2.cambridge English Advanced - PTs - Harrison - Test 2

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TEST 2 Forquestions English (1hour30 minutes) 120d the text below and decide which answer (5, or) bests each ‘0p. There isan example atthe beginning (0). lok your onsen the separa camp ok gin) tel fejaaee primary novel Mary Heath was the Queen of the Skies, one ofthe best-known women in the world daring the age of aviation, She was the frst woman in Britain {o gain a commercial plo’ leence, the fist to? ____a parachute jump ~ and the first Brtsh women’s javelin champion. ‘She scandalized 19208" British society by marrying three times (at the 3 __of her fame she wed politician Sir James Heath ~ har second husband 45 years her senor Tn 1928, aged 31, she became the fst plot Mary Heath, female pilot to fly an open-cockpit plane, sol, from South Afi t Bayt, 4 9.000 miles inf ‘three months. Iwasa triumph. Lady Heath was S_____ asthe nation’s sweetheart and called “Lady lamas by the pres. However, he ie was 6. ‘ragically short. Only a year late she 7a hottie aeldent atthe National Air Show In Ohio inthe USA, when her plane crashed ‘through the roof of a building. Her health was never the & again, an she ded in May 1939, ‘A golden B sweet A put B hold 2 A crest B height Accovering stretching 5 Acclaimed —B declared © Aut Bk A undertook 8 suffered A ike B equal 28 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS bright D shiny C take D make fulness D top € crossing ranging C halle D quoted € stopped brought C receives underwent beter D same PART2 For questions )~i5, read the text below and think ofthe word which bes fits each gap. Use ‘only 2°= word in each gap. There isan example at the beginning (2) Write your answers) CAPITAL. LETTERS on the seperate answer gig LOGE eases Stun Hayes had taunched ims n a promising carer 4 swimmer when something odd happencd 2 imate oc! pol Moggi up ad down forthe umpicenth time, he suddenly realized 10 ‘bored he had hecome with the monotony, Wasnt there @ ‘more interesting way of 1i___ sporty, for heaven's sake? There was and here is the colour, sveat and sheer ‘emotion of triathlons, Stuart became a world-class tathlete and won the London Triathlon, the biggest event of 2nd inthe world, ‘iiathons are 13 __ but boring, Combining swimming, eyling and running in one physical onslaught, they offer inge variety within a single racing framework. In Britain the spor is growing by 10 per cent @ year. People are moving away 1 just running, and are looking for new challenges; says Nick Rusling, event director for the London Triathlon. Triathlons are a 15 ____deal more Interesting to traln for and you can vary talning to fit busy Iifestyle, swimming in your lunch break and 1° ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS “AD)NC AND USE OF ENGLISH 29 Test2 PART 3 Forquestions \7-2, read he text below, Use the word given in capitals atthe end of some ‘ofthe lines to form a word that fits in the gap vhe === line, There isan example at the beginning (0). Write your answers i CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer shest, Example: 0] SRE RESTAURANT OF THE YEAR (One more chancel That’ all wee giving you to tell us about your favourite restaurant and boost its chances of becoming the O_ wv ‘of our Restaurant ofthe Year competition. This is the las time the NATE official 17 form wil appear in the paper and next Thursday 0 isthe fina date for 18___of complete forms. RECEWE ‘Over the past few weeks we have been swamped by a paper mountain 2519__acrossthectyjot down the compeling reasons why DINE they believe their20___restaurant should definitely win our CHOOSE hotly 21__ competition. ont (Once the 22____has passed, our judges wil st down and count DEAD allthe forms. The thre restaurants which receive the most vate will, ‘then be visited bythe judges, These vist wll of course be 23__, sa the restaurants thereles will not know thatthe WNNOUN Judges are there After their vss, the judges wil make their nal {decision over who wins the 24 tile Restaurantofthe Year", PRESTIGE 30 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS AG W40 USE OF ENGLISH PARTS For questions 25~30, complete the second sentence so that ithas asimilar meaning tothe {first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the wor aven. You must use erween ‘hues and six words, including the word given. Heres an example 0), Example: 0 Ididtttnow the way there, so got lst. cer Not______ there, got ost o] |[RNOWING HOW TO GET Weite only the missing wordsN CAPITAL LETTERS onthe separate answer sheet, 25 Ietook me some time to understand fully what happened. WHILE ‘twas____ understood what had happened, 26 Theres no point arguing about this small etal n my opinion. wort This smaldetat________.n my opinion, 27 Hf your order is delayed, we will contact you. DELAY Should___twyourorde, we wil contact you. 28 Tha two situations are completely afferent. common ‘The two situations dort ________ eachother. 