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2017 31st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops

An Integrated Intelligent System for IoT Device Selection and Placement in

Opportunistic Networks using Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm

Miralda Cuka∗ , Donald Elmazi∗ , Ryoichiro Obukata∗ , Kesuke Ozera† , Tetsuya Oda† and Leonard Barolli†
∗ Graduate
School of Engineering
Fukuoka Institute of Technology (FIT)
3-30-1 Wajiro-Higashi, Higashi-Ku, Fukuoka 811-0295, Japan

† Departmentof Information and Communication Engineering

Fukuoka Institute of Technology (FIT)
3-30-1 Wajiro-Higashi, Higashi-Ku, Fukuoka 811–0295, Japan

Abstract—The Internet is dramatically evolving and creating Networks (DTNs). It is a class of networks that has emerged
various connectivity methodologies. The Internet of Things as an active research subject in the recent times. Owing
(IoT) is one of these methodologies which transform current to the transient and un-connected nature of the nodes,
Internet communication to Machine-to-Machine (M2M) basis.
The IoT can seamlessly connect the real world and cyberspace routing becomes a challenging task in these networks. Sparse
via physical objects that are embeded with various types connectivity, no infrastructure and limited resources further
of intelligent sensors. The opportunistic networks are the complicate the situation. Hence, the challenges for routing in
variants of Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs). These networks opportunistic networks is very different from the traditional
can be useful for routing in places where there are few wireless networks. However, their utility and potential for
base stations and connected routes for long distances. In an
opportunistic network, when nodes move away or turn off scalability makes them a huge success. These networks can
their power to conserve energy, links may be disrupted or be useful for routing in places where one is not likely to find
shut down periodically. These events result in intermittent base stations and connected routes for long distances [2].
connectivity. When there is no path existing between the source A Fuzzy Logic System (FLS) is able to simultaneously
and the destination, the network partition occurs. Therefore, handle numerical data and lingustic knowledge. It is a
nodes need to communicate with each other via opportunistic
contacts through store-carry-forward operation. In this paper, nonlinear mapping of an input data (feature) vector into
we present the design of an integrated intelligent system for IoT a scalar output. Fuzzy set theory and Fuzzy Logic (FL)
device selection and placement in opportunistic networks using establish the specifics of the nonlinear mapping [3], [4], [5],
Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm. We introduce the system [6], [7], [8], [9], [10].
structure and present in details the design and implementation Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are a family of computational
models inspired by evolution. These algorithms encode
Keywords-IoT; Opportinistic Networks; Intelligent Algo- a potential solution to a specific problem on a simple
rithms; Fuzzy Logic; Genetic Algorithms; WSNs; Intelligent chromosome-like data structure and apply recombination
operators to these structures so as to preserve critical infor-
mation. The GAs are often viewed as function optimizers,
although the range of problems to which GAs have been
The Internet is dramatically evolving and creating various applied is quite broad. An implementation of a GA be-
connectivity methodologies. The Internet of Things (IoT) is gins with a population of (typically random) chromosomes.
one of these methodologies which transform current Internet Then evaluates these structures and allocates reproductive
communication to Machine-to-Machine (M2M) basis. The opportunities in such a way that those chromosomes which
IoT can seamlessly connect the real world and cyberspace represent a better solution to the target problem are given
via physical objects that embed with various types of intelli- more chances to reproduce than those chromosomes which
gent sensors. A large number of Internet-connected machines are poorer solutions [11], [12], [13].
will generate and exchange an enormous amount of data In this paper, we present the design of an integrated
that make daily life more convenient, help to make a tough intelligent system for IoT device selection and placement
decision and provide beneficial services. The IoT probably in opportunistic networks using FL and GA. We introduce
becomes one of the most popular networking concepts that the system structure and present in details the design and
has the potential to bring out many benefits [1]. implementation issues.
Opportunistic Networks are the variants of Delay Tolerant

978-1-5090-6231-7/17 $31.00 © 2017 IEEE 201

DOI 10.1109/WAINA.2017.178
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section II, we present a brief introduction of IoT and we
describe the basics of opportunistic networks. In Section III, Bussines Layer
we introduce FL and GAs. In Section IV, we present our
proposed system. Finally, conclusions and future work are
given in Section V.


