fell in love while filming a sitcom. 3 3A
I'll let you watch the soap opera only when you finish
soap (opera) n /səʊp/ мильна опера
your homework. 3 3A
soundtrack n /ˈsaʊndtræk/ саундтрек I didn't like the film, but I loved the soundtrack. 3 3A
special effects n /ˌspeʃl ɪˈfekts/ спецефекти How did they create those impressive special effects? 3 3A

Taking part in the talent show last year changed her

talent show n /ˈtælənt ʃəʊ/ талант-шоу
life completely. 3 3A

thriller n /ˈθrɪlə(r)/ триллер

The ending of the thriller was very surprising – nobody 3 3A
in the audience was expecting it.
unacceptable adj /ˌʌnəkˈseptəbl/ неприйнятний Her behaviour was quite unacceptable. 3 3E
uncertain adj /ʌnˈsɜːtn/ невпевнений She was still uncertain of his true feelings for her. 3 3E
unfair adj /ˌʌnˈfeə(r)/ несправедливо This law is unfair to women. 3 3E
unlikely adj /ʌnˈlaɪkli/ навряд чи I suppose she might win but it's very unlikely. 3 3E
unrealistic adj /ˌʌnrɪəˈlɪstɪk/ нереальний I can't believe how unrealistic this plot is. 3 3A
unsurprising adj /ˌʌnsəˈpraɪzɪŋ/ несподіваний Lucy's decision to leave the country is unsurprising. 3 3E
violent adj /ˈvaɪələnt/ різкий He has a violent temper. 3 3A
The church tower was visible from the other side of
visible adj /ˈvɪzəbl/ видимий
the valley. 3 3E
war film n /wɔː(r) fɪlm/ військовий фільм I don't like war films – they're too violent. 3 3A
weather forecast n /ˈweðə fɔːkɑːst/ прогноз погоди What time is the weather forecast on the radio? 3 3A
My friends want to watch a western on TV after
western n /ˈwestən/ вестерн
dinner. 3 3A
approach v /əˈprəʊtʃ/ наближатись The day of the exam approached. 4 4F
avalanche n /ˈævəlɑːnʃ/ лавина Two skiers are still missing after yesterday's avalanche. 4 4C
billboard n /ˈbɪlbɔːd/ рекламний щит That billboard is striking. 4 Vocabulary Builder 4G
blow v /bləʊ/ дути A gentle breeze was blowing. 4 4A
bus stop n /ˈbʌs stɒp/ автобусна зупинка Paul is waiting for you at the bus stop. 4 4G
climate change n /ˈklaɪmət tʃeɪndʒ/ зміна клімату
Tackling the threat of climate change is one of the 4 4E
greatest challenges of our times.

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The factory had to close down at the end of last

close down phr v /kləʊz ˈdaʊn/ зачинятися
month. 4 4E
cloud n /klaʊd/ хмара The sun disappeared behind a cloud. 4 4A
It's going to be cloudy tomorrow but we can still have
cloudy adj /ˈklaʊdi/ хмарний
a picnic. 4 4A
come up with phr v /kʌm ˈʌp wɪð/ придумувати, розробляти She came up with a brilliant idea. 4 4E
cut down phr v /kʌt daʊn/ обрізати, скоротити I have to cut my essay down to 2000 words. 4 4E
The use of horses on farms is dying out in several
die out phr v /daɪ aʊt/ вимирати
countries. 4 4E

drought n /draʊt/ засуха

The government is taking measures to minimise the 4 4C
impact of droughts.

earthquake n /ˈɜːθkweɪk/ землетрус His grandparents lost their home in the earthquake. 4 4C
epidemic n /ˌepɪˈdemɪk/ епідемія Last winter's flu epidemic was particularly bad. 4 4C
famine n /ˈfæmɪn/ голод There is a severe famine in many parts of Africa. 4 4C
fire hydrant n /ˈfaɪə(r) ˌhaɪdrənt/ пожежний гідрант The fire hydrant is located opposite the library. 4 Vocabulary Builder 4G
Many people had to leave their homes because of the
flood n /flʌd/ повінь
floods. 4 4C

I can't see the car in front of us very well – it's too

foggy adj /ˈfɒɡi/ туманний
foggy! 4 4A
forest fire n /ˈfɒrɪst ˌfaɪə(r)/ лісова пожежа Forest fires destroy the habitat of a lot of animals. 4 4C

We can't rely exclusively on fossil fuels – we need to

fossil fuels n /ˈfɒsl fjuːəlz/ горючі корисні копалини
do more research into alternative energy sources. 4 4E

frost n /frɒst/ мороз Look – the frost is covering the leaves. 4 4A

frostbite n /ˈfrɒstbaɪt/ обмороження All the climbers were suffering from frostbite. 4 4A
frosty adj /ˈfrɒsti/ морозний It was a frosty morning so we decided to stay at home. 4 4A
give off phr v /ɡɪv ɒf/ виділяти Cars give off poisonous fumes. 4 4E
give up phr v /ɡɪv ʌp/ здаватися Never give up hope! 4 4E
Global warming is threatening the survival of many
global warming n /ˌɡləʊbl ˈwɔːmɪŋ/ глобальне потепління
species of animals and plants. 4 4E
go up phr v /ɡəʊ ʌp/ підніматися Prices in supermarkets are going up. 4 4F
Earth's atmosphere is warming up as a result of the
greenhouse gases n /ˌɡriːnhaʊs ˈɡæsɪz/ парникові гази
production of greenhouse gases. 4 Vocabulary Builder 4H

The hail caused a lot of damage to my car.

hail n, v /heɪl/ град
It's hailing – let's go inside! 4 4A
hail storm n /ˈheɪlstɔːm/ сильний град Don’t worry, the hail storm will soon be over. 4 4A
head v /hed/ прямувати The ship headed towards the harbour. 4 4F
heat up phr v /hiːt ʌp/ підігрівати The meal needs heating up in the oven. 4 4E
ice n /aɪs/ лід I slipped on a patch of ice. 4 4A
ice caps n /ˈaɪs kæps/ льодовий покрив Are polar ice caps in danger of melting? 4 4E
lamp post n /ˈlæmp pəʊst/ ліхтарний стовп The lamp post at the end of the road needs replacing. 4 4G
land v /lænd/ сідати, приземлитись The bird landed on the roof. 4 4F
lightning n /ˈlaɪtnɪŋ/ блискавка The lightning struck the tree. 4 4A

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It can be hard to live with the fact that you are getting
live with phr v /lɪv wɪð/ жити з
older. 4 4E
look after phr v /lʊk ˈɑːftə(r)/ приглядати Can you look after my dog while I'm on holiday? 4 4E
mist n /mɪst/ туман The mist covered the fields. 4 4A
misty adj /ˈmɪsti/ туманний It's usually misty this time of the year in England. 4 4A
Only a handful of people in the remote village survived
mudslide n /ˈmʌdslaɪd/ льодовик
the mudslide. 4 4C