29 Iwas amazed because there were no problems throughout the holiday. ‘wenT To______ wrong throughout te holiday. 30 Ihave nointention of doing another kind of ob. DREAM feces other kind ofjob. ‘AMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS READING ANDUSE OF ENGLISH 38 zasal PARTS Youare going to read a newspaper article about management. For questions 31-36, choose the answer (5, Cor) which you think ts best according to the txt. Mark your answers Simply ticking the boxes isn’t enough "hve bon ae what hin sboat ‘he iden o vesting n People’ The best answe ean gies that thin ‘hat what rest aeier- basally staking hein betwen business Improvement a focosing on the sees ofthe people who work ora ngainaton =i get My problem is ‘eth oaniations who aubenbe ot few to belp the et eter, when ‘hey don bother to unteatand where ‘hey went wo in theta. They eed oak what expla ight pole nd procedies they haven ‘lee that prevent thal pepl fom dng able odo the ight thing for the ihr ensne Tram se tat here ae ages cout thee mo dont know ay beter, sd ssume tat 0 manage toy sity zed opt pressure on the people fom. But people dont denonstate ‘gh perfomance becaoe they ae ‘old. They doit bere they see ‘he ee to doit and make the cece to doco The do itbeeae they re annected o he business ols ‘hey seo ter eontebutions can Isp aciee them. Sach manages may ‘ell themeas they can put ik Inthe wecarabout peopl bn. But sly pti tk in bose fad {itdoe reesei ow of company that wat concerned thats people weeding, ‘the ight hing” hat puta place ‘ere of mete to mena thelr ‘Hatvenets Sofa, s0 god. Bat one trie "Narbe of potent asters ‘en in one doy. These pene oat este alos on ging ‘tom oe eastomer’ feo another, sd soto doing da. Intad ofthe ‘cepayer beaming ve efeie, ‘they ese on geting the ones ‘eke. Good intent; por thinking “Another company wanted timprove ‘the peed wth which twas abet Inueduce new products Competition ‘eas beating it tothe market place, end onsoquent the eompany ws ng ‘ae hae. Seior management feat eu the message to ees the time pentn geting procs nto casters ands withthe explanation ‘hat they count td ly. This vasa mati cay tank, expecially Since the ime spent testing the proc sot cso the time esscon The el was ew products were inode in es ‘ethan tne of he empaiton bat son ee estes or ove ait Good intent ess ‘plementation “Ahiedcompany law tying and to hp empleo that they ofthe objectives making sect) have soe conta ovr the fie Sols cals~ mantel aelfn the ‘Th ompany nsituted «programe 52. CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTIETESTS 206 0 USE OF CUS sith ik ‘Creating oro fue’ or sameting ike that A ‘odie: the pooper Inthe fue ofthe company, Bat Instead of he employes necoming ‘ote ocontibat, they anv tall eee onthe part of Senior mangenent wh ate pat ad pl it tenon wanting ther ha geting theo doe hay could report rat earings. Yes, the programe was abet ft, tat wala ‘the mins of the people thst it wae eine ‘Anal examples ofa company that bought n one of these Investing In People’ programmes to change the a he company was ran. Assessors ‘wee running ound I ery, bnlping manages examine how they ‘managed. They told managers bow they ‘onld manage bet. And when the programme as ov, the company was able say they hd done it = tha invested ts people and life was row od. Bt he manages snp we back to sis ar al. AReral, the asters were gone, and they had tamer ie All tee example ae representative of sesie management whose the ae improve thi in thee gale, bt dort ce how todo It Pera sat, pogamme targeted improving things sonia good ‘ninagenents ait motte the pope. And when the employees simply se the programme asa bor tieking eer, then ft hopeless. 21 The write think that putting the concept of vesting in People into practice 1 frequently ets in confusion among the peopl itis uppozed tel. © voles more efor than come organization ar prepare to make, may reat probes where previously there had not been any robes ca 1 ssomething that some organisation should ot ettempt toda. 432 The writers main pointin the second paragraph thatthe performance of employees |A- maybe very good even if management i pot 5 cannot be accurately measured by any box ticking exercise ca | isolated to their knowledge ofthe organization asa whole, | isnot as unprecctable as some managers belive to be, i 22 What pont does the writer mate about the frst company he describes? ‘temas not ely interested n mesuring the ffectveness of employes. 