A. IoT
1) Architecture: The typical IoT architecture can be di-
vided into five layers as shown in Fig. 1. Each layer is briefly
described below.
Middleware Layer
Perception Layer: The perception layer is similar to
physical layer in OSI model which consists of the different
types of sensor (i.e. RFID, Zigbee, QR code, Infrared, etc.)
devices and environmental elements. This layer generally
copes with the overall device management (identification
and collection of specific information by each type of sensor Network Layer
devices). The gathered information can be location, wind
speed, vibration, pH level, humidity, amount of dust in
the air and so on. The gathered information is transmited
through the Network Layer for its secure communication
toward central information processing system.
Perception Layer
Network Layer: The Network Layer plays an important
role in securely transfers and keeps the sensitive information
confidential from sensor devices to the central information
processing system through 3G, 4G, UMTS, WiFi, WiMAX, Figure 1. IoT Architecture Layers
RFID, Infrared and Satellite depending on the type of sen-
sors devices. This layer is mainly responsible for transfering
the information from Perception Layer to upper layer. 2) IoT Protocols: Protocol is the special set of rules and
Middleware Layer: The devices in the IoT system may regulations that end point in a telecommunication connection
generate various type of services when they are connected use when they need to communicate to other end point
and communicated with others. Middleware Layer has two which are connected to the same/different network. Here,
essential functions, including service management and store we briefly describe about the most frequently used protocols
the lower layer information into the database. Moreover, this for Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication: MQTT
layer has capability to retrieve, process, compute informa- (Message Queue Telemetry Transport). The MQTT is a
tion, and then automatically makes decision based on the Client Server publishes or subscribes messaging transport
computational results. protocol. It is light weight, open, simple and designed so as
Application Layer: Application Layer is responsible for to be easy to implement. The protocol runs over TCP/IP or
inclusive applications management based on the processed over other network protocols that provided ordered, lossless,
information in the Middleware Layer. The IoT applications bi-directional connections. The MQTT features include the
can be smart postal, smart heath, smart car, smart glasses, use of the publish/subscribe message pattern which provides
smart home, smart independent living, smart transportation one-to-many message distribution and a messaging transport
and so on. that is agnostic to the content of the payload.
Business Layer: This layer functions cover the whole The MQTT protocol is not only minimized transport
IoT applications and services management. It can create overhead and protocol exchange to reduce network traffic
practically graphs, business models, flow chart and executive but also has an extraordinary mechanism to notify interested
report based on the amount of accurate data received from parties when an abnormal disconnection occur.
lower layer and effective data analysis process. Based on the The CoAP (Constraint Application Protocol) is a special-
good analysis results, it will help the functional managers ized web transfer protocol for use with constrained nodes
or executives to make more accurate decisions about the and constrained networks (e.g. low-power, lossy). The nodes
business strategies and roadmaps. often have 8-bit microcontroller with small amounts of ROM

and RAM, while constrained network often have high packet
error rate and typical throughput is 10 kbps. This protocol Application
is designed for M2M application such as smart city and
building automation. The CoAP provides a request and
response interaction model between application end points,
support build-in discovery services and resources, and in-
cludes key concepts of the Web such as URIs and Internet
media types. The CoAP is designed to friendly interface Service Layer
with HTTP for integration with the Web while meeting
specialized requirements such as multicast support, very low
overhead and simplicity for constrained environments. Opportunistic
3) Applications of Internet of Things: The IoT appli- Pervasive Networks
cations can be grouped in 14 domains: Transportation,
Smart home, Smart city, Lifestyle, Retail, Agriculture, Smart
factory, Supply chain, Emergency, User Interaction, Health-
care, Culture and tourism, Environment and Energy. The
most interesting applications are smart home, smart city,
transportation and healthcare. The IoT applications in trans-
portation, healthcare, smart city and smart home include:
• Assisted Driving,
• Mobile Ticketing, Human Social Layer
• Sensing,
• Identification and Authentication, Figure 2. Opportunistic Networks Architecture
• Comfortable Homes and Offices.