The pavement is slippery – be careful when you walk

pavement n /ˈpeɪvmənt/ тротуар
on it. 4 4G

pedestrian crossing n /pəˌdestriən ˈkrɒsɪŋ/ пішохідний перехід

Drivers must pay a lot of attention at pedestrian 4 4G
put something off phr v /ˌpʊt sʌmθɪŋ ˈɒf/ відкладати She put off writing her essay until the last minute. 4 4E
It's pouring with rain.
rain n, v /reɪn/ дощ, дощити
It's raining hard. 4 4A
rain shower n /ˌreɪn ʃaʊə(r)/ злива This is a heavy rain shower. 4 4A
raindrop n /ˈreɪndrɒp/ дощова капля The raindrops were getting bigger. 4 4A
The importance of the Amazon rainforest for
rainforest n /ˈreɪnfɒrɪsts/ тропічний ліс
biodiversity cannot be overstated. 4 Grammar Builder 4
rainy adj /ˈreɪni/ дощовий A lot of floods occur during the rainy season. 4 4A
reach v /riːtʃ/ досягати Sometimes the temperature reaches 45° degrees. 4 4A
rely on phr v /rɪˈlaɪ ɒn/ покладатися на You can always rely on your best friend for advice. 4 4E
renewable energy n /rɪˌnjuːəbl ˈenədʒi/ відновлювальна енергія We need to invest more money in renewable energy. 4 4E
road sign n /ˈrəʊd saɪn/ дорожній знак What does that road sign mean? 4 4G
roadworks n /ˈrəʊdwɜːks/ дорожні роботи Last month's roadworks disrupted the traffic in Oxford. 4 Vocabulary Builder 4G
run out phr v /rʌn aʊt/ закінчуватися Time is running out. 4 4E
According to most scientists, sea levels are rising at a
sea levels n pl /ˈsiː levlz/ рівень моря
worrying rate. 4 4E
shine v /ʃaɪn/ світитися, блищати The sea shone in the light of the moon. 4 4A
shop sign n /ˈʃɒp saɪn/ вивіска He painted the shop sign yellow. 4 4G
shower n /ˈʃaʊə(r)/ душ There was a sudden shower while he was out walking. 4 4A

My cat hates showery weather – this is why he's

showery adj /ˈʃaʊəri/ душова, дощова
sleeping on the sofa this afternoon. 4 4A

Three inches of snow fell during the night.

snow n, v /snəʊ/ сніг, сніжити
It snowed all night. 4 4A
snowflake n /ˈsnəʊfleɪk/ сніжинка I love watching the snowflakes fall. 4 4A
The snowy conditions are causing a lot of queues on
snowy adj /ˈsnəʊi/ сніжний
the roads. 4 4A

spin v /spɪn/ крутитися

Mary spun round when she heard someone call her 4 4F
Look at those black clouds. I think there's going to be a
storm n /stɔːm/ шторм
storm. 4 4A

My parents can't fly to Paris today because of the

stormy adj /ˈstɔːmi/ штормовий
stormy weather. 4 4A

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Her boyfriend waited for her on the street corner for

street corner n /ˈstriːt kɔːnə(r)/ перехрестя
an hour. 4 Review

Our neighbours are having a barbeque in their sunny

sunny adj /ˈsʌni/ сонячний
garden. 4 4A
sunshine n /ˈsʌnʃaɪn/ сонячне світло We sat down in the sunshine and had lunch. 4 4A
surface temperature n /ˈsɜːfɪs ˌtemprətʃə(r)/ температура поверхні
Earth's surface temperature is getting higher as a 4 4E
result of human activity.
take off phr v /teɪk ɒf/ зліт The plane took off an hour late. 4 4F
Some people are afraid of thunder.
thunder n, v /ˈθʌndə(r)/ грім, гримить
The rain poured down and it started to thunder. 4 4A
thunderstorm n /ˈθʌndəstɔːm/ гроза Thunderstorms can be frightening. 4 4A
It's thundery so I can't hear you very well on the
thundery adj /ˈθʌndəri/ грозовий
phone. 4 4A
traffic light n /ˈtræfɪk laɪt/ світлофор Turn left at the traffic light. 4 4G
My aunt was on holiday in Indonesia in December
tsunami n /tsuːˈnɑːmi/ цунамі
2004 when the tsunami occurred. 4 4C
use up phr v /juːs ʌp/ використати They used up all the eggs to make a cake. 4 4E
volcanic eruption n /vɒlˌkænɪk ɪˈrʌpʃn/ вивердження вулкану
The volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD was 4 4C
She should wake up to the fact that her boyfriend
wake up phr v /weɪk ʌp/ усвідомлювати
doesn't love her any more. 4 4E
windy adj /ˈwɪndi/ вітряний He doesn't enjoy walking when it's windy. 4 4A
The architect is going to draw up the plans for their
architect n /ˈɑːkɪtekt/ архітектор
new house next week. 5 5A
badly-paid adj /ˈbædli peɪd/ поганооплачувана This must be the most badly-paid job in the world! 5 5F
builder n /ˈbɪldə(r)/ будівельник
Yesterday I called the builder to get a quote for a 5 5C
challenging adj /ˈtʃælɪndʒɪŋ/ складний Being a teacher can be quite stressful. 5 5A
cleaner n /ˈkliːnə(r)/ прибиральник The office cleaner is sick today so she isn't coming. 5 5A
creative adj /kriˈeɪtɪv/ креативний She's a fantastic designer – she's so creative. 5 5A
My father has got an appointment with the dentist this
dentist n /ˈdentɪst/ стоматолог
afternoon. 5 5A

engineer n /ˌendʒɪˈnɪə(r)/ інженер

She worked as an engineer for five years and then she 5 5A
decided to become a plumber.
enthusiastic adj /ɪnˌθjuːziˈæstɪk/ завзятий The kids are very enthusiastic about sport. 5 5G
Shall we ask the estate agent to take us to view the
estate agent n /ɪsˈteɪt ˌeɪdʒənt/ агент з нерухомості
house in the town centre? 5 5C

Farm workers are very busy during the lambing

farm worker n /ˈfɑːm ˌwɜːkə(r)/ фермерський працівник
season. 5 5A

I find this summer job interesting – it offers flexible

flexible adj /ˈfleksəbl/ гнучкий
working hours. 5 5G
friendly adj /ˈfrendli/ дружній You should always be friendly towards customers. 5 5G
David enjoys being a gardener because he loves
gardener n /ˈɡɑːdnə(r)/ садівник
working outdoors. 5 5C