1 Thetargets that set or staf were unease i efaled to understand the el neds ots employees ca j 1 Theda that it coected id not measie what wae suposed to measure zasal 14 What pont does the writer mate about the second company he desc? ‘ema wha shoul have been an este nt complicated ane 5 aes to foresee the consequences ofan incon emisnderstod uty ane approach as eq D erefisedto takeing account the ews of employees. 235 What does the writer ay about the programme introduced by the third company he mentions? 2 Employees dd ot believe tat it had been introduced fr ther benef Employees et thatit was in fact way of making ther jobs even hardet. ce (C_The eason given for introccng fea not the rel reson why it wae introduced 1 Tewas an inappropsae kind of programme fortis particular organization, 36 The ter sys thatthe programe ins fina example ‘Aas 0 demanding for managers to maa gem. 8 at wet ar aselcotane xr by managers € inoled some sone eas on ow managers could improve. Oa 5 cuted managers to Bleve that thet pres methods had been bte ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS fcADINC 3 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS PART 6 You are going to read four extracts from introductions to books on popular culture For questions 3"~0, choose {fiom the extracts \~0. The extracts may be chosen more than once. ‘Mark your answerson the separate answersheet, | An introduction to popular culture | Four writers summarize their beliefs about various aspects of popular cultur ‘The whole con of popular culate relatively moder one a a a phenomenon its key tothe understanding of any moder society Bareststufics abound on the subject and inded there are whol branches of academia edited to esearch and theories on the topic but in many cases what these do is ove-complcat something tats in realty ‘elt smple mater Popolr clare spring fiom anal poops of ie-minded people geting opt with new ‘eas an thea It spreads out to the population a ae ite nd these ess appealing, Mach of teats tothe young and fr them tes happy sense of being separate fom othe generations and therfore pei income way a | Poplar clare may once hate sprung fom the popl thers, and nes this was the erga defriton of the term for many eer, bt te nave to consider tat thi resins the cg, Instead, thas become something imposed | nthe peblictrom on high, businass cammedity that mer pretends to hae its ets inthe ratty of the | people’ but infact is simply @ money-making etepie ike any other What people choose to buy and consume inthe | tea of popular clture sedis volumes about their society nd is msi inet of what that society ke. This | specially tee inthe ares of youth elt here the young gin a sense of self and belonging i share tastes and otressons, Sie of popu cate ten ta oss on the mone exciting agpets and ono the more mane, ‘hich ironically are often the mot intersting ‘To summarizit brit popular cultures developed by the people for the poople and when it has besme popular enough, commode for profit hy the business worl, Studies of popular cle have plied ove the yes, sd experts inthe eld have developed their vm vocabulary and eter or anasingt. These stair often tes the socal aspects rather han the commercial ones. Forte younge participants in popu culture, thee issues are Snlevnt, a5 what they get fom it isa senoo of identipng with a particular contemporary grou, a comforting sense ot ‘commaniy: They ae csnclined to anal this thenssires fie wort remembering, however that at ny age, poplar ‘uses often a minty ines ~ today's medi ket give the impression that the ast sort of people are swept up nit whereas this fequenty no the ce. ‘Wondinary members ofthe public were to read moet ofthe wort studs of populr culture that academies produce, ‘hey woud fnd them overblown ad ical in taking such everday and essential vil things vo secu. the media excitable journalists and experts exaguatethe importance to meet people of the curent popular elure phonomens, which in reality do nat much acupy the minds af most people. The one re whore thes observations ‘may not hold true, however, it mong the young, where popular ature can have undue infuence, encouraging then to ‘sequlre unealte dens about how they ca iv he Wes and therefore potently having a damagiag eect on thet futures. one ofthe more intresting aspects of popular clare forall ages sits unpredictability anew phenomenon can sudden emerge that rps a section of society and that takes the commercial wold ene by suprise, orcingit to act sity o keep up and to capitalize on that nts phenomenon, Wich writer takes ilar ew to writer Aon studles of popular cuture? dies rom the others on what causes