B. Opportunistic Networks
The opportunistic networks are considered as a sub-class message in a store-carry-forward fashion. The intermediate
of Delay-Tolerant Network where communication oppor- nodes implement the store-carry-forward message switching
tunities (contacts) are intermittent, so an end-to-end path mechanism by overlaying a new protocol layer, called the
between the source and the destination may never exist. bundle layer, on top of heterogeneous region-specific lower
The link performance in an opportunistic networks is highly layers. In an opportunistic network, each node is an entity
variable. Therefore, TCP/IP protocol will break in this with a bundle layer which can act as a host, a router or a
kind of environment because an end-to-end path between gateway. When the node acts as a router, the bundle layer
the source and the destination may only exist for a brief can store, carry and forward the entire bundles (or bundle
and unpredictable period of time. Long propagation and fragments) between the nodes in the same region. On the
variable queuing delays might be introduced and many other hand, the bundle layer of gateway is used to transfer
Internet protocols which are designed to assume quick return messages across different regions. A gateway can forward
of acknowledgements and data can fail to work in such bundles between two or more regions and may optionally
networks. One possible solution to resolve the above issues be a host, so it must have persistent storage and support
is to exploits node mobility and local forwarding in order custody transfers.
to transfer data. Data can be stored and carried by taking 2) Opportunistic Network Challenges: In an opportunis-
advantage of node mobility and then forwarded during tic network, when nodes move away or turn off their power
opportunistic contacts. Here entire chunks of message are to conserve energy, links may be disrupted or shut down
transferred from one storage place to a storage place in periodically. These events result in intermittent connectivity.
another node along a path that is expected to reach the When there is no path existing between the source and the
destination. destination, the network partition occurs. Therefore, nodes
1) Architecture: The architecture of opportunistic net- need to communicate with each other via opportunistic
works is shown in Fig. 2. In an opportunistic network, a contacts through store-carry-forward operation. Here, we
network is typically separated into several network partitions consider two specific challenges in an opportunistic network:
called regions. Traditional applications are not suitable for the contact opportunity and the node storage.
this kind of environment because they normally assume Contact Opportunity: Due to the node mobility or the
that the end-to-end connection must exist from the source dynamics of wireless channel, a node might make contact
to the destination. The opportunistic network enables the with other nodes at an unpredicted time. Since contacts
devices in different regions to interconnect by operating between nodes are hardly predictable, they must be exploited