Being good at communicating is an essential

good at communicating adj /ˌɡʊd æt kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪtɪŋ/ бути гарним в спілкуванні
requirement for this job. 5 5G

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She wants to become a groundskeeper and manage

groundskeeper n /ˈgraʊndzkiːpə(r)/ садівник
the gardens of a historic property. 5 5C

hairdresser n /ˈheədresə(r)/ перукарня

Yesterday morning I made an appointment at the 5 5A
hairdresser's but I had to cancel it in the afternoon.

hard-working adj /ˌhɑːd ˈwɜːkɪŋ/ працьовитий Mark is the most hard-working person I know. 5 5G
Some journalists travel to war zones and put their lives
journalist n /ˈdʒɜːnəlɪst/ журналіст
at risk while reporting from there. 5 5C

When is the locksmith coming to repair the front door

locksmith n /ˈlɒksmɪθ/ слюсар
lock? 5 5C

The paramedics arrived at the scene of the accident

paramedic n /ˌpærəˈmedɪk/ фельдшер, медик із середньою осві
within a few minutes. 5 5A

The photographer's exhibition in the local art gallery is

photographer n /fəˈtɒɡrəfə(r)/ фотограф
really worth seeing. 5 5C
physically fit adj /ˌfɪzɪkli ˈfɪt/ в хорошій фізичній формі You should exercise every day to get physically fit. 5 5G
pilot n /ˈpaɪlət/ пілот I'm going to study to become a pilot. 5 5A
pizza delivery man / woman n /ˌpiːtsə dɪˈlɪvəri mæn/, /wʊmə рознощик піци The pizza delivery man will be here in ten minutes. 5 5C

Police officers sometimes have to make quick

police officer n /pəˈliːs ɒfɪsə(r)/ поліцейський
decisions in dangerous situations. 5 5C

Why do you want to work as a programmer for your

programmer n /ˈprəʊɡræmə(r)/ програміст
parents' company? 5 5A

receptionist n /rɪˈsepʃənɪst/ реєстратор, секретар

The hotel receptionist was rude to her so she's going 5 5A
to make a complaint.
reliable adj /rɪˈlaɪəbl/ надійний He isn't very reliable – we can't offer him the job. 5 5G
I can't stand the repetitive tasks that my boss wants
repetitive adj /rɪˈpetətɪv/ повторювані
me to do every day! 5 5A

rewarding adj /rɪˈwɔːdɪŋ/ винагороджений Keep working hard – it'll be very rewarding in the end. 5 5A

Peter is going to leave his job as a sales assistant next

sales assistant n /ˈseɪlz əˌsɪstənt/ продавець
autumn. 5 5A

If you want to become a solicitor, you must have a

solicitor n /səˈlɪsɪtə(r)/ адвокат
keen eye for detail. 5 5A

A sports coach should always be patient when working

sports coach n /ˈspɔːts kəʊtʃ/ спортивний тренер
with children. 5 5A
stressful adj /ˈstresfl/ стресовий Working night shifts is stressful for many people. 5 5A
stunt performer n /ˈstʌnt pəˌfɔːmə(r)/ каскадер The stunt performer's skills were amazing. 5 5C
Amanda is going to the Caribbean to work as a surfing
surfing instructor n /ˈsɜːfɪŋ ɪnˌstrʌktə(r)/ інструктор із серфінгу
instructor. 5 5C

Travel agents are losing trade because more and more

travel agent n /ˈtrævl ˌeɪdʒənt/ туристичний агент
people book their holidays on the internet. 5 5A
varied adj /ˈveərid/ різноманітний I make my classes as varied as possible. 5 5A
You are so good with computers! I think you could be
video game developer n /ˈvɪdiəʊ ɡeɪm dɪˌveləpə(r)/ розробник відеоігор
an excellent video game developer. 5 5C
waiter n /ˈweɪtə(r)/ офіціант I'll ask the waiter for the bill. 5 5A
In my opinion, getting a well-paid job is less important
well-paid adj /wel peɪd/ добре оплачуваний
than having good friends. 5 5F

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abseiling n /ˈæbseɪlɪŋ/ скасування Liam has never tried abseiling before. 6 6H

The children particularly enjoyed seeing the stingrays
aquarium n /əˈkweəriəm/ акваріум
and sharks at the aquarium. 6 6A
art gallery n /ˈɑːt ɡæləri/ художня галерея Has your cousin ever been to this art gallery? 6 6G
atmospheric adj /ˌætməsˈferɪk/ атмосферний This music is very atmospheric. 6 6A
backpack n /ˈbækpæk/ рюкзак Is the backpack still in the tent? 6 6H
bag drop n /bæɡ drɒp/ пунк здачі багажу They're queuing at bag drop right now. 6 6E
The baggage carousel is broken so the passengers
baggage carousel n /ˈbæɡɪdʒ kærəˌsel/ багажна карусель, транспортер видач
can't collect their luggage. 6 6E
beautiful adj /ˈbjuːtɪfl/ гарний What a beautiful beach! 6 6A
boarding pass n /ˈbɔːdɪŋ pɑːs/ посадковий талон Grandma has lost her boarding pass! 6 6E
The boat trip wasn't very enjoyable because the sea
boat trip n /ˈbəʊt trɪp/ подорож на човні
was rough. 6 6D

botanical gardens n /bəˌtænɪkl ˈɡɑːdnz/ ботанічний сад The botanical gardens are in the outskirts of the city. 6 6A

The town centre was so busy that you could hardly

busy adj /ˈbɪzi/ зайнятий
move. 6 6A

The cabin crew were very helpful throughout the

cabin crew n /ˈkæbɪn kruː/ кабіна екіпажу
flight. 6 6E
campsite n /ˈkæmpsaɪt/ кемпінг Have they ever had a holiday at a campsite? 6 6H
carnival n /ˈkɑːnɪvl/ карнавал
The carnival in Rio is probably the most famous in the 6 6G
castle n /ˈkɑːsl/ замок That castle dates back to the Middle Ages. 6 6A
Notre Dame cathedral is one of the main tourist
cathedral n /kəˈθːdrəl/ собор
attractions in Paris. 6 6A

cheap adj /tʃiːp/ дешевий The students want to find a cheap hotel for the night. 6 6A

The check-in desk is very slow and I'm worried I could

check-in desk n /ˈtʃek ɪn desk/ стіл реєстрації
miss my flight. 6 6E

concert n /ˈkɒnsət/ концерт

The band is on tour doing concerts all over the 6 6G
St Mark's square in Venice is often crowded with
crowded adj /ˈkraʊdɪd/ людний
tourists. 6 6A

departure lounge n /dɪˈpɑːtʃə(r) ˌlaʊndʒ/ зал відпочинку

Ann was reading a novel in the departure lounge while 6 6E
she was waiting for her flight.
It has been a disappointing trip – we'll never go back
disappointing adj /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪŋ/ невтішний, розчаровуючий
there. 6 6A