popular cure aris? hres writer 85 opinion onthe significance of popular cure? has adifecent opinion from the others onthe impact of popular culture on young people? ‘AMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS. READING AKO USE OF GGLSH 35, zusat TEST 2 PART Yow are going to read a review of an ort exhibition. Si paragraphs have been removed from ‘the article. Choose from the paragraphs '-C the one which fis each gop (#1~5). There is ‘oneextra paragraph which you do net need tose. ‘Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet An exhibition of works by the artist John Craxton | “A World of Private Mysteny: John Craxton RAV et the Fitzwilliam Museum isa small shovt, but it does fll usice to an artist whose career divides into ‘wo pars the years before and during the Second World War, and the work he dd afterwards, when for long periods he lived outside England, Ie begins with his small-scale landscapes in pen and ink, pastel, gouache and watercolour His subject is arcadia, but a Aistinelly English one in which poets and shepherds sleep and ream amid blasted landscapes ‘under darkening skis. Suffused ‘with longing and foreboding, these works reflect the reality of| living ina rain-sodden country unde constant threat of foreiga es ‘Most ofthe ealy work is monochrome. In many landscapes, writhing branches and gnarled tee unk fil our Feld of vision, Beneath the surface ofthe self-consciously ‘poetic’ moti, the country he shovts in these pietures feels ‘laustrophobie and joie. ‘As this exhibition makes clear, by the age of 25 Craxton’s asic 28 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS AEADING ANDUSE OF ENGLISH identity had matured, With his style, subject matter and working method all flly formed, itis hard to imagine how he would Ihave developed had he remained in England after he war. a ce (On his ist visi to Greece in 1946, Craxton was swept away by the light, colour, landscape, food and people. The dark cloud that hung over the work he did in England lifts and overnight his palette changes to clear blue, ‘green and white eee Goats, fish, ats ora frieze of sailors dancing on the edge of the sea: in the Greek paintings Dbeautifl creatures move naturally across bare rocks and blue waters, The compressed Joy you find in these pitures doesn't, ‘exis elsewhere in British post- war art. With & few interruptions, Caxton would spend the rest of his life in Crete eee oer But if there i litle exploration or discovery in Craxton's later work, you find instead a sense of fullness and completion, a feeling that in accepting his limitations, he remained tre to himself. As he once sid, "Tea work best Jinan atmosphere wher ifs considered more important than fn then I find is possible to ‘eel areal person ~ real people, real elements, real windows — real sun above al. In a life of realty, my imagination really ‘works | fel ike an émigré in London and squashed fat eee es most noticeable in the works fon canvas, especially in formal Portraits ike his 1946 "Git with 1 Cock’ and it’s there too in the faceted geometric planes of Greek Jandscapes Ike hls panoramic view of Hydra of 1960-61. Craxton wasn't an artist of the first rank but he was intatable ‘This show i just he ight scale and it comes with a beautifully ‘ustrated book about his ie and otk pce sei Ie comes across ths way even when he uses strong colour, as none sunt landscapein particular, where the yellow isharsh andthe ved murky. its 235 though hes painting something hed heard about but never actualy seen: sulight. twas nt only London that oppressed his spit, thnk, but the overwhelming power of the new art being made in Pais by Picasso, Miré and Léger In assessing Craxtons work, you Rave to accepthis debt to these artists, and particularly Picasso. ‘Ang though he would pain large ‘scale murals and design stage sets and ‘tapestries nether is subject matter ‘or his eye changed in any fundamental way during that period t may sound harsh, but when he decided to lve there permanent) he elected to write himself fut ofthe history of at Indeed, well remember how Té stop int a large galley hung orto celng ‘ith paintings, an out of he visual ‘acophony single picture would leap off the wal. as aways by John Graton ‘CAMBRLDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS AEADNNG AUDUSE OF ENGLISH 57 iy quessis he'd have responded baaly to market forces and eicalpresure to do new tings What he needed was ta develop at is own pace ~ even fat times that mean stancing sl But todo ‘that he had to leave the country. ‘Trey do so through tightly hatched ines and expressive lstotion which ratchet Up the emationa tens as hs ilustratone for an anthology of poet. In thes, a slag male