Input Inference Output of linguistic variables, which have fuzzy sets associated with
Fuzzifier Engine Defuzzifier
Inference Engine: The inference engine maps fuzzy sets
Fuzzy Rule into fuzzy sets. It handles the way in which rules are com-
bined just as humans use many different types of inferential
procedures to understand things or to make decisions. There
Figure 3. Fuzzy Logic Controller are many different FL inferential procedures.
Defuzzifier: In many applications, crisp numbers must be
obtained at the output of a FLS. The deffuzifier maps output
opportunistically for exchanging messages between some sets into crisp numbers. In a control application, for example,
nodes that can move between remote fragments of the such a number corresponds to a control action. In a signal
network. The routing methods for opportunistic network processing application, such a number could correspond to
can be clasified based on characteristics of participants the prediction of an activity.
movement patterns. The patterns are classified according to
two independent properties: their inherent structure and their B. GAs
adaptiveness to the demand in the network. Other approaches
The GA is a method for moving from one population
proposed message ferries to provide communication service
of chromosomes (e.g., strings of bits representing candidate
for nodes in the deployment areas. In addition, the contact
solutions to a problem) to a new population, using selection
capacity needs to be considered.
together with the genetics-inspired operators of crossover,
Node Storage: To avoid dropping packets, the interme-
mutation, and inversion. Each chromosome consists of genes
diate nodes are requires to have enough storage to store
(e.g., bits), with each gene being an instance of a particular
all messages for an unpredictable period of time until next
allele (e.g., 0 or 1). The selection operator chooses those
contact occurs. In other words, the required storage space
chromosomes in the population that will be allowed to
increases a function of the number of messages in the
reproduce, with fitter chromosomes producing on average
network. Therefore, the routing and replication strategies
more offspring than less fit ones. Crossover exchanges
must take the storage constraint into consideration.
subparts of two chromosomes, roughly mimicking biological
III. F UZZY L OGIC AND G ENETIC A LGORITHMS recombination between two single-chromosome (haploid)
A. FL organisms; mutation randomly changes the allele values of
some locations in the chromosome; and inversion reverses
In FL a proposition may be true or false or have an the order of a contiguous section of the chromosome, thus
intermediate truth-value, such as maybe true. The richness rearranging the order in which genes are arrayed.
of FL is that there are enormous numbers of possibilities 1) GA Operations: The simplest form of GA involves
that lead to lots of different mappings. This richness does three types of operators:
require a careful understanding of FL and the elements that
• Selection: This operator selects chromosomes in the
comprise a FLS.
population for reproduction. The fitter the chromosome,
1) Fuzzy Sets: Fuzzy sets are a further development of
the more times it is likely to be selected to reproduce.
the mathematical concept of a set. For control engineers,
• Crossover: This operator exchanges subsequences of
fuzzy logic and fuzzy relations are the most important in
two chromosomes to create two offspring. For example,
order to understand how fuzzy rules work. A set is any
the strings 10000100 and 11111111 could be crossed
collection of objects which can be treated as a whole. The
over after the third locus in each to produce the two
terms set, collection and class are synonyms, just as the
offspring 10011111 and 11100100.
terms item, element and member. Almost anything called
• Mutation: This operator randomly flips some bits in a
a set in ordinary conversation is an acceptable set in the
chromosome. For example, the string 00000100 might
mathematical sense.
be mutated in its second position to yield 01000100.
2) Fuzzy Logic Controller: Fuzzy sets and fuzzy
Mutation can occur at each bit position in a string with
logic [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20] , have been de-
some probability, usually very small.
veloped to manage vagueness and uncertainty in a reasoning
process of an intelligent system such as a knowledge based 2) Applications of Genetic Algorithms: Variations of GAs
system, an expert system or a logic control system. The have been used in a large number of scientific and engineer-
main part of a FLS is Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC). The ing problems and models, including the following.
structure of FLC is shown in Fig. 3. They are the fuzzifier, • Optimization: GAs have been used in a wide variety
inference engine, Fuzzy Rule Base (FRB) and defuzzifier. of optimization tasks, including numerical optimization
Fuzzifier: The fuzzifier maps crisp numbers into fuzzy as well as combinatorial optimization problems such as
sets. It is needed in order to activate rules wich are in terms circuit layout and job-shop scheduling.



Module Network GA
Parameters Parameters

Simulation System
Based on GA
for Node Placement

Placement of
IoT Devices

Figure 4. Proposed system structure.

• Automatic Programming: GAs have been used to IV. P ROPOSED S YSTEM

evolve computer programs for specific tasks and to The structure of our integrated system is shown in Fig. 4.
design other computational structures, such as cellular First, the input parameters of Fuzzy System-IoT Devices
automata and sorting networks. for Opportunistic Network (FS-IDON) are sensed by the
• Machine Learning: GAs have been used for many Sensing Module and then the FS-IDON makes the selection
machine-learning applications, including classification of an appropriate IoT device for a required task. After that
and prediction tasks such as the prediction of weather the Genetic Algorithm-Placement of IoT Device (GA-PID)
or protein structure. GAs have also been used to evolve decides the placement point where the IoT device should be
aspects of particular machine-learning systems, such as allocated to carry out the task.
weights for neural networks, rules for learning classifier Based on opportunistic networks characteristics and chal-
systems or symbolic production systems, and sensors lenges, we consider the following parameters for implemen-
for robots. tation of FS-IDON system.
• Population Genetics Models: GAs have been used IoT Device Speed (IDS): There are different types of
to study questions in population genetics, such as IoT devices in opportunistic networks scenarios. There are
under what conditions will a gene for recombination IoT devices such as: mobile phone terminals, computers,
be evolutionarily viable? cars, trains, plains, robots and so on. Considering that high
• Interactions of Evolution and Learning: GAs have speed nodes can transfer the information faster, they will be
been used to study how individual learning and species selected with high probability.
evolution affect each other. IoT Device Density (IDD): The number of IoT devices
• Models of Social Systems: GAs have been used to in an opportunistic network scenario can be different. When
study evolutionary aspects of social systems, such as there are many devices, the present device will not be
the evolution of cooperation, the evolution of commu- selected in order to save the energy. Otherwise if the density
nication, and trail-following behavior in ants. of IoT devices is low, the present device will be selected with
high probability.
IoT Device Remaining Energy (IDRE): The IoT devices