There are no double rooms available this weekend at

double room n /ˌdʌbl ˈrʊm/ двомісний номер
our favourite hotel I'm afraid. 6 6E

Economy class is quite uncomfortable on long-haul

economy class n /ɪˈkɒnəmi ˌklɑːs/ економклас
flights. 6 6E

We can't afford to go to the Maldives – it's too

expensive adj /ɪkˈspensɪv/ дорогий
expensive. 6 6A
festival n /ˈfestɪvl/ фестиваль This jazz festival attracts quite a lot of people. 6 6G
flight attendant n /ˈflaɪt əˌtendənt/ бортпровідник He's always wanted to be a flight attendant. 6 6E
flight number n /ˈflaɪt nʌmbə(r)/ номер рейсу Can you remind me of our flight number? 6 6E
fountain n /ˈfaʊntən/ фонтан That fountain looks very pretty. 6 6A

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full board n /ˌfʊl ˈbɔːd/ повний пансіон Is full board included in the package for the holiday? 6 6E
full time adj /ˌfʊl ˈtaɪm/ повний робочий день He hasn't had a full time job for three years. 6 6E
half board n /ˌhɑːf ˈbɔːd/ напівпансіон I prefer the half board option at the hotel. 6 6E
You can only take one piece of hand luggage on this
hand luggage n /ˈhænd lʌɡɪdʒ/ ручний багаж
flight. 6 6E

harbour n /ˈhɑːbə(r)/ порт We should arrive at the harbour in the early morning. 6 6A
high season n /ˈhaɪ siːzn/ пік сезону This hotel is much cheaper out of high season. 6 6E
hire (a bike) v /ˈhaɪə(r)/ взяти напрокат (велосипед) They hired a bike and cycled all around the lake. 6 6G
Blenheim Palace is one of the most visited historic
historic adj /hɪˈstɒrɪk/ історичний
buildings in Oxfordshire. 6 6A
kayaking n /ˈkaɪækɪŋ/ каякінг, вид спорту на каяках I'm going to go kayaking in Wales. 6 6H
low season n /ˈləʊ siːzn/ низький сезон This museum is closed in low season. 6 6E
There's an interesting antiques market in this part of
market n /ˈmɑːkɪt/ ринок
the city. 6 6A

Rome boasts some of the most ancient monuments in

monument n /ˈmɒnjumənt/ пам'ятник
Europe. 6 6G
mosque n /mɒsk/ мечеть In Istanbul you can visit some beautiful mosques. 6 6A
She's tried mountain biking before but she doesn't like
mountain biking n /ˈmaʊntən ˌbaɪkɪŋ/ катання на гірських велосипедах
it. 6 6H
museum n /mjuˈziːəm/ музей I don't like visiting museums – I find them boring. 6 6A
national park n /ˌnæʃnəl ˈpɑːk/ національний парк National parks are vital to preserve biodiversity. 6 6A
old town n /ˈəʊld taʊn/ старе місто The old town is very picturesque. 6 6G
online check-in n /ˌɒnˈlaɪn tʃek ɪn/ онлайн-реєстрація Have you completed the online check-in yet? 6 6E
Last month my parents went to the opera house for
opera house n /ˈɒprə haʊs/ опера, оперний театр
the first time to watch Puccini's 'Turandot'. 6 6G
palace n /ˈpæləs/ палац Did you visit Buckingham Palace? 6 6A
park n /pɑːk/ парк Let's go for a walk in the park. 6 6G
part time adj /ˌpɑːt ˈtaɪm/ неповний робочий день She's got a part time job. 6 6E
passport control n /ˈpɑːspɔːt kənˌtrəʊl/ паспортний контроль You have to go through passport control at the airport. 6 6E
peaceful adj /ˈpiːsfl/ мирний, тихий This is such a peaceful mountain village. 6 6A
I've known Hans, my penfriend, since I was eight years
penfriend n /ˈpen pæl/ друг по листуванню
old. 6 6F

restaurant n /ˈrestrɒnt/ ресторан They had an excellent meal at the local restaurant. 6 6G
He took his girlfriend for a romantic sunset cruise on
romantic adj /rəʊˈmæntɪk/ романтичний
the lake. 6 6A

ruins n /ˈruːɪnz/ руїни The ruins of the ancient city of Pompeii are impressive. 6 6A
safari park n /səˈfɑːri pɑːk/ сафарі-парк The safari park has been temporarily closed. 6 6G
Please fasten your seat belt securely before the plane
seat belt n /ˈsiːt belt/ пасок безпеки
takes off. 6 6E

A lot of shops use security cameras in the UK

security camera n /sɪˈkjʊərəti ˌkæmərə/ камера спостереження
nowadays. 6 6E

Security checks are getting tighter at airports all over

security check n /sɪˈkjʊərəti tʃek/ перевірка безпеки, огляд
the world. 6 6E

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shopping district n /ˈʃɒpɪŋ ˌdɪstrɪkt/ торговий район This shopping district is fantastic! 6 6G
single room n /ˈsɪŋɡl rʊm/ одномісний номер Can I book a single room for tomorrow night please? 6 6E

My favourite souvenirs are fridge magnets – I've got a

souvenirs n /ˌsuːvəˈnɪəz/ сувеніри
large collection. 6 6B
square n /skweə(r)/ площа, майдан The charity concert took place in the town square. 6 6G
The Statue of Liberty in New York is among the most
statue n /ˈstætʃuː/ статуя
iconic monuments in the world. 6 6A

People with very pale skin are particularly prone to

sunburn n /ˈsʌnbɜːn/ сонячний опік
sunburn. 6 6F

suncream n /ˈsʌnkriːm/ сонцезахисний крем Make sure the children have plenty of suncream on. 6 6F
sunglasses n /ˈsʌnɡlɑːsɪz/ сонцезахисні окуляри Where are my sunglasses? I can't find them. 6 6F
temple n /ˈtempl/ храм This temple is very peaceful and serene. 6 6A
theatre n /ˈθɪətə(r)/ театр How often do you go to the theatre? 6 6G
As a birthday surprise, Mike's parents took him to the
theme park n /ˈθiːm pɑːk/ тематичний парк
theme park at the seaside. 6 6A

touristy adj /ˈtɔːrɪsti/ туристичний

Our friends usually spend their holidays in quiet resorts 6 6A
because they don't like touristy ones.