figure watts and ‘watches in a dark wood by moonlight. Gone are his melancholy se portraits inthe guise of a shepherd or poet ~ and in ther place we find real shepherds (or rather goatherds) tending ving animal Now Craxtan is painting a world outside himsef not one that ested largely in isimagintion zasai Test2 28 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS EAD PART 8 You are going toread an article about various birds in Brita, For questions 7-55, choose {rom the birds (4-0). The birds may be chosen more than ance. ‘Mark your answers on the seporate answer sheet (Of which bird are the following tated? Further attempts t increase its numbers were made once ina attempts had proves succesful Its population growth sa refection of how tough tis. “There is tatincalevdence to support the view that iti very poplar bird, ‘There was a particular period when it population plummeted ‘crit could be made oft physical appearance ‘A common perception ofithas proved inaccurate ronth nits numbers hasbeen much more gradual than desired Theres eason to believe that ts progressin a particular region wl be maintained ‘Measures taken nthe running of @ certain type of countryside have assisted inthe growth ofits population Even thoughts population has fallen it can frequenty be sen in various Particular locations. Os Ca oa a ca m4] a os thee bells hose | ‘Esnong he gat ssf nde ‘vert, Tctiny fs aphip ata ia eet Royal Soy the Preeton of i pall which ako it wth the golden cage and eong trast Inthe nto’ st of rare bs cries shen at | Senin Elan Sed seg | ‘es orgaly tar ot Su end Sete, The gl leases eg 2 {he Clea O89 ene ose ad ceed oly popeaton, sequent tecuctons mee modein Nortangtostire sod Yrs sing ‘nly ngs ce Sati ‘eae hee 1908 e ‘ete poplars al more | {hn 30 pe Aloe thee ae ‘Sout Sooke tan, Ricky ire tires | teenage fan of turbeeingds. aka gly lst amar cae ot (tele pest capt (Sit The wort cam creed the ‘eave hard wt of 96 ad ad when the mbes fol om 50 ‘est 10. Memories f hie screed it ttl ows ‘hs nd seenig tng, ve ‘ened ene fan reg ‘tines Hisene af hobst eta xe wae specs toa sy hs bon sted toa ‘Nat cotton esse “Alle cation spe gana am exression ‘eur poetin nec oa Simo i Yet toy ‘itnnews cntnag vse Tavespenson tos popu 1925 pay the ear 200s ‘deta ben Bp by mle ‘rots ellen tbe mate ‘Banegenent nd poet of Engng iowand bx Se fh Dnt War eat iors bow oy to ‘Seema te eee of all White-tailed age uso nai wie inthe ore ‘lng eoneaton sehieemert ‘he mosion fhe mag Satori by wn an sri, thir te ar ee ope nd ons fe igual ‘rs Bete Howe especies oafuona gadacl, hese phe acnrnaaunuanuuaeunnuunammuaaunaaatiitiitiiiitiitiid atone population i tian the feat of neces em ‘The projet vd eae seam efor ons ‘tomentosa wl athe Nomepan canst pied the xp he donated ‘te Bevees 1 and 1985 ther ‘lea 2 eagles (9s end ‘en om a pct sing ae on {hentia end of | gitar momere en atin Shane iin negate cages race the it Bath (ek 9 yee nl every sbeegunt Selig sein as see sl ‘Seeman imprrmert Theres oan etssod breeding nates Spread betes the idan of Sees Sas wel are den ms, fn nr sen iatary spe ‘hat he wrt cag mease ‘ileus oho notes ertaslely iat soasarey “pepe eeth reas ane aly woul ister deb Tey have no ee as ‘hin eam ello. Hane pote ys compensate wh enormous eae The aap at catching lange spect scho cay rng me Itt, ees and was, bee og they emer yang ‘het spa te pec Te Specie! et men tat hye ‘feo the set ag migante > ‘eran ae ow in elo dee ‘eae of bal oar peticce te the pst 25a he Taner bie dele by ast 8 per con but ey ae ete amr (13500 pas te Fama aren id age Prdens crsnans ora em barra ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS {EADING AND USE OF ENGLIS » TEST2 Writing (hour 30 minutes) PART You must answer this question. Write your answer in 220-250 words in an appropriate style. 41 You have watched documentary about what causes young people to start committing ‘crimes. You have made the notes below. ‘Reasons why young people commit crimes + lackof control by parents + absence of opportunities in fe + influence of frends Some opinions expressed inthe dcumentary: “Without fem discptine from parents, some chien areikey to get into trouble Tes not surprising that young people who fee they have ne chance oF = good fe tum to crime. ‘The badinfuence of people they mic with can cause some young people to ake up crime ‘rite an essa) for your tutor discussing vo of the reasons in your notes. You should explain which cause you thinks the most important For young people commiting crimes and prove reasons t support your opinion. ‘You may. ifyou wish, make use ofthe opinions expressed inthe documentary but you should use your own words as far as possible 40 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS YING Pee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee ea PART 2 Write an answer to one ofthe questions 2~* in this port. Write your answerin 220-250 words in an appropriate styl. 2 Yourecently spent aweek at an adventure sports centre A fiends thinking of going tothe same place and has ent you an email asking about your experiences there. Reply 0 your friend ving information and advice. n your ema you should © explain what you dé atthe place describe your felings during your stay advise your fiend about going there. Weite your eral 5. Yousee the following announcementin an international magazine. paiyoporno eNO BA AMAL RN GUoD "ve you seen someone perform ve who rest ofthe audience think? Compare the live youad previous only head on recordings performance with how the same peaon / ‘orssen on TV ori me? We'd ie you to people perform in recordings or on TV orn send us reviews of concerts by bands you'd ms, Were they nat o goad Ue, odd ou ‘rer seen ine before or store youd never__pefor them ive? Did our opinion of thom. ‘Seon on stage, Deserie the performance in change? Sed your reviews othe adress ‘deta What od you think and what did the below. Wiite your review, 4 Aspartof an exchange programme, you recently spent aweek staying in anther country ‘sth someone who ha previously stayed with you as part of the same exchange programme. ‘You have been asked t write report on your experience. Your report should include where you went and who you stayed with, and what you did during your vist. shoud als include a ‘omparion between your stand the persons previous stay wih you 3s well san points you wish to make about the exchange programmein general. Write your report CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS WING. 41 zasal TEST2 Listening (40 minutes) PART You will hear thre different extracts. or questions 6, choose the answer 8 or {is best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract. Youearprtt ara programme about famous tendon hotel 1 thepreserter’ aim inherinseductonisto 1 covet nsunsersanngs soit the Cad 2 provide acualnomaton she he Gand oa Seouge stereo goto the ard 2 Whatisthe manager onrd the cstmes? 1 wishes that ore of them were ot ch pope © Hetreas them antes wo tepardeso who they re a Heatmaps tno at eee they elon extract Two ‘You hear two presenters talking ona scence programme. 3. The ale presenter sys thatthe research produced data on 1 the period of time that some teaspoons were missing how quctly a cereain sumber of teaspoons disappeared o where disappearing teaspoons had gone. 4 The female presenter says that disappearing teaspoons i atopic which | has procuced some interesting theories. concerns a growing phenomenon. CH hase great significance extract Three ‘Yu hear two people talting about popular musk 5. The woman'smain pontis that it isno longer possible to crete genuinely orginal popular muse Ball modern popular musi a poor imitation of older musi popular music has aways been an overrated form of music. 5 What does the woman say about modern performers? ‘A Theyare not intrested inthe views of older people, BTheyare taking advantage oftheir audience oa © Theyare infuenced without realizing it i “2 (CAVBRIOGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS LSE lien PART 2 You will ear partofatalk about bestselling books. For questions ’-1S, complete the sentences FEATURES OF BEST-SELLING BOOKS ‘The most popular celebrity autobiographies al focus onthe [fl] ofthe clei Some popular celery autobiographies have no [Ti inthem, The tp-seling cookery books create asense of [eat appeals to people People who buy the most popular cookery books are most italy to use a recipe from them for [eeaemenemecececeeeeererececee People buy the best-seling sports books because ofthe [Ti] in them. ‘Acommon feature of popular history Books that they contin [wich mate them interesting to ornary readers. Bestsoling selhelp books now tend to focus on ging athice on how people can make progress withthe Ince fon the 3} connected th ohing mes ave become a main feature of best-sellers. ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS USTENING 4 zusat PART You will hear a radio discussion about writing a novel For questions 15-20, choose the ‘answer (8,8, Cor) mhich fits best according to what you hear 15 What oes Louie sy about rest Hemingways adic to ter? A Rlewetltoa conan ore 2 apples ony tnexperinced novels C_Itwasrit intended to be taken seriously. ca 5 emigh contre some experienced novels 16 Louise sys that youneed to get feedback when ou 1 have not ben abe to we anything for sometime 3: aehaving fealty orang your eas. € arehaving contesting feeling about wht you have writen, Ca have nihed the boo Bt nt shown anyone TEST2 £7 Lois says that you shoul ge feedback fom anther rte becase its xt nore crc rom people who are no writers. 