in opportunistic networks are active and can perform tasks strings we have a area of nodes located in a certain positions.
and exchange data in different ways from each other. Con- The crossover operator should thus take into account the
sequently, some devices may have a lot of remaining power specifics of IoT device encoding. We have considered the
and other may have very little, when an event occurs. following crossover operator, called intersection operators
IoT Device Selection Decision (IDSD): The proposed (denoted CrossRegion), which take in input two individuals
system considers the following levels for IoT devices selec- and produce in output two new individuals.
tion: Mutation Operator: Mutation operator is one of the
• Very Low Selection Possibility (VLSP) - The IoT GA ingredients. Unlike crossover operators, which achieve
device will have very low probability to be selected. to transmit genetic information from parents to offsprings,
• Low Selection Possibility (LSP) - There might be other mutation operators usually make some small local pertur-
IoT devices which can do the job better. bation of the individuals, having thus less impact on newly
• Middle Selection Possibility (MSP) - The IoT device generated individuals.
is ready to be assigned a task, but is not the “chosen” Crossover is a must operator in GA and is usually applied
one. with high probability, while mutation operators when imple-
• High Selection Possibility (HSP) - The IoT device takes mented are applied with small probability. The rationale is
responsibility of completing the task. that a large mutation rate would make the GA search to
• Very High Selection Possibility (VHSP) - The IoT resemble a random search. Due to this, mutation operator is
device has almost all required information and potential usually considered as a secondary operator.
to be selected and then allocated in an appropriate In the case of IoT device placement, the matrix repre-
position to carry out a job. sentation is chosen for the individuals of the population, in
The GA-PID system is based on Rust. Rust is a system order to keep the information on IoT device positions, events
programming language focused on three goals: safety, speed, positions, links among nodes and links among nodes and
and concurrency. Rust supports a mixture of program- events. The definition of the mutation operators is therefore
ming styles: imperative procedural, concurrent actor, object- specific to matrix-based encoding of the individuals of the
oriented and functional. population. We consider SingleMutate mutation operator
Our GA-PID system can generate instances of the problem which is a move-based operator. It selects an IoT device in
using different distributions of events, sensor nodes and actor the problem area and moves it to another cell of the problem
nodes. For the network configuration, we use: distribution of area.
events, number of events, number of sensor nodes, number
of actor nodes, area size, radius of communication range and
radius of sensing range. For the GA parameter configuration,
we use: number of independent runs, GA evolution steps, In this paper, we presented the design of an integrated
population size, crossover probability, mutation probability, intelligent system for IoT device selection and placement
initial placement methods, selection methods. We explain in in opportunistic networks using FL and GA. The FS-IDON
details the GA operations in following. system makes the selection of an appropriate IoT device for
Selection Operator: As selection operator, we use a required task. The GA-PID decides the placement of IoT
roulette-wheel selection. In roulette-wheel selection, each device in an opportunistic network in order to carry out a
individual in the population is assigned a roulette wheel required task. We introduce the system structure and present
slot sized in proportion to its fitness. That is, in the biased in details the design and implementation issues.
roulette wheel, good solutions have a larger slot size than In the future work, we would like to evaluate the proposed
the less fit solutions. The roulette wheel can obtain a system and compare its performance with other systems.
reproduction candidate.
Crossover Operator: The crossover operators are the
most important ingredient of GAs. Indeed, by selecting R EFERENCES
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