tower n /ˈtaʊə(r)/ вежа, башта The tower was rebuilt following a major earthquake. 6 6A
travel guide n /ˈtrævl ɡaɪd/ путівник I left the travel guide on the plane – sorry! 6 6F
Did you watch the travel programme on Greece last
travel programme n /ˈtrævl ˌprəʊɡræm/ програма про подорожі
night? 6 6F
window seat n /ˈwɪndəʊ siːt/ місце біля вікна, сидіння біля вікна This window seat is very comfortable. 6 6E
admit v /ədˈmɪt/ визнати She admitted having broken the computer. 7 7E
afford v /əˈfɔːd/ дозволити собі We couldn't afford a car in those days. 7 7C
agree v /əˈɡriː/ домовлятися They agreed to meet the following day. 7 7E
avoid v /əˈvɔɪd/ уникати She has to avoid eating fatty foods. 7 7E
baker’s n /ˈbeɪkəz/ булочна,пекарня Get a loaf at the baker's. 7 7A
bank n /bæŋk/ банк I need to go to the bank to get some money out. 7 7A
bargain n /ˈbɑːɡən/ вигідна покупка, дешевизна At that price, it's an absolute bargain! 7 7A
be short of v /bi ˈʃɔːt ɒv/ не вистачати We are a bit short of money at the moment. 7 7C
borrow v /ˈbɒrəʊ/ запозичувати I had to borrow from the bank to pay for my car. 7 7C
butcher’s n /ˈbʊtʃəz/ м'ясник, м'ясна лавка She went to the butcher's for some sausages. 7 7A
buy v /baɪ/ купувати I'm going to buy a new dress for the party. 7 7C
The new CEO's decisions are unpopular with the
CEO n /ˌsiː iː ˈəʊ/ генеральний директор
customers. 7 7F
charge v /tʃɑːdʒ/ вимагати плату They forgot to charge us for the drinks. 7 7C
Carla often finds some lovely second-hand clothes at
charity shop n /ˈtʃærəti ʃɒp/ благодійний магазин
the charity shop. 7 7A
chemist’s n /ˈkemɪsts/ аптека Take this prescription to the chemist's. 7 7A
choose v /tʃuːz/ вибирати
They chose to resign rather than work for the new 7 7E
The new clothes shop in the town centre sells designer
clothes shop n /ˈkləʊðz ʃɒp/ магазин одягу
jackets. 7 7A

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Shall we meet at the coffee shop for a coffee and some

coffee shop n /ˈkɒfi ʃɒp/ кав'ярня
cake? 7 7A

They signed a three-year contract with a major record

contract n /ˈkɒntrækt/ договір
company. 7 7F

She's been a client at the cosmetics store for a long

cosmetics store n /kɒzˈmetɪks stɔː(r)/ магазин косметики
time. 7 7A
cost v /kɒst/ коштувати How much does a return ticket to London cost? 7 7C
coupon n /ˈkuːpɒn/ купон This coupon is worth 10% off your next purchase. 7 7A
decide v /dɪˈsaɪd/ вирішувати We've decided not to invite Isabel. 7 7E
deli [delicatessen] n /ˈdeli/, /ˌdelɪkəˈtesn/ кулінарія I can't afford to buy food at the deli. It's too expensive. 7 7A
discount n /ˈdɪskaʊnt/ знижка Do you give a discount for cash? 7 7A
DIY store n /ˌdiː aɪ ˈwaɪ stɔː(r)/ будівельний магазин, "Зроби Сам" My husband usually buys tools at the DIY store. 7 7A
There was nothing to eat at home so we ended up
end up v /end ʌp/ закінчувати
getting a takeaway. 7 7E
enjoy v /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ насолоджуватись He enjoys listening to music while he's driving. 7 7E
entrepreneur n /ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜː(r)/ підприємець She's shown exceptional skills as an entrepreneur. 7 7F

Our local estate agent's has recently put up some new

estate agent’s n /ɪˈsteɪt eɪdʒənts/ агент з нерухомості
houses for sale. 7 7A
expect v /ɪkˈspekt/ розраховувати, очікувати Their boss expects them to work night shifts. 7 7E
fail v /feɪl/ зазнавати невдачі She never fails to do her homework. 7 7E
fancy v /ˈfænsi/ хотіти, уявляти I don't fancy going out in this rain. 7 7E
It's our wedding anniversary so I'm going to buy a
florist’s n /ˈflɒrɪsts/ флорист
bunch of roses for my wife at the florist's. 7 7A

funding n /ˈfʌndɪŋ/ фінансування

Our teachers will need some extra funding for the new 7 7F
sports equipment so we're organising a cake sale.

garden centre n /ˈɡɑːdn sentə(r)/ садовий центр

This garden centre has an excellent choice of patio 7 7A
get a refund (for sth) v /ɡet ə ˈriːfʌnd/ отримати відшкодувати Albert got a refund for his jumper. 7 7C
My uncle complained so the computer store gave him
give a refund (for sth) v /ɡɪv ə ˈriːfʌnd/ відшкодувати
a refund for the faulty tablet. 7 7C

Would you mind going to the greengrocer's to get

greengrocer’s n /ˈɡriːnɡrəʊsəz/ овочевий магазин
some lettuce? 7 7A

I've made an appointment at the hairdresser’s for 10

hairdresser’s n /ˈheədresəz/ перукарня
o'clock. 7 7A

income n /ˈɪnkʌm/ дохід It's often difficult for a family to live on one income. 7 7F

investor n /ɪnˈvestə(r)/ інвестор, вкладник Have you found an investor for your business plan yet? 7 7F
jeweller’s n /ˈdʒuːələz/ ювелірний магазин There was a robbery at the jeweller's yesterday. 7 7A
keep v /kiːp/ продовжувати щось робити She keeps asking me silly questions. 7 7E
Launderettes are popular with students living away
launderette n /lɔːnˈdret/ пральня
from home. 7 7A
lend v /lend/ позичити Could you lend me £10 until Friday? 7 7C
lose v /luːz/ втрачати The company is losing money all the time. 7 7C