8 another ritar maybe Kinder oyu than ends and relates elshard to fr oter people who wil mate an effort lp you. al © another rier il understand whet our tenons a. 18 What does Louise regards useful feedback? | acombinaton of general observations and detailed comments 8. both identification af problems and suggested solutions comments fcusing mare on syle than on content 1D_aemany pint about strengths as weaknesses 19 What does Louise say about the people she gets eedbeck fom? A Some of then are more scot than bec She dost only sce wring wah her. She ale gies them feedback on thei work Ca Dest alway ea for her to ge together with ther 20 One reaction to feedback that Louise mentions that A iiuied ut wold eure too much fetta acon © feces on unimportant ets ater han yest C_ithas been influenced by reading other people's novels, ca © ‘isnot sugering that major changes tote novel ore equed “44 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS LSTENING Pee Pee eee Ee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee ea “ata ay uo sm0309)909| vonensvousp © 1 GJ simveods snpsusta pole uations 9 [EL] veods Suppame 9 ed Gupeaye 4 ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS LISTENING. 28 2y02dsyo09 01 Buppoa90 -groge Burs s2qoads paveddoy oun - ay 49 woufasooy> ‘0-32 suensonb 0) ‘poo nana a He sy 4 wosfasooy> G22 Suensanb seg oma 9501, uo x50 “Papuan fay sana ogo Bur ave aydoad y>iys wy sion 04s 2m s094 I NOK, viva | _ Speaking (15 minutes) PART 1 @minutes) 1 Where do you ive? Who doyou tive with? = Whyis leaming English useful or important ta you? ‘What reasons do other people have for learring English? 1 What kindof technology devices do you own and use regula? © What kindof things do you do with your friends? 1» How biga part does watching T payin your life? 1 Doyou keep a dary? Iso, what do you wits init? not. why not? What meas do you have each dey. and when? TEsT2 1s How much traveling within your om country and abroad, have you done? "= What do you like dong the most during your re ime? (Why?) 1 What household chores do you yourse do a home? PART 2 (@ minutes) Ccendidate.® Lookatthe three pais of photographs 1A, 18 and 1C on page 47. They show people with carers that re considered glamorous. Compare woof the pairs of photographs and say what you think each person’ life and personality might be lke. Candidate tlk on his/her own for minute. Which ofthe people would you most or leastlke to be, and why? Candidate 8 tlks on his/her own for obout 30 second CCendidate® — Lookat the three photographs 2,28 and 2C on page 4. They show people taking classes in order tolear ail. j Compare nwo ofthe photographs and say why the people mightbe ‘taking the classes, and what might be involved in learning each ski Candidate Btolks on his/her own or minute. Ccendidate A Which ofthe sil have you learnt, or would you mostlike to have, | and why? | Candidate A talks on his/her own for about 30 seconds. 4 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS SPs 1 Whatdoyouthinkthe people Ines ar ike? 1 What do you think the people’ personalities ke? = Why ight the people be taking the classes? "= What might be involved in learring each sl? ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS SPEAKING. 57 usa TEST 2 PART (€ minutes) and PART 4 (5 minutes) ‘Young people Look at page 48, here there are some ssues that young people might care about Fist, tale to each other bout how much young people care about these issues. Candidates A ond 8 discuss this together for about 2 minutes. Now decide which issue young people in goneral care about the most. Candidates A ond 8 discuss this together for about minute PART "= Some people say that fei easier today for young people than it used tobe. Do you agree? — (Why? / Why not) = What things do you think that ll young people shoud be able to have anc to do? "= What kind of hing are expected of young people today. and hy? Are these expectations ar? (Why? / Why 0%?) 1 What kindof things can young people learn about if from talking to older people? "= How much influence do you think young people faites have on them? Do you think that thee rends have more aluence an them? (Why? / Why not”) "= What kind of problems do young people typically have today? What causes these problems? 448 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICE TESTS SPEAKING PART 3 How much do young people care about these issues? friendships relationships zasal ‘CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS SPEAKING. 49,

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