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mind v /maɪnd/ бути не проти, погоджуватися Do you mind having to travel so far to work every day? 7 7E
newsagent’s n /ˈnjuːzeɪdʒənts/ газетний кіоск The newsagent's isn't open today. 7 7A
offer v /ˈɒfə(r)/ пропонувати My brother's offered to help me paint the house. 7 7E
optician’s n /ɒpˈtɪʃnz/ оптик I have to go to the optician's for an eye test. 7 7A
owe v /əʊ/ бути в боргу I owe Katrina a lot of money. 7 7C
pay (for sth) v /peɪ/ платити We paid the dealer £3,000 for the car. 7 7C
post office n /ˈpəʊst ˌɒfɪs/ пошта Where's the main post office? 7 7A
Marianne prefers not to walk home on her own at
prefer v /prɪˈfɜː(r)/ надавати перевагу
night. 7 7E

pretend v /prɪˈtend/ робити вигляд The kids were under the bed pretending to be snakes. 7 7E
price tag n /ˈpraɪs tæɡ/ цінник There's no price tag on this jar of coffee. 7 7A
Unfortunately this year's profits don't look very good
profits n /ˈprɒfɪts/ прибуток
for our company. 7 7F
promise v /ˈprɒmɪs/ обіцяти She promised to phone every week. 7 7E
Keep the receipt in case you want to exchange the
receipt n /rɪˈsiːt/ квитанція
shirt. 7 7A
refund n /ˈriːfʌnd/ відшкодування Did you get a refund for the damaged handbag? 7 7A
refuse v /rɪˈfjuːz/ відмовитися He refused to listen to what I was saying. 7 7E
He bought a very expensive watch so he ran out of
run out (of sth) v /rʌn aʊt/ закінчитися
money. 7 7C
salary n /ˈsæləri/ зарплата My salary is paid directly into my bank account. 7 7F
sale n /seɪl/ продаж, збут The sale starts on December 28th. 7 7A
save v /seɪv/ зберегти Do you manage to save any of your wages? 7 7C
save up (for sth) v /seɪv ʌp/ заощаджувати, копити I'm saving up for a new bike. 7 7C
sell v /sel/ продати Would you sell me your ticket? 7 7C
Jane bought a pair of trendy boots in the shoe shop
shoe shop n /ʃuː ʃɒp/ взуттєвий магазин
next to the supermarket. 7 7A

There's a special offer on the T-shirts this week: you

special offer n /speʃl ˈɒfə(r)/ спеціальна пропозиція
can buy three for the price of two. 7 7A
spend v /spend/ витрачати You shouldn't go on spending like that. 7 7C
My friend bought a fountain pen at the stationer's as a
stationer’s n /ˈsteɪʃnəz/ канцелярські товари
present for her father's birthday. 7 7A
takeaway n /ˈteɪkəweɪ/ виїзд, на виніс This takeaway sells the best chips in town. 7 7A
waste v /weɪst/ марнувати, тратити She wastes a lot of money on magazines. 7 7C
Houses in London are no longer affordable for the
affordable adj /əˈfɔːdəbl/ доступний
majority of people on an average income. 8 8E

After the fatal accident on the motorway, the police

appeal v /əˈpiːl/ звертатися
are appealing for witnesses. 8 8A
arson n /ˈɑːsn/ підпал Arson can have devastating consequences. 8 8A
arsonist n /ˈɑːsənɪst/ підпалювач Did the police arrest the arsonists in the end? 8 8A
balaclava n /ˌbæləˈklɑːvə/ балаклава The robber was wearing a balaclava to cover his face. 8 8G
break into something phr v /breɪk ˈɪntə ˌsʌmθɪŋ/ вламатися, ввірватися Thieves broke into his car and stole the radio. 8 8A
burglar n /ˈbɜːɡlə(r)/ грабіжник The burglars broke in by smashing the window. 8 8A
burglary n /ˈbɜːɡləri/ крадіжка зі зломом There was a burglary next door last week. 8 8A

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The boy was burgling my aunt's house but a neighbour

burgle v /ˈbɜːɡl/ бути зломщиком
saw him called the police. 8 8A
cards n /kɑːdz/ карти I never win at cards. 8 Wordlist
careless adj /ˈkeələs/ недбалий Jo's very careless. 8 8E
chewing gum n /ˈtʃuːɪŋ ɡʌm/ жуйка, жувальна гумка Do you like chewing gum? 8 8F
childish adj /ˈtʃaɪldɪʃ/ інфальтильний, дитячий, незрілий Don’t be so childish! You can’t always have everything you want. 8 Wordlist
cowardly adj /ˈkaʊədli/ боягузливий Nothing can justify his cowardly behaviour. 8 8E
damage v /ˈdæmɪdʒ/ пошкодити The storm damaged the roof. 8 8A
dangerous adj /ˈdeɪndʒərəs/ небезпечний Police warn that the man is highly dangerous. 8 8E
deal drugs v /diːl drʌɡz/ вживати наркотики She was still dealing drugs when the police arrived. 8 8A

Dental records are essential to identify some victims of

dental records n /ˈdentl ˌrɪkɔːdz/ зліпки зубів, стоматологічні записи
murder. 8 8E
drinkable adj /ˈdrɪŋkəbl/ питний Are you sure this water is drinkable? 8 8E
The drug dealer will be in prison for the next two
drug dealer n /ˈdrʌɡ diːlə(r)/ торговець наркотиками
years. 8 8A

Drug-dealing is a crime with a lot of ramifications for

drug-dealing n /ˈdrʌɡ diːlɪŋ/ торгівля наркотиками
our society. 8 8A
economical adj /ˌekəˈnɒmɪkl/, /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪkl/ економічний The new model of this car is very economical. 8 8E
enjoyable adj /ɪnˈdʒɔɪəbl/ приємний We spent an enjoyable few days in Scotland. 8 8H
fingerprints n /ˈfɪŋɡəprɪnts/ відбитки пальців The burglar left his fingerprints all over the house. 8 8F
foolish adj /ˈfuːlɪʃ/ нерозумний I was foolish enough to trust him. 8 8E
furious adj /ˈfjʊəriəs/ лютий, злючий He was furious with her for losing the car keys. 8 8E
grab v /ɡræb/ схопити Helen grabbed the toy car from her little brother. 8 8G
greenish adj /ˈɡriːnɪʃ/ зеленуватий I've painted my bedroom a greenish colour. 8 8E
The mugger snatched the girl's handbag while she was
handbag n /ˈhændbæɡ/ жіноча сумочка
walking down a dark lane. 8 8G
helpful adj /ˈhelpfl/ корисний My teacher gave me some helpful advice. 8 8E
hold on phr v /həʊld ɒn/ тримати, схопити She held on to her bag so the mugger couldn't steal it. 8 8G

hopeful adj /ˈhəʊpfl/ який надіється, багатообіцяючий He's very hopeful about the success of the business. 8 8E
identify v /aɪˈdentɪfaɪ/ ідентифікувати The woman identified the culprit immediately. 8 8A
interview v /ˈɪntəvjuː/ особисто зустрітися, мати ділове по They've interviewed the suspect for the past hour. 8 8A
kill v /kɪl/ вбити
The man killed his wife after she said she was going to 8 8A
leave him.
Do you think they're going to launch an investigation
launch v /lɔːntʃ/ починати, запускати
into the robbery? 8 8A
lean v /liːn/ нахилитися He leaned across the table to pick up the phone. 8 8G
loot v /luːt/ грабувати Some gangs looted the empty houses after the flood. 8 8A
looter n /ˈluːtə(r)/ грабіжник The looters stole everything from our shop. 8 8A
looting n /luːtɪŋ/ грабіж There was looting during the riots. 8 8A
lucky adj /ˈlʌki/ щасливий He's lucky to be alive after an accident like that. 8 8E
magical adj /ˈmædʒɪkl/ чарівний Our holiday was absolutely magical. 8 Wordlist
Keep your wallet out of sight or somebody might mug
mug v /mʌɡ/ напасти з ціллю пограбування
you. 8 8A

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Solutions Pre-Intermediate Ukraine wordlist

At the end of the trial, he felt some sympathy for his

mugger n /ˈmʌɡə(r)/ вуличний грабіжник
mugger. 8 8A
mugging n /ˈmʌɡɪŋ/ грабіж з насильством The mugging took place 8 8A
This is one of the most vicious murders the police have
ever come across.
murder n, v /ˈmɜːdə(r)/ вбивство, вбити
Why on earth would anyone murder another human 8 8A

murder investigation n /ˈmɜːdə(r) ɪnvestɪˌɡeɪʃn/ розслідування вбивств The murder investigation isn't making much progress. 8 8F
murderer n /ˈmɜːdərə(r)/ вбивця The murderer didn't show any sign of remorse. 8 8A
Several people reported seeing mysterious lights in the
mysterious adj /mɪˈstɪəriəs/ таємничий
sky. 8 8E
national adj /ˈnæʃnəl/ національний Here is today's national and international news. 8 8E
open-top car n /ˌəʊpən tɒp ˈkɑː(r)/ автомобіль з відкритим верхом She was proud of her new open-top car. 8 8F
painful adj /ˈpeɪnfl/ болісний, болючий A wasp sting can be very painful. 8 8E
painless adj /ˈpeɪnləs/ безболісний The animal's death was quick and painless. 8 8E
patrol v /pəˈtrəʊl/ патрулювати A security guard patrols this area every night. 8 8A
pull v /pʊl/ тягнути I felt someone pull at my sleeve and turned round. 8 8G
rob v /rɒb/ грабувати They robbed the bank early in the morning. 8 8A
The robber managed to escape and the police are still
robber n /ˈrɒbə(r)/ розбійник
looking for him. 8 8A

The armed robbery at the local jeweller's took place

robbery n /ˈrɒbəri/ грабіж
last month. 8 8A
run away phr v /rʌn əwˈeɪ/ тікати He's run away from home. 8 8G
search v /sɜːtʃ/ обшукувати The police officer searched the house thoroughly. 8 8A
secret code n /ˌsiːkrət ˈkəʊd/ секретний код They managed to break the secret code. 8 8F
selfish adj /ˈselfɪʃ/ егоїстичний I'm sick of your selfish behaviour! 8 8E
selfless adj /ˈselfləs/ безкорисливий I admire him for his selfless service to the poor. 8 8E
set fire to something phr v /set ˈfaɪə(r) tə sʌmθɪŋ/ підпалити The vandals set fire to the telephone box. 8 8A
Some people shoplift in supermarkets because they
shoplift v /ˈʃɒplɪft/ красти товари
haven't got enough maney to buy food. 8 8A
shoplifter n /ˈʃɒplɪftə(r)/ крамничний злодій The security guard ran after the shoplifter. 8 8A
shoplifting n /ˈʃɒplɪftɪŋ/ пограбування магазину The police arrested him for shoplifting. 8 8A
smuggle v /ˈsmʌɡl/ провозити контрабандою They managed to smuggle the drugs through customs. 8 8A

Punishments for drug smugglers are very severe in

smuggler n /ˈsmʌɡlə(r)/ контрабандист
some countries. 8 8A
smuggling n /ˈsmʌɡlɪŋ/ контрабанда Do you think that smuggling is as serious as theft? 8 8A
snatch v /snætʃ/ зривати A boy snatched her handbag and ran off. 8 8G
steal v /stiːl/ вкрасти The terrorists were driving a stolen car. 8 8A
strap n /stræp/ ремінець, лямка He pulled the bag by its strap. 8 8G
We're going to study the CCTV footage tomorrow to
study v /ˈstʌdi/ вивчати, вчитися
see if there are any images of the thief's face. 8 8A
subway n /ˈsʌbweɪ/ метро, підземний перехід They waited for their victim in the subway. 8 8G
They're going to play table tennis with their friends
table tennis n /ˈteɪbl tenɪs/ настільний теніс
tomorrow. 8 Grammar Builder 8 D
tasteless adj /ˈteɪstləs/ без смаку, несмачний This sauce is rather tasteless. 8 8E

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telephone number n /ˈtelɪfəʊn nʌmbə(r)/ номер телефону What's your telephone number? 8 8F
theft n /θeft/ крадіжка There have been a lot of thefts in this area recently. 8 8A

thief [pl thieves] n /θiːf/, /θiːvz/ злодій (злодії) A thief snatched her handbag containing her wages. 8 8A
train ticket n /ˈtreɪn tɪkɪt/ квиток на поїзд Did you remember to buy the train tickets? 8 8F
vandal n /ˈvændl/ вандал, хуліган Vandals show no respect for public property. 8 8A
A gang of teenagers vandalised all the garages in this
vandalise v /ˈvændəlaɪz/ нівечити,по-варварському ставитись
area last week. 8 8A
vandalism n /ˈvændəlɪzəm/ вандалізм Acts of vandalism are so pointless! 8 8A
The children had a lot of fun at the water park on
water park n /ˈwɔːtə(r) pɑːk/ аквапарк
Sunday. 6 6A
weekly adj /ˈwiːkli/ щотижня We are paid weekly. 8 8E
Aluminium saucepans aren't as popular as they used
aluminium n /ˌæljəˈmɪniəm/ алюміній
to be. 9 9A

apologise v /əˈpɒlədʒaɪz/ вибачатися I'll have to apologise to your teacher for being late. 9 9C
arrange v /əˈreɪndʒ/ впорядковувати The books were arranged in alphabetical order. 9 9F
arrangement n /əˈreɪndʒmənt/ оформлення That flower arrangement is very pretty. 9 9F
bald adj /bɔːld/ лисий I hope I don't go bald like my father did. 9 9F
baldness n /bɔːldnəs/ облисіння Baldness is quite common in men. 9 9F
base n /beɪs/ фундамент The base of this column in the temple is crumbling. 9 9A
battery n /ˈbætəri/ акумулятор, батарея She needs to recharge her phone battery. 9 9A
broken adj /ˈbrəʊkən/ зламаний The washing machine's broken. 9 9G
cardboard n /ˈkɑːdbɔːd/ картон The goods were packed in cardboard boxes. 9 9A
I work in a modern office building of glass and
cement n /sɪˈment/ цемент
concrete. 9 9A

ceramic n /səˈræmɪk/ кераміка These ceramic tiles are so pretty – I want to buy them. 9 9A
challenge v /ˈtʃælɪndʒ/ заперечувати, оспорювати She hates anyone challenging her authority. 9 9C
circular adj /ˈsɜːkjələ(r)/ круглий That circular table is ideal for my parents' dining room. 9 9A
comfort v /ˈkʌmfət/ втішати The crying child was comforted by her father. 9 9C
complain v /kəmˈpleɪn/ скаржитися People are always complaining about the weather. 9 9C
copper n /ˈkɒpə(r)/ мідь Water pipes are usually made of copper. 9 9A
cordless adj /ˈkɔːdləs/ бездротовий Are you going to repair the cordless phone tomorrow? 9 9A
credit note n /ˈkredɪt nəʊt/ кредитне авізо We took the credit note to the shop. 9 9G
curved adj /kɜːvd/ вигнутий The blade is slightly curved. 9 9A
deaf adj /def/ глухий You'll have to speak louder. My father's a bit deaf. 9 9F
Can the doctors do anything to help her cope with her
deafness n /defnəs/ глухота
deafness? 9 9F

The crew demonstrated the use of life jackets just

demonstrate v /ˈdemənstreɪt/ продемонструвати
before take-off. 9 Grammar Builder 9

The salesman gave me a demonstration of what the

demonstration n /ˌdemənˈstreɪʃn/ демонстрація
computer could do. 9 9F

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describe v /dɪˈskraɪb/ описувати Can you describe the bag you lost? 9 9C
encourage v /ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ/ заохочувати The teacher encouraged her students to ask questions. 9 9C
enquire v /ɪnˈkwaɪə(r)/ запитати Could you enquire when the trains to Cork leave? 9 9C
glass n /ɡlɑːs/ скло He cut himself on broken glass. 9 9A
gold n /ɡəʊld/ золото Is your bracelet made of solid gold? 9 9A
handle n /ˈhændl/ ручка She turned the handle and opened the door. 9 9A
inform v /ɪnˈfɔːm/ інформувати You should inform the police of the accident. 9 9C
invent v /ɪnˈvent/ винаходити When was the camera invented? 9 9B
invention n /ɪnˈvenʃn/ винахід The electric car is a useful invention. 9 9C
Benjamin Franklin was an inventor as well as a
inventor n /ɪnˈventə(r)/ винахідник
politician. 9 9B
iron n /ˈaɪən/ залізо This iron bar is very heavy. 9 9A
leather n /ˈleðə(r)/ шкіра The leather jacket in the shop window is expensive. 9 9A
lid n /lɪd/ кришка I can't get the lid off this jar. 9 9A
mains n /meɪnz/ водопровідні труби Turn the water off at the mains. 9 9A
The train stopped and didn't move for a couple of
move v /muːv/ рухатися
hours. 9 9F

movement n /ˈmuːvmənt/ рух

I like watching the slow movement of the clouds 9 9F
across the sky.
nylon n /ˈnaɪlɒn/ нейлон Nylon is used to make some items of clothing. 9 9A
paper n /ˈpeɪpə(r)/ папір Can you pass me a piece of paper please? 9 9A
persuade v /pəˈsweɪd/ переконати It was difficult to persuade Louise to change her mind. 9 9C
plastic n /ˈplæstɪk/ пластик A lot of kitchen utensils are made of plastic. 9 9A
It's going to cause problems if Donna brings her
problem n /ˈprɒbləm/ проблема
husband. 9 9E
rechargeable adj /ˌriːˈtʃɑːdʒəbl/ перезаряджений Are these batteries rechargeable? 9 9A
recommend v /ˌrekəˈmend/ рекомендувати Which film would you recommend? 9 9C
reconstruct v /ˌriːkənˈstrʌkt/ реконструювати
This medieval crossbow was reconstructed a few years 9 9F
ago by a team of university researchers.
The reconstruction of the prehistoric raft is exhibited
reconstruction n /ˌriːkənˈstrʌkʃn/ реконструкція
at the museum. 9 9F
record v /rɪˈkɔːd/ записувати The band has recently recorded a new album. 9 9F
I think the Berlin Philharmonic's recording of Mahler's
recording n /rɪˈkɔːdɪŋ/ запис
Sixth symphony is brilliant. 9 9F

They've just bought a rectangular mirror for their

rectangular adj /rekˈtæŋɡjələ(r)/ прямокутний
bedroom. 9 9A
rediscover v /ˌriːdɪˈskʌvə(r)/ відкрити знову He rediscovered some old friends during his visit to the seaside town.
9 Wordlist
rediscovery n /ˌriːdɪˈskʌvəri/ повторне відкриття The rediscovery of this novel has generated a lot of interest among literary critics.
9 Wordlist
The bike was damaged beyond repair so I threw it
repair n, v /rɪˈpeə(r)/ ремонт, відновлювати away. 9 9G
These cars can be expensive to repair.
rubber n /ˈrʌbə(r)/ гума Rubber is used for making tyres. 9 9A
solar powered adj /ˌsəʊlə(r) ˈpaʊəd/ на сонячній енергії He bought a solar powered radio. 9 9A
spherical adj /ˈsferɪkl/ сферичний What's that spherical object on the floor? 9 9A

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We need a square piece of material to make a

square adj /skweə(r)/ під прямим кутом, прямий
tablecloth. 9 9A

The iron and steel industry is diminishing in this

steel n /stiːl/ сталь
country. 9 9A
stone n /stəʊn/ камінь The house was built of grey stone. 9 9A
tell a story v /tel ə ˈstɔːri/ розказувати історію
She told a very funny story and everyone in the room 9 9C

thank v /θæŋk/ дякувати I'm writing to thank you for the present you sent me. 9 9C
treat v /triːt/ лікувати The boy was treated for burns at the hospital. 9 9F
treatment n /ˈtriːtmənt/ лікування They had an accident and required medical treatment. 9 9C

The wine glasses were arranged on the table in a

triangular adj /traɪˈæŋɡjələ(r)/ трикутний
triangular shape. 9 9A

When I saw the car coming I tried to warn him, but it

warn v /wɔːn/ попередити
was too late. 9 9C
welcome v /ˈwelkəm/ вітати, привітати Everyone came to the door to welcome us. 9 9C
wheels n pl /wiːlz/ колеса His favourite toy is a dog on wheels. 9 9A
wood n /wʊd/ дерево He chopped some wood for the fire. 9 9A

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